Being a big Trek fan it does not take much to capture my interest when something becomes available. Movies, memorabilia, autographs, DVD's, and now games. I do not know Taldren's past history or their devotion to their customers. As a new customer there is no reason I should nor is there any reason to treat them different from any other gaming company when you take this into regard. I play computer games very different from this one as a norm. All of the games I play got top endorsements from the publication I subscribe to. High ratings for gameplay, graphics, support, and lack of gaming errors(bugs). All of these games ALWAYS had patches for their games, often released the same day they went on sale. Often times more followed not long thereafter. Almost all of these games automatically took you to a download site so you would have the current version the minute you went online to play the game. This to me is a standard and something I expect from game companies. If you were in my shoes you would fully understand.
I bought OP when it came out, played it for a while and eventually lost interest. The game was fun and I saw no bugs in it. You veterans of the series though did see errors and hence a patch was released for it. This was my first Trek oriented game. So now I buy SFC3 since my good friend highly endorses it and am playing it online. I also bought it prior to my publications' review of the game. I enjoy it but notice glaring issues with the gameplay. Not talking about weapon damage or missing hardpoints, just actual errors in the game itself. Ones that could easily exist in any other game. And for the most part this is not a crisis since I am used to games having some bugs and usually a patch comes out within a month of release. So when the patch I see offered is a Beta, after being lead to believe it would be a formal patch, I found it somewhat disheartening. Remember, I am not an old time customer of this designer's software so whatever history Taldren has with their customer base would be unknown to me. So for myself and others like me, it would be expected that we would complain. We are basing these complaints for lack of expected support that we did see on other games we own. My purchase of this game is more in line of what Actision was shooting for. Star Trek was in the spotlight of their new movie being released and what better time to offer a game than during this time. The sales to veteran gamers of the series was expected, but debuting it now would generate revenue from the non-Trek gamers.That was where Activision was hoping to generate sales. I am sure many of you saw the movie ticket in the box, what better ploy to get a fan of the series interested in buying the game than to throw in an extra perk?
I have no idea how many copies of the game were sold, whether it surpassed or fell short of the mark. But in no way do I agree that a company has the right to not support their product when they put it up for sale with known issues. Unless of course the company is just trying to make a quick buck and run. From what I have read by old time fans of Taldren I do not expect that behavior from them. So patience has to be learned with this particular designer when you calculate their issues with their publisher. May not be a new issue with you veterans but for us newcomers this is something new. Any company that does not support a product they make will have a short life span with the public. Smart businesses that plan for longevity know that customer support is an absolute must for long term survival. You hear it everyday on the radio and tv, businesses striving to show their customer support to the public in hopes of bringing in new revenue. So yes I do expect Taldren and Activision to get this game fixed. I do think they are obligated to do so if for nothing more than their own self interest in the future. I just don't expect it to be a short term process like I am accustomed too. I can get over that, but with all people being different I would never expect everyone else to feel this way.
Be Well