LoL I just had my bubble burst a bit. I was looking at the ships released in the D2 pak. Some of them I did are in it. I never realized. The V6 is in there. Also the V7 which I was thinking of doing. Plus the T2 and V30, though I new about the V30 already. These ships are a must have if you havn't got them yet, cause you live in a cave or something. I don't have a link, though a search might turn em up.
So I will likely change the order I release my ships. I'll try finishing up the models that have never been done(as far as I know) 1st. The next one may in fact be the V-5, as it is coming together quite fast. I dont like the flat bottom as seen in the schematic. Well to me, with the shape of the nose, sleekness of the hull and the wing like struts. I thought that this ship might be capable of entering atmosphere with some extra hull plating in the front and enforcing the shielding around the nacels. Perhaps some type of plating could close over the front of the buzzards to protect them while in atmosphere. The ship would rely on impulse power only to land anyway, with reverse thrusters on the bottom. So I was kinda thinking of adding in some stuff to the bottom which is'nt visible in the schematic anyway. My reasoning is at 1 time a V5 may have been forced down and made an emergency landing on a planet. Amazingly it survived so the Romulans refitted it. Adding retractable landing gear and vertical impulse engines, to aid in taking off from the surface. Thus it can act as a dual role cruiser with troop assault capability.