Topic: Can anyone convert FASA stardates into years?  (Read 2394 times)

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Can anyone convert FASA stardates into years?
« on: April 01, 2004, 12:06:19 pm »
Here is an example of how FASA lables dates.

V-20 (Star Seeker) Class VII Cruiser
Known Sphere Of Operation: Empire-wide use
Data Reliability: D
Major Data Source: Project Grey Ghost
The V-20 Type 1 was introduced about Stardate 2/18, with the Type 2 brought into service about a year later.  The differences between the two are in the missile weapon types and the shields, as well as in the superstructure strength.
        The vessel is reputed to be roomy, by Romulan standards.  Because the interior of the ship is compartmented for combat, the vessel's survivability is much greater in case of a hull rupture or interior fires.
        All of the approximately 70 vessels built are in active service.  Reports reveal that ten of both types are being manufactured per year, which recent rapid build-up has alarmed both the Klingons and UFP.
        The class is named from the RomuIan galan stelri (seeker of stars), in reference to its mission in the Exploration Division

Now this is bugging me cause what I want to know is what year is stardate 2/18?  


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Re: Can anyone convert FASA stardates into years?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 12:13:14 pm »
Without draging all that out I belive Star date in fasa starts from year the 2000 as year 0. But you've given me a exsuse to drag all that out and look thru it again which I have not done so in Quite a while  

when I find the relevent text Ill let you know.

Ok update here is what I found so far
January 1,2000  is the base date for the referance stardate system used by FASA  0/0001.01 according to the book is the same as 1,1,2000

This comes from the Federation Source book by FASA  still looking thru all the rest of my stuff for a better explanation.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 12:55:43 pm by Khalee »


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Re: Can anyone convert FASA stardates into years?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2004, 01:42:42 pm »
Ok here is what I found in st3 source book update on the stardate thing.

Referance stardate

Because the startdate used in the TV series are not in sequence, they are not usefull for showing how long it has been since Captain Pike commanded the Enterprise, for instances. All new FASA productswill use a system of Refferance Stardates to messure time. they will pass at a regular rate, as messured from the communications beacon at the cinter of Federation space. They will form a sort of Greenwich mean time' for events important to Star Trek history' and FASA will use them in placing events in the timeline they develop for their adventures and supplements.
 The numbering systemfor Referance Stardates is the same as that given above, with one exception. A number followed by a slash will allways preceed the standard stardate to show the century. The referance Stardating system will begin with 0/0001.01 meaning january 1,2000 thus, 1/0001.01 is exsactly 100 years after (January 1,2100),  and -1/0001.01 is exactly 100 years earlier (January 1,1900). The refferance Stardate fr July 4,1776, is -3/7607.04, and so on.

 so there you go hope it helps, ill still look thru all the rest for more info.

James Formo

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Re: Can anyone convert FASA stardates into years?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2004, 02:06:39 pm »

Ok here is what I found in st3 source book update on the stardate thing.

Referance stardate

Because the startdate used in the TV series are not in sequence, they are not usefull for showing how long it has been since Captain Pike commanded the Enterprise, for instances. All new FASA productswill use a system of Refferance Stardates to messure time. they will pass at a regular rate, as messured from the communications beacon at the cinter of Federation space. They will form a sort of Greenwich mean time' for events important to Star Trek history' and FASA will use them in placing events in the timeline they develop for their adventures and supplements.
 The numbering systemfor Referance Stardates is the same as that given above, with one exception. A number followed by a slash will allways preceed the standard stardate to show the century. The referance Stardating system will begin with 0/0001.01 meaning january 1,2000 thus, 1/0001.01 is exsactly 100 years after (January 1,2100),  and -1/0001.01 is exactly 100 years earlier (January 1,1900). The refferance Stardate fr July 4,1776, is -3/7607.04, and so on.

 so there you go hope it helps, ill still look thru all the rest for more info.  

I sort of got it but am confused because the example I posted, stardate 2/18 , only had 2 digits after the /.  Whereas the examples you show have 6 digits have the /     Four digits and a decimal.  So I am taking a stab at it.  I think I undestan that the digit before the slash tells the century  so in 2/18 it would be somehere between  2200 and 2300.    The 18  after the slash has me baffled still. would it mean yaer 2218?

I think I get your july 4 1776 example the -3 for 1700.  the 76 for the year so 1776. then the .04 for the 4th is the day. OIC then 07  after the 76 is the month. Oh I bet in 2/18 there leaving off the month and day so it would be 2218. Thanks so much for looking that up. Anything else you can add would be gravy.  

Say while were on this topic. Do you know what the official starting year for TMP is?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »