Topic: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:  (Read 25236 times)

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  • Guest
Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« on: March 31, 2004, 10:18:57 am »
Hello Taldren,
Would you mind fixing this tiny error on your main page that is giving people all kinds of trouble?

On the main page at, there is the following code:

<p><img src="maingrafx\Doormat.jpg" width="470" height="350" usemap="#DoorMap" border="0">

at the src="maingrafx\Doormat.jpg", the slash is backwards.  It SHOULD read src="maingrafx/Doormat.jpg".

Because of this mistake in your HTML code,  the only browser that can view your webpage is Internet Exploiter, er, Exploder, er, Explorer.

While it's good to support the most popular browser (even though its a peice of crap, people just use whats installed on their machine), its a very bad idea indeed to not support everything else.

Netscape, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and all other web browsers are UNABLE TO VIEW THE IMAGE ON YOUR FRONTPAGE.  Without the image, they can't see where the buttons are, which makes it very hard for the user.

Internet Explorer is the only browser without popup blocking and tab browsing that I know of- many people are switching to Mozilla FireFox because of that.  As it is right now, Linux users are completely blocked from viewing your site (unless they know the address), and Mac users are forced to use Internet Exploiter Mac Edition (a peice of crap).  And Windows users with Mozilla *points at self* have to guess where the forums button is.

Please fix this error- its just one character!  Thank you.


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2004, 10:27:46 am »
Ok, the flippant response would be to suggest that you fix your browser usage--but that is said in jest.

It is a known issue and will be rendered correctly in the next version of the site.



  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2004, 10:31:42 am »

Ok, the flippant response would be to suggest that you fix your browser usage--but that is said in jest.

It is a known issue and will be rendered correctly in the next version of the site.


Fix browser usage...hmmm...considering that only one browser works (IE), and that it is a peice of crap...No thanks.

How long until the next version is out?  The same page has been there for AGES...


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2004, 11:04:43 am »
Mac users should try Safari.  I've had no problems, but then I haven't tried getting into Taldren through the front door in ages


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2004, 02:26:24 pm »
I've tried Safari.  However, Safari is standards based (unlike IE which is full of Microsoft proprietary junk), so it renders the same as Mozilla.  No go.  Though it works if i type

You use a Mac?  What OS version?


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2004, 02:47:13 pm »
True enough.. Safari does not render the image on

I also don't care, as I've setup tabs in Safari to open multiple forum pages with a single click.
No pop-ups, renders faster, and bookmarks auto-synced with all my Macs everywhere.

IE??? What's IE????? Sounds like something you scream when in pain...


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2004, 02:58:31 pm »
IE - Internet Explorer    


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2004, 05:16:28 pm »

IE - Internet Explorer    

All the more reason to scream out in pain...


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2004, 08:09:00 pm »
I find threads like this ammusing.. why?

because people use different browsers provided by their ISP, which most times is based on something other than Internet Explorer.. or they experiment with browsers that may offer easier use than Internet Explorer...

however let's look at some facts..

Web languages..

internet expolrer works with them all

Images.. internet Explorer allows for almost any type of image to be shown

internet Explorer allows for frames. arrays, transitions, and a host of other stuff to work that other browsers miss or bypass...

internet Explorer self corrects javascripting errors in web pages..

and come to think of it.. The people who developed the internet and are continuing to expand user ability to create more and more dynamic programming abilities for the net.. and guess what they use as their primary and only test bed, in coorporation with Microsoft...

Internet Explorer..

and as for privacy and security issues.. it only takes 5 min to go into Internet Explorer properties and set the securities correctly that will prevent 3rd party cookies and unwanted code from accessing or hijacking your system...

I have used Mozilla, AO Hell's Netscape, and about 10 others.. I keep going back to Internet Explorer as I have found that it is the only browser that allows me to view web pages the tay there were meant to be seen, the way the creator of a web site intnded..

as for those that use other browsers that allow them to prevent resizing the web pages.. IE has that ability also..

override page fonts.. IE has that.. Override Page Colors.. IE has that...

there is not a single thing on the net that you can send me to that IE can't handle....

as for Microsoft ProPriety... what the heck is that?? talking about pop-ups??? just run As-Aware 6 and remove Alexia from the IE 6 SP 1 package.... the pop-ups will be gone...

I mean why does everyone Hate IE when every other browser in the world is trying to be as flexable as IE but keep coming up short??? Why does every other browser try to work like IE and fail??

because IE has the patents and copywrite on every net language out there...

other browsers have to change the way they work by at least 14% to bypass the patent and copywrite laws.. as such, they lose the ability to see certain things on the web...

I mean can someone explain why they want to lose functionality???

I'm really at a loss...

Please someone explain it to me.. what makes Opera or Netscape better than IE when they have problems viewing web pages completely or when they change a page's layout to something other than what the creator made???? I really don't understand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2004, 09:34:25 pm »
I hate IE mostly because it sucks at FTP navigation with login.


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2004, 11:09:14 pm »


Ok, the flippant response would be to suggest that you fix your browser usage--but that is said in jest.

It is a known issue and will be rendered correctly in the next version of the site.


Fix browser usage...hmmm...considering that only one browser works (IE), and that it is a peice of crap...No thanks.

How long until the next version is out?  The same page has been there for AGES...  

Why is it that most anti-Ms zealots almost always exhibit some sort of humor handicap?

Anyway, as this is going to be such a serious subject I guess we should treat it with the awesome weight has on so many internet surfing lives...


Major Versions               Count               Share(%)
OP 0                             1                   0.00
OP 3                             1                   0.00
OP 5                             2                   0.01
OP 6                            24                   0.06
OP 7                           452                   1.17
OP ALL                         480                   1.25
SF 100                          21                   0.05
SF 125                         405                   1.05
SF 134                           1                   0.00
SF 85                          143                   0.37
SF ALL                         570                   1.48
NS 2                             1                   0.00
NS 3                             4                   0.01
NS 4                           316                   0.82
NS 5                          3094                   8.03
NS 6                             2                   0.01
NS ALL                        3417                   8.87
IE 2                             1                   0.00
IE 3                            11                   0.03
IE 4                            94                   0.24
IE 5                          3983                  10.34
IE 6                         23925                  62.10
IE 7                             1                   0.00
IE ALL                       28015                  72.72

A quick scan of those stats show that it is does not make economic sense to waste the man hours writing or re-writing code for a browser that is used by such a tiny fraction of the normal market.



  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2004, 11:28:45 pm »

Why is it that most anti-Ms zealots almost always exhibit some sort of humor handicap?

Humor handicap???

Come on ToastyO...

That's funny....

Death "The Funny Zealot" Merchant  


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2004, 11:30:28 pm »

  IE 2                             1                   0.00
IE 3                            11                   0.03

  Some ones still using those old things...and where can i get this IE 7 that they are referring to.    


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2004, 11:49:54 pm »


  IE 2                             1                   0.00
IE 3                            11                   0.03

  Some ones still using those old things...and where can i get this IE 7 that they are referring to.    

Wonder if that is the new IE to be included with longhorn ? I always thought it was just another .1 or something to 6.

I know you wont be able to download it, 6.0sp1 is the last free IE apparently, but my sources could be wrong.  


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2004, 01:53:10 am »

A quick scan of those stats show that it is does not make economic sense to waste the man hours writing or re-writing code for a browser that is used by such a tiny fraction of the normal market.


I'm sorry, but you're reasoning is completely flawed.

When you write code, it should be written for INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS.  Standards are set by an international organization (rather than a company) and are readable by all the browsers.

ALL of the world's browsers can read HTML.

However, Microsoft Internet Exploiter adds a bunch of proprietary junk AND DOESN'T TELL DEVELOPERS THE DIFFERENCE.

When you write the code, write it with standards, not with proprietary Microsoft junk.  If Mozilla can read it, then it will work with all the other browsers, including Internet Explorer.

Wow, it does take many man hours to CHANGE ONE SYMBOL in the entire web page, doesn't it?  


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2004, 02:20:43 am »

I find threads like this ammusing.. why?

because people use different browsers provided by their ISP, which most times is based on something other than Internet Explorer.. or they experiment with browsers that may offer easier use than Internet Explorer...

however let's look at some facts..

Okay, I have to chuckle at some of your 'facts' here.  Here we go.


Web languages..

internet expolrer works with them all

okay, heres the thing.  So do all the other browsers.  Except for one little thing- Internet Exploiter adds a couple of little Microsoft proprietary junk in there.  For example, its the only browser that will still work if you put the slash the other way.  The problem is that these Microsoft proprietary are undocumented- a web designer can make something and he sees it run in IE, so he ASSUMES it works, but doesn't realize he's just made an IE only page.


Images.. internet Explorer allows for almost any type of image to be shown

Wrong- in fact, Internet Explorer is the only browser that does NOT support 8-bit PNG images.  Download Mozilla Firefox- much better.

It also has the most security holes.


internet Explorer allows for frames. arrays, transitions, and a host of other stuff to work that other browsers miss or bypass...

You've obviously never used another browser in at least a couple years.

Frames, arrays, transitions?  These are standards!  If a browser didn't have these, it'd be crap.  ALL of the browsers i've mentioned (Safari, Camino, Mozilla, FireFox, Netscape, Opera) support these.  They also support more image formats, Shockwave and Flash, Java, and all the other web languages.

And yet...

Out of all the browsers I've mentioned, Internet Explorer is the ONLY ONE that does NOT have Tab browsing or popup blocking, and has the most security holes.


internet Explorer self corrects javascripting errors in web pages..

Big deal.  So do the others.


and come to think of it.. The people who developed the internet and are continuing to expand user ability to create more and more dynamic programming abilities for the net.. and guess what they use as their primary and only test bed, in coorporation with Microsoft...

Internet Explorer..

ROFL, wow, now Microsoft is developing the internet and is the only test bed?  I knew they were trying to take over the universe, but this...

LOL Microsoft is NOT working with the people who developed the internet, and are hardly doing much to create more dynamic programming abilities.  Neither XML or DHTML or Flash or Java were made by Microsoft.  The much vaunted .NET was copied off a similar system from someone else and isn't that big of a deal anyway- the system has been around for ages, and was just never really implemented.


and as for privacy and security issues.. it only takes 5 min to go into Internet Explorer properties and set the securities correctly that will prevent 3rd party cookies and unwanted code from accessing or hijacking your system...

That locks the front door.  What, you never noticed the hundreds of IE patches constantly being hurled at you with Windows update?  Theres all kinds of open back doors.  Not to mention some coding mistakes allowing web sites to tell you that you're being sent to one site when you're really at another.


I have used Mozilla, AO Hell's Netscape, and about 10 others.. I keep going back to Internet Explorer as I have found that it is the only browser that allows me to view web pages the tay there were meant to be seen, the way the creator of a web site intnded..

Old Netscape sucked.

Try the NEW Mozilla FireFox.  Not normal Mozilla, but FireFox.  You'll see how incredibly better.


as for those that use other browsers that allow them to prevent resizing the web pages.. IE has that ability also..

Resizing web page problems?  Never had that in Safari or Mozilla.  On the other hand i once opened a flash movie that gave me so many IE popups the computer crashed, and also caused all the popups to jump around the screen.  Mozilla blocked the popups.


override page fonts.. IE has that.. Override Page Colors.. IE has that...

Other browsers have that.  What are you bragging about?


there is not a single thing on the net that you can send me to that IE can't handle....


as for Microsoft ProPriety... what the heck is that?? talking about pop-ups??? just run As-Aware 6 and remove Alexia from the IE 6 SP 1 package.... the pop-ups will be gone...

You don't get it, do you...
like they did with MS-Java...they do it again with IE.

They take a perfect product (Java was designed to let you create a program in Java that would run on any OS, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux), then start injecting proprietary additions and 'improvements' into it.  They don't document it.  The result?  A programmer might make something in MS-Java, and it works in Windows, but they don't realize that it doesn't work on a Mac or Linux.  Microsoft got sued over this.

They're doing it again with IE.

There's something you don't seem to understand: STANDARDS.   The international standards are set by a group of organizations.  The standard for the web, for example, is HTML.  The standard DVD format is MPEG.  This keeps multiple companies from trying to push THEIR formats on to people.

The other browsers ABIDE BY THESE STANDARDS set.  They follow the law.  A page designed for Mozilla will run fine in Safari and Netscape and Firefox.

Internet Explorer does not.  It reads the standards, but it also creates its own set of rules, and doesn't tell developers which are for IE and which are standards.

So IE will read the standards, like a page designed for Mozilla, but sometimes a page made for IE will not always run in other browsers.

Does this make the other browsers inferior?  No.  Its Microsoft's way of eliminating the competition, by attempting to cut off the other browsers.  Fortunately most good web design programs (like Dreamweaver) will make the code work with all browsers, stopping Microsuck in their tracks, but Microsoft Frontpage is infamous for producing IE only pages if they are more complex than a few lines.

Microsoft is in big trouble over this.


I mean why does everyone Hate IE when every other browser in the world is trying to be as flexable as IE but keep coming up short??? Why does every other browser try to work like IE and fail??

ROFL...come short?  IE needs to be more flexable.  It's buggy, easily hackable crap.  Microsoft just tries to trick idiots into making IE only web pages- and it works often.


because IE has the patents and copywrite on every net language out there...
other browsers have to change the way they work by at least 14% to bypass the patent and copywrite laws.. as such, they lose the ability to see certain things on the web...

WRONG.  View the standards arguement.
The other browsers follow international standards- IE does not.


I mean can someone explain why they want to lose functionality???

We don't.  We want to gain functionality by ditching IE.


I'm really at a loss...

Please someone explain it to me.. what makes Opera or Netscape better than IE when they have problems viewing web pages completely or when they change a page's layout to something other than what the creator made???? I really don't understand.

Please.  They only have trouble viewing web pages when the designer made faulty IE only code.  In 99% of web pages, ALL BROWSERS WILL WORK.
Heck, I made a page in Dreamweaver, it looks BETTER in Safari.

On the other hand, Mozilla and the rest have superior Tabbed-browsing interfaces, built in popup blocking, skinnable interfaces, and many other bits of superiority- AND THEY SUPPORT THE STANDARDS.

I'm not just going to sit by and help Microsoft try to control the standards of the internet by using IE.


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2004, 02:23:20 am »

Wonder if that is the new IE to be included with longhorn ? I always thought it was just another .1 or something to 6.

I know you wont be able to download it, 6.0sp1 is the last free IE apparently, but my sources could be wrong.  

Correct.  IE 7 is for Longhorn.  It copies the Safari interface down to the bone (even having the same brushed metal interface, and similar shaped and colored buttons) and popup blocking.

That's right folks, Microsoft is STILL copying Apple, and they're only 5 years behind! (by the time Longhorn comes out)


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2004, 02:49:25 am »


A quick scan of those stats show that it is does not make economic sense to waste the man hours writing or re-writing code for a browser that is used by such a tiny fraction of the normal market.


I'm sorry, but you're reasoning is completely flawed.

When you write code, it should be written for INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS.  Standards are set by an international organization (rather than a company) and are readable by all the browsers.

Because it works over and above the limtied W3C standards it is flawed?

Additionally, using your logic Netscrape is a total junk browser. Care to guess why and what widely accepted html design it fails to render properly?  Don't want to box you in with that table..  


ALL of the world's browsers can read HTML.

Not true. Some render various html standards in various manners. Some still have not become fully compliant with html 4.0 and CSS 2.0 including IE, NS, and Opera.


However, Microsoft Internet Exploiter adds a bunch of proprietary junk AND DOESN'T TELL DEVELOPERS THE DIFFERENCE.


I don't know if I should start with links to Com and Com+ or go somthing as simple as this:;EN-US;ie&Product=iep

and this


When you write the code, write it with standards, not with proprietary Microsoft junk.  If Mozilla can read it, then it will work with all the other browsers, including Internet Explorer.

So?  Why can't the other browser--who I remind you are the least used--instaed find the robustness to read that line of code? If them silly folks at MS can do it why can't others?


Wow, it does take many man hours to CHANGE ONE SYMBOL in the entire web page, doesn't it?  

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant the man hours involved in bringing your weak-featured, least-used browser up to the robust standards of IE6.1.



  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2004, 05:59:12 am »

ALL of the world's browsers can read HTML.

Not true. Some render various html standards in various manners. Some still have not become fully compliant with html 4.0 and CSS 2.0 including IE, NS, and Opera.

Actually, IE isn't even fully compliant with CSS 1.0. Not to mention the bugs - height:100% should mean exactly that, and it doesn't. It parses in IE as about 120% if you want to create a <div> container for a page. I really couldn't care less about Microsoft additions to their browser but they really should follow standards. They didn't create the internet and they don't own it. Oh, and the standard web language is now XHTML - seperating the presentation layer from the data layer makes a lot of sense.


  • Guest
Re: Taldren, PLEASE fix this:
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2004, 09:24:16 am »
Sadly, I don't own one, but the computer lab at the college has 8 G3/500s running OS X 10.3 Panther.

VERY sweet!  Especially with the 2-button mouse that's on a different machine every time I go in there

I want one I want one I want one I want one!!!!!