Topic: UPPER GI Barium Scan?  (Read 9547 times)

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UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #60 on: March 30, 2004, 07:58:34 pm »
on the first, I've got an appointment to have my GERD checked out. I've already heard its like shake the chalk of a buch of blackboards erasers and chugging it down. But since I've got to drive for 3.5 hours to get to the appointment and back again afterwards, I'm wondering if it will make me sick? Anyone know?

 =:about to toss cookies:


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #61 on: March 30, 2004, 08:02:37 pm »
My sisters husband had to go through several of these. There wern't any side effects to the barium, except in a small number of cases people can be alergic to it. Other than the foul chalky taste you shouldn't worry.

They won't let you eat until the proceedure is done tho.  


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #62 on: March 30, 2004, 08:07:09 pm »
According to my mother-in-law:

If "no scope", yes, you will be able to drive home without any problems.

If they are gonna "scope" ya .....  they'll give you the ol' amnesia drug and if you try to drive home you may end up in Canada.

I hope that helps.  

Good luck, amigo.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2004, 08:08:46 pm by Musashi »


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2004, 08:16:10 pm »
I'll be honest. At this time Having my wisdom teeth pulled Sounds better.

Seriously, IF you need someone to drive , and you can pick e up, I'd be more then happy to help you out. ESP. given that nice ride.  

ok, if you do need someone to drive you, I would be honored to help out an American Service retiree, and a great friend.



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #64 on: March 30, 2004, 08:26:55 pm »
Thanks guys. I don't know if they are going to scope me. I was just hoping the dame chalk shake doesn't provide me with an example of why I need the scan in the first place.  I wasn't thinking about anesthetic effects. I hope I don't get messed up by or need the anesthetic.

Sirgod, a drive up there would add 2 hours and forty minutes to the trip there and back. I appreciate the offer though. I'll find an easier way.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #65 on: March 30, 2004, 08:38:35 pm »
I completely understand. Anytime a service man needs something, If I can do It, I will do It.

BTW, I have an article from Discover Magazine this last month , I would love to get your opinion on.

It was page 60 , and the article was whose life would you save? what are your opinons on Morality being hardwired?



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #66 on: March 30, 2004, 08:40:15 pm »
Storm, I have GERD (its realy common).  I did a UGI, but there was no scope involved.  They should tell you if that is a possibility before hand.  If it is, then arrange a driver, if not, then no worries.  Outstide of tasting bad, no biggie.  And its kinda cool to see it go through your digestive track (ask to see it btw).

In my case it was a tech who did all the work and taped it for a doc to look at later.  I went back for a different consult and now am simply on some little daily pill (Aciphex).  They work, no problem, the major GERD symptoms went away.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #67 on: March 30, 2004, 08:48:06 pm »

I'll be honest. At this time Having my wisdom teeth pulled Sounds better.

Seriously, IF you need someone to drive , and you can pick e up, I'd be more then happy to help you out. ESP. given that nice ride.  

ok, if you do need someone to drive you, I would be honored to help out an American Service retiree, and a great friend.




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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #68 on: March 30, 2004, 08:48:54 pm »
While some altruistic behavior may be hard wired ultimate control is by choice. If any wiring explained it there would be no choice but   to be moral. Many people are not or can act morally in one case and evilly in another. All thise obfuscations about behaviors being hard wired are misleading in many ways especially when given to laymen. some use any hardwired argument to excuse or condone a behavioral pattern that deviates from the nominative norm; others to diminish the respect of the notion of man's soul or his nobility or "specialness" compared to other animals. the mechanistic view of the world churns on though the axles of that world view are about to rust through, the machine can still crush you.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #69 on: March 30, 2004, 08:53:35 pm »

While some altruistic behavior may be hard wired ultimate control is by choice. If any wiring explained it there would be no choice but   to be moral. Many people are not or can act morally in one case and evilly in another. All thise obfuscations about behaviors being hard wired are misleading in many ways especially when given to laymen. some use any hardwired argument to excuse or condone a behavioral pattern that deviates from the nominative norm; others to diminish the respect of the notion of man's soul or his nobility or "specialness" compared to other animals. the mechanistic view of the world churns on though the axles of that world view are about to rust through, the machine can still crush you.  

Mommy, make the bad man stop talking like that...  


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #70 on: March 30, 2004, 08:53:43 pm »


I'll be honest. At this time Having my wisdom teeth pulled Sounds better.

Seriously, IF you need someone to drive , and you can pick e up, I'd be more then happy to help you out. ESP. given that nice ride.  

ok, if you do need someone to drive you, I would be honored to help out an American Service retiree, and a great friend.



Dang you found my jouvenile Driving Record. I thought that was closed.  



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #71 on: March 30, 2004, 09:00:43 pm »
I had my first episode in 88 on a field problem. It went undiagnosed until 96. At first zantac controlled it well. then a pill a day went to two or three with the symptoms starting afresh in the morning. I suspect mine is the vargus nerve augmented type because stress sets it off right away so does altering my breathing pattern and tensing my abs as happens under stress.  (tightening the diaphram.)  I have often awaken to find my stomach acid being reguritated and actually soaking part of my pillow, So I think the valve that they are checking day after tomorrow is damaged, too.  Hopefully these guys will get to the root of the problem so I can get the proper remedy for it. You know what the pain is like. being gut shot seems similar.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #72 on: March 30, 2004, 09:07:01 pm »
Jerry I wish I could help. I'll ask My sis- in-law to borrow her car tommorrow, and Get you for your appointment. I'm Sorry this is happening to you. But I will be more then willing to help.



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #73 on: March 30, 2004, 09:14:08 pm »
I have Hemochromatosis which means every 6 months I have to have a Upper and Lower GI scan The Upper GI Scan is not to bad. I don't know what they use there in your neck of the woods. Out here in San Jose they don't use Barium for a upper scan. I have to drink almost 2 pints of this punch flavord stuff. Actualy it's not that bad  


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #74 on: March 30, 2004, 09:18:13 pm »
Sirgod there is no need. This has been a long time coming. I know what I described sounds bad but it has been a long time coming and hopefully it is about to be over. If you were to come down we would still have to get you back as my car is likely in better shape mechanically than yours. I will stay at the hospital if need be until I can drive safely. The pain I've described is only a problem if it comes on fully before I can take my medication and sleep. Normally I catch it now well before it becomes self sustaining like that. When if first started striking it was a bear because the damned medics started with a lot of ineffective meds before figuring out it needed the newer treatments. This was in the days they thought all ulcers were from stress or psychosomatic and few seemed to know anything about GERD. once they gave me the proper med (this happened in another field problem and the documentation was poor) I could not identify the med except by shape and color. It was almost a year after that that I got the proper perscription. Now the med is OTC. but   it is losing it's effectiveness.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #75 on: March 30, 2004, 09:20:48 pm »
Understood, and Please , call me Steve.



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #76 on: March 30, 2004, 09:21:38 pm »
This is the first I've heard of an alternate. I'd like to know more about it. I'll ask.

A lower GI is not necessary (barium enema) thankfully.  


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #77 on: March 30, 2004, 09:23:20 pm »
Sorry about that. Steve.


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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #78 on: March 30, 2004, 09:29:00 pm »
Hey No Problem there, and no need to apoligize. you've spent 30 years in the service of this country, Covered My Butt in your own way, and Are due alot of respect.

You are one of the best People I can name, given your service. Yes It sounds Like hiporblia, But It's true, and I thank you.

I thank any Veteran who has served this Country in any part. you have given tis country the right to call me Steve, you Bastard, Or consevative, or Libral. I apploud you for that, and I would do nothing less then wish our Brave men the best.



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Re: UPPER GI Barium Scan?
« Reply #79 on: March 30, 2004, 09:29:43 pm »
The appointment is on the first (Day after tomorrow) of april. An appropriate day for this kind of trip, don't you think.