Topic: Tactics list for new DV2 players....  (Read 29939 times)

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Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« on: February 26, 2003, 12:10:14 pm »
So good it needed bumped to its own thread!

Tactics list 101for new DV2 players.....this list is of general tactics , is not all inclusive, and doesnt cover variations thereof:

"The chariot"

"the Hydran anchor"

"walking the dog"

"the bee hive"

"PT boating" aka "PF herding"

"The mazia attack" aka MIZIA...shhesh I cant spel

'Electronic warfare usage'

"Fleet Control"

'The Sabre dance'

'The slash'

"The drone wave"

"Surfing the wave"

"the Mirak Overwelm"

'The Gorn anchor'

'The Photinic colonic aka The Federation anchor'

'The Klingon anchor'

'The hammer'

'Phaser boating'

'The Photon dance'

'The Plasma ballet'

'The Gorn broadside'

'The shield shredder'

'The Phaser enema'

'The thatch weave'

'The shove'

'The pummel'

'The whip'

'The tug'

"the overcoat"

'The scatter pack whack attack'

'The suicide overrun'

'The starcastle'

'The wolf pack'

'The stalking horse' aka 'sabre thrust'

'The Holy Hand grenade'

and I almost forgot ....'The Drive by'... aka Hit and Run rape

HOLY crap...I how could I forget "The autolycus manuever"

Anyone feel free to add any I may have forgotten....

Now...I didnt feel like typing 20 pages of if you cant find these tactics for study or have someone show you how its done......I will make every attempt to either link a tactic or C&P something or type it out for ya....

Ya see....Some peeps would have you believe we SFC2 nutters are a bunch of elitst snobs who dont want new people comming round here...

Well...that is bull crap...

We want the fight...we relish the battle...we want your best game....and we want you to have fun......getting stomped on is NOT fun....therefore...many fleets actively share there knowlege due to the simple fact that a better more skilled enemy...will stick around and fight,and makes for a much better battle...which for us is more fun

We call it "The pucker factor"

« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 12:27:20 pm by crimnick »


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2003, 12:21:10 pm »
Christ on a cracker Crimmy, it's MIZIA, not MAZIA!!!!

You forgot:

The Bait and Switch

The Cloak and Lure


The Waggle Maneuver

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2003, 01:31:32 pm »
I've got one called :P

yes that's what I called it


  5 or more transporters
  equal or greater number of mines
  lots of seeking weapons to throw at enemy

how to execute the :P

Lob everything you have, (pseudo all if you're a plasma chucker).  If your opponent is smart he'll weasel.  Use this opportunity to clear your inventory of mines either directly on top of his ship or slightly in front of it.  Hopefully for you he'll forget to turn his throttle down under 4 so as to not give himself a delay reaction exploding enema.  This works very well with troop transport ships with lots of transporters and mines, and dreadnoughts against an opponent with weasels.  it's very gratifying to watch your opponent blow himself up on a mine hehehe


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2003, 01:50:43 pm »
LMAO the :P I like it...


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2003, 06:46:08 pm »

Is there anywhere I can read up on these moves?????

Some have funny names.  Or is this a joke list?

I would really like to learn this game.  


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2003, 06:50:26 pm »
The Plasma Ballet is no joke, and if your going to fly Rom you better learn it cadet.

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2007, 03:16:52 pm »

This thread is very old, but the tactics seem interesting. I know what some of the standards are, like "Gorn Anchor," but some of the obscure ones I have no idea. I couldn't find any "bee hives" or "stalking horses" on Google. Could someone clear these up?


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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2007, 06:51:05 pm »
and my fave, "The Flash Cube".

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2007, 05:01:01 am »
You left out the oblique photon pass... s'ok though :)
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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2007, 04:39:39 pm »
Wow..this is an old thread.... ;D

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2007, 05:24:57 pm »
That's an awesome list. A must have for anyone's bag of stupid tricks.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2007, 09:58:48 pm »
I've got one called :P

yes that's what I called it


  5 or more transporters
  equal or greater number of mines
  lots of seeking weapons to throw at enemy

how to execute the :P

Lob everything you have, (pseudo all if you're a plasma chucker).  If your opponent is smart he'll weasel.  Use this opportunity to clear your inventory of mines either directly on top of his ship or slightly in front of it.  Hopefully for you he'll forget to turn his throttle down under 4 so as to not give himself a delay reaction exploding enema.  This works very well with troop transport ships with lots of transporters and mines, and dreadnoughts against an opponent with weasels.  it's very gratifying to watch your opponent blow himself up on a mine hehehe

I can never get this one right, I end up t bombing empty space to the leading side of the enemy then tractor the bastich into the mines (or in Dizzy's case- an asteroid)

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2007, 07:41:39 am »
I have always loved "The Death Drag With a Scatter Pack" ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2007, 04:07:08 pm »
You left out the oblique photon pass... s'ok though :)
What is this as well as this [ 'The Photon dance'] and this['The Photinic colonic aka The Federation anchor']I was told the phser boating is the best way to beat a plamsa ship are there any others?Interesting list btw it seems I would still need more to learn about Flying Fed.

Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2007, 10:41:31 pm »
The oblique photon pass is (I think) when you fire photons at range 8.9 for Ov/L or normal or 12.9 for proxies and fire ph-1s, then peeling away at high speed, so you don't get much closer. 

I picture the photon dance like the saber dance, but the critical ranges for photons are 12.9 to 30, instead of 15 and 22 for dizzs.

The Fed anchor should just be using a tractor on a ship at range 2.0-2.9, keeping the enemy at a range where photons are accurate but don't do feedback damage. Then release tractor and fire phasers at range 0. I don't know, that's my take on it.

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2007, 10:03:20 pm »
It's been too long since I listed these....but IIRC I filled the list by going through the forums.....but that would have been taldrens forums....those threads might be hard to search for...

Offline Beeblebrox

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2007, 05:22:59 am »
The oblique photon pass is (I think) when you fire photons at range 8.9 for Ov/L or normal or 12.9 for proxies and fire ph-1s, then peeling away at high speed, so you don't get much closer.

A good way of discouraging pursuit after a close strike using this method is two-fold.  The first move is to lauch a scatterpack (or suicide shuttle if your race doesn't use drones).  That will give the bad guy something to concentrate on other than your delicate rear shields.  The final move is to drop a mine after the scatterpack erupts.  The mine is a good reason for most opponents to steer away/around it and gives you an extra layer of defense for your ship's butt while you make good your escape.   

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Offline Roychipoqua_Mace

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2007, 01:50:12 pm »
Thanks for the tip!

Sometimes I try launching admin shuttles as a pseudo suicide shuttle or scatterpack. If lucky, it can trick some players into wasting phasers, or just messes with them :).

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2007, 10:02:43 pm »
There are a few others:

"The Sucker Punch"

"The Pseudo Anchor" (Plasma Version)

"The Pseudo Anchor" (Non Plasma Version)

"The Stiff Forearm"

"The Maverick Dodge"  Named after the pilot who pulled it sucessfully on Die Hard and Karnak in sucession

"The Limping Cat"

"Circling The Wagons"

"THe Anti Anchor"

"The Hydran Anchor"

"The Fleet Anchor"

"The Fighter Anchor"  I wonder if Scippy still hates me for that one  ;D


"Slow Castle"

"Running with the Bulls"

"Drone-A-Dope" (AMD) I & II

"Drone-A-Dope" (Plasma) I & II   It made Kroma admit droners had skills too  :D

"The Fighter Sucker"

"The Block and Spin"  Beastly hard to do, only managed it a few times.

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Re: Tactics list for new DV2 players....
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2007, 11:06:16 pm »
Now if we had films to go with each one!!!