I think it is fine as it is.

If memory serves correctly, there was a book in the late 80's similar to Barlowe's Guide to Extraterrestials, filled entirely with the then current races of the Star Trek universe.
The Tholians were shown to be slightly wider than humans but at least a foot shorter and shaped like a inverted 8 or 6 sided crystal with a head of multiple facets but similar structure. It went on to describe briefly that Thol ships are designed for the Tholian mindset of optimum efficency. There were no crew quarters since the Thols actually inserted themselves into "slots" like a child's hole and peg toy. Also it went into stating that Thols have no need for certain systems that we as Humans need. These were stellar cartography and human style navigation systems. This was due to the Thols shared the inbred stellar navigation ability of the Meadusans.
Here is one statement that the book made that I found to be quite understandable; Thol ships have no need for conventional shields due to the fact that the ship and its crew are quite literally a large crystal able to refract and redirect energy weapons that use light as a carrier. i.e. Phasers. This still makes them vunerable to most other weaponry with a keen weakness for missiles (hammer vs. crystal vase scenario) and disruptor fire, due to its effect on the molecules of an object.
P.s. it's shalt. Shall is used if you are telling a single person to do something directly using them in the first person. "You shall go and retrieve the Holy Handgrenade."
"Thou shalt be awed" is the correct phrasing since you are telling a "group" of individuals this is what they will be or do. "Thou shalt be in awe of this creation." or "Thou shalt smite the enemy."
Sorry my dad was a OT kinda guy.

...And I saw fear in the Klingon's eye.
Ma'Ab, Usurper Tier of Cappella IV