Topic: I am sorry about my last post  (Read 1459 times)

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I am sorry about my last post
« on: February 26, 2003, 07:46:51 pm »
  I know it wasn't my place to critize the Masters of Modeling. I was just mad that night. Anyway, I think if anyone wanted to do an Enterprise mod, it would be nice to have the Shuttlepod to go with the NX-01 Enterprise(I would if I could.) Even know this is the model forum (I noticed more people look at this one) I have an idea for an Enterprise mod. the races would be The Enterprise,Vulcans as Federation-Klingons as Klingons-Romulans,Tholians (Romulans aren't big yet)as Romulans-Suliban as Borg. I heard with the new patch, you can't have inter-racial weapons. That would suck with this mod. Please post any comments(I'm not saying I'm making a mod, I it just an idea for someone who might be)