Dynaverse.Net ... your friend for SFC3 and SFC2. We support all versions of these great games!
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Quote:My callsign on xbox live is krenn(all small letters) If we have any games in common, look me up guys. I'll probably be killed because I'm old and slow...<hehehe>
Quote:I've been looking for you guys on and off since I posted. So far, I haven't seen ya. I must be on at the wrong time of the day. Usually don't get home till 6 P.M. or so Central standard time, check now and again between RL stuff andmy Anarchy Online addiction. Either that or Ferret: There's Krenn signing on again. Alien: Ewww! Quick, turn off the Xbox!
Quote:Ok, sounds good. We'll shoot for Thursday then
Quote:This scheduling thing seems to be a bit of a bear. No worries. How about Tuesday or Thursday?
Quote:Xbox live gamesCrimson SkiesMech AssaultBrute ForceBurnout 2(although the only thing this game tracks on line is your score, no head to head gaming )Midtown Madness 3 Might go out and buy Van Helsing, looks like it might be fun. Future purchasesHalo2 (well, thats IF Microsoft ever gives it to us) Dead or Alive Ultimate(no, I just buy the game because I like the action, it has nothing to do whether "she kicks high" )
Quote:MM3 is at best fairly repetative. Its fun for a few hours, but since its inital run in my xbox, it hasn't left the plastic cover. Seems I missed you again last night. I got home about 7:30 CST and checked over the next 4 hours on andoff and I didn't see you. Are we that far off time-wise? Is the time zone plus or minus so far off that when I'm on looking for you guysyou're either at work or maybe asleep?
Quote:This game and Halo2 are defintly on the "must have if I can live that long" list