Topic: The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard  (Read 3919 times)

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Kieran Forester

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The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard
« on: January 18, 2003, 10:15:21 pm »
The inspiration for this post came from Louis Cipher. Thanks Louis, hee hee.

The Ascension of J'inn

Once upon a time, there was a mortal Kzinti lad by the name of J'inn. Young J'inn had a singular luck with asteroids, and many believed he had been cursed by the Almighty D2 'Roid Gods. As he grew older, he still lost ship after ship to the fickle destructive power of these immobile spinnig rocks, and soon his spirit began to falter.

But then, he joined the ranks of the SFC2.Net Admins, the only group of beings whose power outstripped the Lords of Cheese and even the Almighty D2 'Roid Gods. He used his newfound power to turn his hated geologic enemies against the puny mortals who had mocked him, by manipulating the aspects of the universes created by the mighty Admins. None of the races, even if they were to unite together, could stand up to the angry J'inn and his evil designs. Soon, the mortal races of the SFC2.Net universe were plagued by what seemed like never ending changes to what had been held previously as universal constants in their area of space, but their protests and pleadings did not budge the mighty J'inn one bit. In response, one of J'inn's puny mortal foes began a thread in which he denounced the mighty J'inn as a "Bastard" -- a vilification which would soon grow into another universal constant, one that stated "J'inn is a Bastard... has always been a Bastard.... and always shall remain, a Bastard."

Thus, the mortal known as J'inn ascended to divinity by the word of the Admins, setting himself on the Path of Bastarddom.

--From the Book of Admins, King Kieran edition - 1 Dynaverse 2 - The First Vilification

High Disciple of the Church of the One Bastard

Anyone that has an idea for another of the Holy Vilifications of J'inn, please share. Hehehe.


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Re: The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 12:22:38 am »
LMFAO.....  What happens if we pass the plate around for people to give money to this Holy Cause? Does J'inn get to keep it

Kieran Forester

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Re: The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2003, 09:15:47 am »
Knowing J'inn, he would probably get his hands on it one way or another


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Re: The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 04:30:41 pm »

LMFAO.....  What happens if we pass the plate around for people to give money to this Holy Cause? Does J'inn get to keep it  


We just put in rocks instead of money.


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Re: The Holy Vilifications of J'inn the Bastard
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2003, 08:20:59 pm »

LMFAO.....  What happens if we pass the plate around for people to give money to this Holy Cause? Does J'inn get to keep it  

Whatever, he has always been collecting 'dues' LMAO =)