Topic: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!  (Read 1698 times)

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Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« on: March 27, 2004, 11:20:22 am »


It weighs in at less than 1000 poly and has LOD.  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2004, 12:09:45 pm »
Hey wow, thats pretty neat-o man!

Thats the exact...or darn tootin' close to the exact same ship that was used by the Vulcans in BoTF.  

P.s. - thanks for fixin' that link to the Bonaventure!  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Futurama_Guy »


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2004, 03:58:12 pm »
be nice if the blurbs would show up once in a while.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2004, 04:15:21 pm »
So that was the 'Vulcan' ship in the ST: BOTF conversion mod Dark Matrix did awhile ago!

Atrahasis, thanks for sharing this. It should be a MAJOR holiday when you release anything new!

Always look forward to see what you are doing next.



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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2004, 04:50:04 pm »
Sweet! I saw that episode a couple weeks ago and was wondering when that ship would show up in sfc.
Awesome job.  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2004, 05:56:45 pm »
Did ST:Voyager also reuse the same model in a few of their early season episodes?

Rod O'neal

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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2004, 06:26:04 pm »
Well, I'm sure that it's awesome. Damned server is messing with me "again"! I know, I'm dealing with it, and I'll thank you in advance.  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2004, 06:52:32 pm »
Atra, I just noticved this ship, and it loks pretty good. But, it still neds a bit of modeling done. I know you took the model from BOTF, but I don't think they ever got a good look at it.

Here's a fact file side view, from EAS.


Apparently, from what I can see, they stuck on and modifited the top half of a Ferengi shuttlepod. Again, the next image is from EAS.

As for the other "missing" bits, I can't say until somebody gets some screenies from "Unification." I'm gonna have to search DITL to see if Graham has any.

EDIT: I knew it, Graham is a GOD.
Anyway, here's his screencaps.
Well, it seems that you'll just have to add a few extra parts to the front and back. Sorry if I insulted you, seeing as it still pretty close.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2004, 07:04:32 pm by Mariner »


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2004, 09:09:29 pm »
This was a "quickie" modification from the "Vulcan Ship" model from BOTF, which had a tendency to not get a model anywhere close to what it really looked like, possibly because of lack of source material at the time and also because they had to keep everything extremely low-poly. I personally don't think this little one-timer ship really deserves a lot of my attention, because there are more important projects that I'd like to get to. However, you're free to modify it however you like, of course.  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2004, 07:31:48 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

Atra, I just noticved this ship, and it loks pretty good. But, it still neds a bit of modeling done. I know you took the model from BOTF, but I don't think they ever got a good look at it.


Apparently, from what I can see, they stuck on and modifited the top half of a Ferengi shuttlepod. Again, the next image is from EAS.

As for the other "missing" bits, I can't say until somebody gets some screenies from "Unification." I'm gonna have to search DITL to see if Graham has any.


EDIT: I knew it, Graham is a GOD.
Anyway, here's his screencaps.


Well, it seems that you'll just have to add a few extra parts to the front and back. Sorry if I insulted you, seeing as it still pretty close.

  I would like to give you an advise to not to criticise in such way Atra's designs. He is one of the best modellers still willing to stay on this boards and show his designs. This doesn't mean that I am treating Atrahasis as he was a god. I remember the great trio: Atrahasis, Pneumonic 81, Wicked Zombie... I really enjoy seeing their models which are near perfection. Atrahasis Models now are more detailed and have more detailed textures (I like the Borg Battleship) - he made a big step forward (as Pneumonic did in the past. To see that compare his Miranda ver. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0). I wish I were so talented in modelling. Well I am not but I can see changes in every new model. Ofcourse there are many other modellers but my preferences focus on this mentioned trio. On the other hand these are preferences, which cannot be quoted or criticised... I didn't intend to insult anyone with this post so please do not regard it as I did... Keep going Mr. Atrahasis  
« Last Edit: March 28, 2004, 07:35:14 am by jimkirk »


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2004, 07:39:29 am »

I would like to give you an advise to not to criticise in such way Atra's designs. He is one of the best modellers still willing to stay on this boards and show his designs. This doesn't mean that I am treating Atrahasis as he was a god. I remember the great trio: Atrahasis, Pneumonic 81, Wicked Zombie... I really enjoy seeing their models which are near perfection. Atrahasis Models now are more detailed and have more detailed textures (I like the Borg Battleship) - he made a big step forward (as Pneumonic did in the past. To see that compare his Miranda ver. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0). I wish I were so talented in modelling. Well I am not but I can see changes in every new model. Ofcourse there are many other modellers but my preferences focus on this mentioned trio. On the other hand these are preferences, which cannot be quoted or criticised... I didn't intend to insult anyone with this post so please do not regard it as I would have... Keep going Mr. Atrahasis  

This hero worship is precisely the thing that Atra has complained about in the past - just coz the model is good, it clearly does not match the subject matter that Atra is trying to model and so Mariner was offering constructive criticism and he's right to do so because now Atra can if he wishes make his fine model more acurate to the ship we saw onscreen.

  good work Atra finished or not.

@ Mariner - not sure about the shuttlepod, the proportions look all off - the pirate ship's hull is longer and thinner than the pod which is very squat and triangular, but certainly a similar shape was used.


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2004, 07:58:14 am »
Outstanding work indeed sir.D/L'ing now


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2004, 08:13:01 am »
W odpowiedzi na:

This hero worship is precisely the thing that Atra has complained about in the past - just coz the model is good, it clearly does not match the subject matter that Atra is trying to model and so Mariner was offering constructive criticism and he's right to do so because now Atra can if he wishes make his fine model more acurate to the ship we saw onscreen.

  good work Atra finished or not.

@ Mariner - not sure about the shuttlepod, the proportions look all off - the pirate ship's hull is longer and thinner than the pod which is very squat and triangular, but certainly a similar shape was used.  

Well nevermind Mariner continue:)  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2004, 09:33:09 am »


Atra, I just noticved this ship, and it loks pretty good. But, it still neds a bit of modeling done. I know you took the model from BOTF, but I don't think they ever got a good look at it.


Apparently, from what I can see, they stuck on and modifited the top half of a Ferengi shuttlepod. Again, the next image is from EAS.

As for the other "missing" bits, I can't say until somebody gets some screenies from "Unification." I'm gonna have to search DITL to see if Graham has any.


EDIT: I knew it, Graham is a GOD.
Anyway, here's his screencaps.


Well, it seems that you'll just have to add a few extra parts to the front and back. Sorry if I insulted you, seeing as it still pretty close.

  I would like to give you an advise to not to criticise in such way Atra's designs. He is one of the best modellers still willing to stay on this boards and show his designs. This doesn't mean that I am treating Atrahasis as he was a god. I remember the great trio: Atrahasis, Pneumonic 81, Wicked Zombie... I really enjoy seeing their models which are near perfection. Atrahasis Models now are more detailed and have more detailed textures (I like the Borg Battleship) - he made a big step forward (as Pneumonic did in the past. To see that compare his Miranda ver. 1.0, 2.0, 3.0). I wish I were so talented in modelling. Well I am not but I can see changes in every new model. Ofcourse there are many other modellers but my preferences focus on this mentioned trio. On the other hand these are preferences, which cannot be quoted or criticised... I didn't intend to insult anyone with this post so please do not regard it as I did... Keep going Mr. Atrahasis  

People....first of all, thanks very much, jimkirk, I do know what angle you're coming from. I should've made it clear though that I welcome the comments that were made earlier, because he's actually very very correct.....this model I made lacks a lot of polies that probably should be there to be a more exact representation, but alas the BOTF model that serves as the base for this was just not that detailed.....those tiny models had to be very blocky for the game engine. Should I have tried to correct this? I suppose I could have, but I was just in this one for the fact that it was a quickie. I'm also impressed that the poster could notice what was lacking, he showed that he has an eye for detail. As I've always said before, I actually appreciate critical comments, even if they may sound insulting like "it just doesn't look right", because that can speak volumes about something that is hard to nail down.


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2004, 10:35:47 am »
Ahhh...the is NO episode called "Reunification"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2004, 11:31:58 am »
But... but... Atrahasis is my hero.  

I'm really not that funny, am I?

Ya, it's always a noteworthy day when Atra makes a model for us to use. The man has a good eye and most of his models are an excellent balance of quality for a reasonable use of polies and textures. Ever notice how relatively small the downloads are? This will almost certainly be used for an interesting option for an Orion pirate vessal of some sort. It's a small joy when you have so many different models popping up in a scennario.  


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2004, 01:58:13 pm »
well, the model is a good start anwyas. Blurb loaded after a good to  minutes of loading time, and I knew what it was intended to be right off but it was blatantly obvious to  me that it was quite inacurate in spots. Atra, I seriously hope you think about updating this or making a new  one at some point as this was one of   my favorite bad guy ships. It just looks mean. (plus it was the first episode where they showed the enterprise in a powerdown sequence). In either event, it's my firm believe that one time ships like this are the ones that deserve alot of attention   simply because it  is unlikeley anyone else will make them. It's not like the constitution which has been remade 98000 times and there's one for just about everyone.


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Re: Surprise: Black Pirate Ship ready for DL!
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2004, 02:40:53 pm »
dont say bad things about connies!!! im learnind 3dmax at the moment and guess what im trying to model...

however - ure right. its good to have a large variety of ships. i downloaded atras pirate ship - ill play around with the texture a bit. somehow thats a big fun bonus that came with the great moddability of sfc.

