Topic: How many people will play DOE?  (Read 13126 times)

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Kieran Forester

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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2003, 03:30:14 pm »
Yeah, I think Kieran the Bruce will rattle his scales once again for DOE. Either that, or all my fur will fall out and I'll grow pointy ears.


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2003, 03:38:20 pm »
Count me in!



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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2003, 05:25:58 pm »
I'll be sporting blue spandex for this one. ( God help me. )


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2003, 06:27:29 pm »

I am just getting started here too.

Whats a T-BOMB ?????  Is that like an AMML mine???  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2003, 07:12:43 pm »

I will be playing on DOE.

SOS players I would suggest that if you have questions to logg onto the EAW 7.35 server and hook up with other players for some in game instruction.

I suggest this because SFC3 D3 play is so different from D2 EAW gaming as to make them almost uncompareable.

Everything from ship workings to hex missions is different.  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2003, 11:04:05 pm »
I'll be there of course silly boys,

And if any of you want to see me in a Gorn-hide leather mini-skirt, I suggest you come and fly Rom with me....

<Bats eyes>  .....just walk this way....  <walks away in a fashion to make male eyes pop from their sockets>



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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2003, 09:24:15 am »
I guess Im playing, having trouble finding a shiplist that works. Practiced some on single player skirmishes, whats up with the Cloak? It suxs. Nothing like D3 but the good side is plasma never misses or am I just getting way lucky?.  Anyway Im looking forward to this, I hear the orginization of the Races is really tight.



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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2003, 09:45:31 am »


A couple questions.
Who are Die Hard, Max Power and Ikkerpig? What did they do?
What is your normal turnout on the d2? Say about 8pm est? We SOS'ers are used to a target rich enviroment. I don't think any of us has done d2 in a long time (some not at all) so we are a little worried about if it will be worth our time. The d3 is our home, but our discust with the state of affairs until we get a definitive patch has lead us to dv2. Most of us had the game collecting dust, the rest found it in the bargin bin. I know in my case some guy named chub or choot or something showed up on acti C blabbing about how the dv2 was much better now. I talked to a couple fleetmates and we are here now, hoping for a worthwhile game.
Thanks for your time, may we meet in battle!

DH,max,and licker were banned for what Taldren determined to be grievous forum abuse.....its not fair to lump them together as it was three different different people with three different issues....

A petition thread was run for their reinstatment to the boards.....but as of this time ..Taldren's answer is no... shouldnt be worried about turn should be worried that your pilots who never played SFC2 will get their heads handed to them by Veteran Federation Captains....SFC3 and SFC2 are different battle systems...right now....your fleet should be training....and training hard....

This isnt a slam on your fleet or your skills.....simply a desire to get your fleets best game and see that your pilots dont get disgouraged with a different level of gameplay.....


Have no fear, Klingon.  We don't get discouraged.  We get even.

I have to admit to being a bit troubled by the idea that it looks like the KATs and KOTHs, who fly Romulan in SFC3 seem to now be opting for something other than Romulan in DOE.  Who will fly Romulan?  Three or four SPQR guys and a few of us SOS types?  It's already two races (F/G) on one.

Regardless, we'll be there.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by SOSGuderian »


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2003, 10:04:45 am »
Fllow this link to the shiplist for 7.35 Elfs page

back up you original shiplist (taldren/starfleet command II/assets/specs) in another location first...

The list you DL is NOT zipped and simply named "shiplist"....

You DONT have to rename it...just right click.....copy......and paste over the list in BOTH the following locations!....

taldren/starfleet command II/assets/specs

taldren/starfleet command II/meta assets

The DV server list sometimes hangs for a 30 seconds or so (locks up).....just be patient and will unfreeze and allow you to log in...

Plasma can only be avoided by outrunning it or using a decoy shuttle......

Recharge rates and slow so you really only want to fire when your pretty sure you'll hit....but Plasma is an AWESOME weapon.....most people will be leary of getting close when you have a launcher allways keep one charged..hehe

You can also fire a "fake " or psuedo plasma to scare someone to open range or force them to luanch a decoy shuttle (which also foces them to slow to speed 4 or less)....but a crafty captain will launch a probe to see if your tubes are still charged before he weasles (decoy) dont count on this working....

Yeah..the AI is a pushover most times unless you are WAY out numbered or outclassed...but we dont play this game for AI...we play it for PvP.....although killing AI does have its place in the DV....

Again....sing out when you need help.....

We really want to get you peeps up to speed before the next allready know how to play just need to pick up the differences between SFC2 and SFC3.....


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2003, 10:07:57 am »
Be advised....some of us are actually veterans of all incarnations of this game.


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2003, 10:16:19 am »

  Originally posted by SOSGuderian:

Have no fear, Klingon. We don't get discouraged. We get even.

I have to admit to being a bit troubled by the idea that it looks like the KATs and KOTHs, who fly Romulan in SFC3 seem to now be opting for something other than Romulan in DOE. Who will fly Romulan? Three or four SPQR guys and a few of us SOS types? It's already two races (F/G) on one.

Regardless, we'll be there.

I like your style, Guderian.  If the numbers get really lop-sided and DOE does not clash with "ISC Invasion" server then I'll try to find some time to fly as Romulan.

Any excuse to BBQ a Feddie is a good excuse.

BTW, does SOS use RW or TS2 to co-ordinate attacks?  You will need it against the D2 veterans.  They use RW heavily to concentrate on one or two hexes so they can take a 30 DV hex down to 0 DV in less than 20 minutes.    


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2003, 10:16:38 am »


Have no fear, Klingon.  We don't get discouraged.  We get even.

I have to admit to being a bit troubled by the idea that it looks like the KATs and KOTHs, who fly Romulan in SFC3 seem to now be opting for something other than Romulan in DOE.  Who will fly Romulan?  Three or four SPQR guys and a few of us SOS types?  It's already two races (F/G) on one.

Regardless, we'll be there.

I wouldnt worry about numbers just yet....there are more Rommies cloaked around here than you may think  ....and many Klingon warriors never fly Fed or as Federation it role play  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2003, 10:22:04 am »

Be advised....some of us are actually veterans of all incarnations of this game.  

RGR that...Yes I recall nero saying SOS had SFC2 vets....The information is for Non SFC2 playing SOS members and new people in general....



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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #33 on: February 27, 2003, 01:38:34 pm »



A couple questions.
Who are Die Hard, Max Power and Ikkerpig? What did they do?
What is your normal turnout on the d2? Say about 8pm est? We SOS'ers are used to a target rich enviroment. I don't think any of us has done d2 in a long time (some not at all) so we are a little worried about if it will be worth our time. The d3 is our home, but our discust with the state of affairs until we get a definitive patch has lead us to dv2. Most of us had the game collecting dust, the rest found it in the bargin bin. I know in my case some guy named chub or choot or something showed up on acti C blabbing about how the dv2 was much better now. I talked to a couple fleetmates and we are here now, hoping for a worthwhile game.
Thanks for your time, may we meet in battle!

DH,max,and licker were banned for what Taldren determined to be grievous forum abuse.....its not fair to lump them together as it was three different different people with three different issues....

A petition thread was run for their reinstatment to the boards.....but as of this time ..Taldren's answer is no... shouldnt be worried about turn should be worried that your pilots who never played SFC2 will get their heads handed to them by Veteran Federation Captains....SFC3 and SFC2 are different battle systems...right now....your fleet should be training....and training hard....

This isnt a slam on your fleet or your skills.....simply a desire to get your fleets best game and see that your pilots dont get disgouraged with a different level of gameplay.....


Have no fear, Klingon.  We don't get discouraged.  We get even.

I have to admit to being a bit troubled by the idea that it looks like the KATs and KOTHs, who fly Romulan in SFC3 seem to now be opting for something other than Romulan in DOE.  Who will fly Romulan?  Three or four SPQR guys and a few of us SOS types?  It's already two races (F/G) on one.

Regardless, we'll be there.


Ill be there for the roms that you can count on
As for KAT and KOTH on the D2 both fleets are kzin(mirak) Yep we be big old puddy tats:)
On the D3 we in the main play as rom  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #34 on: February 27, 2003, 03:21:56 pm »
  I hope to be there, just got too bored with SFC3. Hopefully I can remember Gorn skills and bring back to life Ssith Ill. Maybe find a few old gorn friends  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #35 on: February 27, 2003, 10:20:02 pm »
Flying Romulan on Day of the Eagle.   Should be fun.  


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #36 on: February 27, 2003, 10:27:04 pm »
The KAT/KOTH Fleets are currently discussing which race we are going to fly.  We will await the numbers and see who needs us.  Since most of us have flown some Rom in D3, we lean that way.  Especially working with our SPQR brothers, (if they existed).  We flew with the SPQR on the Triangle 3 server on OP and dominated.  Would be nice to fly with them again. However as always, we will go where we are needed.


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2003, 12:28:15 am »


I am just getting started here too.

Whats a T-BOMB ?????  Is that like an AMML mine???  

hehehe... It's just an ordinary mine... that you TRANSPORT up to a range of 5 away

imagine how your day would go if you were at the recieving end of 4 missiles, you weasel (cuz you're already holding 4 and you don't have any more tractors), the klink you're fighting gives you 7 of those little lovelies, and you forget to cut your speed back after the emergency decel wears off.  That's 70 points of reach-out-and-touch-someone  

Hint, all you SOS birds in KR series ships, you have lots of transporters HINT HINT


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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2003, 02:35:22 am »
SOS Nero

I'll be in there slinging Plasma, and hoping there are plenty of KR series hulls in the yards.

Rusty as all get out with rommy ships.

I'm one of those die hard Klingons that couldn't be paid in real world cash to fly Fed for other then training fleet mates.

I spent a little time on Gamespy playing your SOS_Natasha.  She really picked my brains after getting whumped about 6 times in a row.  I pointed her to some sites with tactics papers  that I hope most of your fleets SFC-2 newbies will read.  Your going to need it!

there is a great deal more micro management in SFC-2 then you have with SFC-3.  Learn quickly about energy management, and untill you learn about how NOT to get tractored, stay outside of a rage of 3 from your targets or you will regret it.

Some notes on energy management for ya'll

Your typical heavy cruiser sports around 34 to 40 points of power.
each phaser requires 1 point of power for p-1, and 2's.  And .5 power per P-3 (but the power is held in a capacitor.. so once they are done charging the power used to charge them becomes availible in your energy pool again.
shields require 2 points of power.  Life support and fire control each take 1 point of power each.  Movement costs are one point of power per one unit of speed.  Electonic warefare will use up to 6 points of power (learn to use EW.. it will save you hides!).  The primary romulan weapons are Plasma torps which require a great deal of power to charge and to hold ready to fire (though that not as much energy as required to charge them up), and they also take a long time to ready up. 1/2 agin longer time wise then the majority of heavy weapons.  Clock also takes power, and typically about 1/3 of your total power for heavy cruiser class ships.. say 12 points.

Your typical Rom cruiser going to red aleart, cloaking, and charging all weapons isn't even going to have energy to even move for a little bit untill the phaser capacitor charges.  READ your plasma damage charts and see what the range breaks are for damage done.   Typically you don't want to fire plasma at a ship if you want to cause serious damge at more then a range of 10.  Plasma damge decreases the further the plasma travels.

AN example. you following a ship moving at speed 20, at a range of 10. You fire 2 plasma F's that have the following damage attributes.  

range 0-5,20 damage
range 6-10,15 damage
range 11 to 12, 10 damage
range 13-14, 5 damage
range 15, 1 damage

lets say your target is a stock fed CA which can bring 4 Ph-1's to bear directly aft.

at range 10 you fire.  The enemy move 5, your plasma moves around 8 (at a speed of 32) and now will only cause 15 points each if they hit.. Bangers lad, were gonna hurt 'em..  The fed though wily dog that he is, is accelerating..he's now at speed 25...the plasma is now range 3 from the target.

The range opens to the fed, he now moves another 7.25  forward, your plasma moves 9 forward and disapates into nothingness befor they hit because the plasma has exceeded it maximum range of 15.  You just wasted 2 Plasma F shots, the Fed makes a High Energy Turn (HET) und unloads 4 photons and 6 Ph-1 into your forward shield... Unless you have some other plasma launchers, or the 2 plasma's were psudo (fake) plasma your in a serious world of hurt!.
Notice he never fired his rear firing Ph-1's at the plasma.. he didn't need to because he knew he could out run the plasma even though he wasn't at full speed! (phaser fire on plasma reduces the final damage by 1 point for every 2 points of phaser damage the plasma takes).  Learning time and distance and the concept of TOT (time on Target) is going to be of critical importance to using plasma correctly.  You'll have to learn to fly defensivly untill your target of choce eases it's self into your high damage brackets for your plasma.  Remeber to snipe with your quite nice Phaser-1 suites of which late era Romulan ships and the Klingon to rom conversion ships have a great many of with excellent firing arks.  If your in tight and nasty and needing a little extra power consider charging you plasma to a smaller torp size.  Of even using the defensive setting initially.  (1 plasma S launcher in defensive mode will pop 3 plasma F's out..but it does take more energy to arm them this way.  typical Rom heavy mounts 2 Pl-F, and 2 Pl-S.. plasm F take less energy to arm..if you downmark the plasma S's to F you;ll free up about 6 points of much needed energy when your at typical knife fighting range..(under range 10)  you give up the heavier Pl-S punch for energy and slightly faster arming Pl-F warheads.  Note Plasma F launcher have ) energy as a torp holding cost but Plasma S;s down grudged to F;s do require just under 2 points per launcher to hold.. So dont hold 'em!

You SOS folk couldn't have picked a harder race to learn with!  

If many of you bought the "discount" jewel case version of SFC-2 like I suspect you did, the game manual is in PDF format of the game disk, along with a very handy card that lists the games hot keys and has a set of weapons damage tables.. Read everything you can in the manual about EW, and tactics.  It'll help you all a great deal.

Good luck to you all, and see you in the D2!

Khemaraa Iron Hand
Klingon Black Fleet
69th special operations fleet the "Black Mist"
Proud Member of the Taldren Outer Beta test circle since 2000.


Marcus Smythe

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Re: How many people will play DOE?
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2003, 05:12:27 am »
If anyone wants to learn  the anchient, dark art of flying Hydran..

Just ask Myself, Max Power, Hobbes, or any of the old-school Hydran players.  Wed be glad to show you the ropes of the most complex, but most rewarding, race in the game.