Atra, I just noticved this ship, and it loks pretty good. But, it still neds a bit of modeling done. I know you took the model from BOTF, but I don't think they ever got a good look at it.
Here's a fact file side view, from EAS.
Apparently, from what I can see, they stuck on and modifited the top half of a Ferengi shuttlepod. Again, the next image is from EAS.
As for the other "missing" bits, I can't say until somebody gets some screenies from "Unification." I'm gonna have to search DITL to see if Graham has any.
EDIT: I knew it, Graham is a GOD.

Anyway, here's his screencaps.
Well, it seems that you'll just have to add a few extra parts to the front and back. Sorry if I insulted you, seeing as it still pretty close.