Thanks for responding anyways.

I was debating whether or not to delete my thread as it seems no one wished to do more than post political bicking threads. So lets talk about some of your ideas.
The best way to create a believable "specnology" is to acquaint one's self with science -even if just popularizations rather than in dept texts and to read sci'fi authors. BTW the gravity drive is not that far fetched. Podlekov's experiments are being redone for duplication purposes by NASA. There are cosmological theories that require a large scale antigravity force in the universe to explain it's behavior. And thats a whole discusion on it's own. Still, lets take one of your terms and toss it around to see if something can be made from it. Sort of the way a photon torpedo is called that instead of antimatter/ matter anhilation torpedo.
Neutrons are only stable inside a nucleus. Outside a nucleus they have a half life of 10 minutes whereupon they decay into other particles. how much energy does it take to remove nuetrons from a nucleus? isn't that called fission? if so what produces more energy the fission or the neutron decay? Is neutron decay what you had in mind in the term neutron diffusion? Diffusion, of course means the dispersal of something by random collision or kinetic activity inherent in the something or the medium. Which would imply neutrons dispercing from a state of higher density to one of lowwer density. That alone would not produce energy that could be used for propulsion or anything else. Now if you look for a chaotic system far from equilibrium involving nuetrons in some way then you might be able to get some energy by spontaneous self organisation or a temporary reversal ofthe thermodynamic entropy. (in a localized area.)
But there are other particles better suited to use in such a scheme as neutrons are hard to control being nuetral they cannot be guided by the things that make electrons and protons easy to manipulate. If you called it proton difusion and found a way to cause them to decay at a much faster rate than thier incredible theoretical half life then you might have something.
If you went with the chaotic entropy violation your generator would more correctly be called a rectifier or valve or diode. it could be prefaced with whatever particles were harvested for energy production E.G: "Pion diffusion diode" or virtual particle collector diode stack. The thing could be positied to mine the quantum foam for virtual electrons and trappingthem bewfore they can fade back into non existance. It would theoretically have infinite energy available for production.
IRL though such harvesting schemas uses the casimir effect to extract tiny virtually useless amounts of energy from the vacuum with tremendous effort to do even that. if the even succeeded in the first place.