Here's the Article.
News by: SyrielPosted: 03/29/04
Microsoft officially confirmed the rumored Xbox price drop this morning in a press release. The new prices go into effect March 30th. Gamers in the U.S. will be able to purchase a system for $149.99 U.S. while those in Canada will find systems available for $199.99 CDN. The price will also drop in Mexico, where the system will retail for $1,999 pesos.
"We have always been committed to providing gamers with the best entertainment experience available," said Mitch Koch, corporate vice president of Microsoft worldwide retail sales. "At this lower mass market price point, we're opening up this great system to an even broader audience of people who can experience Xbox for the first time."
In addition to the system price drop, Microsoft also announced that Project Gotham Racing 2, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge and Counter Strike will be available starting tomorrow for $29.99 while the Xbox Music Mixer will retail for $19.99. Voodoo Vince and Grabbed by the Ghoulies are available for $19.99 starting today.
Now look at the link and see who's buying an X-box.
