Im runing a Windows XP on a P4 2.8Ghz with 512K ram, and a 128meg ATI video card (Direct X 9). Normal softwares loaded at executable time are Zone Alarm Pro and possibly an IE browser or two. I have shut down most background services as possible.
Now when I click on the OP icon, I get the movie, which I then ESC from. After that I get the "loading" splash screen. Before the OP+ pack this took at least 45 sec to a minute to load. Now after the OP+ pack it takes from 1 to 1.5 minutes. Once it loads, everything runs normal. No crashes to the desktop, no graphics issues, nothing. Runs like a champ.
Am I just forgetting how games used to load in the old days? Is it because the age of the software? Does anyone else have this issue? Are there any known fixes or tweaks?
Irish Klingon.