Topic: Strategy and Tactics  (Read 7917 times)

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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2004, 09:44:33 am »
Hmmm.. well that does seem to be the name of your guild! Unforunate indeed! I guess thats an extra pain stick in there.*grin*.

 Just out of curiousity, I do know that in Startrek History the Black fleet was the Klingon's idea of the afterlife.  This was origonaly created through an Old Series book, The Final Reflection by John Ford. When a Klingon dies an honourable death, they are believed to go on to serve in the Black Fleet, where they fight a continous battle against their most worthy foes. So thats where my Blashemous comment came from. Im not sure there was ever a REAL Klingon fleet called the black fleet in any of the Old Series movies, books, or TV show? Im not expert on Klingon History or culture. I cant find anything about it in the few Klingon books I dregged out of the attic.

Irish Klingon

One thing I did find out about on is this.

Klingon Tea Ceremony
This is a ceremony to test one's bravery. In this ritual, two friends share poisoned tea served on a tray decorated with simple flowers. This ceremony gives the friends a chance to share each other's mortality and to remind them that death is an experience best shared - like the tea.

And I thought the pain stick was bad!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by IrishKlingon »


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2004, 09:49:24 am »

Oh, and Age Im confused.

In one reply ot this post, you say your on this Klingon Guild council. On the second hand you said "Well as the saying goes if you can not beat them join them. The Federation will prevail and there is no life like it. "

What am I missing here?

Irish Klingon.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2004, 12:48:06 pm »

The Black Fleet is not a mortal fleet to join, but rather they great spirit fleet that lies beyond the "All seeing stars". Though you are right about fighting valorious battles. Given any ship, from a E7 to a C7 to a B10, I will fight in a way to make my ancestors proud. Then, in death, perhaps I wll be given a place within the great Black Fleet.

If you have a mortal fleet that carries the same name, I would find this near blasphemous!

Irish Klingon.

When you take that K-E4K out to destroy or capture.I want you to do it agianst someone in the Federation
         Protection Fleet I prefer it to be Wander or Tracey G.I want to hear all about this before you get excepted
         is the Klingon Black Fleet.I want a witness from both sides to see if you done as asked to join the KBF.If
         you fail in this you will be just a regular in the Klingon Defence Force and try agian in a years time ot 2.
         This what it will take for you to join the Klingon Black Fleet.Those are your orders if you do not want to do
         this you can always join the Klingon Defence Force for now.Quapla if you decide to do this.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2004, 01:00:26 pm »

Oh, and Age Im confused.

In one reply ot this post, you say your on this Klingon Guild council. On the second hand you said "Well as the saying goes if you can not beat them join them. The Federation will prevail and there is no life like it. "

What am I missing here?

Irish Klingon.  

I siad the High Coucil not Guild as to your secound sentence it Depends on what Alter ego I am
                         in.These are the two Empires I play the best at you see now.Iguess you onley have one
                         unfortuneate.What if you where drafted in to play on the side that reflecks that of the
                         Alliance you have to play on both sides of the fence you see what I mean.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2004, 04:34:03 pm »
Now I understand the confusion here! When I said:


Just trying to earn my place in Death within the Black Fleet.
Irish Klingon.  

I was just playing around talking all Klingon-like. Based off of my knowledge of the Klingon storyline. You thought I was asking to join in your guild. Oops! Well.. Im not. No offense or anything, but Im just back into SFC, and am playing for the fun of it. I have a family, a intense corporate job, and prior commitments to the local orchestra and with my golf game. So I dont think  I have the time comittment (or talent) to join a guild right now.

Thanks anyway!

Irish Klingon.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2004, 07:08:20 pm »

Now I understand the confusion here! When I said:


Just trying to earn my place in Death within the Black Fleet.
Irish Klingon.  

I was just playing around talking all Klingon-like. Based off of my knowledge of the Klingon storyline. You thought I was asking to join in your guild. Oops! Well.. Im not. No offense or anything, but Im just back into SFC, and am playing for the fun of it. I have a family, a intense corporate job, and prior commitments to the local orchestra and with my golf game. So I dont think  I have the time comittment (or talent) to join a guild right now.

Thanks anyway!

Irish Klingon.  

I  Said HIGH COUNCIL not guild if you want to earn your place in Black Fleet I seggest you get
                        it right.I would think everyone else has committments of there own aswell not just you.Please
                        respect this.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2004, 07:33:15 pm »
Klingon Black Fleet...KBF....

AKA the home fleet in Federation and Empire

Age is not afilliated with Klingon Black Fleet...

Thus all the KBF sigs....oh and Irish....your schedual is about par for most of our fleet.....we are elite because of the way we fight....not they way we act...

If you need a hand getting back up to speed on what servers are active what files you need...etc...just ask....


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2004, 02:04:02 am »
   I am too I am Koras and he has to learn it through the Honourable way Like I told him to enough said now go on Patrol
   Now Crimmy.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2004, 08:20:46 am »

   I am too I am Koras and he has to learn it through the Honourable way Like I told him to enough said now go on Patrol
   Now Crimmy.  

Sorry, no Koras in the Black Fleet.

Nothing like coming in an ticking off one of the last and largest fleets remaining in the Empire.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2004, 10:15:40 am »


   I am too I am Koras and he has to learn it through the Honourable way Like I told him to enough said now go on Patrol
   Now Crimmy.  

Sorry, no Koras in the Black Fleet.

Nothing like coming in an ticking off one of the last and largest fleets remaining in the Empire.    

Yea I am I am sitting monitoring you as Koras  
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 10:26:33 am by Age »


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2004, 08:18:31 pm »
Better dead then Fed. Shoot me an email, I may still have some old SFC tactic sheet laying around.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2004, 02:02:46 am »

Better dead then Fed. Shoot me an email, I may still have some old SFC tactic sheet laying around.  

Not untill he does what I told him what to do.  


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2004, 11:44:46 am »

Better dead then Fed.  . .

That can be arranged    


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2004, 06:34:16 pm »
30 posts in a stratgey thread. Look its real simple. Close and hose.  


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Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2004, 08:39:34 am »

Hey all,

While you are all veterans at this, Im scrounging the back of my brain to try and remember all of my SFB tactics from back in 89 and 90. The interveining 14 years have not been kind to my memory.

I normally play either Klingon or Romulan, because i like the cultures. However I do remember now some of my frustration with SFB. Now I know my Klingon fire arcs, and I know to keep in the 15-9 range. (question. Is 15.01-15.99 still considered 15 in SFC for ranges?). I know the strengths of my disruptors and how they fire twice as often as photons. I spend a lot of time running out in the 15 range, and doing the lazy "s" of the Saberdance. Both with Klingon and Romulan. I never lay up on fire, tring to have a voley every few seconds of something, in order to keep the enemy shields from regenerating. I use my ECM to try and get a shift, as long as I can keep my movement around 24.

It gets frustrating however, if you make *one* tactical error, and close at the wrong time, you get beaten down to the point of near non recovery.

So by picking these races I have allways felt as the "chased" not the "chaser", and often or not, more like the victim not the agressor. I know Im doing something right by having my opponent say "just CLOSE allready".

My quesion is, perhaps there is a different race I can try that is mostly agressive just to get the feel of it. I hate walking away from my honor filled Klingons, but I might want to try a different helm, just to shake things up a bit.

Irish Klingon.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2004, 08:44:48 am »
15.99 is just like 15.00

Try Lyran; very much like Klingon but with an up close and personal set of claws.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2004, 09:55:34 am »
Lyran and Hydran both are nasty up close. Both are difficult to learn but worth the effort.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2004, 10:39:59 am »

Lyran and Hydran both are nasty up close. Both are difficult to learn but worth the effort.  

Yes, but I'm sure he'll want to stay on the good guys side.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2004, 01:30:06 pm »
That's Freekin Good Guys.


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Re: Strategy and Tactics
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2004, 01:39:37 pm »

Well if I can get in on this next campaign, I will commit to be either a Klingon, or one of their allies (like the Lyrans). I cant seem to pull myself out of the "All Federation Scum must die" mode. It comes from years of having "Federation Only" opponents in SFB. I just cant bring myself to pilot a federation ship. If I ever get really sad for a photon / phaser loadout, at least there is a Klingon varraint that has it.
