The mission is called Reclamation, IIRC. I was playing OP with the EAW campaign pack, and playing with my favorite group again, the Mirak. I got to the mission where you're supposed to rescue a Mirak General from some renegade Mirak and I can't remember how I beat that mission the first time around. I tried to search for info on the mission, but I couldn't find any posts about it when I searched, assuming I remember the name of the mission correctly.
As for what I tried in the mission, I put the science team on the Listening Post and got the security code to approach the station, but I can't get the station to lower its shields and let me beam anyone/anything onto or off of it. Is there another code to get? Should I have waited longer at the listening post to get more info? Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'm going to keep trying to beat the mission on my own.