Hey all,
While you are all veterans at this, Im scrounging the back of my brain to try and remember all of my SFB tactics from back in 89 and 90. The interveining 14 years have not been kind to my memory.
I normally play either Klingon or Romulan, because i like the cultures. However I do remember now some of my frustration with SFB. Now I know my Klingon fire arcs, and I know to keep in the 15-9 range. (question. Is 15.01-15.99 still considered 15 in SFC for ranges?). I know the strengths of my disruptors and how they fire twice as often as photons. I spend a lot of time running out in the 15 range, and doing the lazy "s" of the Saberdance. Both with Klingon and Romulan. I never lay up on fire, tring to have a voley every few seconds of something, in order to keep the enemy shields from regenerating. I use my ECM to try and get a shift, as long as I can keep my movement around 24.
It gets frustrating however, if you make *one* tactical error, and close at the wrong time, you get beaten down to the point of near non recovery.
So by picking these races I have allways felt as the "chased" not the "chaser", and often or not, more like the victim not the agressor. I know Im doing something right by having my opponent say "just CLOSE allready".
My quesion is, perhaps there is a different race I can try that is mostly agressive just to get the feel of it. I hate walking away from my honor filled Klingons, but I might want to try a different helm, just to shake things up a bit.
Irish Klingon.