Topic: my life sucks... :confused:  (Read 5666 times)

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my life sucks... :confused:
« on: March 24, 2004, 01:33:18 am »
My pseudo- "Broadband" Connection gets Blown down by a wind storm. And I am stuck on sucky dial-up.

And "Sacred" is delayed until my Day to return to work. After a mini-vacation.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 10:28:21 am »
I just looked at the first link, and something caught my eye. The 2d landscape with 3d characters. In alot of ways, I still like this. ToEE did this, and I thought It worked wonderfully for the game.

I may have to check that one out. Right now, I'm counting my Penny's for UT2004, and Battlefield Vietnam. This of course, after I finish an older game. Warlords Battlecry.

But that Sacred looks like a good game.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 05:14:06 pm »
Level 17 Arch-mage playing on "Hard".

Warlord Battlecry II.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 05:47:02 pm »
Dang that's good. I just got It this weekend from My step-son. I traded Max Payne for It for awhile. however, even Patched up to 1.04 Beta, It keeps dropping to the desktop on my XP system. all drivers up to date, etc. It's just frustrating, as It usually happens right after I spend my Currency on extra Army points. Hehe, I think I've lost as many as the various Countries give me in tribute.

oh well, it's still fun. I'll give the ironman etc. levels a try later. after I fix the Dropping.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 09:15:28 pm »
Dang that's good.

Not really. Tried extreme. Can't win one Battle after a few wins. With hard, I usually win about half the time. (Fanatical resistance. Beats me every time.)

On Xp home edition BC2 usually loses sound after a few battles. And a occasional drop to desktop.

I usually play at "Bronze" level.  To old to play Ironman. Lost my Twitch finger after Collage. And I now usually now fall asleep as opposed to Adrenalin mode. Tried "Halo" and my wife's 14 year old sister kicked my butt. And she never played "halo" before.    


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2004, 09:30:05 pm »

Dang that's good.

Not really. Tried extreme. Can't win one Battle after a few wins. With hard, I usually win about half the time. (Fanatical resistance. Beats me every time.)

On Xp home edition BC2 usually loses sound after a few battles. And a occasional drop to desktop.

I usually play at "Bronze" level.  To old to play Ironman. Lost my Twitch finger after Collage. And I now usually now fall asleep as opposed to Adrenalin mode. Tried "Halo" and my wife's 14 year old sister kicked my butt. And she never played "halo" before.    

Dang, I just finally got through Unreal 2: awakening the other day, The first time I tried It, I stopped looking at a certain crew members Graphics, went on the first Mission and Boom.

Ok, I thought, It was Probably the Hand of Bethke Left over somewhere on my system.

went back tried again. BOOM BOOM!.

It took me forever to figure out how to move on those games. at least with Max pain, I could go into bullet time, and single out individual Head shots with my mouse Before they hurt me too bad.

sorry to have kinda Hijacked this thread BTW. that Game Sacred looks pretty cool all in all.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2004, 09:22:37 pm »
The last game I was good at. (Twitch game wise.) Is Doom2 when I was in Collage. (10 years ago.) I would be lucky to last 5 minutes in Unreal 2.

With SFC3 I could at least slow the game to 5.

Back on subject. Sacrad arrived yesterday. Had to wait 12 hours due to work\kids\wife before playing.

It reminds me a lot of devine divinity. (Ecept Huge) (another Euro"peon" Game)

For American Gamers. Its like Diablo 2. except 10X Bigger. (explored 2% of the world in 4 hours. Enough time to beat "Andarial.") It consists of Assasian like Combo's on all characters. THe "basic" boring skills are skill tabbed like Diablo 2 with level restrictions.  (Sword mastery, Agility mastery, etc.)And the other more "fun" skill have to be found or traded for. Like the spells of Diablo 1.

It has about 250 missions. (which either you can be lead through. Or ignore the map and "seek" the solution.)

The Graphics are better then Diablo 2 but worse then Baldur gate 2 (smaller budget. They focused more on "stuff" then graphics.)

It uses the power item gaming system of "Diablo 2" Sets, uniques, item specific items. the 6 "Hero choices" show every item addition. like NWN. Along with runes "books" that can be traded to increase the "fun" skills.

The Gladiator I am playing now is a direct rip off of the original "conan" movie. And the EU actor can't seem to figure out if  he wants to be a klingon or "Arnold". So he mixes both with obvious Comic relief.

Exp. Starting dialogue. "today is a good day to die"; "Come back here, I won't kill you, Ha I lied." Lobs goblins head off.

Some skills I have tried so far.

"fist of the Gods"  Slowly raises "glowing" trembling fist, last about 2-3 seconds, Goblins swiping at hero, While he raises fist, Then "Boom". The hero punches once and Goblins fly everywhere. Multi-hit and Goblins fly and die half way across the screen. (LMAO first time and fell off my chair)

ala Exploding kick "puch" that sends fallen corpses in all directions.

"hard hit" Jumps and swipes weapon down on impact. (Like Barb skill)

"back-breaker" simulated wrestle move of lifting "victim" over head, jump with Victims back on shoulders, then does a back breaker when landing before throwing victim. Victim stays dazed on ground 3 seconds.

"attack" Multi-hit of "Arnold" acting like a "stooge". sword swipe, elbow, finger poke, knee.

And instead of killer cows or killer Chickens it has killer Rabbits.

Nei. Nei. Nei.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2004, 09:29:01 pm »
Check out Darkfall Online. I'm Lysandor on the forums. Beta hasn't started yet.

From what I have been able to tell about it, it will be a major step in the right direction for MMORPGs, it isn't going to be a level treadmill, there will be no nonPvP zones, it will have 6 races to play, you can do everything from play a pirate to playing a king to being a peaceful merchant...

Anyhow, it will have a lot of twitch elements, but from what I can figure you won't have to be a die hard Twitcher to compete (I'm hardly a diehard Twitcher, I'm lucky to keep a 3:1 kpd )...


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2004, 10:35:52 pm »
I had to put my game playing on hold when my desktop moltherboard blew out on me yesterday. I'm on my laptop now but it doesn't have the umph to play games on these days. So, I can definitely relate to the "life sucks" emotion.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2004, 12:37:26 am »

I had to put my game playing on hold when my desktop moltherboard blew out on me yesterday. I'm on my laptop now but it doesn't have the umph to play games on these days. So, I can definitely relate to the "life sucks" emotion.


I still have that second mother board that I bought when you was Down Blyre. I believe It's just a 1.1 Ghz, amd, But If you could ue It to replace what you had...



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2004, 01:37:57 pm »


I had to put my game playing on hold when my desktop moltherboard blew out on me yesterday. I'm on my laptop now but it doesn't have the umph to play games on these days. So, I can definitely relate to the "life sucks" emotion.


I still have that second mother board that I bought when you was Down Blyre. I believe It's just a 1.1 Ghz, amd, But If you could ue It to replace what you had...


That would be excellent, Stephen, thank you.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2004, 03:04:13 pm »
I looked at the Darkfall website, And thought the ideas were interested.

So they are going to take a wild west approach and introduce "Clans". Of Course, thier defintion of Clans is by "Assocaition ie a City Dweller" not Family. Like the True historical clans of Scotland, Scandanavian, and German tribes. So they twist the Renaissance's City state structure minus the Feudalism.  And ignore that true Europe had no "frontiers". (Except the "New worlds".)

So you mix City states with "Vast" areas of Unexplored country. Which needs trailblazed. Nothing Revolutionary there. Just typical D&D "Fantasy". Not that its a bad thing. I just fail to see what makes this any different then MMORPG like "lineage".

PVP is ok it seems. No "nonpvp zones".  It never fails to amaze me. That the majority of MMORPG are PK's. And if true Society was based on them then Society would be dead thousands of years ago. But being "Evil" is fun .  

Society for exp. in the 18th Century had "laws" that allowed the practice of "fueds" while limiting thier destructive Nature.


A gun Dual was legal if Both parties were armed, had friends participating and Both parties were in agreement to the rules of "Warfare".  exp Each party steps away from each other. Usually 20-40ft then turn and shoot at each other. The Dual ends with either party "giving" up or loss of function. Unconsciousness or death.

If the laws were not followed then the Participant was hanged or shot.

In a  MMORPG a model would be a "safe zone" for Pk's and outright presecution of the unlawfull. Except in open warfare.
I am rambling agian.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2004, 04:45:51 pm »
Lineage blows, level treadmillibnf AD&D clones aren't fun, I can't stand a game that exists to bore you with monsters that are only challenging because they have inflated stats...

The new DFO site should be up soon, so much more current info will be available, there is no other MMORPG I'm looking forward to  


  • Guest
my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2004, 01:33:18 am »
My pseudo- "Broadband" Connection gets Blown down by a wind storm. And I am stuck on sucky dial-up.

And "Sacred" is delayed until my Day to return to work. After a mini-vacation.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2004, 10:28:21 am »
I just looked at the first link, and something caught my eye. The 2d landscape with 3d characters. In alot of ways, I still like this. ToEE did this, and I thought It worked wonderfully for the game.

I may have to check that one out. Right now, I'm counting my Penny's for UT2004, and Battlefield Vietnam. This of course, after I finish an older game. Warlords Battlecry.

But that Sacred looks like a good game.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2004, 05:14:06 pm »
Level 17 Arch-mage playing on "Hard".

Warlord Battlecry II.  


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2004, 05:47:02 pm »
Dang that's good. I just got It this weekend from My step-son. I traded Max Payne for It for awhile. however, even Patched up to 1.04 Beta, It keeps dropping to the desktop on my XP system. all drivers up to date, etc. It's just frustrating, as It usually happens right after I spend my Currency on extra Army points. Hehe, I think I've lost as many as the various Countries give me in tribute.

oh well, it's still fun. I'll give the ironman etc. levels a try later. after I fix the Dropping.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2004, 09:15:28 pm »
Dang that's good.

Not really. Tried extreme. Can't win one Battle after a few wins. With hard, I usually win about half the time. (Fanatical resistance. Beats me every time.)

On Xp home edition BC2 usually loses sound after a few battles. And a occasional drop to desktop.

I usually play at "Bronze" level.  To old to play Ironman. Lost my Twitch finger after Collage. And I now usually now fall asleep as opposed to Adrenalin mode. Tried "Halo" and my wife's 14 year old sister kicked my butt. And she never played "halo" before.    


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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2004, 09:30:05 pm »

Dang that's good.

Not really. Tried extreme. Can't win one Battle after a few wins. With hard, I usually win about half the time. (Fanatical resistance. Beats me every time.)

On Xp home edition BC2 usually loses sound after a few battles. And a occasional drop to desktop.

I usually play at "Bronze" level.  To old to play Ironman. Lost my Twitch finger after Collage. And I now usually now fall asleep as opposed to Adrenalin mode. Tried "Halo" and my wife's 14 year old sister kicked my butt. And she never played "halo" before.    

Dang, I just finally got through Unreal 2: awakening the other day, The first time I tried It, I stopped looking at a certain crew members Graphics, went on the first Mission and Boom.

Ok, I thought, It was Probably the Hand of Bethke Left over somewhere on my system.

went back tried again. BOOM BOOM!.

It took me forever to figure out how to move on those games. at least with Max pain, I could go into bullet time, and single out individual Head shots with my mouse Before they hurt me too bad.

sorry to have kinda Hijacked this thread BTW. that Game Sacred looks pretty cool all in all.



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Re: my life sucks... :confused:
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2004, 09:22:37 pm »
The last game I was good at. (Twitch game wise.) Is Doom2 when I was in Collage. (10 years ago.) I would be lucky to last 5 minutes in Unreal 2.

With SFC3 I could at least slow the game to 5.

Back on subject. Sacrad arrived yesterday. Had to wait 12 hours due to work\kids\wife before playing.

It reminds me a lot of devine divinity. (Ecept Huge) (another Euro"peon" Game)

For American Gamers. Its like Diablo 2. except 10X Bigger. (explored 2% of the world in 4 hours. Enough time to beat "Andarial.") It consists of Assasian like Combo's on all characters. THe "basic" boring skills are skill tabbed like Diablo 2 with level restrictions.  (Sword mastery, Agility mastery, etc.)And the other more "fun" skill have to be found or traded for. Like the spells of Diablo 1.

It has about 250 missions. (which either you can be lead through. Or ignore the map and "seek" the solution.)

The Graphics are better then Diablo 2 but worse then Baldur gate 2 (smaller budget. They focused more on "stuff" then graphics.)

It uses the power item gaming system of "Diablo 2" Sets, uniques, item specific items. the 6 "Hero choices" show every item addition. like NWN. Along with runes "books" that can be traded to increase the "fun" skills.

The Gladiator I am playing now is a direct rip off of the original "conan" movie. And the EU actor can't seem to figure out if  he wants to be a klingon or "Arnold". So he mixes both with obvious Comic relief.

Exp. Starting dialogue. "today is a good day to die"; "Come back here, I won't kill you, Ha I lied." Lobs goblins head off.

Some skills I have tried so far.

"fist of the Gods"  Slowly raises "glowing" trembling fist, last about 2-3 seconds, Goblins swiping at hero, While he raises fist, Then "Boom". The hero punches once and Goblins fly everywhere. Multi-hit and Goblins fly and die half way across the screen. (LMAO first time and fell off my chair)

ala Exploding kick "puch" that sends fallen corpses in all directions.

"hard hit" Jumps and swipes weapon down on impact. (Like Barb skill)

"back-breaker" simulated wrestle move of lifting "victim" over head, jump with Victims back on shoulders, then does a back breaker when landing before throwing victim. Victim stays dazed on ground 3 seconds.

"attack" Multi-hit of "Arnold" acting like a "stooge". sword swipe, elbow, finger poke, knee.

And instead of killer cows or killer Chickens it has killer Rabbits.

Nei. Nei. Nei.