Topic: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?  (Read 4952 times)

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Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« on: March 23, 2004, 11:52:36 pm »
Doesn't this seem odd to anyone else?  I mean Races with Navys, always name there ships and have markings,  as a display of pride and partly so you can identify with it on extended voyages. If I released my TOS Rommies with registries in Romulan Font, would that be considered blasphemy?


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2004, 02:48:16 am »

Doesn't this seem odd to anyone else?  I mean Races with Navys, always name there ships and have markings,  as a display of pride and partly so you can identify with it on extended voyages. If I released my TOS Rommies with registries in Romulan Font, would that be considered blasphemy?  

Absolutely not sir ( As MP grabs the rope and looks for a tree )  
But that does pose an interesting question.There must be some markings that we are unaware of because it's obvious the Romulans can tell their ships apart.  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2004, 06:03:24 am »
Ummm... Some Rom ships dont have windows... Especially in their bridge. Its done electronically. Musical notes and such...

OH WAIT!~ I totally forgot. They use periscopes. Sorry...


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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2004, 06:08:01 am »
nice sig.


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2004, 02:25:35 pm »
The Romulans probably don't put markings on their ships to hide their numbers

Everyone knows that at all times part of the Romulan navy is cloaked and with Romulan ships lacking identifing marks noone knows how many Romulan ship are cloaked at any given time


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2004, 02:31:15 pm »

  It is camoflaged.  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2004, 03:27:34 pm »

The Romulans probably don't put markings on their ships to hide their numbers

Everyone knows that at all times part of the Romulan navy is cloaked and with Romulan ships lacking identifing marks noone knows how many Romulan ship are cloaked at any given time  

Yes, and I don´t believe a registry is the main form of ship identification with all that technology.
I picture Worf saying: "Sorry Captain, I don´t know who is attaking us, there is space dust all over the registry."  
Anyway, Ship registries in Fed ships looks cool.  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2004, 03:46:09 pm »
There is another possibility...many Rommie ships have distinctive markings on their hulls which aid in identifying them from other rommies...Like the FASA Bright One which individual ships had distinctive paint jobs.

Semper Fi, Carry On

Captain Pierce

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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2004, 05:58:13 pm »
In Diane Duane's "My Enemy, My Ally," (which, IMHO, is still the master work on Romulan society, even if the TNG writing staff ignored the parts of it that Ron Moore didn't lift for the Klingons ) Romulan ships have names and registries (ChR 63, Bloodwing, for example), but they seem to only exist in a broadcast form.  Which, technically, does make more sense in space--after all, how often are you going to be close enough to another ship to look out a window and read its registry?    This also  goes along with Ms. Duane's take on Romulan society, where (as a people who speak a constructed language) they are somewhat preoccupied with names and their meaning, and are somewhat circumspect about giving their names to strangers and enemies.


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2004, 06:51:10 pm »
I still reckon it has more to do with bugetary restrictions... It would cost too much to have to repaint the models every time they were to be used in the series...



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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2004, 06:54:19 pm »
I have figured out how it's done.They have those alarm boxes on their keychains,they press the button and whichever ships lights blink on and off they know it's theres  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2004, 11:04:24 pm »
well, I heard of something in the movies and TV shows, always real brief, but something having to do with...
you know, they broadcast their registry number.... like Uhuru or Worf saying something about a 'transponder frequency' or 'transponder code'.... could that be a way? What are those, if not?  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2004, 11:15:00 pm »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even old Earth navies didn't always have a number associated with a ship, for example the Nazi ships like the Bismarck and the Prinz Eugen, so just a name was apparently sufficient. So although Rom ships may not have associated numbers they apparently do have names, and I agree that they're in some kind of broadcast form rather than painted on the hull.........the only time you can make out that they had some kind of ID painted on the hull is in "The Enterprise Incident" when you can see the underside of the rom-ized D-7.......but then again that was Klingon writing!

However, the problem with the TOS Rom ships is that we never saw in detail the top of any Rom ship.....neither the Bird of Prey or the Rom-ized D-7.....we knew on the bottom at least the BOP had that fabulous bird marking, but as for what was on the top it's anybody's guess because it was never clearly displayed up close. It might interest people to know that the TOP of the D-7 was never shown in any FX shot in TOS, at least up close. BOTTOM shots a-plenty, but nairy a top shot.

So if TOS Rom ships had name registries I'd guess they had to be on the top somewhere.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2004, 12:48:33 am »
Well, I don't know about registry numbers, but here is the Rommie shipnames list straight from ADB...


All preceded by RIS (Romulan Imperial Ship).

KING CONDOR: Imperiosus (never built).
CONDOR: Imperator, Senator, Gemini, Consul.
CONDOR-V: Colossus, Leviathan.
KILLERHAWK: Ravager, Rampager.
THUNDERHAWK: Thunderbird, Thunderstrike, Thunderbolt.
ROYALHAWK: Marcus Tacitus, Imperator Maximus.
NOVAHAWK: Nova Hawk, Imperial Hawk, Loyal Hawk.
SUPERHAWK: Praetor Solfronk, Praetor Zajac, Praetor Tacitus, Praetor Carungay.
SUPERHAWK-B CARRIER: Imperial Standard.
SUPERHAWK-N: Stellar Strike, Stellar Flare.
FIREHAWK: Praetor MaximusÝ, Praetor Karzan, Starhawk, Allegiance, Coalition, Praetor Rolandus.
FLAMEHAWK: Screaming Spirit.
SPARROWHAWK: Adversary, Avenger, Defiance, Fearless, Formidable, Furious, Havoc, Harrower, Loyal Warrior, Triumph, White Hawk.
SPARROWHAWK-B: Relentless, Intrepid.
SPARROWHAWK-C: Owl, Vigilant, Hunter, Torch, Seeker, Searcher, Mercury, Argus.
SPARROWHAWK-F MAULERS: Bloody Dagger, Wet Sword, Assassin?s Knife.
SPARROWHAWK?J CRUISERS: Maximus Brutus, Executioner?s Song.
SPARROWHAWK?Ms: Eternal Guardian, Guarding Eagle, Dark Angel.
SPARROWHAWK?U SCOUT CARRIERS: Glowing Eyes, Flashing Eyes.
SKYHAWK?L: Skydragon, Skyflame, Centurion Rogallus.
SKYHAWK: Arrow, Axe, Battleaxe, Bow, DaggerÝ, Dirk, Falchion, Glaive, GladiusÝ, MaceÝ, Perilous, Poinard, Probe, Sabre, Sling, StilettoÝ, Sword, Truncheon.
SKYHAWK-E Escort: Bastion, Rampart, Keeper, Guardian, Defender, Protector, Tenacious, Obstinate, Adamant, Steadfast.
SKYHAWK?G Commando Ship: Crossbow.
SKYHAWK?F Scout: Horsebow.
SEAHAWKS: Speedy, Trusty, Ready, Loyalty, Bravery, Fervently, Stalwartly.
SEAHAWK?B CARRIERS: Copiously, Kishawk.
SEAHAWK?C SCOUTS: Faithfully, Reliably.

Ý Converted to X-technology.
VULTURE: Honor Bird, Loyal Bird, Victory Bird, Glory Bird.
VULTURE-V CARRIER: Imperial Banner.
KING EAGLE: Audax (Audacious), Audacia (Daring), Gloriosus (Glorious), Sanquinarius (Bloodthirsty), Impavidus (Dauntless), Exidium (Destruction), Incepteris (Enterprise), Carniflex (Executioner), Vindex (Vindicator).
KEX: Noble Warrior, Ancient Hero.
WAR EAGLE (ex-WARBIRD): Acheron, Astra Volantis, Avian Fury, Battle?s Fire, Bird of Pulsar?s Light, Bloodhawk, Challenger, Deathwound, Fate?s Hand, Frenzy, Ghost Bird, Gryfalcon, Honor Wound, Kraken, Master of Combat, New Glory, Night of Fire, Shikra, Skua, Sky Demon, Thundermaker, Triumverate, Two Moons, Urgent Fury, Wildfire.
FREIGHT EAGLE: (Numbered only; no names.)
SCOUT EAGLE: Owl of the Halls, Eagle of Long Eyes, Wary Eagle, Furtive.
WARHAWK/CHICKENHAWK: Talon, Claw, Legion, Cohort.
BATTLEHAWK: Bloodwing, Nightwing, Firewing, Starwing.
BATTLEHAWK?E ESCORTS: Moonwing, Sunwing.
PELICAN: Tenuous, Tentative, Tactile, Tactiturn.
FALCON: Trident, Spear, Javelin.
SNIPE: Corvus (crow), Draco (dragon), Delphinus (dolphin), Ursus (bear), Cetus (whale), Vulpes (fox), Lupus (wolf), Squalus (shark), Aquila (eagle), Aries (ram), Canis (dog), Cygnus (swan), Dorado (swordfish), Eqqus (horse), Grus (crane), Lacerta (lizard), Leonis (lion), Lyncis (lynx), Mono-ceros (unicorn), Orcus (killer whale), Pavo (peacock), Scorpii (scorpion), Tarus (bull), Volantis (flying fish).
SNIPE?E: (Conversions of standard Snipes; kept names.)

K10R: Inseparable (never built).
K9R: Behemoth.
KCR: Avion.
KRC: Subjugator, Conqueror, Victor.
K7R: FinalityÝ, Fortis (Valiant), Ficuda (RelianceÝ).
KR: Senatarian, Praetorian, Patrician, Kestrel, Shrike, Hawk, Annihilation, RetributionÝ, Retaliation, Proconsul.
KRM: Onager, Balista, Trebuchet.
KRT: Aquarius (waterbearer), Camelopardus (giraffe).
KRP/KRE: Endeavor, Explorer.
KDR: Treachery, Deceit, Exchange.
KDA ESCORT: None were converted from KDRs.
K5L: Oathkeeper, Loyal Charge, Loyal Spirit, Word of Honor.
K5R: Centaurii, Rapier, Scimitar, Shillelah, Retiariis, Triumver, Nemesis, Galley, Tribune.
K5S: Questor, Endeavor, Ranger.
K5M: Lucky, Fortuitous, Opportune.
K4R: Firefly, Hornet, Locust, Mantis, Mosquito, Wasp, Black Death, Blue Victory, Red Glory, Fury, Rage, Anger.  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2004, 01:59:31 am »
  You mean a transponder similar to what aircraft today use. Similar to an IFF (identification friend or foe) that we use on our planes, both commercially and military. That would work as long as you/they had the correct interrogation and reply codes.   I am sure that they just don't fly around space broadcasting. Especially cloaked.

  Atra... you are right about the Bismarck not having a registry # painted on the hull like the US ships.
 Bismarck Homepage  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2004, 02:53:59 am »
Pssst ya forgot the Valdore   Actually there are no warbirds listed there.  

Captain Ron

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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2004, 03:45:37 am »

Think about the obvious people!

Why would a race that like like to hide behind a cloaking device want to put names and registries on their hulls. They would want that a secret, just as their location is when they are cloaking. Transponders would work but would only be on if they are not cloaked, and any communication would reveal their position or that they are in the area. One of the things were Romulans would have a problem would be Fleet actions as they would most likily be trained for solo action, because coordination would remove the stealth aspect of their ships.



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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2004, 04:31:02 am »
Romulans can't read.  

Captain Ron

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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2004, 04:32:17 am »

Romulans can't read.  

Ok, that was more Obvious then my thoughts  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2004, 05:55:27 am »
Also, why give numbers to your ships if by reading those numbers the enemy can ascertain the size of your fleet?

However, I suppose one can come up with a number system that is non-systemical so that the enemy can't really tell how many of each type you have....


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2004, 08:01:45 am »
Old earth Navies Didn't need registries because no two ships were alike. Each ship was crafted individually by a master builder. In the late 1700's The U.S. Began standardizing design so that it could build larger numbers without needing the skilled master builder to over see each new design. by the turn of the twentieth century hull registries were needed to identify ships of the American Navy. I think that any visual markings on Romulan ships might act in the same way. Maybe each was done by a master "painter" or something like that... This was mentioned in the thread before. But IFF type devices are more likely the way to ID ships durring encounters in deep space. I was also thingking that they all might have individually tuned warp signitures.

IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2004, 04:13:45 pm »

.the only time you can make out that they had some kind of ID painted on the hull is in "The Enterprise Incident" when you can see the underside of the rom-ized D-7.......but then again that was Klingon writing!

Translation:  Warrenty void if operated above Warp 4.5.  


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Re: Why don't Rommies have ship registries?
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2004, 06:44:11 pm »
Just too add too the discussion about regestries, ISC ships actually used "Exclusively" Hull restries instead of nemes.  All their ships identifications where completely based on hull regestries... their ships actually had no offical names assigned too them, but the crews themselves made up their own names of their ships.  Also, I believe the Klingons only offically named their Small Gun Boats/Police ships by Hull Regestries (they made tons of G-2s' that they would probably run out of names soon).  Also, I thought I heard once that most navies did not name their PFs' (if they built them) with names, just identification numbers or hull regestries (again, lots of PFs' around)

As for the Romulans, I don't see why you couldn't post Regestry Numbers.  Their is nothing in Trek that is against it that I know of (not even in SFB).