Topic: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl  (Read 26871 times)

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Kieran Forester

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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2003, 04:30:14 pm »

  It will be a pleasure to watch your lifepod drift through my gunsights, knowing that you live by my will alone.   Forget rally cries.  The only thing colder than space is the Gorn blood that runs through my veins.  Your fleet will die by fire before my eyes, at my hand.


Never fear, Gwarlock's here.

Rule Ghdaria!

--Kieran the Bruce
« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 04:30:58 pm by Kieran Forester »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2003, 05:06:10 pm »

Well, I certainly thought Skorzeny's post was funny.  I hope we don't have to all start putting RP on or off tags on all our posts.  I never do.  Sort of like I'm not going to do so now.  

SCENE:  Camera pans around, eight Gorn (all wearing surcoats that say "No Pooftas!") and one Romulan walk stealthfully through rocky terrain.

SOS-Cleo:  <continuing>  BUT!  Unless ye be Gorn of valor, then come no further!  For death awaits you with sharp pointy posts!

<The group clears the hilltop, and see SOS-Skorzeny, crouching down and hopping about on all fours.>

GDA-S'CIPIO:  What, behind the Romie?

SOS-Cleo:  It is the Romie!

<All the Gorn sigh disgustedly.  SOS-Skorzeny hears the sighs, and quickly dives for cover behind a rock.>

SOS-Cleo:  That's no ordinary newbie!  He's got teeth......... <gorn look unimpressed>  He can leap about........ <gorn look unimpressed>  Look at the flames, man!

GDA-S'Cipio:  Lads, what shall we use here?

GDA-Casca:  We have the holy rolling pin!

GDA-S'Cipio:  Of course!  The holy rolling pin!  It is one of the artifacts sister KRolling carries with us!  Sister KRolling, may I borrow the holy rolling pin?

<KRolling appears (arm first) from a lake and hands S'Cipio the rolling pin.  S'Cipio smacks SOS-Cleo with the rolling pin>

SOS-Cleo:  Ow!  What was that for?

GDA-S'Cipio:  For getting us all worked up over nothing, you Silly Old Sod-sister.  Right lads, time to kill the wabbit.

GDA-Casca:  I'll feint left about three miles,  then I'll taunt him some more.  Maybe he'll grow so cross as to make a mistake.

GDA-S'Cipio:  Mistake?  Like what?

GDA-Agave:  Maybe if we built this huge wooden badger......

GDA-S'Cipio:  <Smacks Agave with the rolling pin>  Quiet.  And go and change your armor.

GDA-Keltset:  What's he trying to do behind that rock, anyway?

GDA-Kroma:  He fears my mighty member.  I think he is trying to confuse us by running away more.

GDA-Iaidoka:  <looks impatient>  That's just plain silly.  Doc, do you fear Kroma's member?

GDA-Doc:  I fear no member.

GDA-Iaidoka:  Exactly.  No, what this Romie is trying to do is to master the art of Not Being Seen.

<Dramatic pause, as everyone realizes the truth of this tactical insight.>

GDA-S'Cipio:  Right then, we are generous, let us help him learn.  Valcarve, get ready for the kill shot.

GDA-Valcarve:  One Rommie stew, coming right up.

<Valcarve walks up to the front of the rock, and draws his sword.>

GDA-S'Cipio:  <loudly>  In this valley is SOS-Skorzeny.  Mr. Skorzeny is trying very hard Not To Be Seen.  Mr. Skorzeny, would you stand up, please?

SOS-Skorzeny:  <lifts head above rock> eh?

<GDA-Valcarve whacks off Skorzeny's head with his sword.>

GDA-S'Cipio:  <dramatic pause>  Mr. Skorzeny has now learned the first lesson in Not Being Seen.

Thus endeth the lesson.  Cloak all you want.  

-S'Cipio the Tutor


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2003, 05:11:10 pm »
LMAO... LOL Oh how I love RP stories =)


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2003, 05:22:32 pm »

Thus endeth the lesson.  Cloak all you want.  

ROTFLMAO.......was wondering where that was going.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2003, 05:49:08 pm »
Haven't laughed this much in a long time ...

What do you mean no friggin Kzin???


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #85 on: February 26, 2003, 05:56:03 pm »
A tall pale golden Lyran walks into the playground, wondering what all the squawking is about.

"So the KATs and KOTH are joining the lizards, hmmm." He looks at the newcomers and strides over to their leader. A lingering vertical inspection produces a smile from him.

"You have my talents for this war."


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #86 on: February 26, 2003, 05:58:46 pm »
 <burp> Please excuse me.  I just had a newbie for lunch.

  I love the smell of flame threads in the morning.

  I can't wait to see the inevitable.

  'He's cheating!  All he did was go speed 31 and hit me with phaser fire.  My plasma couldn't touch him!'


 'This sucks! I fought for 2 hours in a plasma battle.  He wouldn't let me tractor him.'


 'That thing has 4 PF's with it?


 'You can't use a WW. It's cheating.'


 'Noone told me about an EW shift'


 "J'inn said this would be easy!'


 'You're not playing right.  I'm leaving'

 Ahh, yes.  The joys of flame threads.

 <Gets comfy chair, popcorn, pours snifter of S'Cipio's scotch, and waits for battle>

Commander Emeritus Gorn Dragon Alliance
Ex-Chancellor Gorn Confederation
Defender of the nest
Captain GDA Bloodletter


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #87 on: February 26, 2003, 06:21:59 pm »

I just got this game and was looking in here.  I got SFC3 and found till the patch came out I would try this game, it was hard to find but now since I have mastered SFC3, and SFC2 is a base for SFC3 then SFC2 must be easier to play.  I was told my fleetmates were trying to see where some action is going on.  I find that there are not many servers, and one of them they dont even want u to play on, another u need some download to get the game to work???? Is this right????

Are u guys really this hostile or is this just the way new fleets are treated?  I mean what is smak talk?, how come the ships only go 31 in this game, sheesh that is slow!

Have tried some of the races and from what I base my SFC3 on most of the other races dont have much to offer.  I may try them later but ROMULAN ROCKS !!!!!!

Is there a race that plays more like the borg????  Cant find one.

Some things I would like to ask are...

Drones seem useless at speed 16 ?  what are they good for ?
How come the plazma moves so slow ?
Dizzies, how come the romulans dont have them ?
There are many things on the user interface that dont seem to do much, like the lighting bolt - whats this for?  all the numbers are 5 and the ship works fine  


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #88 on: February 26, 2003, 06:49:51 pm »


I just got this game and was looking in here.  I got SFC3 and found till the patch came out I would try this game, it was hard to find but now since I have mastered SFC3, and SFC2 is a base for SFC3 then SFC2 must be easier to play.  I was told my fleetmates were trying to see where some action is going on.  I find that there are not many servers, and one of them they dont even want u to play on, another u need some download to get the game to work???? Is this right????

Are u guys really this hostile or is this just the way new fleets are treated?  I mean what is smak talk?, how come the ships only go 31 in this game, sheesh that is slow!

Have tried some of the races and from what I base my SFC3 on most of the other races dont have much to offer.  I may try them later but ROMULAN ROCKS !!!!!!

Is there a race that plays more like the borg????  Cant find one.

Some things I would like to ask are...

Drones seem useless at speed 16 ?  what are they good for ?
How come the plazma moves so slow ?
Dizzies, how come the romulans dont have them ?
There are many things on the user interface that dont seem to do much, like the lighting bolt - whats this for?  all the numbers are 5 and the ship works fine    

Oh, boy, where to start?

As far as the servers, yes there are less of them because right now there aren't any big campaigns going on right now. Also the admins try not to overlap too much in order to have the max population available for each server. Some will require special DL's, but that doesn't mean they don't want you on them. Some are testing servers and they only want testers on them. There are a few "Fleet Only" servers, but they are few.

Please forgive some of the people on this thread, they have thick heads and thin skins and they took the original post out of context.

You cannot really compare SFC3 to SFC2. They are alike in name only for the most part. Speed 31 in this game has no relevance to speeds in SFC3, it just happens to be the top speed for this game.

All the races have their strong and weak points in this game. The challenge is to use your strenths while minmizing your weaknesses and take advantage of your opponents weaknesses while avoiding his strenths. Anyone who has mastered their race will give you a good fight.

Nothing really Borg-like in this game, but the ISC are considered the heavy hitters for the most part.

Drones have three speeds in this game depending on the era played: Speed 16 are slow drones and are in early era, Speed 24 are medium drones and are in middle era, Speed 32 are fast drones and are in late era.

Plasma in this game is a seeking weapon, like the drones, not a direct fire weapon like in SFC3. They go speed 36, which is fast to a ship, but degrade over distance. There are 4 types of offensive plasma: R, S, G and F. They get smaller in initial damage in that order and all have their own range limits. D plasma is defensive plasma and is used to kill drones and fighters.

Plasma is the primary heavy weapon of the Romulans in this game. They have no direct fire heavy weapons. They do however get a Nuclear Space Mine that does 35 points (If it goes off on a ship) that no other race gets.

The lightning bolt is the power panel. Those numbers you see set your power priorities. When left at 5, they use the default power priority set up. If you want a particular system or systems to have power priority, you reset them to lower numbers ( from 1 - 5) and they will take power first before higher numbers. If left alone the power priorities are as follows:

1) Tractors (if activated)

2) Engines

3) Phasers

4) Heavy Weapons

5) Electronic warfare (ECM/ECCM)

6) Shield reinforcement

This is of course after what we call "Housekeeping" i.e. the energy to keep your ship on Life Support, raise Shields and power Active Fire Control. This is seen under the "Other" reading, but be warned, that reading reads incorrectly (small bug) higher than it really is.

Hope that helps some.

Oh, one more thing - Cloaking will always be at the highest priority as far as power goes and usually takes about half your power to accomplish (that's original power, so if you have engine damage you may not be able to activate it).

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #89 on: February 26, 2003, 07:03:35 pm »
SOS players.

I would really suggest that u link up with some other players in D2 7.35.  They for the most part are all vets for the race that they fly and have played this game for over 2 yrs online.

There are some servers out there that have a broad loyal following and are quite mature in the game play, player participation and in the server layout and development.

Mature in the context of the detail levels, not the personal ages.  In D2 we have some players 14 or so and others 60+.

Alot of the players love this game because it is based upon an old board game from the late 70's called STAR FLEET BATTLES.

Taldren took this board game and did a damn good job (with lots of patching) to turn it into a combat simulator.

D2 does what D3 does by turning the "galaxy" into a hex map that needs to be conquored by your race or allies.

Much work has been done on ship models, game scripts, maps, race development etc.

Personally I am very proud to say that I have been playing this game since SFC1 came out in fall 99, right up thru SFC2 EAW, SFC2 OP to SFC3.
SFC1 had 6 races and no online universe (mirak and ISC races were not present)
SFC2 EAW added an online universe and the mirak and ISC
SFC2 OP (orion pirates) built up on EAW as a stand alone product that allowed u to play the pirates as a "race" and then added the start of NEXT Generation ships, they are called X ships.
then u have SFC3

Not many people were overly happy with OP beacuse it was a stand alone rather than an Expansion Pack.  But I bought it just the same.

I think the person on these boards known as DIZZY will be putting up an OP server soon called SLAVE GIRLS III, and as the number represents it is the third server.

SFC2 net servers started some time ago from a fellow in vancouver canada who had the gumption (GOD BLESS HIM) to host a HUGE private funded server.  There are others out there also.

In SFC3 (sfc2 started same way) you will soon find that the ACTIVISION servers will go by by.  They dont make money as a pay to play server and cost them cash to run so when sales slump they will pull the plug, or at least this is how it has shaped up for D2 in the past.

SO I would strongly suggest that SOS meet up with people in 7.35 and ask for some instruction.   There is enough differences between D3 and D2 gaming to make them almost uncomparable.  


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #90 on: February 26, 2003, 07:18:02 pm »
GDA-Bydabook: Chief, I'm gonna need the intelligenccce report on that SssOSss-Ssskorzeny character.   And, what doesss SssOSss ssstand for again?

Chief: Well sssir, we aren't exactly sssure yet.......but we think it meansss Ssshort On Sssensibility.  And Sssir, I jussst handed you the report.

GDA-Bydabook: What? Thisss sssheet of paper?  All it sssayss isss one word!!

<Bydabook startes to chuckle as he reads the word in bold print>

GDA-Bydabook: LOW   .......I can't wait to read Iaidoka'sss tactical and  ssstrategic threat asssesssment!   Oh chief, load in sssome exxxtra flashcubesss for our Rommie newcomersss.  


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #91 on: February 26, 2003, 07:44:33 pm »
I got mad. I got stupid. My apologies.
Things certainly look different after a little sleep.

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #92 on: February 26, 2003, 08:00:22 pm »

 Drones seem useless at speed 16 ? what are they good for ?

Don't let the speed fool you.

Drones are the main weapon of the Mirak (Kzin in Star Fleet Battles). There are two types on the ships (fighters are different). Type 1's do 12 points of damage, Type 4's do 24 points of damage. Type 4's also take more room to store. Drone supplies are finite. Generally speaking (generally mind you), it is not a good idea to follow a Kzin ship or let them tractor you.

Drones are great for soaking up available phaser fire while allowing the weaker armed Kzin ships to return fire with their weapons.

Drones can be countered in many ways. Mines, ship speed, ECM, weasels (use as a last resort), AMD, phasers, etc.

SFC2: EAW  (called EAW) and SFC2:OP (called OP) are completely different games from SFC3.  SFC2 games have a much steeper learning curve. There are 8 different races in EAW and they all rock! No bull. Each has their strong and weakpoints. As was just stated, learn your strength's and weaknesses and know your enemies as well. Many a battle has lasted for extended periods and are generally won or lost by the first mistake.

One huge difference to remember is that in EAW you cannot warp off the board to safety.

Another difference is ECM/ECCM. Not understanding this can kill you just as quick as a phaser (maybe quicker).

Power management same thing.

Fighters - if you are facing someone who is good with them, you are in for a real treat.

The cloak is a different ball game in EAW. Use it incorrectly and you will never survive. A good player will counter it in a most embarrasing fashion (flashing), causing you to uncloak with weapons not quite charged and shields down.

I do not know the composition of your fleet. If you have a lot of members who are not familair with D2, I highly recommend that you log onto some of the servers (such as SFC2.nets current one) and get the feel for what it is all about. All kidding aside, if the other fleets were to all go Fed and Gorn, it wouldn't be much of a fun experience for you if you are new to D2. Many of the folks you see on these boards have had a two+ year jump on you in regards to learning all the complexities. If , on the other hand, your fleet is made up of experienced players using a new name, good luck to you.

There really is a lot more to EAw, but I can only write so much in one sitting.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #93 on: February 26, 2003, 08:21:05 pm »

I got mad. I got stupid. My apologies.
Things certainly look different after a little sleep.

That's my boy!! <S>


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #94 on: February 26, 2003, 08:23:09 pm »

Generally speaking (generally mind you), it is not a good idea to follow a Kzin ship or let them tractor you.


<exagerated whisper>
Pssst Steel!
Don't tell them that!

<exagerated lecture voice>
Just ignore that previous post. The number 4 shield is the weak spot on a Mirak ship. You want to get nice and cozy back there.

Rob Cole

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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #95 on: February 26, 2003, 09:44:36 pm »
Send to Gorn High Command:


I here by offer my services to the Gorn Confederation during this DOE venture.

Vice Admiral IPF-Blade_XC
Commanding ICS Beehive/CVAD
High Priest Church Of Pharoah Of the Holy Donut.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rob Cole »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #96 on: February 26, 2003, 10:18:51 pm »
Ah yes, that familiar frenzy of posts before campaigns.   Almost like a shark-tank before KRolling started wielding her rolling pin around.

To any and all SOS fleet members, welcome.   To have now entered the SFC2 zone, where things are not like they are anywhere else.    Thanks for the challenge.  WE LOVE EM, WE NEED EM, WE WANT SOME MORE OF EM!!    We like our prey feisty and wiggling when we take that first bite out of your arse.   By the time the GDA get done with you, we'll have you dancing around in tutus quoting Monty Python.   (no, we the rest of the GDA DOES NOT wear tutu's, but Kroma just has that certain type of flair which keeps him in the spotlight)

All bravada and role-playing well appreciated.......and that's not just the tequila talking either.

Message to Chuut:   You flea-biten, mangy, old, possum-screwing alley cat!!  How dare you side against your Gorn brothers in this campaign.   You shall die a thousand deaths at my hands.   I shall hunt you until you drop.   And don't go sucking up to the new SOS fleet, they don't know you yet, so they don't know what they would be getting into.

Message to all other KOTH, KAT, or KLAW member, we welcome your skills  and expertise as always.   Where else can you have so much PURE, UNADULTERED, LAUGH TILL YOU PASS OUT FUN.   That's right, with us, your buddies from the GDA.  

And for that person who posted that my first officer does all the flying, your WRONG.   I FLY WITH MY FEET.   Hehehehe.
So there.  

Agave Azul, the talented



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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #97 on: February 27, 2003, 01:35:40 am »


I got mad. I got stupid. My apologies.
Things certainly look different after a little sleep.

That's my boy!! <S>  

Your boy?
I want a prenuptual before this gets any further!
Umm, you are a girl, right?
Otherwise- Homey don't play that game!


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #98 on: February 27, 2003, 03:02:01 am »
LMAO... Man someones getting wacked over the head today lol

*hops away*


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #99 on: February 27, 2003, 03:07:00 am »
Well some princess just got whacked tonight,

first by Kurok, then by War-sears, then by Maverick

Alot tougher than the single player game.

And I want one of those never missing PPDs.......