Well, I certainly thought Skorzeny's post was funny. I hope we don't have to all start putting RP on or off tags on all our posts. I never do. Sort of like I'm not going to do so now.
SCENE: Camera pans around, eight Gorn (all wearing surcoats that say "No Pooftas!") and one Romulan walk stealthfully through rocky terrain.
SOS-Cleo: <continuing> BUT! Unless ye be Gorn of valor, then come no further! For death awaits you with sharp pointy posts!
<The group clears the hilltop, and see SOS-Skorzeny, crouching down and hopping about on all fours.>
GDA-S'CIPIO: What, behind the Romie?
SOS-Cleo: It
is the Romie!
<All the Gorn sigh disgustedly.
SOS-Skorzeny hears the sighs, and quickly dives for cover behind a rock.>
SOS-Cleo: That's no ordinary newbie! He's got teeth......... <gorn look unimpressed> He can leap about........ <gorn look unimpressed>
Look at the flames, man!GDA-S'Cipio: Lads, what shall we use here?
GDA-Casca: We have the holy rolling pin!
GDA-S'Cipio: Of course! The holy rolling pin! It is one of the artifacts sister KRolling carries with us! Sister KRolling, may I borrow the holy rolling pin?
<KRolling appears (arm first) from a lake and hands S'Cipio the rolling pin. S'Cipio smacks SOS-Cleo with the rolling pin>
SOS-Cleo: Ow! What was that for?
GDA-S'Cipio: For getting us all worked up over nothing, you Silly Old Sod-sister. Right lads, time to kill the wabbit.
GDA-Casca: I'll feint left about three miles, then I'll taunt him some more. Maybe he'll grow so cross as to make a mistake.
GDA-S'Cipio: Mistake? Like what?
GDA-Agave: Maybe if we built this huge wooden badger......
GDA-S'Cipio: <Smacks Agave with the rolling pin> Quiet. And go and change your armor.
GDA-Keltset: What's he trying to do behind that rock, anyway?
GDA-Kroma: He fears my mighty member. I think he is trying to confuse us by running away more.
GDA-Iaidoka: <looks impatient> That's just plain silly. Doc, do you fear Kroma's member?
GDA-Doc: I fear no member.
GDA-Iaidoka: Exactly. No, what this Romie is trying to do is to master the art of Not Being Seen.
<Dramatic pause, as everyone realizes the truth of this tactical insight.>
GDA-S'Cipio: Right then, we are generous, let us help him learn. Valcarve, get ready for the kill shot.
GDA-Valcarve: One Rommie stew, coming right up.
<Valcarve walks up to the front of the rock, and draws his sword.>
GDA-S'Cipio: <loudly> In this valley is SOS-Skorzeny. Mr. Skorzeny is trying very hard Not To Be Seen. Mr. Skorzeny, would you stand up, please?
SOS-Skorzeny: <lifts head above rock> eh?
<GDA-Valcarve whacks off Skorzeny's head with his sword.>
GDA-S'Cipio: <dramatic pause> Mr. Skorzeny has now learned the first lesson in Not Being Seen.
Thus endeth the lesson. Cloak all you want.
-S'Cipio the Tutor