Topic: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl  (Read 24618 times)

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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2003, 11:19:42 am »


The SOS is going Rommie for this one.    They seemed to be outnumbered  2 to 1.   Can't have that.

As for D3 I have played on several servers.   Not any of the elitist password ones.   I like the servers with the most players online.  More peeps = more fun.  


Elitist uh.  Well then you missed the Litterbox I campaign on the D3, which had the best pilots of the D3 and D2 flying on it.  PvP was intense there.  Not one alt/f4 during the 2 week campaign.  Passworded servers on the D3 keep the trash out and make for a more enjoyable campaign, where everybody knows the rules and plays with honor and integrity.  Sounds like the SOS whouldnt have lasted a day on this server!

As for the D2, the last major campaign AOTK by the had over 600 players.  Better start training hard.  You wont be looking for targets, they will be looking for you.  And most of these guys and gals have over 2 years experience playing EAW, which has 3 times the learning curve that SFC3 has. This isnt a point and shoot game folks.  SFC3 doesnt hold a candle to SFC2.

Was going to play Rom for DOE.  Might have to rethink this now.    

OK, I was going to trim this post to the relevant points but we will leave it as it is. As far as I know the SOS did not play on this server. Is that basis to deride us? We wouldn't have lasted a day? A pretty sweeping accusation seeing as we weren't there.
I'm starting to see a real downside to this board after the whole 2 or 3 days the SOS has been here. I'll sum it up in two words- NOT WELCOME!
I'm going to confer with my fleetmates, my recomendation is why waste time where we are not wanted.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2003, 11:21:50 am »

Seriously, what does that stand for???

S*h*i*t On a Shingle?  
Oh BTW, I can't wait for all the Plasma Ballet screaming when it starts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2003, 11:22:10 am »
SOS= Silly Old Sods


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2003, 11:31:04 am »
Seriously, guys, let's call a truce. It was mistakes, misunderstanding, misinterpitations, and bad wording on both sides.

Let's call it even, and start over. Ok?

I call for the older posters to back me up on this as a favor, please.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2003, 11:38:04 am »

Hey goose I thougth kzin was not going to be in day of the eagle?(herr burts suffers from drone envy:))

Aw nuts!!!
(Sits down and pouts...)

Before you SOS guys and gals leave, please note the smiley faces after most of the posts. This is another way of denoting roleplay by showing it is said in jest.

Rolling doesn't hit just anyone with her pin, consider yourself accepted on that alone.

Karnak, do remember to place these indicators in your posts, you seem to have forgotten them again.

A lot of old D2'ers view the next generation (D3) as a sort of child or student. View this thread as a sort of overexcited response to someone  new showing interest in your favourite pastime. It is still intended as fun chest thumping.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #45 on: February 26, 2003, 11:43:06 am »
Karnak is very protective of his fellow fleetmates, as we all are. Nobody is going to ban you guys for talking smack. Just be prepared to take a little of it back from some folks who may beg to differ, and can't wait to settle matters come DOE. I would suggest you contact the SPQR, but they don't exist.  

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #46 on: February 26, 2003, 11:50:26 am »




The SOS is going Rommie for this one. They seemed to be outnumbered 2 to 1. Can't have that.

As for D3 I have played on several servers. Not any of the elitist password ones. I like the servers with the most players online. More peeps = more fun.


Elitist uh. Well then you missed the Litterbox I campaign on the D3, which had the best pilots of the D3 and D2 flying on it. PvP was intense there. Not one alt/f4 during the 2 week campaign. Passworded servers on the D3 keep the trash out and make for a more enjoyable campaign, where everybody knows the rules and plays with honor and integrity. Sounds like the SOS whouldnt have lasted a day on this server!

As for the D2, the last major campaign AOTK by the had over 600 players. Better start training hard. You wont be looking for targets, they will be looking for you. And most of these guys and gals have over 2 years experience playing EAW, which has 3 times the learning curve that SFC3 has. This isnt a point and shoot game folks. SFC3 doesnt hold a candle to SFC2.

Was going to play Rom for DOE. Might have to rethink this now.  


OK, I was going to trim this post to the relevant points but we will leave it as it is. As far as I know the SOS did not play on this server. Is that basis to deride us? We wouldn't have lasted a day? A pretty sweeping accusation seeing as we weren't there.
I'm starting to see a real downside to this board after the whole 2 or 3 days the SOS has been here. I'll sum it up in two words- NOT WELCOME!
I'm going to confer with my fleetmates, my recomendation is why waste time where we are not wanted.

No need to get uptight TP. Fluf was responding to Nero's comment about closed servers being elitist. The Litterbox was not elitist, it was open to everyone. However, after a few years experience in EAW, we wanted to go with a password to ensure that certain unwanted elements would not just log on and create havoc. Did it work? Well, as Fluf said, we did not have any <alt>f4's during combat.

My take is that big numbers on a server is great as long as those numbers represent folks who will not take advantages of bugs or cheats. The Litterbox had smaller numbers (usually a dozen or so at any given time), but the competition was fierce. Many a battle did not end with a ship going nova though. It was enough to know your opponent was beaten and usually offer them the chance to retire. yeah, I know you can warp off the map, but that requires a functioning warp drive.

As for Skor's post, I saw it for what it was, a post to get folks fired up to compete against SOS. It is unfortunate that it is Fed/Gorn/Rom as you would have a chance to also compete against some decent Lyran/Hydran/ISC/Klingon/Kzin folks. As it is, KAT/KOTH will most likely appear as Gorn (ack!) or Fed (ralph) to see if we can give you some targets to practice on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KOTH-Steel Claw »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #47 on: February 26, 2003, 11:58:45 am »


As it is, KAT/KOTH will most likely appear as Gorn (ack!) or Fed (ralph) to see if we can give you some targets to practice on.  

Oh my!!! Kats in Fed uniform!! How utterly irrisistable!!!


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #48 on: February 26, 2003, 11:59:10 am »
Silly Old Sods huh... cool...

Y'all are welcome here, just got off to a rocky start.  I'm with Rolling though, call it a truce and it's all good.


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #49 on: February 26, 2003, 11:59:31 am »


Hey goose I thougth kzin was not going to be in day of the eagle?(herr burts suffers from drone envy:))

Aw nuts!!!
(Sits down and pouts...)

Before you SOS guys and gals leave, please note the smiley faces after most of the posts. This is another way of denoting roleplay by showing it is said in jest.

Rolling doesn't hit just anyone with her pin, consider yourself accepted on that alone.

Karnak, do remember to place these indicators in your posts, you seem to have forgotten them again.

A lot of old D2'ers view the next generation (D3) as a sort of child or student. View this thread as a sort of overexcited response to someone  new showing interest in your favourite pastime. It is still intended as fun chest thumping.  

Thank you Goosey!!


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #50 on: February 26, 2003, 12:00:45 pm »

Karnak is very protective of his fellow fleetmates, as we all are. Nobody is going to ban you guys for talking smack. Just be prepared to take a little of it back from some folks who may beg to differ, and can't wait to settle matters come DOE. I would suggest you contact the SPQR, but they don't exist.  

Alright, I guess I am devil's advocate. We talked smack, so f***ing over the top it was pretty hard to miss the humor. Karnak did. There was no ambiguity about his posts or his position. Don't try to tone down his attitude, or his meaning. As for taking it back, that was the whole reason for this post... get some rivalries going, x beat y, you suck, etc.
Start with a clean slate after Karnak's post? No.
Rolling made her position clear as well.
There is no drain on this sink, what has been said cannot be forgotten. (not being bullheaded, just can't forget when someone disagrees with me)
Once again this is my position, not the SOS's


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #51 on: February 26, 2003, 12:01:12 pm »

This reads like Dizziy's trial all over again......oh boy...    


Dude, no, not again, nuh uh, we're NOT doing that again noooooooooooooo


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2003, 12:04:27 pm »
You don't frighten us, SOS pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms son of a silly person! Ah blew my nose at you so-called Romulan and your silly War Bird+
Ah don wanna talk to you no more you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. Ah fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!  

GDA Valcarve
« Last Edit: February 26, 2003, 12:05:53 pm by Valcarve »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2003, 12:07:56 pm »

Alright, I guess I am devil's advocate. We talked smack, so f***ing over the top it was pretty hard to miss the humor. Karnak did. There was no ambiguity about his posts or his position. Don't try to tone down his attitude, or his meaning. As for taking it back, that was the whole reason for this post... get some rivalries going, x beat y, you suck, etc.
Start with a clean slate after Karnak's post? No.
Rolling made her position clear as well.
There is no drain on this sink, what has been said cannot be forgotten. (not being bullheaded, just can't forget when someone disagrees with me)
Once again this is my position, not the SOS's

Then hold it against Karnak, not the entire D2 population. There are many fine and fun people here (most of whom took the post as was intended), but there has been a lot of fighting over this game the past two years and some people are touchy and have a hard time realizing  the fact this is just a game that is meant to be fun. I would suggest you guys stick around awhile and get the feel of the place before making a rash judgement. If you like it here, great! If not, most will understand. The point is to have a good time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #54 on: February 26, 2003, 12:59:08 pm »
Ummmm..... wow.  OK, I like trash talk, but before this goes further:

</RP Off>

Karnak, dude, take a very large chill pill.  It was supposed to be funny, not insulting.  Notice how I ended
each paragraph with a slam on myself?  Points like:

1) I'll be sending SOS signals whenever I fight Casca
2) I Hope Iaidoka will please stay in a frieghtor when he fights me
3) The WB+ is the only ship I can afford
4) Please, Keltset, let me give more welts than I receive
5) I frequently have to sell blood
6) I have to run home because MY MOMMY IS CALLING ME??!!

I've read a lot of *funny* GDA posts while browsing  the forums, and I thought sure they'd get the humor.
Maybe I'd even get a response from SNORElock.  <snicker>  (I didn't forget him, but my post tried to
copy his style, and I wasn't sure it was fair to hoist him on his own petard.)

Valcarve got it. I think Agave got it.  And if they were offended, then they can come kill me!  I'm just
a rusty pilot in a little cloaked WB+.........

<RP On!>

Yeah, like any of the Greenskins can take me!  Custom shiplist for the fun server is it?  Just show
me where to download.  My judgement is coming, and that right quick.



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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #55 on: February 26, 2003, 01:05:59 pm »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #56 on: February 26, 2003, 01:06:09 pm »

Man you guys are touchy.  I wasn't directing my elite private servers comment at Fluf.  There are multiple private servers and some won't even let you on if you ask.  Happens to be that I played on the Litterbox (had a different name then) and I thought it was fun.   Nice rules and all.  Good structure.

Geeez.  Lighten up.  It's not like there are SFC2 players to spare.

 NERO the Mad    


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #57 on: February 26, 2003, 01:09:22 pm »

Shiplist is here....  


Thanks man!

I hear the cloak works even better on D2.  No "follow bug."   I hope it's not too dull however.  With a working cloak it should be a party. For the Roms that is.

Oh another question:   I keep hearing about some SPQR Rommie fleet.   Where are they?   Noobs?  Vets?


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #58 on: February 26, 2003, 01:13:48 pm »

I hear the cloak works even better on D2.  No "follow bug."   I hope it's not too dull however.  With a working cloak it should be a party. For the Roms that is.

Oh another question:   I keep hearing about some SPQR Rommie fleet.   Where are they?   Noobs?  Vets?  

You will be disappointed with the SFC2 cloak compared to the SFC3 one. Most people don't use it at all, although it does occasionally come in handy. Yes you can follow a ship that is cloaked. If you like I will start a thread detailing it's function in SFC2.

SPQR is the oldest Rommie fleet in the D2 and is mostly vets. You would do well to seek them out for D2 advice, though they may deny their existence.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Calling out GDA-Kroma Basyl
« Reply #59 on: February 26, 2003, 01:30:24 pm »



The SOS is going Rommie for this one.    They seemed to be outnumbered  2 to 1.   Can't have that.

As for D3 I have played on several servers.   Not any of the elitist password ones.   I like the servers with the most players online.  More peeps = more fun.  


Elitist uh.  Well then you missed the Litterbox I campaign on the D3, which had the best pilots of the D3 and D2 flying on it.  PvP was intense there.  Not one alt/f4 during the 2 week campaign.  Passworded servers on the D3 keep the trash out and make for a more enjoyable campaign, where everybody knows the rules and plays with honor and integrity.  Sounds like the SOS whouldnt have lasted a day on this server!

As for the D2, the last major campaign AOTK by the had over 600 players.  Better start training hard.  You wont be looking for targets, they will be looking for you.  And most of these guys and gals have over 2 years experience playing EAW, which has 3 times the learning curve that SFC3 has. This isnt a point and shoot game folks.  SFC3 doesnt hold a candle to SFC2.

Was going to play Rom for DOE.  Might have to rethink this now.    

OK, I was going to trim this post to the relevant points but we will leave it as it is. As far as I know the SOS did not play on this server. Is that basis to deride us? We wouldn't have lasted a day? A pretty sweeping accusation seeing as we weren't there.
I'm starting to see a real downside to this board after the whole 2 or 3 days the SOS has been here. I'll sum it up in two words- NOT WELCOME!
I'm going to confer with my fleetmates, my recomendation is why waste time where we are not wanted.

LOL Bro he turned a little comedy trash talk back on you and you can't take it lmao.... No one is serious here (other than karnak lol) It was just more trash talk like the original post we all took it well and got a great laugh from it a little gets turned back on you and you turn tail and run? Maybe you don't belong here but I for one would love to see you guys stay and play just relax and have some more fun that seems to be what you guys are all about so chill =P

Like anyone could actually take Fluf serious anyways? HA! Well there are those moments when he catches you going for his CatNip then you may want to be afraid (Very afraid) but other than that bah hes a pussy cat (no really he is....) The more you hang around the more you will see the humor around here this post had 1 bad response then everyone had to walk on glass to try and clean the mess up don't worry about it fights are a common thing here that's why some people take things the wrong way... And again I wouldn't leave yet if I were you guys you seem to be disappointed with the lack of players around here, well just wait till RODSL or another BIG server comes up. We get more players on that server than any sinlge D3 server you can find and we all razz the hell out of each other...

So a few more words of advice... Don't touch Fluf's Catnip, If you get between Matsukasi and his donuts I feel for you. Never and I mean never trust J'inn it will only end up bad because he's a..... well I don't think I need to even finish that one hehe. Hmmm whatelse there is so much more to get to but I went blank sheesh... Umm never accpet shampoo from a Kzin I would go into why but I am quite horrified still...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by TheMaverick »