Topic: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?  (Read 2560 times)

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To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« on: February 24, 2003, 12:04:34 pm »
I installed SFC:OP today (once again) and I did get a few models today, such as Will Decker's lovely Constitution-class Big-E (and some of his other work, even V'Ger which is wonderful even now) that I followed on since last year via ICQ or MSN Messenger.

I now have four questions.  One for TMP fans:

Wanting Dynaverse 2-ish fun, SFC2 or OP, what models do you guys use (whether your SFC2 or OP is modded or not by specs)?  And what sounds?

Question 2 for TNG fans, SFC3 (I wish I had it) or SFC2 or SFC OP:

What models do you use?  And what sounds?


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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2003, 01:35:13 pm »
Being the TMP freak that I am. I use just about every 1701 refit ever made and then some. My other favorites are....

Churchill.............. Anarion & Cleeve
Miranda...............P-81's, WZ's
Excelsior.............Too many to mention
most of the D2 ships.

I got most of the Hi-res ships out there. If you are looking for some msn me sometime.

As for sounds. I just dig some up here and there.
there is a good selection here.

Hope this helps.  

Rod O'neal

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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2003, 10:27:22 pm »
I like The Feral Yards Lyrans and Gorns and the TMP Roms at FD13. Also Wicked Zombie's Feds. Love his Aztec textures.


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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2003, 11:17:20 pm »
For SFC2 I mostly use TMP and TOS, because SFC3 has TNG covered so well.

My spec file is a bit wierd, but I think they're valid based on the specs of certain ships.

I'll do just my Fed stuff, because that's where most of my modifications have taken place.

I use all upgraded in-game ship models and quite a few others.

My entire CA section belongs solely to the Constitution Class. The CA is Aduril's Cage Enterprise and the CC is Stress Puppy's series Connie. The CA lineage follows the Phase II developement, with the CAR, CA+, and CAI models being Ghost's, Stress Puppy's, and Moonraker's Phase II varient constitutions respectivly (It's odd, that the models actually seem advancements to eachother. Ghost's retains a very TOS look, while Moonrakers looks late TMP) The CC+ and CB are P81's connie with Wil's 1701 repaint and p81's 1701-A registries respectively.

My CAD and CADR models follow the Decatur/Belknap line. The CAD+ is Moonrakers Heavy Drone Cruiser.

My NCLs are all Miranda's or their variants. My NCL, NCT, and NCT+ are all Stresspuppy's TOS Miranda while the others are Moonraker's TMP Reliant.

My NCA is Monraker's Constellation.

My BC section is made up of Moonraker's various Excelsiors, including the NX Excelsior for the BCG and the Ent-B for my BCJ.

MY FF and FFG are P81's Daedalus and Cleeve's Discovery pre-TOS ships.

My Dreadnaughts are all Moonraker's Ulysses except for the DN and DN+, which are StressPuppy's Star Empire and Moonraker's Dominion.

Aside from the listed incedents, each other ship class has it's own model. Usually, the + or R version is a TMP or Phase II model depending on how many upgrades of the design there are. Is a TOS version of a ship does not exist, such with the Oberth (my FFB) then I'll stick another model in the basic ship's slot and disconnect the upgrade capability.

Other modifications that I've made in general is to increase the quality while decreasing the quantity of Fed weapons. For instance, all the TOS ships lighter than a Dreadnaught have 2 Phaser 4s mounted on the saucer with an FX firing arc and NO other phaser weapons. During the entirity of TOS, I saw the Enterprise use only those heavy phasers mounted on the saucer underside. I'm guessing that this single phaser mount is turreted with a 270 degree firing arc. The DN has 2 Phaser 3s on either side of the saucer and on the engineering section covering the right, left, or stern quarters depending on placement. Forthis reason, I use the TOS Phaser sound for the Ph4. Usually, each TOS ship has just 2 torpedo tubes, except in the case of the CC, which has 3, and the DN, which maintains all 4. All TOS ships have had their maneuverability decreased by one degree. All TMP Fed specs have been left unchanged for the most part. However, I have removed missiles from all Fed ships save for the Drone cruisers and Guided Missile Destroyers and Frigates.

I've also given the Klinks photon torpedoes where appropriate, namely to the later model D6 and D7, plus the Birds-of-Prey. They've been given cloaking power where appropriate also.

Between SFC2 and 3, I'd have to go with 2 for right now because 3 isn't perfect yet. But 2 is great for TOS/TMP adventures while 3 can cover TNG. I'f I could find enough models, I'd have SFC1 cover TOS entirely and 2 cover just TMP, but there aren't enough TOS models for SFC1 to turn that trick.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Swordsman »


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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 01:34:02 am »
I haven't taken a look at my shiplist in a while - I need to play some SFC2 soon - but I use a lot of TOS models by Atrahasis.  I use his Constitution and a lot of others.  

The Postman

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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 05:44:19 pm »
I use various tos and tmp models with the appropriate ship types and dates.I use soyuz,miranda and saratoga models for my ncc, nca, ncm, ncl and others, I also use Star Empire Tos and TMP models for my dn and dn+ ships. BCE and BCER models for my Battlecruisers. I also use TNG models for x2 ships. All of this is done with Firesoul's shiplist where I try to give each of his ships it's own model including the carriers and tugs. This does make for a HUGE models folder.  


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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 06:35:13 pm »
I'm a TMP fan, so here's my list

I'll try to keep my list short

Mirak - John Stones skins
Lyran - Thu11's Lyrans
Gorn - Thu11's Gorns
Hydran - a cross between Spyder Murphy's & Thu11's models
ISC - stock models
Romulan  -
  RBB    Anduril's Kerchan
  RBC    Thu11's Firehawk
  RBS    DD Armada Dominion Cloning Base (texture colors altered)
  RCA    Atra Hathis' Stormbird
  RCL    Atra's RFR from D2
  RCX   Anduril's Ketch Heavy Cruiser
  RDD     Atra's RDD from D2
  RDE     Atra's RDE
  RDK    Atra's C7
  RDN    Thu11's Killerhawk
  RFR     Atra's RFR from D2
  RLN    Thu11's Sparrowhawk
  RSB    LD's Starbase (Staryard)
  KBB    Atra's L-24
  KBS     DarkDrone's Trading post from the Armada conversion
  KCA    Atra's K'Tanga
  KCL    Atra's (D2) KCL
  KCV     Atra Hathis' K'hamby (TNG skins)
  KDD     p81's D-18
  KDN    Nightstorm's D-10
  KDP     No replacement
  KFA    DD's L-24e (w/Atra's L24 skin)
  KFF    praetor's BoP
  KFT     No replacement
  KMS     Ghost's KZ-1 Fighter
  KSB     Ghost's replacement (phase 2)
  KSD    My FRD ki bashed from pperboy's pearl
  FBB     p81's Zeus
  FBCH     p81's Mars (rename fbb2*.mod
  FBS     Atra Hathis's Regula 1
  FCA     p81's Enterprise
  FCL     p81's Avenger
  FCV     Nightstorm's Kincaid
  FDD     p81's Saladin
  FDN    p81's Excelsior
  FFA     my kitbash of Atra's Kobayashi Maru
  FFF     p81's Solar Cutter
  FMS     Atra Hathis's Long range shuttle & pod
  FSB     Moons hi-poly spacedock
Orions - starting to be replaced with Thu11's Orions

I haven't messed with the sounds, though I would like to (if only I had time....)


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Re: To whom has SFC2 installed: What models do you use?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2003, 12:01:17 pm »
well in op i mostly use eras of war model and a few from other place, mostly the destroyers i like them with the mega phaser, good to blast enemy shields