Topic: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3  (Read 7376 times)

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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2004, 02:05:16 pm »
   It never said that in the tutorials and you can put more power to the shields just slide the bar all the way to the
right .I never read where you can overload the weapons in no.3 .Ok NannerSlug or Pestalence jump in here what is the answer please .Thank you.  


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2004, 03:04:50 pm »
It's true........ you can take or send power to weapons or shields. Or even to primary or just the heavy weapons.
Power management is very important in sfc3.  


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2004, 03:49:15 pm »

It's true........ you can take or send power to weapons or shields. Or even to primary or just the heavy weapons.
Power management is very important in sfc3.  

I am aware of that I want NannaerSlug or Pestalence to answer


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2004, 04:34:59 pm »
Hey Age, trust me, you can definitly Overload weapons in SFC3.  why do you thinik people on GSA can literly blow you up in one pass with an Unmodded copy of SFC3.  In unmodded SFC3, you can design your ships too have tons of extra power, which will overload your weapons if you have extra power availabe.  Just click on the lighting bolt button when your in a game and you will see the bars that indicate how much power is allocated too Weapons/Systems.  If power is above the first line, then it says you have a little more power availabe too overload.  As for sheilds, I don't know for certain, but with my experience with playing SFC3 it seems that if you have less power available for sheilds (below Minimum Requirement) sheilds that are knocked out will remain knocked out until you can componsate for power too them again.  For example, one time I was playing in a GAW scrimage game and my Centaur suffered major power loss.  This caused significant power loss too much of my systems.  I still had sheilds, but when the enemy attacked me, some of my sheilds went down (AFT and PORT sheilds specifically) and would not come back online.  I still have my FORWARD and STARBOARD sheilds functional.  When I compensated for the power loss too sheild systems, my AFT and PORT sheilds came back online.  Again though, this is just observation deduction, we still have not had a clear response on how Sheilds work in SFC3.  They are much different then the SFC/SFB sheild system.

Age, I highly recommend you get the GAW mode.  Its far superior then unmodded SFC3.


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2004, 07:01:43 pm »


It's true........ you can take or send power to weapons or shields. Or even to primary or just the heavy weapons.
Power management is very important in sfc3.  

I am aware of that I want NannaerSlug or Pestalence to answer


in SFC 3.. overloading weapons

the slider bar for primary weapons and secondary weapons all the way to the right will increase weapon damage (overloading) to 1.5 times damage.. the blue line represents 1.0 times damage within optimum damage range (check weapon charts listed in the Dynaverse 3 forum near the top). setting the slider in between the blue and red lines will give you a overload level between 1.0 to 1.5 times damage depending on how much spare power your ship has and where you set the slider bar.

as for the shielding slider bar, this controlls regeneration rate, not overload or reinforcement power.. reinforcement power is when you click on one shiled facing in the control panel. when doing this the ship will take 33% power from each of the other 3 shields and apply it to the reinforced shield...

Hope that this answers your question
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2004, 07:22:34 pm »
    Thanks Pestalence it certianly does.I didn't know you could overload the weapons in STC.3  


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2004, 05:23:04 pm »


It's true........ you can take or send power to weapons or shields. Or even to primary or just the heavy weapons.
Power management is very important in sfc3.  

I am aware of that I want NannaerSlug or Pestalence to answer

Hmmm    guess I'm just chopped liver  


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Re: Increasing Shield Power in Starfleet Command 3
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2004, 04:45:41 am »

Hmmm    guess I'm just chopped liver  

Well obviously .