Topic: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W  (Read 18819 times)

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Davey E

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So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« on: March 20, 2004, 10:08:05 am »
Hey all
Just thought i,d ask all you guys a few questions (if ya know the answers lol)

What is the problem with producing SFC G.A.W with the Tholians, Seltorians etc thrown in,
Yes a whole new game using the best of SFC2/OP/3


How much would it cost ?

I,m just curious - seems to me that there is a stack of peeps who would invest in this  -  I WOULD  

So in general what are the problems in making G.A.W from 1-99 ???

Thanx all in advance for answers    


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2004, 10:56:55 am »
Well to develope and produce a game is roughly about 3 to 5 Million US give or take a couple hundred thousand, not counting the price for the licenses.. as far as the Tholians and other races go.. it is a matter of Rights and Liscencing and whether or not the race is available...

then there is a time factor for for production: the publishing costs, packaging, advertising, burining costs.. etc...

this is of course not counting the personal time involved for developing a new game engine, conceptual incorporation of ideas into the enviroment.. etc.. it would be a lot of work... but the problem is not just that cost (3 to 5 million plus production).. but also the post release cost of support...

I think the project for GAW could be done for say around 9 or 10 million or so (Liscense and development and production cost) give or take post release support cost... that is if Taldren is willing to undertake the project ....

People just don't realize how much it costs to develope a game....

now imagine investing that much into a game... how many copies would you have to sell in order to break even??? let's say at $70 a copy.... then people demand support..... now consider the wages of those working, the overtime, testing, debugging time, etc... it is a lot of manpower hours...

but if you are willing to help in a good portion of $10 million for the development of GAW.. then I think it could be acomplished...

let's see there are 3200 members on this forum...

so 10 million devided by 3200 people...

everyone would have to contribute $3275 up front so the project could be worked on for the next year and a half....

I'm game, but I am sure that a vast majority of members on this board would either say no, or say that they couldn't afford that ammount.. as such... the cost would increase to those who are willing to pay for it.

this is just a simple look at the numbers on cost....



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2004, 11:17:21 am »
 Not to be obtuse, but three to five million to produce a game?

I think that number is just a tad high, no?

Why so expensive?


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2004, 11:41:32 am »
3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

 the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2004, 01:30:03 pm »
If money wasn't an issue,would we still be able to get the licenses? The next game,if there was one,would prolly have TNG in it,and if i'm correct,the license for that is screwed up cuz of our favorite company,Activision.

Davey E

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2004, 02:04:31 pm »

 3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point.  

Great reply Pestalence   Thanx

Now lets say some mystery benefactor who loves SFB comes along, He,s got say $12-15 mil spare  
and he,s prepared to "Go For It"  
Now the problems with going ahead IMHO just reduced 90%  

What else could hold  G.A.W up ?  



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2004, 02:09:56 pm »
Actually all liscenses are up in the air.. but to my last understanding.. because of the litigation between Activision (who previouly leased all Trek gaming liscenses) and Paramount/Viacom (who Owns the Trek license) the license is on hold until either Activisions original contract runs out, or when the court makes a decision in the case.. Activision has publically announced giving up the license due to breach of contract.. but that claim goes both ways.. so the license for the time being is frozen... Activision had bought all the licenses for 5 years.. this is now going into year 3 of them holding the license contract (supposedly now voided).. so if the litigation continues.. then the license will remain frozen for the rest of this fiscal year plus 2 more years.

Hopefully the courts will free the license up for others to use soon.. if they haven't already...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2004, 02:15:56 pm »


 3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point.  

Great reply Pestalence   Thanx

Now lets say some mystery benefactor who loves SFB comes along, He,s got say $12-15 mil spare  
and he,s prepared to "Go For It"  
Now the problems with going ahead IMHO just reduced 90%  

What else could hold  G.A.W up ?  


Obtainint the Licenses for Trek for the eras required and permissions from the creators of the races to be added.. and the setting up of contractual royalties for the permissions and licensing rights.. but that is the easy part.. the hard part is finding out if the license is free or not... check my posting above... that was my last info on the subject of the license.. IIRC, I think the license is freed up now seeing as how Shattered Universe just came out.. however i think that started under Activision's control according to reports.. except Activision signed all the rights over to the developers of Shattered Universe so they could support the game themselves since Activision was apparantly gearing to sue Paramount...

but to simply answer your question.. to obtain licenses and permissions from everyone holding the copywrites on the races and source material to build the engine off of (Like SFB was source for SFC type of way)

Plus the desire of Taldren to make the game... and a demand of the public or high game reviews to show that the game would indeed sell to the point of Taldren making a profit from the sales.. not just breaking even...


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2004, 03:19:16 pm »
  That is quite interesting, all those costs. It is no wonder so many game companies fold.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2004, 03:54:33 pm »
Exactly.. considering that if you are just being the developer and you have a separate publisher footing the bill for developement and production and distribution.. just to cover the developing costs at say 5 million.. the game would have to sell 71,429 copies at $70 a piece....

double that to cover the publication oand other costs involved.. so 114,258 copies at $70 a copy... to break even.. roughly... and only if the ammount went streight to the publisher.. but there is the 20% markup in the stores to make the title $70.. so let's look at how many copies actually have to sell to break even

$70 * 80% = $56 actual ammount back to publisher

so $10 Mil / $56 = 178,572 copies before a profit could be made.. the majority of profits after breaking even goes to the Publisher then royalties to the developer and the license holders out of that...

it is from the royalties which the developer pays for the patches to be made.. as such... most companies try to shoot for 1 or even 2 patches... Taldren has had a long history of 3 to 7 patches for a game when permitted to release the patches...

so in essence Taldren has taken a loss from SFC game support, but they are still here fighting for the gamers...

things look differently when you consider the cost involved don't it...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2004, 04:01:01 pm »
BTW.. these are just my numbers in general.. I have no Idea what Taldren's actual budget is.. but my numbers cover several different gaming developers and not any 1 company.. I just use Taldren's name as an example since we are on their boards and is the easiest for me to reference to... although i couldn't imagine Taldren's budget being much different than oulined above... the majority of the cost is the manhours spent.. same goes for any profession....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2004, 12:12:04 am »
Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2004, 03:55:54 am »
    That is unless they were to make it over seas.Where there is cheaper labour costs and benifits.There is another reason publishers lose money they just only sell the game for a short time it seeems to me 8 months and after that they stop publishing if they kept on publishing the games they would still be making money off them.Just Imagine if your computer was stolen along with the disks to your games or destroyed in fire.The computer you can replace the disk of the games you can not.It is not like your audio and video cd and vhs or dvd collection they can be replaced aswell.What is someone were to do if this happened you cannot buy these game in a store anymore so what is some to do?

  This is why the publishers should never stop publishing them in maybe 5 or 6 years  then yes or possibly 10.What is someone who saving up to buy a game considering they aren't as cheap as cds and when they have a enough saved up an find out the game is no longer in publication then what are they suppose to do?I guess anyone who loses thier game or can not buy it can always go to E-BAY and see if it is in there and put a bid on it but the asking bid could be to much in case of fire or theft the insurance company will only but out so much.I know my place was break and entered and they took all the electronic stuff  2 ,25 inch tv sets vcrs my stereo is almost 30 thirty old and they won't get much fot it they didn't bother with that and my jeans do you see what I am trying to say and a computer with all the software buy it is an easy target to B&E person.

  This is why they should never stop puplishing Games you never what my happen.I hope you understand what I am saying.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 02:23:24 am by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2004, 05:21:56 am »

Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  

I don't know, but apparently they needed to spend a lot more.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2004, 08:05:52 am »


Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  

I don't know, but apparently they needed to spend a lot more.  

reguardless of how much was spent during development.. which IIRC SFC 3 was in the millions.. SFC 3 was a work for hire.. in other words.. if Activision wanted a change.. taldren had to alter the code to make the change... Activision made changed to every aspect to SFC 3 and at the same time instead of allowing time for the changes to be tested properly, especially in later months (since the changes were constantly ordered by Activision), Activision pushed for game to make the market for the Nemisis release... Activision did not allow Taldren the time to properly impliment the changes that Activision wanted because Activision wanted to meet a release date...

Max, Taldren is not at fault... Taldren always tells the publishers that it will take more than a year for development.. and all 4 games were forced out earlier than Taldren wanted... Taldren had no say as the Publisher determines the release date and holds the power to change the release date.. as such SFC was consistantly released several monts early in development... the only SFC that was close to being done upon release was the First SFC title...

If you are going to place plame or insinuate blame to development of a game.. make sure you inplicate the proper company(s) that are resopnsible.... Taldren wanted more time to work on SFC 3.. Activision refused and pushed the title out because they wanted to meed the prime sales time 1 month before the Nemisis movie release...


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2004, 11:16:51 am »

 at the same time instead of allowing time for the changes to be tested properly, especially in later months (since the changes were constantly ordered by Activision), Activision pushed for game to make the market for the Nemisis release... Activision did not allow Taldren the time to properly impliment the changes that Activision wanted because Activision wanted to meet a release date...

And since I'm an EX visioneer...I can confirm this...

Almost EVERY major gripe was addressed early on with little intrest or dismissive attitudes.....issues were brought up....but testers do not a publisher make....



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2004, 03:02:09 pm »
taldren LOST over $300,000  on sfc3 if memory serves me correctly.

what pestelance wrote is right.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2004, 04:35:28 pm »
It would also help if there was a publisher that wanted an SFC GAW. Taldren can't fund it on their own.

Unfortunately,since the SFC series isn't much of a moneymaker I really don't see another SFC ever being made,regardless of which publisher eventually ends up with the license. Why put up 5-6 mil (at least) to fund a game that might not even sell 100,000 copies?

And even if a publisher decided to continue with SFC there is no guarantee that Taldren would be asked to develop the game.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2004, 04:54:40 pm »
unfortunately that is another truism.

SFC series made money - but its strength was longitivity in sales (which will never happen with sfc3 - looks like activision is pulling copies/RMAing them from stores - for what reason i do not know). sfc (with the exception of SFC1) was never a strong hard-hitting title.

i still believe there is a market for a Trek-Oriented game - especially maybe an MMORPG type. or maybe just sorta like a NWN type except instead of people - you have ships (and you can get more detailed from there).

i think one of the main lessons learned more recently is to put more polish and detail into things to produce a good package.

will it happen? i dont know because of the lawsuits and the decreasing numbers of people watching trek.

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2004, 09:04:00 pm »
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. What I meant was didn't Taldren charge Activision 300k to develope SFC3? That figure could very well be incorrect, I'm not certain. I'm not trying to stick my nose into anyone elses business or insinuate anything. That's not the reason that I mention it. I was only thinking this, What does it cost to get someone to develope a game? Not necessarily from scratch either, as from what I understand SFC3 used a lot of the code from the previous SFC titles. What would Taldren need to be paid to "complete" SFC2_OP? Add the Tholians, Andros, etc... and some new missions for them. Not to market and license it. Can anyone figure out where I'm going with this?  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2004, 10:23:47 pm »
Well, like I stated above.. just the labor alone for coding, model rendering, gaining permissions and licenses.. roughly about 3 or 4 million for 1 year development... the weapons would have to be coded in.. extensive testing for balance, reworking the entire code to incorporate the new races into the game.. and so forth..

basically you are asking them to redevelope the entire game just to add a couple of races and weapons, to test against every race in every mission with every ship just for balance (if tested correctly)... I mean you are basically asking for a new game... even with source code available.. it would have to be seriously rewritten .. almost be better to start from scratch...

SFC 3 stripped previous code from OP.. however, there is hardly any of the Original OP code in SFC 3 because of all the changes Activision forced them to do.. so now you have in essence a New game engine with Kudos to OP enging...

Rod.. I know how bad you want things added.. but unless someone has 1 or 2 million for the time it will take to develope it properly.. I seriously doubt it will ever be done..

as for SFC 3.. your $300,000 you keep mentioning is -$300,000.. that is how much Taldren LOST on SFC 3... More than likely Taldren was given $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 for SFC 3 developement and with all the changes and Overtime, they wound up ~ $300,000 in the hole.. now if sales made that up in royalties.. i don't know....

Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...

Now figure out the cost of labor based on a 40 hour work week where 50 employees get 1.5 times regular pay for overtime after 40 hours.. now figure roughly 8 hours a week overtime for 25 employees....

what is your labor for 1 year...

and this is not considering anything else, only labor costs...

where ever you are getting your numbers from Rod.. you need to re-read it again slowly and carefully...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2004, 11:14:02 pm »
OK. So the answer to my question is, "No Rod. Taldren didn't get paid 300,000 to develope SFC3. That's how much they lost."

As I stated I thought that I had read that was what they got paid, but I wasn't sure. I appreciate the answer to my question.    


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2004, 02:27:08 am »
  Please look up at my first post in this thread and read it very slowly aswell as those in Admin.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2004, 12:15:38 pm »

Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...


So Taldren would be outsourcing development to India then? Try about $60-$70 bucks an hour for staff developers when you factor in benefits and overhead. I would think $15 an hour ought to be about right for the cute receptionist in the lobby though.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2004, 01:27:18 pm »
   Check my posting on page one !!!!!!! Check my posting on page one !!!!!      


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2004, 01:37:09 pm »

   Check my posting on page one !!!!!!! Check my posting on page one !!!!!        

It is not necessary for me to read your post in order to hijack this thread.  

The real problem with doing another SFC game at this point probably has more to do with Market saturation and therefore lack of demand, regardless of how low you can get things down on the expense side. That is not to say a game couldn't be done profitably per say, it is just that there are probably other projects with better margins and potential market demand that Taldren could be spending their time on. It is not about just being able to make a buck on a project, it is about putting your efforts into the project with the highest potential for returns. Not to mention all the licensing issues that are currently going on with the ST franchise, making another SFC game not as attractive a business plan as might be found with other projects.

Oh yeah, Pesty's $15 bucks an hour is about spot on for off shore development rates.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2004, 02:24:43 pm »
  I am not trying to highjack it.I am just pointing out of they made it over seas the labour would cost would be less.Just think if you lost your computer in fire or theft along with your games disks.How would you ever get it back
considering they do not make these games anymore and If somebody was saving up to buy them and found out they were no longer in publication what are they to do ?What I am trying to say is that if kept on publishing them even today all the series that the publishers aswell as Taldren would be making money and there are more people playing these games than users in this forum they just do not want to be in here.

  I ask you agian how would you replace your game disks if they were stolen.destroyed or even damaged.What is someone to do to replace the game disk if they no longer in publication.I can only say that someones Star Fleet Cammand gaming days are over.I do agree with Pestalence if the made a new game in the USA but I don't think that is going to happen haven't you been keeping up with Taldrens news.What other flag is on Taldrens home page beside the US flag ?to the right .  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2004, 03:01:01 pm »

  I am not trying to highjack it.

Chill, I was joking around about MY hijacking of the thread.


I am just pointing out of they made it over seas the labour would cost would be less.

And I was pointing out that Pesty's current breakdown of labor cost actually matched what it would be over seas, and the fact that the issue with making money on the game isn't really about expense, but more about market demand. A company can decided to make a game that they feel may sell a millions of copies or one that will sell a few hundred thousand, the cost would be realitvely the same to develop each regardless of where it is developed. Basically I an trying to give you a breif explanation of the product marketing that goes into the resource allocation decision that any company might make. Since they can only do so many projects successfully they are going to do the ones with the biggest market potential, regardless of the facts that the others might also be profitable but at a lower margin. It is about focus and not spreading yourself to thin.


Just think if you lost your computer in fire or theft along with your games disks.How would you ever get it back
considering they do not make these games anymore and If somebody was saving up to buy them and found out they were no longer in publication what are they to do ?What I am trying to say is that if kept on publishing them even today all the series that the publishers aswell as Taldren would be making money and there are more people playing these games than users in this forum they just do not want to be in here.

And if it was profitable enough to maintain the overhead required to do this, they would I am sure. But my guess would be that for the few hundred consumers this would effect it ain't worth the trouble, the product life cycle is at an end. Remember it isn't about making any money, it is about making the smart big money in the most profitable markets, any of these chump change ventures only distracts from the core strategic marketing initiatives.


  I ask you agian how would you replace your game disks if they were stolen.destroyed or even damaged.What is someone to do to replace the game disk if they no longer in publication.I can only say that someones Star Fleet Cammand gaming days are over.

Call the waaaambulance, Taldren is a business, not the SFC welfare provider.


I do agree with Pestalence if the made a new game in the USA but I don't think that is going to happen haven't you been keeping up with Taldrens news.What other flag is on Taldrens home page beside the US flag ?to the right .    

Didn't Erik move to Korea to get the Taldren gobalization engines greased. I might have this mixed up, but I am guessing that like most fiscally responsible CEOs he will have to start considering over seas out sourcing if he hasn't already, because the competition sure is and the next game publisher that comes along looking for a bid on a dev shop to build their game will be doing what I do with all bids I receive and flipping to the last page.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2004, 03:21:33 pm »


Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...


So Taldren would be outsourcing development to India then? Try about $60-$70 bucks an hour for staff developers when you factor in benefits and overhead. I would think $15 an hour ought to be about right for the cute receptionist in the lobby though.    

I was just going with plain labor costs.. nothing else... and I was using that as an example.. and that is an extremely LOW figure for developer's pay.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2004, 03:29:32 pm »

I was just going with plain labor costs.. nothing else... and I was using that as an example.. and that is an extremely LOW figure for developer's pay.


Yeah, even without overhead that is only about 25K annual salary. I was going with a fully loaded blended (average) developer/project manager rate of around 60K annual. Figure 1,675 billable (working) hours a year, plus a 2.1 multiplier to figure out the benefits and overhead loading. 25K a year is good pay in India though.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2004, 02:35:15 am »
Why do you think so many publishers are turning to East European Dev Companies? Lower costs.

Granted some of those companies have put out some good games,but alot of them were pure garbage.

Outsourcing may save money,but there's no gaurantee that the quality will be all that great.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2004, 02:35:56 am »
    Sorry for that misunderstanding.I really don't know to much of the game devlopement business but I do know about marketing and supply side economics.I will have to look into this I will talk to the game devlopement company here called X.
  .There is another possiblity that is if This company went puplic and went on the Nasdaq.This is just a thought though to bring in some investors.  
« Last Edit: March 23, 2004, 02:52:57 am by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2004, 09:57:16 am »

Why do you think so many publishers are turning to East European Dev Companies? Lower costs.

I am not saying that outsourcing won't enhance profitability. What I am saying is that the enhanced profitability that could be gained from outsourcing wouldn't be enough to convince Taldren to do GAW, since the decision to make a game has to do with marketability. Outsourcing can be used to lower the cost of creating any game, so any good business man would choose to build the game with the best market potential regardless of whether it is done in house or outsourced. Some might then say "well with the labor flexibility offered by outsourcing, why not build all the games, big market or small, they can all make money, just some more than others".  This is because you can't do everything well (and I am not referring to the quality of the game, but rather the maximization of the profits of the game), instead a management team will need to focus on a limited number of projects and will most like focus on the ones with the biggest market potential. This is do to the fact that there is less risk of failure and more potential for profits with the large market products over the small market ones. All this is not to say that the SFC franchise won't someday regain a larger and more attractive market, it is just a little over saturated and played out right know. Hopefully this is cyclical and in a few years the market will be ripe for GAW and we will all get are wishes granted.


Granted some of those companies have put out some good games,but alot of them were pure garbage.

Outsourcing may save money,but there's no gaurantee that the quality will be all that great.  

So what, MS Windows is a crappy OS, but a very profitable one. Quality of the product does not necessarily equate to profitability of the product, and game companies are in the business of making profitable games not necessarily quality ones. This statement is in no way a reflection of Taldren, as I think they have made several quality games, and have shown a level of support for their products that goes well beyond their competitors, even to the point of hurting their net. This is not an unusual trend in smaller startups, but as they mature and grow the pressers to produce profitable games will only increase and they will be left like all well managed companies chasing the bigger markets with larger upside potential. For a really good read on this type of trend by well managed companies check out The Innovator's Dilemma - by Clayton M. Christensen. Ironically, however, the theme of this book is that chasing the big market's can actually lead very well managed companies into extinction.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2004, 10:08:37 am »

    Sorry for that misunderstanding.I really don't know to much of the game devlopement business but I do know about marketing and supply side economics.I will have to look into this I will talk to the game devlopement company here called X.
  .There is another possiblity that is if This company went puplic and went on the Nasdaq.This is just a thought though to bring in some investors.  

Which really makes my point about market potential. When seeking initial private financing an eventually a public offering, you are much likelier to attract investors, be they angel or institutional, if you have big market potential, as the reward must be rather substantial in order to justify the inherent risks involved with early stage financing.

And Age please understand I don't mean to be arguing with you so much as playing devils advocate to your proposition that they find a way to do GAW through lower cost structures. I don't have any hard facts as to the market potential of SFC (but a bit of intuition), and am merely putting forward a possible (and in my opinion very likely) reason why it won't happen via the mechanism you were proposing (lower cost structures).  However, that said, I would love to see GAW, and would gladly fork over $1,000 bucks for such a game, but then again I am an SFC junky, and Taldren would be nuts for making a business decision on resource allocation for a new product based solely on the desires of their fanboys.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2004, 08:53:44 pm »
Posted by Admin:


 We know that you have been anxiously awaiting news on Black 9. We are sorry for the delay.
  Taldren's development of Black 9 is on hold for the moment.

We have had such an incredible amount of fan support for Black 9 that we look forward to sinking our teeth back into it soon.

We want to thank all of you for your support and patience.

The Taldren Team

Not to sound rude....but....just what the hell are you guys working on then?...nothing?

Care to sub out a few programers and a little OP sourse code?


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2004, 09:28:56 pm »
Taldren is working on some projects that they are not at liberty to talk about....


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2004, 02:07:31 am »
   Yes that is the way it is with companies that produce products they just like to keep us in suspenders.It to bad it not like the auto business where you will get a taste of whats tomorrow.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #37 on: March 24, 2004, 02:35:55 am »
Ever heard of NDAs?

Taldren can't say what they are working on till the publishers either give them the ok,or announce it themselves.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #38 on: March 24, 2004, 02:53:15 am »
   The Truth is out there somewhere   ( I figured out your NDA saying No Dummies Allowed right)  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2004, 03:04:38 am »
NDA stands for Non Disclosure Agreement.. it is a legal contract where the signer is not permitted to talk about a project or any aspect of a project unless given specific permission from the person or company that is owning or in charge of the project...

as such, I am under NDA with Taldren.. If Taldren told me what was going on.. then I could not pass on that information... and I am subject to a lawsuit if i violate my NDA...

If Taldren is working on a project and are under NDA.. they can't talk about the project until they recieve permission to do so... If they did talk about it before permission was given, then Taldren would be facing a lawsuit.. i don't think any of us wants that.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2004, 12:35:55 pm »
    I do have a good Knowledge of the law and do know what a Non Disclosure Agreement is if the Satyr worded like you did I word of understood him better .I know that if all of you moderators signed an agreement with this company and leak out any informatin you could face a law suite aswell as company if they said anything.Yes I do know of the legality of all of this.Pestalence can you please reply ro some of my PMs Thank You

   PS Sometimes I think most of you with exception of Pestalence are joking around if you are going to say something do not use acronyms or just word just type the hole thing out so we know when you are being serious and aren't joking around.It is not a goood idea to use acronyms around the puplic or especialy in these forums.    
« Last Edit: March 24, 2004, 12:45:31 pm by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2004, 12:57:21 pm »

   PS Sometimes I think most of you with exception of Pestalence are joking around if you are going to say something do not use acronyms or just word just type the hole thing out so we know when you are being serious and aren't joking around.It is not a goood idea to use acronyms around the puplic or especialy in these forums.    


j/k Age, I just couldn't resist. Oops, I did it again (j/k = Just Kidding, I leave you to figure out the first one on your own.)  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2004, 01:27:13 pm »
    I don't think I will be able to.

   STFU yuo aren't sating anything bad are you ???  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2004, 01:38:37 pm »

   STFU yuo aren't sating anything bad are you ???  

Perish the thought.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2004, 01:52:41 pm »
    What I meant was saying anything bad I am not a touch typest I do have to look at the key board but I do where that Z key is though aswell as the a and the s aswell as 1,2,3, and 4 is.

   Please Kroma_BaSyl tell me what that acronym stands for I do not want to play these head games    


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2004, 02:15:00 pm »


   Please Kroma_BaSyl tell me what that acronym stands for I do not want to play these head games    

You will have to ask Dizzy about that one. It is even in his sig, if I tell you he will make me pay him a royalty.


If the head games are really getting to you though, might I offer you a cold one?



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2004, 02:26:15 pm »
    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2004, 02:33:20 pm »

    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  

But this is much more fun for me. Hey BTW, you ever been on the receiving end of a Gorn BF? <snicker>


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2004, 02:35:30 pm »

    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  

Kroma forgive me but I cannot take this anymore.

Age it means Shut The F*** UP! <---STFU Something Dizzy and now everyone else uses so much it is becoming a dead horse.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2004, 02:36:12 pm »
Kroma.. this is a new person to the boards.. Play nice...

Kroma is one of our biggest jokesters on the boards.. but he gives jokes and recieves jokes very well..

can't you tell with that functified TUTU of his???

Ok now that I said that.. Keep passing the jokes around..


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2004, 02:38:09 pm »
Come on guys, give me a little credit. I did PM him.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2004, 02:39:55 pm »
tis OK Kroma.. I'm just picking on you..

Nothing intended
Besides.. I earned the right to pick on you after you destroyed my ship on GW 1 server.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2004, 02:51:35 pm »

tis OK Kroma.. I'm just picking on you..

Nothing intended

hehehe...oh I know, I didn't tell him however that the Gorn BF doesn't necessarily stand for Fast Battlecruiser. Figure I'll wiat until I got his number 4 squarely in my sights for that. Looking for another n00bie cabin boy to replace ol LeRoy.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2004, 02:52:57 pm »

Besides.. I earned the right to pick on you after you destroyed my ship on GW 1 server.

hmmm....I think you forgot, I was killing you ship, until I got greedy and you killed me.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2004, 03:16:24 pm »
OOOOOOOOOOH Yeah.. that's right.. I need to find a good OWN3D pic to mess with ya...


Well.. I hope to see ya on RDSL.. I'm the one in the Fed ship of Death.. I'll be in full Terminator Persona on that campaign.. Feds are my specialty...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2004, 03:35:02 pm »

OOOOOOOOOOH Yeah.. that's right.. I need to find a good OWN3D pic to mess with ya...


Well.. I hope to see ya on RDSL.. I'm the one in the Fed ship of Death.. I'll be in full Terminator Persona on that campaign.. Feds are my specialty...

You'll be the "first one" on my list. <snicker>


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2004, 05:29:57 pm »

Taldren is working on some projects that they are not at liberty to talk about....

"James Bond kinda stuff"   heheh...SSSSSH!  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2004, 05:30:25 pm »

   The Truth is out there somewhere   ( I figured out your NDA saying No Dummies Allowed right)  

If only....!  



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #58 on: March 24, 2004, 05:34:11 pm »
    No not That can say I have but I bet it a lot of though .erg erg We are dead in space I love when they say that.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #59 on: March 28, 2004, 11:43:35 pm »
OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2004, 11:51:02 pm »
btw, it's not suprising how many games are out, consitering that most are identicle to each other--no risk.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2004, 01:53:52 am »
   This is about the devlopment of the Galaxies at War the next series in the SFC. series that was supposed to be but didn't and then the Lawsuit agianst Paramount that Activision launched because they lost money on no.3 and the whole Trek franchis is going down hill the ratings for Enterpise is down.The movie Nemesis did poorly at the box office that is why the trek franchise is doing poorly and that is the reason for the lawsuit.

  The reason for the devlopment is that Activision holds the licence to puplish or they might not have now.but it all has to do with licenceing and who going to pubish it once it is ready.This is more just making a game it involes a lawsuit and licenseing which Taldren does not have and all the costs associated with it.This is a complicated issue with all the parties involed primarily Activision and Paramount and if there is a big enough market for another trek game but one will be out evetually.

  I would read most of the posting in here to find out more as I said before this is a complicated issue just this thread.I hope I answered your question as you can see this is bigger than making a new game.I would have to quote everyones posting in this thread to really spell it out.That would take me most of a day do that.I wouldn't say anything bad about yourself and the games you mentioned were put out by different devlopers and possiply different publishers i don't know to much about those games to draw a comparison.We would all Kiss Taldrens feet if they came out with more StarFleet Cammand games as we really enjoy all of them and would like to see more they are our favourites.I hope this answers it.You might want to think of doing some modding you seem to know what you are talking about.

 Let me know if I can help you out some more non technical I am not a computer guru ask some of the others for that.    
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 03:45:17 pm by Age »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #62 on: March 29, 2004, 11:49:52 pm »
So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2004, 02:00:20 am »
   Yes that is the real problem eventually when everything is settled but it will.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #64 on: March 31, 2004, 11:45:10 am »

OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,


You're talking about making a true expansion pack to a game whose engine has parts that are over 5 years old.  It would take far longer to make something that looked decent and would work with the patches and such.  In my opinion, it would be less work to build a brand-new game engine and work in everything we love about OP and SFC3, while adding things like Andros, Species 8472, the Omega Sector, and the Enterprise-era.  We could make it a unification of SFB and Trek, while retaining SFB's "realism" and Trek's spectacularness (I just made up a word, so sue me ).

That being said, I think it would take at least 2 years to work out how to work 3-D navigation and continuous space (with sector borders to aid in tactical planning) into Trek ships.  Also, each and every firing arc for each an every ship would need to adjusted for 3 dimensions.  For example, any of the Federations enemies would be smart to stay on the Fed's edge as above or below every phaser on that half of the ship can nail them.  Needless to say, this will add all sorts of racial flavor to the game.

As for models, every phaser and other weapon you see on the model should have a weapon hard point attatched to it.  Also, to keep SFC3's shipyard option mount feature and add some realism to it, if you add a weapon, you also add the graphic to the ship.  For instance, if you wanted to add a Plasma R launcher on your F-BCF, you'd see a HUGE MESS of a weapon on the bottom of your ship where the F launcher was, indicating that it wouldn't work.

I've got lots of ideas, PM me for more, Taldren


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #65 on: March 31, 2004, 07:36:58 pm »


OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,


You're talking about making a true expansion pack to a game whose engine has parts that are over 5 years old.  It would take far longer to make something that looked decent and would work with the patches and such.  In my opinion, it would be less work to build a brand-new game engine and work in everything we love about OP and SFC3, while adding things like Andros, Species 8472, the Omega Sector, and the Enterprise-era.  We could make it a unification of SFB and Trek, while retaining SFB's "realism" and Trek's spectacularness (I just made up a word, so sue me ).

That being said, I think it would take at least 2 years to work out how to work 3-D navigation and continuous space (with sector borders to aid in tactical planning) into Trek ships.  Also, each and every firing arc for each an every ship would need to adjusted for 3 dimensions.  For example, any of the Federations enemies would be smart to stay on the Fed's edge as above or below every phaser on that half of the ship can nail them.  Needless to say, this will add all sorts of racial flavor to the game.

As for models, every phaser and other weapon you see on the model should have a weapon hard point attatched to it.  Also, to keep SFC3's shipyard option mount feature and add some realism to it, if you add a weapon, you also add the graphic to the ship.  For instance, if you wanted to add a Plasma R launcher on your F-BCF, you'd see a HUGE MESS of a weapon on the bottom of your ship where the F launcher was, indicating that it wouldn't work.

I've got lots of ideas, PM me for more, Taldren  

OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #66 on: March 31, 2004, 08:21:04 pm »

OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,


The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #67 on: March 31, 2004, 11:06:46 pm »

So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #68 on: April 01, 2004, 12:50:54 am »

The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.  

Let me tell you a story. I avidly play Arena and Daggerfall. If you've never heard of them, theres a good reason, they are about 12 years old. Arena came out in 93, and Daggerfall came out in 95. I have to use a special computer I bought at a yard sale for $5 to run them. I loved every second of it. When I head that Morrowind was coming out, I was esctatic. That is, untill I saw the system requirements for it. I had no hope of running it, and the upgrade required for it would take a LOT of work because my paretns can't pick a computer.(it has an integrated i810 chipset and no AGP slot). Now I'm a loyal fan of the series, and I can't see the next segment in the story because someone decided they had to compete with Quake and other Graphics Games.

This sorta ticked me off.

Now for the ideal:

I also played Half-Life. Great game, It was a thinker's FPS. I hear the news that Half Life 2 is coming out, and that I'll probably be able to play it on my comp(this is from a schetchy system requirement, but it's still possible).

Can't we do that with SFC GAW? Make it so that the people with uber systems get the eye candy and the people who loved the games from the beginning can still play it?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #69 on: April 01, 2004, 01:01:12 am »


So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.


I'm not going anywhere




  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #70 on: April 01, 2004, 09:08:14 am »
I'm sorry if this offends you, I really am, but it's time for a new PC when they start making games that need more grunt that your system can offer.  On the bright side, there are new systems that are cheaper than the cost to upgrade your current system.  Plus, you could build one yourself for even less!  That being said, I realize that not everyone has the cash onhand to go out and get the uber PC they'd like to have.  Personally, I should've bought a car instead of my computers but I live at home and my parents let me use their cars so there's really no pressure.

Back to the topic, I realize that coding that nightmare would take a good chunk of forever, but by that time the majority of gamers will have systems that spec over 1 GHz.  I'm willing to wait for a truly intensive and all-inclusive Trek game.

If it's any consolation to you, my girlfriend's machine needs a new video card because although the rest of it will run Morrowind just fine (800MHz/256MB), the video card is only capable of 24bit color, and Morrowind needs 32


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #71 on: April 01, 2004, 09:13:26 am »


So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.

Ann, don't toy with us!  Some members of the community have a bad heart and can't take that kind of... ahhh...  "excitement"

Not me, of course!


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #72 on: April 01, 2004, 11:49:37 am »
  I believe the support is there.

I for one, would love to see the Tholians and Andromedans finally arrive, as well as more stuff from the TNG era Trek.

Maybe an all-new game isn't the way to go, maybe an add-on, expansion, is the way. Not like OP, which was self-contained, but a game that required that you already have OP or SFC 3 to play, using the existing engine and simply adding some new ships and weapons/defenses for the new races, as well as a series of new missions and campaigns.

For example, I would love a general war campaign, seperate from the ISC war, that used and high-lighted the earlier ships.

There is plenty of room to do things and not let costs spiral out of control.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #73 on: April 01, 2004, 03:41:40 pm »


OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,


as I would say long as it is in the same lines as STC.3et in the 23C.I would like to refit those engines and everything else or to use a personally  modified ship and fighter list in the game engine but it is easier if it is more like no.3 with refit and officer selection but the visual efects as no.3 Maxillius Age
The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.  

« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 02:18:41 am by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #74 on: April 01, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »

I'm sorry if this offends you, I really am, but it's time for a new PC when they start making games that need more grunt that your system can offer.  On the bright side, there are new systems that are cheaper than the cost to upgrade your current system.  Plus, you could build one yourself for even less!  That being said, I realize that not everyone has the cash onhand to go out and get the uber PC they'd like to have.  Personally, I should've bought a car instead of my computers but I live at home and my parents let me use their cars so there's really no pressure.

Back to the topic, I realize that coding that nightmare would take a good chunk of forever, but by that time the majority of gamers will have systems that spec over 1 GHz.  I'm willing to wait for a truly intensive and all-inclusive Trek game.

If it's any consolation to you, my girlfriend's machine needs a new video card because although the rest of it will run Morrowind just fine (800MHz/256MB), the video card is only capable of 24bit color, and Morrowind needs 32  

OK, it doesn't offend me, I just don't have the money. Period. I'm just saying I'd like to play SFC GAW if it comes out, and not have to wait on the upgrade that coming...sometime. lol


I hope you get a card for you GF's comp soon.




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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #75 on: April 01, 2004, 10:27:37 pm »

Looking for another n00bie cabin boy to replace ol LeRoy.  


I overlook one lousy thread for a lil' while and then I find this



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #76 on: April 02, 2004, 02:22:38 am »



So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.

Ann, don't toy with us!  Some members of the community have a bad heart and can't take that kind of... ahhh...  "excitement"

Not me, of course!  

I agree aswell  or some of us will get depressed    

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #77 on: April 02, 2004, 06:34:17 pm »

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #78 on: April 03, 2004, 04:47:09 pm »
[If you are going to place plame or insinuate blame to development of a game.. make sure you inplicate the proper company(s) that are resopnsible.... Taldren wanted more time to work on SFC 3.. Activision refused and pushed the title out because they wanted to meed the prime sales time 1 month before the Nemisis movie release...

Always follow the money trail for the answers  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #79 on: April 03, 2004, 09:49:34 pm »
GAW shouldnt be made if the situation is going to be a repeat of SFC2s or SFC3s production cuts and publisher cheapskating.

It needs to have enough developtment time to get things right, or else theres no real reason to do it. Going the cheap route will just limit sales of what could be a masterpiece.

Other strategy niche games get this treatment. They get the time to do things right.

If it cant be GUARANTEED that you will receive the needed time to make a real GAW, then dont do it.

Im tired of the compromises.

Unfortunately, that probably means working 2-5, or more, years on other projects. But, i know it would be worth it.

Somewhat on the same subject, id love to see Paramount do a new cartoon Trek series. If you check out the "Bring back Kirk!" trailer, it gives yiou a rough sketch of what the look of such a series should be. Shatner seems to still have interest in Trek, he could his own voicework. No need for him to lose weight We could see some of the old cartoon races, we could get the bravado of TOS Kirk. Theres no limits with such a design. They could bring SFB back into the fold and consolidate the shrinking fanbase, and regrow it from there.


I know none of this stuff will come to pass. Exectuvies cant find their own asses, let alone good ideas.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #80 on: April 03, 2004, 11:04:02 pm »
Problem is that it's Paramount's de facto position to attempt to drive SFB/ADB into the ground. The only reason that they can operate now as is is that they have a licence and Paramount can't do anything to get around that. It's ironic that for a long time there was nothing past TOS but the universe that ADB created, and now that it's a post TNG era for Paramount, they look at ADB something like a leper colony.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #81 on: April 04, 2004, 01:40:13 am »
   What does ADB stand for .I agree they need they time to get it right and who has the license?  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #82 on: April 04, 2004, 11:37:04 am »
Amarillo Design Bureau, they hold the rights to Starfleet Battles, which Viacom has been trying to recover since the early 80's.  However Viacom counters it buy holding the rights to the images of StarTrek, so Starfleet Command was only possible because they "cooperated" to make it.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #83 on: April 04, 2004, 12:03:20 pm »
 It really is a shame that ADB is so hated by the powers-that-be, SFB actually helped keep Trek alive for a time.

Back after ST The Motion Picture flopped, Trek looked as dead as disco, the only thing keeping it alive was SFB and legions of dedicated fans at cons, which were still strong even as the 1980s began.

Paramount had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make Wraith of Khan, and they were adament that it wasn't going over budget, if it did, they would fold the production and scrap it (this was because of the masive budget overflow of TMP.)

Khan was a big hit, and instead of rewarding ADB, Paramount gave the contract to Fasa Games.

Now, we seem to have come full circle, we are back to ADB still putting out TOS type material.



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2004, 02:58:30 pm »
  What is Fasa games please explian?I guess the powers that be don't see the logic in all of this ? I guess Viacom and Paramount Excutives don't watch the shows or movies they just waiting for the big bucks to come in they don't care about quality just the money they can expliot off of Trek.They could do this with PC games aswell just tell the publishers  
how much they want which they already do so why not expliot it some more.I would give this Company the license to develope and puplish the games them selves that way they can do a better jop on it and just cut the middle person.Viacom and Paramont would love to expliot Trek some more and this is a good way to do it just keep milking it for all its worth we keep buying it why not we are big fools after all.    
« Last Edit: April 04, 2004, 03:03:34 pm by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #85 on: April 04, 2004, 03:16:52 pm »
  Fasa games produced games of tactical Starship combat, similar to SFB, but using the movie Enterprise and ships from this era, instaed of ToS era ships.

Fasa came out with minature ships for this, and even did role playing adventure games of Trek, but all of these games, although pretty good, where nowhere near as detailed and interesting as SFB.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #86 on: April 04, 2004, 03:24:56 pm »
FASA while it was around was a pretty good wargame company, though they did things differently than ADB. Personally I think ADB's product in this area is superior, but that may be personal preference. No one can deny though that Battletech was a great game - and this is another reason for confusion. At no time could it ever be said that FASA thought of their star trek game as the "flagship" game of their company. That has, and always was, Battletech. Why would Paramount therefore want to give them rights when they knew that it would never be their main focus? Personally, I've never understood the facination in trek quarters for Paramount. They're just a TV/movie studio. And sometimes not a very good one at that.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #87 on: April 04, 2004, 03:30:14 pm »
  It's somewhat ironic Paramount owns Trek because Lucelle Ball broke up with Desi Arnez.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #88 on: April 04, 2004, 04:06:39 pm »
   They own it and have been milking it for what it's worth and there is nothing Majal Roddenberry can't do but Paramount does other things projscts  has well but Trek is thier Flag Ship of any it is to bad they are not reading all this then they would waken up.  

Davey E

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So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #89 on: March 20, 2004, 10:08:05 am »
Hey all
Just thought i,d ask all you guys a few questions (if ya know the answers lol)

What is the problem with producing SFC G.A.W with the Tholians, Seltorians etc thrown in,
Yes a whole new game using the best of SFC2/OP/3


How much would it cost ?

I,m just curious - seems to me that there is a stack of peeps who would invest in this  -  I WOULD  

So in general what are the problems in making G.A.W from 1-99 ???

Thanx all in advance for answers    


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #90 on: March 20, 2004, 10:56:55 am »
Well to develope and produce a game is roughly about 3 to 5 Million US give or take a couple hundred thousand, not counting the price for the licenses.. as far as the Tholians and other races go.. it is a matter of Rights and Liscencing and whether or not the race is available...

then there is a time factor for for production: the publishing costs, packaging, advertising, burining costs.. etc...

this is of course not counting the personal time involved for developing a new game engine, conceptual incorporation of ideas into the enviroment.. etc.. it would be a lot of work... but the problem is not just that cost (3 to 5 million plus production).. but also the post release cost of support...

I think the project for GAW could be done for say around 9 or 10 million or so (Liscense and development and production cost) give or take post release support cost... that is if Taldren is willing to undertake the project ....

People just don't realize how much it costs to develope a game....

now imagine investing that much into a game... how many copies would you have to sell in order to break even??? let's say at $70 a copy.... then people demand support..... now consider the wages of those working, the overtime, testing, debugging time, etc... it is a lot of manpower hours...

but if you are willing to help in a good portion of $10 million for the development of GAW.. then I think it could be acomplished...

let's see there are 3200 members on this forum...

so 10 million devided by 3200 people...

everyone would have to contribute $3275 up front so the project could be worked on for the next year and a half....

I'm game, but I am sure that a vast majority of members on this board would either say no, or say that they couldn't afford that ammount.. as such... the cost would increase to those who are willing to pay for it.

this is just a simple look at the numbers on cost....



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #91 on: March 20, 2004, 11:17:21 am »
 Not to be obtuse, but three to five million to produce a game?

I think that number is just a tad high, no?

Why so expensive?


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #92 on: March 20, 2004, 11:41:32 am »
3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

 the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #93 on: March 20, 2004, 01:30:03 pm »
If money wasn't an issue,would we still be able to get the licenses? The next game,if there was one,would prolly have TNG in it,and if i'm correct,the license for that is screwed up cuz of our favorite company,Activision.

Davey E

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #94 on: March 20, 2004, 02:04:31 pm »

 3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point.  

Great reply Pestalence   Thanx

Now lets say some mystery benefactor who loves SFB comes along, He,s got say $12-15 mil spare  
and he,s prepared to "Go For It"  
Now the problems with going ahead IMHO just reduced 90%  

What else could hold  G.A.W up ?  



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #95 on: March 20, 2004, 02:09:56 pm »
Actually all liscenses are up in the air.. but to my last understanding.. because of the litigation between Activision (who previouly leased all Trek gaming liscenses) and Paramount/Viacom (who Owns the Trek license) the license is on hold until either Activisions original contract runs out, or when the court makes a decision in the case.. Activision has publically announced giving up the license due to breach of contract.. but that claim goes both ways.. so the license for the time being is frozen... Activision had bought all the licenses for 5 years.. this is now going into year 3 of them holding the license contract (supposedly now voided).. so if the litigation continues.. then the license will remain frozen for the rest of this fiscal year plus 2 more years.

Hopefully the courts will free the license up for others to use soon.. if they haven't already...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #96 on: March 20, 2004, 02:15:56 pm »


 3 to 5 million.. no not too high...

consider Coprorate pricing on software..

hardware costs for the newest equipment to develope a game for the cutting edge tech to be able to support

the man hours of say 50 people hacking away at coding at 8 hours a day 5 days a week at $15 to $20 an hour lets go with $15 and hour x 40 hours a week.. that is $600 a week per person times 50 people that is $30000 a week.. times 52 weeks for 1 year of development.. that comes to $1,560,000 per year.. then the over time at 1.5 times hourly rate per hour overtime.... say an average of 5 hours overtime for half the employees per week..

so that is 1.5 * $15 = $22.5 per hour * 5 Hours = $112.5 per person per week * 25 employees (half the workforce) = $2812.5 per week * 52 weeks per year = $146,250 in overtime pay...

so now just in wages based off $15 an hour you are spending $1,706,250 for 1 year in development.. this is not counting those with higher paying positions.. this is just entry level coders...

Now add in the taxes for the Corp.. Insurance, govn't regulated requirements like workman's comp pay in.. etc...

then the electricity and water bills.. cost of office supplies.... then add in the employees who are making $20 or even $30 an hour....

Wow... that number just jumped...

so yes it does cost a lot to develope a game.. and the numbers are not exaggerated.. as my initial posting stated.. I said a year and a half.. however my numbers here.. though not complete.. only represent 1 year for entry level position...

and this in no way represents the advertising costs, printing costs of the cover, printing costs and binding costs for manuals, burning times for CD's, Distribution costs, stocking costs.. building rent.. etc..

not does it include permissions or licensing costs for the material to be used... and usually in Trek.. Licenses usually run in the million dollar mark or higher.. why do you think Activision sued Paramount????

the costs add up fast... I can keep adding things on, but I think I have shown the point.  

Great reply Pestalence   Thanx

Now lets say some mystery benefactor who loves SFB comes along, He,s got say $12-15 mil spare  
and he,s prepared to "Go For It"  
Now the problems with going ahead IMHO just reduced 90%  

What else could hold  G.A.W up ?  


Obtainint the Licenses for Trek for the eras required and permissions from the creators of the races to be added.. and the setting up of contractual royalties for the permissions and licensing rights.. but that is the easy part.. the hard part is finding out if the license is free or not... check my posting above... that was my last info on the subject of the license.. IIRC, I think the license is freed up now seeing as how Shattered Universe just came out.. however i think that started under Activision's control according to reports.. except Activision signed all the rights over to the developers of Shattered Universe so they could support the game themselves since Activision was apparantly gearing to sue Paramount...

but to simply answer your question.. to obtain licenses and permissions from everyone holding the copywrites on the races and source material to build the engine off of (Like SFB was source for SFC type of way)

Plus the desire of Taldren to make the game... and a demand of the public or high game reviews to show that the game would indeed sell to the point of Taldren making a profit from the sales.. not just breaking even...


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #97 on: March 20, 2004, 03:19:16 pm »
  That is quite interesting, all those costs. It is no wonder so many game companies fold.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #98 on: March 20, 2004, 03:54:33 pm »
Exactly.. considering that if you are just being the developer and you have a separate publisher footing the bill for developement and production and distribution.. just to cover the developing costs at say 5 million.. the game would have to sell 71,429 copies at $70 a piece....

double that to cover the publication oand other costs involved.. so 114,258 copies at $70 a copy... to break even.. roughly... and only if the ammount went streight to the publisher.. but there is the 20% markup in the stores to make the title $70.. so let's look at how many copies actually have to sell to break even

$70 * 80% = $56 actual ammount back to publisher

so $10 Mil / $56 = 178,572 copies before a profit could be made.. the majority of profits after breaking even goes to the Publisher then royalties to the developer and the license holders out of that...

it is from the royalties which the developer pays for the patches to be made.. as such... most companies try to shoot for 1 or even 2 patches... Taldren has had a long history of 3 to 7 patches for a game when permitted to release the patches...

so in essence Taldren has taken a loss from SFC game support, but they are still here fighting for the gamers...

things look differently when you consider the cost involved don't it...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #99 on: March 20, 2004, 04:01:01 pm »
BTW.. these are just my numbers in general.. I have no Idea what Taldren's actual budget is.. but my numbers cover several different gaming developers and not any 1 company.. I just use Taldren's name as an example since we are on their boards and is the easiest for me to reference to... although i couldn't imagine Taldren's budget being much different than oulined above... the majority of the cost is the manhours spent.. same goes for any profession....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #100 on: March 21, 2004, 12:12:04 am »
Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #101 on: March 21, 2004, 03:55:54 am »
    That is unless they were to make it over seas.Where there is cheaper labour costs and benifits.There is another reason publishers lose money they just only sell the game for a short time it seeems to me 8 months and after that they stop publishing if they kept on publishing the games they would still be making money off them.Just Imagine if your computer was stolen along with the disks to your games or destroyed in fire.The computer you can replace the disk of the games you can not.It is not like your audio and video cd and vhs or dvd collection they can be replaced aswell.What is someone were to do if this happened you cannot buy these game in a store anymore so what is some to do?

  This is why the publishers should never stop publishing them in maybe 5 or 6 years  then yes or possibly 10.What is someone who saving up to buy a game considering they aren't as cheap as cds and when they have a enough saved up an find out the game is no longer in publication then what are they suppose to do?I guess anyone who loses thier game or can not buy it can always go to E-BAY and see if it is in there and put a bid on it but the asking bid could be to much in case of fire or theft the insurance company will only but out so much.I know my place was break and entered and they took all the electronic stuff  2 ,25 inch tv sets vcrs my stereo is almost 30 thirty old and they won't get much fot it they didn't bother with that and my jeans do you see what I am trying to say and a computer with all the software buy it is an easy target to B&E person.

  This is why they should never stop puplishing Games you never what my happen.I hope you understand what I am saying.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 02:23:24 am by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #102 on: March 21, 2004, 05:21:56 am »

Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  

I don't know, but apparently they needed to spend a lot more.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #103 on: March 21, 2004, 08:05:52 am »


Didn't Taldren do SFC3 for $300,000.00? I seem to remember that figure.  

I don't know, but apparently they needed to spend a lot more.  

reguardless of how much was spent during development.. which IIRC SFC 3 was in the millions.. SFC 3 was a work for hire.. in other words.. if Activision wanted a change.. taldren had to alter the code to make the change... Activision made changed to every aspect to SFC 3 and at the same time instead of allowing time for the changes to be tested properly, especially in later months (since the changes were constantly ordered by Activision), Activision pushed for game to make the market for the Nemisis release... Activision did not allow Taldren the time to properly impliment the changes that Activision wanted because Activision wanted to meet a release date...

Max, Taldren is not at fault... Taldren always tells the publishers that it will take more than a year for development.. and all 4 games were forced out earlier than Taldren wanted... Taldren had no say as the Publisher determines the release date and holds the power to change the release date.. as such SFC was consistantly released several monts early in development... the only SFC that was close to being done upon release was the First SFC title...

If you are going to place plame or insinuate blame to development of a game.. make sure you inplicate the proper company(s) that are resopnsible.... Taldren wanted more time to work on SFC 3.. Activision refused and pushed the title out because they wanted to meed the prime sales time 1 month before the Nemisis movie release...


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #104 on: March 21, 2004, 11:16:51 am »

 at the same time instead of allowing time for the changes to be tested properly, especially in later months (since the changes were constantly ordered by Activision), Activision pushed for game to make the market for the Nemisis release... Activision did not allow Taldren the time to properly impliment the changes that Activision wanted because Activision wanted to meet a release date...

And since I'm an EX visioneer...I can confirm this...

Almost EVERY major gripe was addressed early on with little intrest or dismissive attitudes.....issues were brought up....but testers do not a publisher make....



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #105 on: March 21, 2004, 03:02:09 pm »
taldren LOST over $300,000  on sfc3 if memory serves me correctly.

what pestelance wrote is right.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #106 on: March 21, 2004, 04:35:28 pm »
It would also help if there was a publisher that wanted an SFC GAW. Taldren can't fund it on their own.

Unfortunately,since the SFC series isn't much of a moneymaker I really don't see another SFC ever being made,regardless of which publisher eventually ends up with the license. Why put up 5-6 mil (at least) to fund a game that might not even sell 100,000 copies?

And even if a publisher decided to continue with SFC there is no guarantee that Taldren would be asked to develop the game.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #107 on: March 21, 2004, 04:54:40 pm »
unfortunately that is another truism.

SFC series made money - but its strength was longitivity in sales (which will never happen with sfc3 - looks like activision is pulling copies/RMAing them from stores - for what reason i do not know). sfc (with the exception of SFC1) was never a strong hard-hitting title.

i still believe there is a market for a Trek-Oriented game - especially maybe an MMORPG type. or maybe just sorta like a NWN type except instead of people - you have ships (and you can get more detailed from there).

i think one of the main lessons learned more recently is to put more polish and detail into things to produce a good package.

will it happen? i dont know because of the lawsuits and the decreasing numbers of people watching trek.

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #108 on: March 21, 2004, 09:04:00 pm »
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. What I meant was didn't Taldren charge Activision 300k to develope SFC3? That figure could very well be incorrect, I'm not certain. I'm not trying to stick my nose into anyone elses business or insinuate anything. That's not the reason that I mention it. I was only thinking this, What does it cost to get someone to develope a game? Not necessarily from scratch either, as from what I understand SFC3 used a lot of the code from the previous SFC titles. What would Taldren need to be paid to "complete" SFC2_OP? Add the Tholians, Andros, etc... and some new missions for them. Not to market and license it. Can anyone figure out where I'm going with this?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #109 on: March 21, 2004, 10:23:47 pm »
Well, like I stated above.. just the labor alone for coding, model rendering, gaining permissions and licenses.. roughly about 3 or 4 million for 1 year development... the weapons would have to be coded in.. extensive testing for balance, reworking the entire code to incorporate the new races into the game.. and so forth..

basically you are asking them to redevelope the entire game just to add a couple of races and weapons, to test against every race in every mission with every ship just for balance (if tested correctly)... I mean you are basically asking for a new game... even with source code available.. it would have to be seriously rewritten .. almost be better to start from scratch...

SFC 3 stripped previous code from OP.. however, there is hardly any of the Original OP code in SFC 3 because of all the changes Activision forced them to do.. so now you have in essence a New game engine with Kudos to OP enging...

Rod.. I know how bad you want things added.. but unless someone has 1 or 2 million for the time it will take to develope it properly.. I seriously doubt it will ever be done..

as for SFC 3.. your $300,000 you keep mentioning is -$300,000.. that is how much Taldren LOST on SFC 3... More than likely Taldren was given $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 for SFC 3 developement and with all the changes and Overtime, they wound up ~ $300,000 in the hole.. now if sales made that up in royalties.. i don't know....

Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...

Now figure out the cost of labor based on a 40 hour work week where 50 employees get 1.5 times regular pay for overtime after 40 hours.. now figure roughly 8 hours a week overtime for 25 employees....

what is your labor for 1 year...

and this is not considering anything else, only labor costs...

where ever you are getting your numbers from Rod.. you need to re-read it again slowly and carefully...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »

Rod O'neal

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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #110 on: March 21, 2004, 11:14:02 pm »
OK. So the answer to my question is, "No Rod. Taldren didn't get paid 300,000 to develope SFC3. That's how much they lost."

As I stated I thought that I had read that was what they got paid, but I wasn't sure. I appreciate the answer to my question.    


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #111 on: March 22, 2004, 02:27:08 am »
  Please look up at my first post in this thread and read it very slowly aswell as those in Admin.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #112 on: March 22, 2004, 12:15:38 pm »

Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...


So Taldren would be outsourcing development to India then? Try about $60-$70 bucks an hour for staff developers when you factor in benefits and overhead. I would think $15 an hour ought to be about right for the cute receptionist in the lobby though.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #113 on: March 22, 2004, 01:27:18 pm »
   Check my posting on page one !!!!!!! Check my posting on page one !!!!!      


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #114 on: March 22, 2004, 01:37:09 pm »

   Check my posting on page one !!!!!!! Check my posting on page one !!!!!        

It is not necessary for me to read your post in order to hijack this thread.  

The real problem with doing another SFC game at this point probably has more to do with Market saturation and therefore lack of demand, regardless of how low you can get things down on the expense side. That is not to say a game couldn't be done profitably per say, it is just that there are probably other projects with better margins and potential market demand that Taldren could be spending their time on. It is not about just being able to make a buck on a project, it is about putting your efforts into the project with the highest potential for returns. Not to mention all the licensing issues that are currently going on with the ST franchise, making another SFC game not as attractive a business plan as might be found with other projects.

Oh yeah, Pesty's $15 bucks an hour is about spot on for off shore development rates.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #115 on: March 22, 2004, 02:24:43 pm »
  I am not trying to highjack it.I am just pointing out of they made it over seas the labour would cost would be less.Just think if you lost your computer in fire or theft along with your games disks.How would you ever get it back
considering they do not make these games anymore and If somebody was saving up to buy them and found out they were no longer in publication what are they to do ?What I am trying to say is that if kept on publishing them even today all the series that the publishers aswell as Taldren would be making money and there are more people playing these games than users in this forum they just do not want to be in here.

  I ask you agian how would you replace your game disks if they were stolen.destroyed or even damaged.What is someone to do to replace the game disk if they no longer in publication.I can only say that someones Star Fleet Cammand gaming days are over.I do agree with Pestalence if the made a new game in the USA but I don't think that is going to happen haven't you been keeping up with Taldrens news.What other flag is on Taldrens home page beside the US flag ?to the right .  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #116 on: March 22, 2004, 03:01:01 pm »

  I am not trying to highjack it.

Chill, I was joking around about MY hijacking of the thread.


I am just pointing out of they made it over seas the labour would cost would be less.

And I was pointing out that Pesty's current breakdown of labor cost actually matched what it would be over seas, and the fact that the issue with making money on the game isn't really about expense, but more about market demand. A company can decided to make a game that they feel may sell a millions of copies or one that will sell a few hundred thousand, the cost would be realitvely the same to develop each regardless of where it is developed. Basically I an trying to give you a breif explanation of the product marketing that goes into the resource allocation decision that any company might make. Since they can only do so many projects successfully they are going to do the ones with the biggest market potential, regardless of the facts that the others might also be profitable but at a lower margin. It is about focus and not spreading yourself to thin.


Just think if you lost your computer in fire or theft along with your games disks.How would you ever get it back
considering they do not make these games anymore and If somebody was saving up to buy them and found out they were no longer in publication what are they to do ?What I am trying to say is that if kept on publishing them even today all the series that the publishers aswell as Taldren would be making money and there are more people playing these games than users in this forum they just do not want to be in here.

And if it was profitable enough to maintain the overhead required to do this, they would I am sure. But my guess would be that for the few hundred consumers this would effect it ain't worth the trouble, the product life cycle is at an end. Remember it isn't about making any money, it is about making the smart big money in the most profitable markets, any of these chump change ventures only distracts from the core strategic marketing initiatives.


  I ask you agian how would you replace your game disks if they were stolen.destroyed or even damaged.What is someone to do to replace the game disk if they no longer in publication.I can only say that someones Star Fleet Cammand gaming days are over.

Call the waaaambulance, Taldren is a business, not the SFC welfare provider.


I do agree with Pestalence if the made a new game in the USA but I don't think that is going to happen haven't you been keeping up with Taldrens news.What other flag is on Taldrens home page beside the US flag ?to the right .    

Didn't Erik move to Korea to get the Taldren gobalization engines greased. I might have this mixed up, but I am guessing that like most fiscally responsible CEOs he will have to start considering over seas out sourcing if he hasn't already, because the competition sure is and the next game publisher that comes along looking for a bid on a dev shop to build their game will be doing what I do with all bids I receive and flipping to the last page.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #117 on: March 22, 2004, 03:21:33 pm »


Try researching on the net for the cost to develope a game... imagine you have a team of say 60 people.. 50 are paid $15 an hour, 7 Paid $20 an hour.. and 2 make salary that works out to ~ $25 an hour...


So Taldren would be outsourcing development to India then? Try about $60-$70 bucks an hour for staff developers when you factor in benefits and overhead. I would think $15 an hour ought to be about right for the cute receptionist in the lobby though.    

I was just going with plain labor costs.. nothing else... and I was using that as an example.. and that is an extremely LOW figure for developer's pay.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #118 on: March 22, 2004, 03:29:32 pm »

I was just going with plain labor costs.. nothing else... and I was using that as an example.. and that is an extremely LOW figure for developer's pay.


Yeah, even without overhead that is only about 25K annual salary. I was going with a fully loaded blended (average) developer/project manager rate of around 60K annual. Figure 1,675 billable (working) hours a year, plus a 2.1 multiplier to figure out the benefits and overhead loading. 25K a year is good pay in India though.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #119 on: March 23, 2004, 02:35:15 am »
Why do you think so many publishers are turning to East European Dev Companies? Lower costs.

Granted some of those companies have put out some good games,but alot of them were pure garbage.

Outsourcing may save money,but there's no gaurantee that the quality will be all that great.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #120 on: March 23, 2004, 02:35:56 am »
    Sorry for that misunderstanding.I really don't know to much of the game devlopement business but I do know about marketing and supply side economics.I will have to look into this I will talk to the game devlopement company here called X.
  .There is another possiblity that is if This company went puplic and went on the Nasdaq.This is just a thought though to bring in some investors.  
« Last Edit: March 23, 2004, 02:52:57 am by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #121 on: March 23, 2004, 09:57:16 am »

Why do you think so many publishers are turning to East European Dev Companies? Lower costs.

I am not saying that outsourcing won't enhance profitability. What I am saying is that the enhanced profitability that could be gained from outsourcing wouldn't be enough to convince Taldren to do GAW, since the decision to make a game has to do with marketability. Outsourcing can be used to lower the cost of creating any game, so any good business man would choose to build the game with the best market potential regardless of whether it is done in house or outsourced. Some might then say "well with the labor flexibility offered by outsourcing, why not build all the games, big market or small, they can all make money, just some more than others".  This is because you can't do everything well (and I am not referring to the quality of the game, but rather the maximization of the profits of the game), instead a management team will need to focus on a limited number of projects and will most like focus on the ones with the biggest market potential. This is do to the fact that there is less risk of failure and more potential for profits with the large market products over the small market ones. All this is not to say that the SFC franchise won't someday regain a larger and more attractive market, it is just a little over saturated and played out right know. Hopefully this is cyclical and in a few years the market will be ripe for GAW and we will all get are wishes granted.


Granted some of those companies have put out some good games,but alot of them were pure garbage.

Outsourcing may save money,but there's no gaurantee that the quality will be all that great.  

So what, MS Windows is a crappy OS, but a very profitable one. Quality of the product does not necessarily equate to profitability of the product, and game companies are in the business of making profitable games not necessarily quality ones. This statement is in no way a reflection of Taldren, as I think they have made several quality games, and have shown a level of support for their products that goes well beyond their competitors, even to the point of hurting their net. This is not an unusual trend in smaller startups, but as they mature and grow the pressers to produce profitable games will only increase and they will be left like all well managed companies chasing the bigger markets with larger upside potential. For a really good read on this type of trend by well managed companies check out The Innovator's Dilemma - by Clayton M. Christensen. Ironically, however, the theme of this book is that chasing the big market's can actually lead very well managed companies into extinction.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #122 on: March 23, 2004, 10:08:37 am »

    Sorry for that misunderstanding.I really don't know to much of the game devlopement business but I do know about marketing and supply side economics.I will have to look into this I will talk to the game devlopement company here called X.
  .There is another possiblity that is if This company went puplic and went on the Nasdaq.This is just a thought though to bring in some investors.  

Which really makes my point about market potential. When seeking initial private financing an eventually a public offering, you are much likelier to attract investors, be they angel or institutional, if you have big market potential, as the reward must be rather substantial in order to justify the inherent risks involved with early stage financing.

And Age please understand I don't mean to be arguing with you so much as playing devils advocate to your proposition that they find a way to do GAW through lower cost structures. I don't have any hard facts as to the market potential of SFC (but a bit of intuition), and am merely putting forward a possible (and in my opinion very likely) reason why it won't happen via the mechanism you were proposing (lower cost structures).  However, that said, I would love to see GAW, and would gladly fork over $1,000 bucks for such a game, but then again I am an SFC junky, and Taldren would be nuts for making a business decision on resource allocation for a new product based solely on the desires of their fanboys.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #123 on: March 23, 2004, 08:53:44 pm »
Posted by Admin:


 We know that you have been anxiously awaiting news on Black 9. We are sorry for the delay.
  Taldren's development of Black 9 is on hold for the moment.

We have had such an incredible amount of fan support for Black 9 that we look forward to sinking our teeth back into it soon.

We want to thank all of you for your support and patience.

The Taldren Team

Not to sound rude....but....just what the hell are you guys working on then?...nothing?

Care to sub out a few programers and a little OP sourse code?


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #124 on: March 23, 2004, 09:28:56 pm »
Taldren is working on some projects that they are not at liberty to talk about....


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #125 on: March 24, 2004, 02:07:31 am »
   Yes that is the way it is with companies that produce products they just like to keep us in suspenders.It to bad it not like the auto business where you will get a taste of whats tomorrow.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #126 on: March 24, 2004, 02:35:55 am »
Ever heard of NDAs?

Taldren can't say what they are working on till the publishers either give them the ok,or announce it themselves.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #127 on: March 24, 2004, 02:53:15 am »
   The Truth is out there somewhere   ( I figured out your NDA saying No Dummies Allowed right)  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #128 on: March 24, 2004, 03:04:38 am »
NDA stands for Non Disclosure Agreement.. it is a legal contract where the signer is not permitted to talk about a project or any aspect of a project unless given specific permission from the person or company that is owning or in charge of the project...

as such, I am under NDA with Taldren.. If Taldren told me what was going on.. then I could not pass on that information... and I am subject to a lawsuit if i violate my NDA...

If Taldren is working on a project and are under NDA.. they can't talk about the project until they recieve permission to do so... If they did talk about it before permission was given, then Taldren would be facing a lawsuit.. i don't think any of us wants that.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #129 on: March 24, 2004, 12:35:55 pm »
    I do have a good Knowledge of the law and do know what a Non Disclosure Agreement is if the Satyr worded like you did I word of understood him better .I know that if all of you moderators signed an agreement with this company and leak out any informatin you could face a law suite aswell as company if they said anything.Yes I do know of the legality of all of this.Pestalence can you please reply ro some of my PMs Thank You

   PS Sometimes I think most of you with exception of Pestalence are joking around if you are going to say something do not use acronyms or just word just type the hole thing out so we know when you are being serious and aren't joking around.It is not a goood idea to use acronyms around the puplic or especialy in these forums.    
« Last Edit: March 24, 2004, 12:45:31 pm by Age »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #130 on: March 24, 2004, 12:57:21 pm »

   PS Sometimes I think most of you with exception of Pestalence are joking around if you are going to say something do not use acronyms or just word just type the hole thing out so we know when you are being serious and aren't joking around.It is not a goood idea to use acronyms around the puplic or especialy in these forums.    


j/k Age, I just couldn't resist. Oops, I did it again (j/k = Just Kidding, I leave you to figure out the first one on your own.)  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #131 on: March 24, 2004, 01:27:13 pm »
    I don't think I will be able to.

   STFU yuo aren't sating anything bad are you ???  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #132 on: March 24, 2004, 01:38:37 pm »

   STFU yuo aren't sating anything bad are you ???  

Perish the thought.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #133 on: March 24, 2004, 01:52:41 pm »
    What I meant was saying anything bad I am not a touch typest I do have to look at the key board but I do where that Z key is though aswell as the a and the s aswell as 1,2,3, and 4 is.

   Please Kroma_BaSyl tell me what that acronym stands for I do not want to play these head games    


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #134 on: March 24, 2004, 02:15:00 pm »


   Please Kroma_BaSyl tell me what that acronym stands for I do not want to play these head games    

You will have to ask Dizzy about that one. It is even in his sig, if I tell you he will make me pay him a royalty.


If the head games are really getting to you though, might I offer you a cold one?



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #135 on: March 24, 2004, 02:26:15 pm »
    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #136 on: March 24, 2004, 02:33:20 pm »

    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  

But this is much more fun for me. Hey BTW, you ever been on the receiving end of a Gorn BF? <snicker>


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #137 on: March 24, 2004, 02:35:30 pm »

    I still don't get it you could PM me on this ?  

Kroma forgive me but I cannot take this anymore.

Age it means Shut The F*** UP! <---STFU Something Dizzy and now everyone else uses so much it is becoming a dead horse.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #138 on: March 24, 2004, 02:36:12 pm »
Kroma.. this is a new person to the boards.. Play nice...

Kroma is one of our biggest jokesters on the boards.. but he gives jokes and recieves jokes very well..

can't you tell with that functified TUTU of his???

Ok now that I said that.. Keep passing the jokes around..


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #139 on: March 24, 2004, 02:38:09 pm »
Come on guys, give me a little credit. I did PM him.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #140 on: March 24, 2004, 02:39:55 pm »
tis OK Kroma.. I'm just picking on you..

Nothing intended
Besides.. I earned the right to pick on you after you destroyed my ship on GW 1 server.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #141 on: March 24, 2004, 02:51:35 pm »

tis OK Kroma.. I'm just picking on you..

Nothing intended

hehehe...oh I know, I didn't tell him however that the Gorn BF doesn't necessarily stand for Fast Battlecruiser. Figure I'll wiat until I got his number 4 squarely in my sights for that. Looking for another n00bie cabin boy to replace ol LeRoy.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #142 on: March 24, 2004, 02:52:57 pm »

Besides.. I earned the right to pick on you after you destroyed my ship on GW 1 server.

hmmm....I think you forgot, I was killing you ship, until I got greedy and you killed me.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #143 on: March 24, 2004, 03:16:24 pm »
OOOOOOOOOOH Yeah.. that's right.. I need to find a good OWN3D pic to mess with ya...


Well.. I hope to see ya on RDSL.. I'm the one in the Fed ship of Death.. I'll be in full Terminator Persona on that campaign.. Feds are my specialty...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #144 on: March 24, 2004, 03:35:02 pm »

OOOOOOOOOOH Yeah.. that's right.. I need to find a good OWN3D pic to mess with ya...


Well.. I hope to see ya on RDSL.. I'm the one in the Fed ship of Death.. I'll be in full Terminator Persona on that campaign.. Feds are my specialty...

You'll be the "first one" on my list. <snicker>


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #145 on: March 24, 2004, 05:29:57 pm »

Taldren is working on some projects that they are not at liberty to talk about....

"James Bond kinda stuff"   heheh...SSSSSH!  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #146 on: March 24, 2004, 05:30:25 pm »

   The Truth is out there somewhere   ( I figured out your NDA saying No Dummies Allowed right)  

If only....!  



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #147 on: March 24, 2004, 05:34:11 pm »
    No not That can say I have but I bet it a lot of though .erg erg We are dead in space I love when they say that.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #148 on: March 28, 2004, 11:43:35 pm »
OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #149 on: March 28, 2004, 11:51:02 pm »
btw, it's not suprising how many games are out, consitering that most are identicle to each other--no risk.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #150 on: March 29, 2004, 01:53:52 am »
   This is about the devlopment of the Galaxies at War the next series in the SFC. series that was supposed to be but didn't and then the Lawsuit agianst Paramount that Activision launched because they lost money on no.3 and the whole Trek franchis is going down hill the ratings for Enterpise is down.The movie Nemesis did poorly at the box office that is why the trek franchise is doing poorly and that is the reason for the lawsuit.

  The reason for the devlopment is that Activision holds the licence to puplish or they might not have now.but it all has to do with licenceing and who going to pubish it once it is ready.This is more just making a game it involes a lawsuit and licenseing which Taldren does not have and all the costs associated with it.This is a complicated issue with all the parties involed primarily Activision and Paramount and if there is a big enough market for another trek game but one will be out evetually.

  I would read most of the posting in here to find out more as I said before this is a complicated issue just this thread.I hope I answered your question as you can see this is bigger than making a new game.I would have to quote everyones posting in this thread to really spell it out.That would take me most of a day do that.I wouldn't say anything bad about yourself and the games you mentioned were put out by different devlopers and possiply different publishers i don't know to much about those games to draw a comparison.We would all Kiss Taldrens feet if they came out with more StarFleet Cammand games as we really enjoy all of them and would like to see more they are our favourites.I hope this answers it.You might want to think of doing some modding you seem to know what you are talking about.

 Let me know if I can help you out some more non technical I am not a computer guru ask some of the others for that.    
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 03:45:17 pm by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #151 on: March 29, 2004, 11:49:52 pm »
So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #152 on: March 30, 2004, 02:00:20 am »
   Yes that is the real problem eventually when everything is settled but it will.  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #153 on: March 31, 2004, 11:45:10 am »

OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,


You're talking about making a true expansion pack to a game whose engine has parts that are over 5 years old.  It would take far longer to make something that looked decent and would work with the patches and such.  In my opinion, it would be less work to build a brand-new game engine and work in everything we love about OP and SFC3, while adding things like Andros, Species 8472, the Omega Sector, and the Enterprise-era.  We could make it a unification of SFB and Trek, while retaining SFB's "realism" and Trek's spectacularness (I just made up a word, so sue me ).

That being said, I think it would take at least 2 years to work out how to work 3-D navigation and continuous space (with sector borders to aid in tactical planning) into Trek ships.  Also, each and every firing arc for each an every ship would need to adjusted for 3 dimensions.  For example, any of the Federations enemies would be smart to stay on the Fed's edge as above or below every phaser on that half of the ship can nail them.  Needless to say, this will add all sorts of racial flavor to the game.

As for models, every phaser and other weapon you see on the model should have a weapon hard point attatched to it.  Also, to keep SFC3's shipyard option mount feature and add some realism to it, if you add a weapon, you also add the graphic to the ship.  For instance, if you wanted to add a Plasma R launcher on your F-BCF, you'd see a HUGE MESS of a weapon on the bottom of your ship where the F launcher was, indicating that it wouldn't work.

I've got lots of ideas, PM me for more, Taldren


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #154 on: March 31, 2004, 07:36:58 pm »


OK, 1st, i want to say I'm a complete idiot when it comes to development. I've dabbled in C++ in my spare time, but I have  no clue as to how you develop a game, my statements are pure guesswork. OK, I'm ready to look like an idiot. Here we go.

Why whould it take a year? I mean, you've got good source code on file. all you really need to do is take OP, add the SFC3 reverse and warp code, add some new race slots, program  new weapons and make some models.

I can see how this is a big undertaking, this is not nearly as small as I make it out to be, but I don't see the need for a brand-new engine, just maybe an expansion(ala EAW or Tales of the Sword Coast if you know Baldur's Gate) to the existing OP engine.

What I'm trying to say is this: New games take at least a year. Some take MUCH MUCH longer(see Morrowind) but Expansions take only about six months, because 3/4ths of the work is already done, all you need to do is throw in some new stuff and you've got a new product. Maybe they could even do a stand-alone expansion.

This is by NO MEANS a critisisim of Taldren, I'm ready to kiss their feet for patching OP YEARS after it's relese. It's just that I know iI'm not smarter than everybody who's posted here, I know i'm missing something, I'd just like to know what.

Thank you for your understanding,


You're talking about making a true expansion pack to a game whose engine has parts that are over 5 years old.  It would take far longer to make something that looked decent and would work with the patches and such.  In my opinion, it would be less work to build a brand-new game engine and work in everything we love about OP and SFC3, while adding things like Andros, Species 8472, the Omega Sector, and the Enterprise-era.  We could make it a unification of SFB and Trek, while retaining SFB's "realism" and Trek's spectacularness (I just made up a word, so sue me ).

That being said, I think it would take at least 2 years to work out how to work 3-D navigation and continuous space (with sector borders to aid in tactical planning) into Trek ships.  Also, each and every firing arc for each an every ship would need to adjusted for 3 dimensions.  For example, any of the Federations enemies would be smart to stay on the Fed's edge as above or below every phaser on that half of the ship can nail them.  Needless to say, this will add all sorts of racial flavor to the game.

As for models, every phaser and other weapon you see on the model should have a weapon hard point attatched to it.  Also, to keep SFC3's shipyard option mount feature and add some realism to it, if you add a weapon, you also add the graphic to the ship.  For instance, if you wanted to add a Plasma R launcher on your F-BCF, you'd see a HUGE MESS of a weapon on the bottom of your ship where the F launcher was, indicating that it wouldn't work.

I've got lots of ideas, PM me for more, Taldren  

OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #155 on: March 31, 2004, 08:21:04 pm »

OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,


The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #156 on: March 31, 2004, 11:06:46 pm »

So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #157 on: April 01, 2004, 12:50:54 am »

The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.  

Let me tell you a story. I avidly play Arena and Daggerfall. If you've never heard of them, theres a good reason, they are about 12 years old. Arena came out in 93, and Daggerfall came out in 95. I have to use a special computer I bought at a yard sale for $5 to run them. I loved every second of it. When I head that Morrowind was coming out, I was esctatic. That is, untill I saw the system requirements for it. I had no hope of running it, and the upgrade required for it would take a LOT of work because my paretns can't pick a computer.(it has an integrated i810 chipset and no AGP slot). Now I'm a loyal fan of the series, and I can't see the next segment in the story because someone decided they had to compete with Quake and other Graphics Games.

This sorta ticked me off.

Now for the ideal:

I also played Half-Life. Great game, It was a thinker's FPS. I hear the news that Half Life 2 is coming out, and that I'll probably be able to play it on my comp(this is from a schetchy system requirement, but it's still possible).

Can't we do that with SFC GAW? Make it so that the people with uber systems get the eye candy and the people who loved the games from the beginning can still play it?  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #158 on: April 01, 2004, 01:01:12 am »


So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.


I'm not going anywhere




  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #159 on: April 01, 2004, 09:08:14 am »
I'm sorry if this offends you, I really am, but it's time for a new PC when they start making games that need more grunt that your system can offer.  On the bright side, there are new systems that are cheaper than the cost to upgrade your current system.  Plus, you could build one yourself for even less!  That being said, I realize that not everyone has the cash onhand to go out and get the uber PC they'd like to have.  Personally, I should've bought a car instead of my computers but I live at home and my parents let me use their cars so there's really no pressure.

Back to the topic, I realize that coding that nightmare would take a good chunk of forever, but by that time the majority of gamers will have systems that spec over 1 GHz.  I'm willing to wait for a truly intensive and all-inclusive Trek game.

If it's any consolation to you, my girlfriend's machine needs a new video card because although the rest of it will run Morrowind just fine (800MHz/256MB), the video card is only capable of 24bit color, and Morrowind needs 32


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #160 on: April 01, 2004, 09:13:26 am »


So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.

Ann, don't toy with us!  Some members of the community have a bad heart and can't take that kind of... ahhh...  "excitement"

Not me, of course!


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #161 on: April 01, 2004, 11:49:37 am »
  I believe the support is there.

I for one, would love to see the Tholians and Andromedans finally arrive, as well as more stuff from the TNG era Trek.

Maybe an all-new game isn't the way to go, maybe an add-on, expansion, is the way. Not like OP, which was self-contained, but a game that required that you already have OP or SFC 3 to play, using the existing engine and simply adding some new ships and weapons/defenses for the new races, as well as a series of new missions and campaigns.

For example, I would love a general war campaign, seperate from the ISC war, that used and high-lighted the earlier ships.

There is plenty of room to do things and not let costs spiral out of control.


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #162 on: April 01, 2004, 03:41:40 pm »


OK, 1st, I don't mind parts being 5 years old. Parts of Windows(any version) are over 30, yet people still use it, and Im sure the same can be said for just about every other OS on the market. And, unless I'm missing something, OP already looks better than decent, and I don't even have a good Video Card.

As for 3-D Navigation, see here:

 Unoffical 3D Rules for SFB

Now, I realize the post is rather thin, but something IS on the books, so it wouldn't take that long

Also, about your weapon hardpoint idea, that would take a LOT of work to do. Do you put a basic hull and let the game modify that base model every time? That would take a LOT of computer power to work. Maybe you'd like to make a modle for every permutation? LOTS AND LOTS of hard drive space. A better Idea(IMHO) is to make a special model for each Heavy Weapon available, and let the phasers be default.

Thanks for your post, I look forward to your reply,


as I would say long as it is in the same lines as STC.3et in the 23C.I would like to refit those engines and everything else or to use a personally  modified ship and fighter list in the game engine but it is easier if it is more like no.3 with refit and officer selection but the visual efects as no.3 Maxillius Age
The intent behind making a point about the age of the engine wasn't just from an asthetic stand-point, it's considering the capabilities of current computers.  SFC1's minimum spec is 200MHz w/ 32MB RAM i.e. pitifully small nowadays.  EAW and OP's minimum spec are 350MHz/64MB, reflecting the base capability of the time and Interplay underspecced the original.  If GAW were coming out now I wouldn't conider it if it ran slower than 1GHz or under 128MB RAM.  I *want* a processor intensive game, but I also want that game full of substance, not just eye candy.

So, yes, your first guess was it.  Make base hulls and separate "modlets" for weapon hardpoints.  I don't want to stop people from having all-phaser loadouts, so every hardpoint is a universal hardpoint.  There will still be mass limits for all systems, but there shouldn't be a need to split up heavy hardpoints and phaser hardpoints with this system.  Oh, and leftover mass from system component cannot be tranferred to other systems.  Take the Fed Connie.  Give her 50000 weapons mass and 35000 engine mass.  Phaser 1/IX (I think they're the same, not sure) uses 500 and photon launchers use 7000.  So, a connie with 4 photon launchers and 8 phaser 1/IX comes up to 32000, leaving 12000 to play with.  That leftover mass is only usable for weapons and cannot be transferred to engines.  And each type of engine will still only produce a certain amount of power, so your choices will depend heavily on what era your ship is, yet be VERY flexible.

About the Modlets:  Make separet modlets for each heavy weapon, but 2 or 3 types for phasers for the different eras: Enterprise, SFB/Movie era, and Lost Era/TNG and beyond.  Plus, this system would allow addition of special modlets for new weapons.  

« Last Edit: April 02, 2004, 02:18:41 am by Age »


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #163 on: April 01, 2004, 05:46:09 pm »

I'm sorry if this offends you, I really am, but it's time for a new PC when they start making games that need more grunt that your system can offer.  On the bright side, there are new systems that are cheaper than the cost to upgrade your current system.  Plus, you could build one yourself for even less!  That being said, I realize that not everyone has the cash onhand to go out and get the uber PC they'd like to have.  Personally, I should've bought a car instead of my computers but I live at home and my parents let me use their cars so there's really no pressure.

Back to the topic, I realize that coding that nightmare would take a good chunk of forever, but by that time the majority of gamers will have systems that spec over 1 GHz.  I'm willing to wait for a truly intensive and all-inclusive Trek game.

If it's any consolation to you, my girlfriend's machine needs a new video card because although the rest of it will run Morrowind just fine (800MHz/256MB), the video card is only capable of 24bit color, and Morrowind needs 32  

OK, it doesn't offend me, I just don't have the money. Period. I'm just saying I'd like to play SFC GAW if it comes out, and not have to wait on the upgrade that coming...sometime. lol


I hope you get a card for you GF's comp soon.




  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #164 on: April 01, 2004, 10:27:37 pm »

Looking for another n00bie cabin boy to replace ol LeRoy.  


I overlook one lousy thread for a lil' while and then I find this



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #165 on: April 02, 2004, 02:22:38 am »



So the real problem is liscensing, and finding a publisher.

Any hope if this being fixed?  

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.

Ann, don't toy with us!  Some members of the community have a bad heart and can't take that kind of... ahhh...  "excitement"

Not me, of course!  

I agree aswell  or some of us will get depressed    

Rod O'neal

  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #166 on: April 02, 2004, 06:34:17 pm »

Indeed there is always hope, especially when there is still a fan base to support a new game.



  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #167 on: April 03, 2004, 04:47:09 pm »
[If you are going to place plame or insinuate blame to development of a game.. make sure you inplicate the proper company(s) that are resopnsible.... Taldren wanted more time to work on SFC 3.. Activision refused and pushed the title out because they wanted to meed the prime sales time 1 month before the Nemisis movie release...

Always follow the money trail for the answers  


  • Guest
Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #168 on: April 03, 2004, 09:49:34 pm »
GAW shouldnt be made if the situation is going to be a repeat of SFC2s or SFC3s production cuts and publisher cheapskating.

It needs to have enough developtment time to get things right, or else theres no real reason to do it. Going the cheap route will just limit sales of what could be a masterpiece.

Other strategy niche games get this treatment. They get the time to do things right.

If it cant be GUARANTEED that you will receive the needed time to make a real GAW, then dont do it.

Im tired of the compromises.

Unfortunately, that probably means working 2-5, or more, years on other projects. But, i know it would be worth it.

Somewhat on the same subject, id love to see Paramount do a new cartoon Trek series. If you check out the "Bring back Kirk!" trailer, it gives yiou a rough sketch of what the look of such a series should be. Shatner seems to still have interest in Trek, he could his own voicework. No need for him to lose weight We could see some of the old cartoon races, we could get the bravado of TOS Kirk. Theres no limits with such a design. They could bring SFB back into the fold and consolidate the shrinking fanbase, and regrow it from there.


I know none of this stuff will come to pass. Exectuvies cant find their own asses, let alone good ideas.



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #169 on: April 03, 2004, 11:04:02 pm »
Problem is that it's Paramount's de facto position to attempt to drive SFB/ADB into the ground. The only reason that they can operate now as is is that they have a licence and Paramount can't do anything to get around that. It's ironic that for a long time there was nothing past TOS but the universe that ADB created, and now that it's a post TNG era for Paramount, they look at ADB something like a leper colony.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #170 on: April 04, 2004, 01:40:13 am »
   What does ADB stand for .I agree they need they time to get it right and who has the license?  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #171 on: April 04, 2004, 11:37:04 am »
Amarillo Design Bureau, they hold the rights to Starfleet Battles, which Viacom has been trying to recover since the early 80's.  However Viacom counters it buy holding the rights to the images of StarTrek, so Starfleet Command was only possible because they "cooperated" to make it.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #172 on: April 04, 2004, 12:03:20 pm »
 It really is a shame that ADB is so hated by the powers-that-be, SFB actually helped keep Trek alive for a time.

Back after ST The Motion Picture flopped, Trek looked as dead as disco, the only thing keeping it alive was SFB and legions of dedicated fans at cons, which were still strong even as the 1980s began.

Paramount had to be dragged kicking and screaming to make Wraith of Khan, and they were adament that it wasn't going over budget, if it did, they would fold the production and scrap it (this was because of the masive budget overflow of TMP.)

Khan was a big hit, and instead of rewarding ADB, Paramount gave the contract to Fasa Games.

Now, we seem to have come full circle, we are back to ADB still putting out TOS type material.



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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #173 on: April 04, 2004, 02:58:30 pm »
  What is Fasa games please explian?I guess the powers that be don't see the logic in all of this ? I guess Viacom and Paramount Excutives don't watch the shows or movies they just waiting for the big bucks to come in they don't care about quality just the money they can expliot off of Trek.They could do this with PC games aswell just tell the publishers  
how much they want which they already do so why not expliot it some more.I would give this Company the license to develope and puplish the games them selves that way they can do a better jop on it and just cut the middle person.Viacom and Paramont would love to expliot Trek some more and this is a good way to do it just keep milking it for all its worth we keep buying it why not we are big fools after all.    
« Last Edit: April 04, 2004, 03:03:34 pm by Age »


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #174 on: April 04, 2004, 03:16:52 pm »
  Fasa games produced games of tactical Starship combat, similar to SFB, but using the movie Enterprise and ships from this era, instaed of ToS era ships.

Fasa came out with minature ships for this, and even did role playing adventure games of Trek, but all of these games, although pretty good, where nowhere near as detailed and interesting as SFB.


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #175 on: April 04, 2004, 03:24:56 pm »
FASA while it was around was a pretty good wargame company, though they did things differently than ADB. Personally I think ADB's product in this area is superior, but that may be personal preference. No one can deny though that Battletech was a great game - and this is another reason for confusion. At no time could it ever be said that FASA thought of their star trek game as the "flagship" game of their company. That has, and always was, Battletech. Why would Paramount therefore want to give them rights when they knew that it would never be their main focus? Personally, I've never understood the facination in trek quarters for Paramount. They're just a TV/movie studio. And sometimes not a very good one at that.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #176 on: April 04, 2004, 03:30:14 pm »
  It's somewhat ironic Paramount owns Trek because Lucelle Ball broke up with Desi Arnez.  


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Re: So whats the hold up with SFC G.A.W
« Reply #177 on: April 04, 2004, 04:06:39 pm »
   They own it and have been milking it for what it's worth and there is nothing Majal Roddenberry can't do but Paramount does other things projscts  has well but Trek is thier Flag Ship of any it is to bad they are not reading all this then they would waken up.