Topic: Warbird??  (Read 3576 times)

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« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2004, 01:49:34 am »
Is warbird a class name or is it like saying starship, when TNG came out with the Romulan Warbird D'Deridex Class I though warbird meant that ship, but then I saw TOS and that little one was also called a warbird, and in Nemesis the Valdore was refered to as a warbird so is it the Romulan version of being called a Starship, like when feds introduce themselves as the starship enterprise for example

adam out


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2004, 01:59:44 am »
I think so, like you said Fed ships are refered to as starships, roms - warbirds, klinks - birds of prey(i think)

Anyone know what the other races use to "define" thier ships?  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2004, 02:02:37 am »
Thats what I thought, because regards what type of ship the romulans use, they always say during the communication btwn ships, this is the romulan warbird "blabla", i just needed a second opinion, next thing is ummm i think klingons and cardys say warship, thanks again

adam out


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2004, 10:41:28 am »
Warbird seems to be the Fed designation for all the Rommie ships, the TNG WBs were the D'Deridex class Warbirds, the Valdore is (apparently) a Norexan class Warbird, can't remember where I heard that class name though. Also if you follow SFB/C the original series ship is a Warbird aswell...

BoP is not a Klink designation, besides that single ship (B'rel) doesn't even look Klingon, cool design though...


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2004, 11:23:30 am »
"Warbird" may be their term for larger ships like dreadnoughts.  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2004, 11:52:26 am »
i THOUGHT that to but TOS, nah that was tiny, I just think its there interpretation of a starship, just like klingons say warship

adam out

thx guys


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2004, 01:19:08 pm »
    It refers to a class of ship eg. Galaxy Class so it refers to class and we mostly saw those big Warbirds when they had smaller ships in TNG and DS9 they would say just Romulan ship it is even in the no.3 Game and manual look in there to get more of an explanation of the ship.
 I hope this helps    


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2004, 01:35:19 pm »
But capt picard specifically said in that epsiode where the romulan defector was onboard the enterprise, " are you going to help us destroy the romulan b type d'deridex warbirds or something like that lol, i forgot, but i thought that was the name of that ship

adam out


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2004, 01:55:22 pm »
   No it is a class of ship they never said the names of Romulan ships just Warbirds that is all or just Romlan ship when refering to a dd.It is a class of ship I just looked in my Star Fleet Cammand 3 manual and it refers to it a class the one below that is the Raptor class.Warbirds were seen along the neutral zone because they had the better living quarters and range and being able to stay out along the neutral zone for long periods at a time.It is a class of ship look in the SFC.3 manual and game if you have it.  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2004, 02:18:42 pm »
I cant go with that manual, the romulans torpedoes in sfc3 look like buggers, the akira class doesn even have a quarter of the torpedoes it is supposeto have, they dont even have mirandas anywhere,, lol dont like, bad game, bad info

adam out

PS But thx anyways


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2004, 02:22:23 pm »
and im also talking about the shows, not the game, if i go by the game, klingons BOPs will be firing phasers, not disruptors (SFC1 and 2)

dam out


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2004, 02:55:13 pm »
   Disruptors are thier primary weapons not phasers that is only the Federation primary weapon.SFC.3 is strickly sticking to canon when it come to Star Trek the other games are mere exagerations of Star Trek.The Warbird is a class of ship trust me on this one if it were a name they would of said it to be RIS Something for Fed.USS EnterpriseNCC1701E
IKVBortas Gawrons Ship do you see what I am saying there has to be an RIS inforunt of the name Warbird is a DN class ship.I hope this answers your question and you can see what I saying.You are welcome  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2004, 04:34:46 pm »
RIS is a non cannon term for Romulan Imperial Ship.  To my knowledge it has never been used in an episode of Trek.  It only appears in computer games.  IKV is cannon, as it was used in several episodes... Trials and Tribulations, and Emmisary (TNG) are the two that come to mind first.  
Romulans always call their ships Warbirds...If Warbird was used to just describe the D'Deridex, then Commander Donatra would have used a different term when she announced herself to Picard and the Enterprise in Nemesis.  Also I seem to remember one TNG episode where they encountered a Romulan Bird of Prey (Ala Kirk's time) and it was also called a Warbird.

Perhaps it should be reiterated, ONLY what is shown on TV, or Movies, are cannon, use that as a generalization when you have a question.  I believe that there are only two novels, both written by Jeri Taylor, (former producer of Voyager) that are considered cannon as well.  No Games, no Magazines, (although Star Trek: The Magazine was officially licensed by Paramount, and only did articles based on what was shown on screen, (or in some cases left on the editing floor for movies) so you could consider that a source, maybe), and definately NO TECH MANUALS.  (yes thats a jab at Star Wars v. Star Trek in Five Minutes because the exact same thing applies to Star Wars and most other Science-Fiction programs out there)  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2004, 04:51:31 pm »
One correction The new Enterprise show is not cannon thankfully, and you cant really make it without a whole lot of explaining as to why the feds abandoned the first design of the Enterprise for what they did build after words.


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2004, 04:53:10 pm »

   SFC.3 is strickly sticking to canon when it come to Star Trek

 Compleat BS


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2004, 05:34:57 pm »


   SFC.3 is strickly sticking to canon when it come to Star Trek

 Compleat BS  

No it is not BS  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2004, 05:50:19 pm »

RIS is a non cannon term for Romulan Imperial Ship.  To my knowledge it has never been used in an episode of Trek.  It only appears in computer games.  IKV is cannon, as it was used in several episodes... Trials and Tribulations, and Emmisary (TNG) are the two that come to mind first.  
Romulans always call their ships Warbirds...If Warbird was used to just describe the D'Deridex, then Commander Donatra would have used a different term when she announced herself to Picard and the Enterprise in Nemesis.  Also I seem to remember one TNG episode where they encountered a Romulan Bird of Prey (Ala Kirk's time) and it was also called a Warbird.

Perhaps it should be reiterated, ONLY what is shown on TV, or Movies, are cannon, use that as a generalization when you have a question.  I believe that there are only two novels, both written by Jeri Taylor, (former producer of Voyager) that are considered cannon as well.  No Games, no Magazines, (although Star Trek: The Magazine was officially licensed by Paramount, and only did articles based on what was shown on screen, (or in some cases left on the editing floor for movies) so you could consider that a source, maybe), and definately NO TECH MANUALS.  (yes thats a jab at Star Wars v. Star Trek in Five Minutes because the exact same thing applies to Star Wars and most other Science-Fiction programs out there)  

Yeah I never really hear them say that now that I think about but they are still WarBirds when it down
                 to a DD they just call them Romulan ship by who is Cammanding them like DS9 when the Romulan Diplomat
                 came to DS9 about the Dommion invasion of Romulas and later said it was a fake Garek planted a bomp on
                 Board to look like sabbotage in the episode they called the Romulan Ship by the diplomats name.They use
                 the name who is Cammanding it eg.That is Cammanders XXXXX ship but the big ship are mostly a WarBird I
                 really prefer to stick to the Federation or Klingons Romulans are so arrogant.That is why I like
                 playing Feds or Klinks. the best.  


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2004, 09:17:48 pm »
Ok if you say Warbird is a DD classifiction name than fine, but the Norexan Class is definitely not a DD,
adam out


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2004, 10:58:01 pm »
Hey Adam, haven't seen ya in a while.    Let me help you out here dude.  In the shows, the term Warbird (at least in the TNG era) basically referred too all types of Romulan ships.  

In Starfleet Battles, the original Romulan Crusier was the Warbird, a class of Starships used by the Romulans.  SFB did this because in the Original TOS series, their where some ship manuals made of the Fed Connie, the Klingons Battlecrusier, and the Romulan ship.  I can not remember off hand, but I think in the TOS episode "Balance of Terror", they might have referred the ship as a "Bird of Prey" (not certain on this though).  But the original Tech schematics label the ship as "Warbird".  When SFB was made back in the late 70's, Task Force Games desided too make the name "Warbird" a class of ship instead of lableing it as all Romulan ships.  As the years gone by, Trek fans became more accustomed too saying that the "Balance of Terror" ship class name was "Bird of Prey" while the SFB crowed labeled the ship as "Warbird Class".  When TNG came around, Star Trek decided too label all its ships as "Warbirds" (at least all Heavily armed Military ships).  SFB could have easily labeled the "Balance of Terror" ship as "Bird of Prey" (since I beleive the ship was referred too that way) but TFG decided for legal reasons too label the ship as Warbird since it was named that in the schematics and Gene Roddenbery couldn't sue them on another "Copyright".  

I hope this little history note helps you out dude.


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Re: Warbird??
« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2004, 11:21:24 pm »
thats perfect , thanks

adam out