Well, I'll tell ya...another hd took a crap on me.
And, worst of all, I've never been able to get my cd-burner to work, so no back up on my files.
Anyway, I'm on my wifes puter right now, should have mine going in a few days hopefully, but anything I was working on is dust in the wind.
I knew something screwy was going on, but didn't realize it was the hd until yesterday...started getting messages that there were inconsistancies and to run chkdsk to fix...but it didn't fix.
God, I hate technology sometimes.
Well, one thing about this happening...my modeling fix is growing so when I get everything back up and running I'll be getting a few things done.
Azel, when I get things going again, send me the Dauntless file I sent you so I can make those corrections.
Alec, I haven't forgotten you either...just going to be a little longer wait, but I WILL get that to you.
OK, well, I'll catch y'all on da flip side....