Topic: Floppy disks are so 20th century...  (Read 6770 times)

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IKV Nemesis D7L

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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2004, 08:14:08 pm »

Anyone ever seen one of the old 8" floppy disks?  I saw some a LONG time ago in a Radio Shack for their (if I recall) 'Model II' Z80 based computer.

I am so old.  

I helped build a Heathkit computer in school that had 2 - 8" floppies.  It had a massive 64k of RAM.  


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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #61 on: March 19, 2004, 09:17:07 pm »
During the Dawn of the P III computers and while I was going for my batcheloprs in Electronic Engineering.. our computer lab was operating 80386 IBM PC's with 512K mem with 5 1/4" floppy disks which we had to use our software on.. i had to buy a 5 1/4 for my home system just so i could do the homework.. lol..

man i felt so old as my first system was an Adam 8086 system with casette drive and 8K mem and expansion cartridges for memory and software.. want to do wordpad... insert cartridge into a slot and press the activation button on the card holder.. lol then you could run the program.. however you had to save each page to the casette.. and recall the pages 1 at a time...

Talk about an old system..



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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #62 on: March 20, 2004, 12:33:13 am »

Anyone ever seen one of the old 8" floppy disks?  I saw some a LONG time ago in a Radio Shack for their (if I recall) 'Model II' Z80 based computer.

I am so old.


   I worked with them when I was a kid. And I'm not that old, only 26 next July.


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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2004, 12:34:35 am »

I agree. But a floppy can still save your butt in emergencies.    

  I keep bootable CD-ROMS for emergencies.


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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2004, 06:44:30 pm »

I just built a machine with SATA hard drives and  you need a floppy to load the drivers so Windows will recognize the drives and install.  

I'm guessing that you built an AMD system?

As for floppy disks I still have one in the system I built but I only use it for flashing the Bios or zero out my hard drive via Win98se boot disk.  But yeah floppy disks are going to die out soon, but don't expect them to die out before Win98 dies also.  People will still use Win98 for a couple of years yet, heck I still have a copy of Win98se sitting around somewhere.


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Re: Floppy disks are so 20th century...
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2004, 06:34:09 pm »
We still have them at work due to Milspec requirments. Why I don't know. When I ask I was told "Because they said so"


Okie dokie then.