Topic: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)  (Read 5870 times)

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Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« on: February 25, 2003, 01:22:56 pm »
I cant complete the klingon mission where you must stop the freighters from destroying the Unity base. I kill all the ships, and get Jureths ship down to lowest health possible.....what then?


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2003, 02:50:54 pm »
Jureth complains on how bad of a brother you are... he then blows up.
Your father then comes in and talks for a bit.
it's been a while since i played this mission so my memory may be a bit foggy.  


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2003, 03:14:30 pm »
Dont worry - i completed that mission - he runs away after the freighter is destroyed, BUT....

Now I cant complete 'To hunt a brother' or something like that, where the objective is to 'Destroy your Brother in Mortal combat'. Its sooooo hard! When  I cloak and warp, my hull takes damge, and it keeps saying 'we're on a collision course'...but on the map (passive sensors) there is nothing in front of us!!!!!

How do you beat this mission? (P.S. I have a DN with 2 forward photons, 2 rear photons 4 type-X shields and 8  fast-disrupters)


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2003, 03:29:21 pm »
Buy a Neghvar, and fit it with as many fast-recharge disruptors as you can, and replace one of the photorps with those ones that go through shield, forgotten the name right now. Oh and make sure to upgrade the impulse and thrusters to get the better manuevrability and if you can bump up your shields as high as possible, dump the cloak completely as you wont need it - this is a slug-fest.

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 11:32:49 pm »
Okay.  The end of the Klingon Campaign, the ISC way...

1.  Mission around Unity Base:  Jureth is destined to escape.  Therefore his ship has been reinforced by Q to be indestructable.   Don't bother even trying to kill him, let him flee like the coward he is.  You shalt show him true Klingon honor shortly...

2.  Battle of Brothers:  You vs. Jureth in a nebula.  Nebula's have annoyingly thick dust clouds that trigger collision alarms and will damage shields / hull fast, but won't suddenly blow you up on impact.  Be careful.  
My method to win (pre-patch):
Heavies: Upgrade one forward torp to Polaron.  Leave the rest as stock K-torps.  No minelayer.
Primaries: Mirrored Jureth's stock of Dis-3's and Dis-4's up front.  Used Dis-2's on the tail slots, and Dis-1's on the rear wing slots. (Opposite of his positioning)
Cloak: L5

Played him like a Rommie.  Came out of cloak for sure shots, beat down one shield, did some internals with negligable damage to myself.  He spouted off about something then he did the right thing.  (self-destructed.)  Daddy came and was happy...  Now I'm playing the Rommie campaign...


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 11:36:26 pm »
here is a hint its what i did.... as soon as you enter mission cloak and head for the sun, once there enter the carona untill you start to take damage.... uncloak let him come to you and fire a few shots.... cloak again and move away so a safe location( remain cloaked) he will orbit in the genral area takeing damage slowly but surely.... once he is messed up a bit un cloat and finish him off .... takes a while but worked for me


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:43 pm »
heh, finally someone realized how you can beat the guy. Mirror his loadout and trust me, you'll notice some things are easier. Don't go shield X's all around and don't go dis 4's either. You'll just run out of power and find yourself rather unmatched..The reason he kicks butt is cus he's got a rather modest loadout visually but overloaded awesome weapons. So take Julin's advice into consideration.  

David Ferrell

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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2003, 11:44:59 am »
Also, don't go close to the base, make Jureth come to you.  You don't have to defeat the
base, just your brother, so don't give him any help (the base).




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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2003, 12:08:06 pm »
I was unable to get that far, played the game on hard. God knows what its going to be like when I try this post patch, the new AI kicks ass big style. I would go so far as to say, because they technicaly competitant they are now better than some human players.  


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2003, 12:36:18 pm »
  You'll be pleased to know its not that much harder post-patch. If you play it right, its pretty much the same battle. Only the multiple-enemy AI seems to be improved. By the way, great job on that. It's finally worth having an AI in your fleet.



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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2003, 03:14:37 pm »
I usually have all type 10 shields and 5 type 4 disrupters up-front (fast) and 1 photon and 1 ion cannon.

I may try the Sun theory, but everytime I cloak, he always finds me on the first or second anti-cloak 'ping'.....


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2003, 03:30:57 pm »
I managed to beat him by ending up behind him, and him trying to circle me. I made my speed match his turn rate
so he never could get out of my FWD arcs, and reinforced front shield only.
I had most of my weapons to bear, he only had a few.
Had he changed speed/turn, or warped or something, he would have finished me easily. I could not win head-on.


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2003, 10:53:36 am »
I still cant complete it....

I tried 1 polaron Torp, 3 photons, 4 type4 disrupters, 4 type1 disrupters, 4 type10 shields....

type5 cloak
type5 computer
type5 thrusters
type10 Warp
type6 impulse
type5 armour


i break through his shields and kill him a bit, but ALL my shields end up depleted soon after. I cloak, run away for a bit to repair shields and when I come back, he knocks down my shields again, and before I can say 'SFC3', my hull integrity is less than 20% !!!!


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2003, 12:37:49 pm »
  Tractor and Ion Cannon. Works every time. (level 10 shields all around, reinforced forwards, flying AWAY from the base)



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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2003, 07:46:39 pm »
his ship is incredibly strong, but it turns like a brick. I beat him by putting on 5 type IVF dizzies + 2 tachyon beams (fastest reload) normal shields, best comp and stuff. Key here is getting a turn rate of above 1.0 which can be done in a Negh Var with relative ease. When attacking get in his side arc and manuevr to stay there. This shouldn't be much of a problem. He will go down pretty quickly and you shouldn't take much damage at all. Maneuverability is the key.

With a Vorcha your maueverability is even better so again if you just make sure to get in his side arc you won't have a problem and with front reinforcement you shouldn't lose your shields.


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2003, 08:28:10 pm »
I may be new at these forums but I've managed to beat him every time with a Negh'var loaded like this:
Disruptor IVF's on forward-firing primary hard points
Photon torpedoes on forward-firing heavy hard points
Type X shields all around
Type X warp core
Type I (you read it right, I) thrusters
Best impulse that will fit
Type V computer
Nothing on other hard points
This works with a strategy I've seen called the Kaufmann Retrograde. In this mission, that means that you go in, go to red alert, reinforce your forward shields, face toward Jureth and head straight at him until the hails between you two begin. Once the hails start, throw your ship into full reverse, Jureth wil come right toward you. Move your power sliders to maximum on both primary and heavy weapons ( this is why you don't have any weapons on the arcs that don't face forward, they'll just suck up energy), turn on your scanner (I swear that it improves weapon accuracy), and shoot him as soon as he comes into range, and as often as you can after that, make sure that you are targetting his hull and keep firing even after he says that he's going to blow himself up, because he'll keep shooting at you. This has worked on Commander difficulty after the patch, but I haven't had a chance to try it on any higher difficulty yet, as I'm still plodding through the Romulan campaign. It isn't the only way to beat him, just another suggestion that has worked well for me.  


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Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2003, 01:22:56 pm »
I cant complete the klingon mission where you must stop the freighters from destroying the Unity base. I kill all the ships, and get Jureths ship down to lowest health possible.....what then?


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2003, 02:50:54 pm »
Jureth complains on how bad of a brother you are... he then blows up.
Your father then comes in and talks for a bit.
it's been a while since i played this mission so my memory may be a bit foggy.  


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2003, 03:14:30 pm »
Dont worry - i completed that mission - he runs away after the freighter is destroyed, BUT....

Now I cant complete 'To hunt a brother' or something like that, where the objective is to 'Destroy your Brother in Mortal combat'. Its sooooo hard! When  I cloak and warp, my hull takes damge, and it keeps saying 'we're on a collision course'...but on the map (passive sensors) there is nothing in front of us!!!!!

How do you beat this mission? (P.S. I have a DN with 2 forward photons, 2 rear photons 4 type-X shields and 8  fast-disrupters)


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2003, 03:29:21 pm »
Buy a Neghvar, and fit it with as many fast-recharge disruptors as you can, and replace one of the photorps with those ones that go through shield, forgotten the name right now. Oh and make sure to upgrade the impulse and thrusters to get the better manuevrability and if you can bump up your shields as high as possible, dump the cloak completely as you wont need it - this is a slug-fest.

Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2003, 11:32:49 pm »
Okay.  The end of the Klingon Campaign, the ISC way...

1.  Mission around Unity Base:  Jureth is destined to escape.  Therefore his ship has been reinforced by Q to be indestructable.   Don't bother even trying to kill him, let him flee like the coward he is.  You shalt show him true Klingon honor shortly...

2.  Battle of Brothers:  You vs. Jureth in a nebula.  Nebula's have annoyingly thick dust clouds that trigger collision alarms and will damage shields / hull fast, but won't suddenly blow you up on impact.  Be careful.  
My method to win (pre-patch):
Heavies: Upgrade one forward torp to Polaron.  Leave the rest as stock K-torps.  No minelayer.
Primaries: Mirrored Jureth's stock of Dis-3's and Dis-4's up front.  Used Dis-2's on the tail slots, and Dis-1's on the rear wing slots. (Opposite of his positioning)
Cloak: L5

Played him like a Rommie.  Came out of cloak for sure shots, beat down one shield, did some internals with negligable damage to myself.  He spouted off about something then he did the right thing.  (self-destructed.)  Daddy came and was happy...  Now I'm playing the Rommie campaign...


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2003, 11:36:26 pm »
here is a hint its what i did.... as soon as you enter mission cloak and head for the sun, once there enter the carona untill you start to take damage.... uncloak let him come to you and fire a few shots.... cloak again and move away so a safe location( remain cloaked) he will orbit in the genral area takeing damage slowly but surely.... once he is messed up a bit un cloat and finish him off .... takes a while but worked for me


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:43 pm »
heh, finally someone realized how you can beat the guy. Mirror his loadout and trust me, you'll notice some things are easier. Don't go shield X's all around and don't go dis 4's either. You'll just run out of power and find yourself rather unmatched..The reason he kicks butt is cus he's got a rather modest loadout visually but overloaded awesome weapons. So take Julin's advice into consideration.  

David Ferrell

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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2003, 11:44:59 am »
Also, don't go close to the base, make Jureth come to you.  You don't have to defeat the
base, just your brother, so don't give him any help (the base).




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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2003, 12:08:06 pm »
I was unable to get that far, played the game on hard. God knows what its going to be like when I try this post patch, the new AI kicks ass big style. I would go so far as to say, because they technicaly competitant they are now better than some human players.  


  • Guest
Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2003, 12:36:18 pm »
  You'll be pleased to know its not that much harder post-patch. If you play it right, its pretty much the same battle. Only the multiple-enemy AI seems to be improved. By the way, great job on that. It's finally worth having an AI in your fleet.



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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2003, 03:14:37 pm »
I usually have all type 10 shields and 5 type 4 disrupters up-front (fast) and 1 photon and 1 ion cannon.

I may try the Sun theory, but everytime I cloak, he always finds me on the first or second anti-cloak 'ping'.....


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2003, 03:30:57 pm »
I managed to beat him by ending up behind him, and him trying to circle me. I made my speed match his turn rate
so he never could get out of my FWD arcs, and reinforced front shield only.
I had most of my weapons to bear, he only had a few.
Had he changed speed/turn, or warped or something, he would have finished me easily. I could not win head-on.


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2003, 10:53:36 am »
I still cant complete it....

I tried 1 polaron Torp, 3 photons, 4 type4 disrupters, 4 type1 disrupters, 4 type10 shields....

type5 cloak
type5 computer
type5 thrusters
type10 Warp
type6 impulse
type5 armour


i break through his shields and kill him a bit, but ALL my shields end up depleted soon after. I cloak, run away for a bit to repair shields and when I come back, he knocks down my shields again, and before I can say 'SFC3', my hull integrity is less than 20% !!!!


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #29 on: February 27, 2003, 12:37:49 pm »
  Tractor and Ion Cannon. Works every time. (level 10 shields all around, reinforced forwards, flying AWAY from the base)



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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2003, 07:46:39 pm »
his ship is incredibly strong, but it turns like a brick. I beat him by putting on 5 type IVF dizzies + 2 tachyon beams (fastest reload) normal shields, best comp and stuff. Key here is getting a turn rate of above 1.0 which can be done in a Negh Var with relative ease. When attacking get in his side arc and manuevr to stay there. This shouldn't be much of a problem. He will go down pretty quickly and you shouldn't take much damage at all. Maneuverability is the key.

With a Vorcha your maueverability is even better so again if you just make sure to get in his side arc you won't have a problem and with front reinforcement you shouldn't lose your shields.


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Re: Last (?) klingon mission...(spoilers)
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2003, 08:28:10 pm »
I may be new at these forums but I've managed to beat him every time with a Negh'var loaded like this:
Disruptor IVF's on forward-firing primary hard points
Photon torpedoes on forward-firing heavy hard points
Type X shields all around
Type X warp core
Type I (you read it right, I) thrusters
Best impulse that will fit
Type V computer
Nothing on other hard points
This works with a strategy I've seen called the Kaufmann Retrograde. In this mission, that means that you go in, go to red alert, reinforce your forward shields, face toward Jureth and head straight at him until the hails between you two begin. Once the hails start, throw your ship into full reverse, Jureth wil come right toward you. Move your power sliders to maximum on both primary and heavy weapons ( this is why you don't have any weapons on the arcs that don't face forward, they'll just suck up energy), turn on your scanner (I swear that it improves weapon accuracy), and shoot him as soon as he comes into range, and as often as you can after that, make sure that you are targetting his hull and keep firing even after he says that he's going to blow himself up, because he'll keep shooting at you. This has worked on Commander difficulty after the patch, but I haven't had a chance to try it on any higher difficulty yet, as I'm still plodding through the Romulan campaign. It isn't the only way to beat him, just another suggestion that has worked well for me.