Here is the list of things I would really like to see:
1) When you raid an enemy convoy or any enemy ship, you should be able to capture them and then lead them back to your own territory and then sell them in a Prize Court, like they used to do in the 16th, 17th, 18th, and early 19th century.
2) More missions than the Scan and Distress Call. And better Prestige awards, like if you engage the three pirate ships and save the freighter, you get more than if you just engaged a single hostile.
3) More Ships are nice. Maybe even lowering the cost of them would be nice. And getting realistic (according to ST: DS9,TNG, Movies, etc.) armament. A Defiant comes with Pulse Phasers that are really powerful, but they can't track a target.
4) I like the timeline idea. Make it so that you start in pre-TOS (Daedalus/NX-01), and then work your way up to TNG and beyond. It would prove to be rather cool.
5) More than 3 ships in a fleet, and a better promotion system. A fleet should have to follow guidelines, like:
-Escort Duty (FF: Saber/Nova), your rank: LCDR (LT Commander)
-A SAG (Space Action Group) is a combination of a FF, DD or DDG (Guided MIssile Destroyer: ie Steamrunner), commanded by a CDR (commander)
-Then you go to a Task Element: 4 FFs, a DD, and an AOE (fast combat support ship, like a Oberth-class [for carrying extra torpedoes, warp cores, fuel, etc.]), CO: CAPT
-Then Task Group: 2 FFs, 2 DDGs, CA, and an AOE. CO: COMMO (Commodore, a one-star)
-Then Task Force: 2 FFs, 2DDGs, 2 CLs, CA, DN/BB, and 2 AOEs. CO: RADM (Rear Admiral, 2star)
-Then you get to chose either a CVBG (Carrier Battle Group): 2 FFs, 4 DD/Gs, 2 CL/As, 2 DNs, BB, CVW (Warp-powered CV, hahahahaha!!!!!! along with an actual freakin CSW carrier star wing with F/A-22s, F-35s, etc.). Or a DESRON/CRURON: 12 DD/Gs (DESRON) or 8 CL and 4 CAs (CRURON). COs: VADM: Vice Admiral.
-From here, if you prove yourself worthy, the Federation Council will elect you to become a full Admiral, and now you have your pick of one of four fleets: 1) Home Fleet, or 2), 3), and 4) the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Fleets, respectively. Two of them fight against the Borg and Dominion, and the 4th is esentially to keep the Romulans in check. These fleets will be a collection of 3 CVBGs, 4 TFs, 2 ARG (Amphibious Ready Groups, a bunch of marines used to invade Planets, Stations, deal with insurrections, etc., usually each consist of a CVW, and two AOEs, carrying a reinforced Battalion of 2200 marines), 2 DESRONs, 2 CRURONs for escort and patrol duty, and 3 SAGs. At this point, you'd have to Strategically play, as well as tactically play in your flagship, usually a BB.
-Finally, if you are just the hottest thing since sliced bread, you could be promoted to the rank of FADM (Fleet Admiral), and command the WHOLE FEDERATION FLEET. Again, you get to play tactically, by leading a group of your ships into battle, but you would also have to deploy your assests strategically.
-Then after a Prestigious tour of duty, you finally are allowed to retire. You recieve command of a reserve fleet, and do stuff like anti-smuggling ops, or training, or something like diplomacy.
6) I like the idea of registry data and names that change with the ship. I also would like to think of it as promotions and being transferred to another ship. They could even make a movie with a selected character assuming command for each of the vessels, and when you go to another ship, you watch yourself relieve the old skipper, and take over the ship. OR, you lost your ship, and so you go in front of a JAG board, etc. More stuff to keep it interesting.
Reason for having an AOE/AE: Lets say that you were the target of a massive debilitating warp core attack, and it forced you to ditch it. That is why you'd need the Oberth/Nebula carrying the spare to give you (at least temporarily) warp power to get back to a fleet yard. Or, conversly, you expended most of your torps, spare shuttles, fighter weapons, ect.
Also: A listing of the Ships and classes and new weapons I would like to see:
(Lightest to Strongest)
AOE: Freighter, Oberth, Special (spec) Nebula
Fighters (Like a freaking X-wing or F-35 JSF/F/A-22A Raptor, etc.)
Shuttles AND Runabouts
(DE) Destroyer Escorts (ie, scouts, pickett ships): Centaur, Saber, Daedalus
(FF) Frigates: Nova, Norway
(DD) Destroyers: Defiant, Constellation
(DDG) Guided Missile Destroyers: Steamrunner
(CL) Light Cruiser: Intrepid, Miranda, Constitution
(CA) Heavy Cruiser: Excelsior, Akira
(CG) Guided Missile Cruiser: New Orleans
(DN) Dreadnaught: Galaxy, Soverign, Prometheus
(CVW) Carrier: To be Designed (Probably something like a modified Nebula)
(BB) Battleship: Hecate
-All Phasers
-Photon Torps
-Quantum Torps
-TLAM (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile, used to attack Planetary (ground) installations)
-Harpoon (used against space installations)
-"Standard" Missiles (SM-2ER, used as defense against fighters, TLAMs, and Harpoons)
-Some kind of CIWS (Close-In Weapon System), like a RAM or ESSM (Rolling Airframe Missile, Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile), or even a Phalanx (20mm Gatling gun), used for defence against enemy fighters (using my definition of fighters)
I just think that these would make any game completely awesome.
If you want any more ideas, email me at