Heres the old charts... not updated with the above info, but everything Tar Minyatur, myself, and others were able to 'figure out'. Not as good as offical information on all weapons would be, but it should give you some grounds for comparison.
Primary Weapons:
Cost Mass Health Energy Damage Rate* Range** Minimum Loss Notes:
PHASER IXS 550 50 15 2 4 2 F 10 5%
PHASER IXF 700 100 20 2 3 1 F 10 5%
PHASER XS 900 150 25 4 6 2 E 5 3.5%
PHASER XF 1250 200 30 4 5 1 E 5 3.5%
PHASER XIS 1300 250 35 8 8 2 D 5 3.2%
PHASER XIF 1600 300 40 8 6 1 D 5 3.2%
PHASER XIIS 1650 350 45 10 10 2 C 5 2.83%
PHASER XIIF 1900 400 50 10 7 1 C 5 2.83%
PULSE PHASER 1250 275 30 6 8 2 E 3
DISRUPTOR I 650 50 10 2 4 2 F 10 5%
DISRUPTOR IF 825 100 15 2 3 1 F 10 5%
DISRUPTOR II 925 150 20 4 6 2 E 5 3.5%
DISRUPTOR IIF 1300 200 25 4 5 1 E 5 3.5%
DISRUPTOR III 1350 250 30 8 8 2 D 5 3.2%
DISRUPTOR IIIF 1600 300 35 8 6 1 D 5 3.2%
DISRUPTOR IV 1650 350 40 10 10 2 C 5 2.83%
DISRUPTOR IVF 1900 400 45 10 7 1 C 5 2.83%
RDISRUPTOR I 700 50 10 3 5 2.7 F 10 5%
RDISRUPTOR IF 850 100 15 3 4 1.35 F 10 5%
RDISRUPTOR II 1025 150 20 6 8 2.7 E 5 3.5%
RDISRUPTOR IIF 1175 200 25 6 5 1.35 E 5 3.5%
RDISRUPTOR III 1300 250 30 9 10 2.7 D 5 3.2%
RDiSRUPTOR IIIF 1450 300 35 9 6 1.35 D 5 3.2%
RDISRUPTOR IV 1600 350 40 12 12 2.7 C 5 2.83%
RDISRUPTOR IVF 1850 400 45 12 7 1.35 C 5 2.83%
LIGHT BEAM 725 150 50 3 6 2.5 F 5 5%
LIGHT BEAM-F 975 200 60 3 5 1.25 F 5 5%
MED BEAM 1075 250 70 6 8 2.5 D 6 4%
MED BEAM-F 1300 300 80 6 6 1.25 D 6 4%
HEAVY BEAM 1600 350 90 12 12 2.5 A 5 3.6%
HEAVY BEAM-F 2400 400 100 12 10 1.25 A 5 3.6%
Note that all Primary Weapons degrade in damage, as well as accuracy, over range.
Heavy Weapons:
Cost Mass Health Energy Damage Rate* Range** Minimum Loss Notes:
PHOTON TORP 1000 200 25 8 9 4 C 1,4
QUANTUM TORP 1500 300 40 10 13 4 A 1,4
K-PHOTON TORP 900 200 20 6 6 2 C 1
POLARON TORP 2200 300 35 9 12 3.5 B 3
ION CANNON 1350 250 30 8 9 3 D 2
LT PLASMA TORP 800 200 25 7 11 6 E 5 3.67% 1,2
MD PLASMA TORP 1200 300 35 10 15 6 D 5 3.2% 1,2
HV PLASMA TORP 1600 400 45 16 20 6 C 5 2.7% 1,2
MYOTRONIC BEAM 2150 200 30 8 8 3.5 D 2,7
GRAV TORPEDO 1300 200 70 8 10 3 A 1
SHIELD INVERT 1800 250 80 10 12 3 D 5
TACHYON PULSE 2450 250 40 8 6 1.5 D 6
STD MINELAYER 1000 150 35 1 9
ANTI MINELAYER 1500 200 35 1 35 0 8
Heavy Weapons do not degrade in damage over range, save as noted
1.) Capable of Burst Fire with Legendary Officer (Rougly a 50% chance for 3 shots instead of one. This Mulitvolley deals rougly 125% damage if all 3 hit.)
2.) Damage Degrades by Range
3.) Damage occasionally ignores screens (Rough-15%)
4.) Alternate Fire Mode-Proximity. Deals 50% Damage to increase accuracy
5.) Applies damage to all target screens
6.) Hit temporarily stuns enemy warp drives
7.) Hit temporarily stuns enemy weapons
8.) Damage at variance with, and independent of, assets/weaponitems
*Refire Rates are expressed by comparison to the Federation 'Fast' Phaser. This has a refire value of 1, corresponding to a refire rate of 1 shot every 90 seconds at speed 1 with a Lvl 2 Weapons System skill.
Group: Rough Range: Examples:
A 55 Quantum Torps, Borg Heavy Cutting Beams
B 49 Polaron Torps, Heavy Plasma
C 43 Disr 4, PhXII, Photons
D 37 Medium Cutting Beam, Myotronic Beam
E 31 Pulse Phaser, Disruptor 2
F 25 Disruptor 1, Phaser IX
On Degredation-
Appears to vary with each weapon as to what % of damage is lost with range. This degredation of damage over range is independent of target size, tactical skill, or computer level.
Degredation appears to begin at a given range out depending on the weapon, and be expressed as a % of damage lost per hex out beyond that.
Thanks to
Tar Minyatur