Topic: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack  (Read 9443 times)

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IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2004, 06:00:25 pm »
Don't know if any of you have IL-2 : Forgotton Battles, (it's the best WW2 flight sim you can get if you don't know already!), but the expansion pack comes out in the UK on Friday, (I think it's already out in the US), and they're adding some really cool planes.

E.G Now included will be P-51's, Spitfires and a couple of Jap planes and I'm sure more will be added in future patches, (they don't just fix bugs you know  ). They'll even have AI V1's that you can "tip". Droooooooolll...

Here's a couple of screenies for your viewing pleasure, (links only as they are a bit big for 1024 x 768 resolutions).

 Spitfire "tipping" a V1
 Spitfire gets a kill

Anyone not in the UK actually have it yet?    


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2004, 06:04:14 pm »
Great shot's. who is making this game, as It might be one I look into. Here in the US of course.



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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2004, 07:49:05 pm »
Lurker, this looks pretty cool. What other planes do they have?

I'd love to see the Sprintbolt! The P-47M could do 470 MPH at 30,000 feet.



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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2004, 08:05:45 pm »
Here's a list of all the planes in the game, including non-flyable ones.  The P-80 is especially cool to fly, and I also like the Spitfires.  This is just what's in the Ace Expansion, for a full list of aircraft in Forgotten Battles, go  here.  This sim is amazingly detailed.


P-51D (N-9 gunsight)
P-51D K-14 gunsight)
YP-80 Shooting Star
SPB (Tb-3 with two flyable I-16s under wings)
Fiat CR.42
Fiat G.50
J8A ? (Sweden Gloster Gladiator)
Spitfire Mk.Vb (Merlin 45) 1941
Spitfire Mk.Vb (Merlin 46) 1942 clipped wings
Spitfire LF.Mk.Vb (Merlin 50) 1943
Spitfire LF.Mk.Vb (Merlin 50) 1944 clipped wings

AI-only Aircraft

Hawk 75A-3
Hawk 75A-4
Fi-103(V-1) with launcher
Gloster Gladiator MK.I
Gloster Gladiator MK.II


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2004, 08:37:53 pm »
IL-2 Sturmovik series is made by Ubi Soft, the same game design company that created Silent Hunter series and Destroyer Command that was compatible in a multiplayer dyna mode with SH2.

I will say this about Ubi Soft, their games are VERY realistic (some escorts will hang around for hours pinging for you and dropping charges), and the graphics? I only wish SFC had the details that SH2 and IL 2 have. This is not putting Taldren down by any means, I've been playing or hanging out on the forums for years and no game has been able to do that. It's just always good to see what other companies are putting out so you get fresh ideas. Ubi Soft does have a phone support, but it is about twenty minutes touchtone selected, and I was NOT impressed with the tech support. I recom if you have a problem utilize their website and post there. They are NOT Taldren where you can usually reach anyone within 3 rings of the phone.

BTW, unless you have lots of RAM and a kickbutt video card, I do not recommend these new games coming out, SH3 from Ubi Soft will be out soon as well, and the graphics on it are untouchable IMO.

Lurker, thanks for the info, which reminds me, I need to mail these (IL 2, SH2, Flanker 2.5) off to a forum member who wanted them but does not have money to buy new games right now. Though they have been out for a while, I bought it new for a reduced price, and even though I played SH2, there is not even a scratch on any of the disks. Enjoy Tim. Lemme know if you get graphics through the periscope view, I never could, so basically I was a submersible PT boat. PM me with your real address again, as I got so many messages, I've been cleaning house in my mailbox on Taldren.  


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2004, 12:52:16 pm »
How kind of you JMM!

Wulgaru is correct, those are the New planes in AEP, I think there are 112 flyable planes altogther now with theaters over Stalingrad, Normandy, I think Berlin and a MP map over the pacific, (amongst the original maps of course). It won't be long before they get a full pacific campaign going if they add more US and Japanese fighters.

This game is very realistic but is still fun to play as you can turn a lot of the realism off and slowly enable it as your skills develop. I actually found the original IL-2 ran great on my old system so I don't think there would be any problems with runnig this game for most users.

The great thing is you really feel like your flying by the seat of your pants, unlike maybe a present day based flight sim. Especially if you fly in chase mode Forgotton battles should be on budget now, (I got mine for £19.99), and I think the expansion pack is the same price.      


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2004, 01:22:05 pm »
BTW, this is the full list of aircraft available in FB, (not including what Wulgaru posted).  
« Last Edit: March 16, 2004, 04:34:01 pm by Lurker »


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2004, 08:49:08 pm »

 Spitfire "tipping" a V1
 Spitfire gets a kill

That's a P-51 tipping the V1.    

Sorry, I get a little   screwey   about these things.  


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2004, 10:08:35 pm »
Tim, your games are mailed off tomorrow, thanks for your patience. It will be through mailbox etc. from Chihuahua, so give it two days to reach El Paso, then a couple of days to get to your house. As Lurker and others stated, I think you will enjoy IL 2 very much, and SH2 is a blast! Flanker 2.5 is so-so, I was disappointed in it. You will have to print the instructions for all games except for IL 2 which came with a control display card like SFC did.

Thanks for sending me your addy again and enjoy.  


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2004, 01:04:50 pm »


 Spitfire "tipping" a V1
 Spitfire gets a kill

That's a P-51 tipping the V1.    

Sorry, I get a little   screwey   about these things.    

  Whoopsie! I guess I don't know my planes very well.  

Hopefully the expansion pack will help me learn.  

David Ferrell

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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #50 on: March 19, 2004, 10:21:37 am »
OK, is it just me or are the planes in IL2 FB too hard to control
(in particular during take-off)?

I admit a Cessna 152 or 172 is not a P-40, but having flown
those real planes, I can say they are  incredibly easy to take
off in (I did it many times, landing is a site more difficult).  In fact
I'll hazard to say that, if planes in real life were as hard to fly as
their IL2:FB counterparts, most of our pilots would have been
killed taking off.




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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #51 on: March 19, 2004, 10:57:13 am »
I've heard that many times but I have no real basis for comparison. Lets just say earlier reviewers felt the same based on comparison with other simulators.


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #52 on: March 19, 2004, 11:22:51 am »
Well, it depends on what type of plane you are trying to take off in, with some being much easier to get off the ground than others.  The hardest one I've gotten off the ground was the P-39, and supposedly it's fairly accurate in modeling how hard it was to fly that plane.  Most of the other planes are fairly easy, all you have to do is hold the wheel brakes until you up it to about 80% power and then let go and the plane catapults off.  You also have to use emergency power, especially when you have a bomb load.

Alot of these WW2 planes had a lot of torque which pulled them off to the sides if you weren't careful.  I'm not sure how it is in modern planes...but takeoffs are bloody hard in the old ones.  I haven't had much trouble with landing (again, the P-39 is difficult, as it has tricycle gear which encourages you to touch down all the wheels at the same time), it's just a matter of being patient and letting it land itself.

Your milage may vary though...I've been playing the game off and on since it came out, so I'm somewhat used to the games nuances.

David Ferrell

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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2004, 12:17:00 pm »
Thanks for the replys.  Maybe I'll load her up and
give her another try.  We did play some back at Taldren
and it was fun until they "outlawed" the only plane that
was easily flyable (the British Hawker Hurricane I think),
because it supposedly was bugged (you know a lowly geek
like me can fly it, so it must be buggy).

I see my beloved P-38 is in the expansion pack, it should
be easy to take-off in due to the two counter-rotating
props negating the 'P' factor (the engine torque problem).




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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2004, 12:31:15 pm »

OK, is it just me or are the planes in IL2 FB too hard to control
(in particular during take-off)?

I admit a Cessna 152 or 172 is not a P-40, but having flown
those real planes, I can say they are  incredibly easy to take
off in (I did it many times, landing is a site more difficult).  In fact
I'll hazard to say that, if planes in real life were as hard to fly as
their IL2:FB counterparts, most of our pilots would have been
killed taking off.



that's kinda cool actually, I learned how to Fly on an old Cessna tail dragger, but alas my Liscence expired years ago. I never knew you Flew.



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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #55 on: March 19, 2004, 01:01:49 pm »
Don't forget, there's a HUGE difference between taking off / landing a tricycle gear as opposed to a taildragger.

Something I want to ask is:  Are you applying full throttle instantly on takeoff?  If so, try easing your throttle forward.. i.e. put 25% power on until you get rolling, then sloooooooowwwwwwwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyyy increase to full throttle.  It will give your hands and feet a chance to adapt to the increasing torque much easier than ramming the throttle forward.

Another thing, if you're in a taildragger,you actually need to push forward on the throttle until you're tail rises (and you're in the flight position, but still on take-off)... then, once the tail rises, neutralize the stick (i.e. bring it to the center position), and just let your plane take off on it's own.


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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #56 on: March 19, 2004, 01:16:12 pm »
I have to agree with ya Dave! I had IL 2 and I really had a hard time controlling my aircraft as well, it wasn't anything like SWOTL or the flight simulators from Microsoft from days of old.  

Ya gotta admit though, Ubi Soft really put some work into their programs, the graphics are just stunning in detail. I am very much awaiting Silent Hunter 3.   I wish you guys had the license for that game, I can only imagine all of us SFCers taking a break and running around in U-boats and destroyers and cruisers and BBs, heck, even get to fly patrols in an aircraft. I know, I know, just dreaming, that would be like SW Galaxies running perfectly, it just isn't feasible right now.



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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #57 on: March 19, 2004, 01:39:07 pm »

Don't forget, there's a HUGE difference between taking off / landing a tricycle gear as opposed to a taildragger.

Something I want to ask is:  Are you applying full throttle instantly on takeoff?  If so, try easing your throttle forward.. i.e. put 25% power on until you get rolling, then sloooooooowwwwwwwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyyy increase to full throttle.  It will give your hands and feet a chance to adapt to the increasing torque much easier than ramming the throttle forward.

Another thing, if you're in a taildragger,you actually need to push forward on the throttle until you're tail rises (and you're in the flight position, but still on take-off)... then, once the tail rises, neutralize the stick (i.e. bring it to the center position), and just let your plane take off on it's own.  

Oh no, never try Full throttle. Most of the wieght is in the nose anyways. however, I have managed one time along time ago to Put the tail on the ground before the Front gear touched asphalt. I didn't think it could be done, But It is possible. the trick is to Pull back up with just abit of thrust (kinda like doing a Needle nose landing) and then Leveling off real quick. thrust is an issue though, as If you have too much coming in, Then the Pulling back on the throttle well give the Plane Lift again, But too little, and you can't lower the nose at the last second.

great post here BTW, I love flying.


David Ferrell

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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #58 on: March 19, 2004, 01:58:01 pm »


OK, is it just me or are the planes in IL2 FB too hard to control
(in particular during take-off)?

I admit a Cessna 152 or 172 is not a P-40, but having flown
those real planes, I can say they are  incredibly easy to take
off in (I did it many times, landing is a site more difficult).  In fact
I'll hazard to say that, if planes in real life were as hard to fly as
their IL2:FB counterparts, most of our pilots would have been
killed taking off.



that's kinda cool actually, I learned how to Fly on an old Cessna tail dragger, but alas my Liscence expired years ago. I never knew you Flew.


Flew is the operative word.

I only had 22 hours dual, 63 landings and I never solo'd.  This was all back in 1984, with all but one of the flights
taking place via the Navy Flying Club in Orland Florida.  I believe I paid $22.00/hour for the plane
wet and $15.00/hour for the instructor.




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Re: IL2-Forgotten Battles-Ace Expansion Pack
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2004, 05:01:40 pm »
Oh, here's one more hint when taking off...

to overcome the torque of the propellor, you have to use your rudders, not your control yoke.  Not sure if you are constantly screeching off the left side of the runway, but if that is the case, use the rudders to keep your nose pointing down the runway, trying to bank does no good (most flight sim pilots I know of never use their rudders.  they just use bank left/right and pull back)