Topic: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.  (Read 1819 times)

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where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« on: March 15, 2004, 09:25:46 am »
im in need of a good tos galileo shuttle. could someone give me a link to it? thanx.

could someone bash stress puppis tos fbb yamato to make it a tmp ship. would be so cool to have that ship back in sfc2:)




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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2004, 09:54:54 am »
For a good low-poly TOS shuttle, try Desty Nova's site:

Fleetdock13 has a nice one too but the poly count is pretty high (IIRC).




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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2004, 08:32:02 pm »
Hi ganymad (Ed),

As the above poster Rhaz has stated Ghost.Fox has TOS Galileo Shuttlecraft NCC 1701/7 available at his website Fleetdock 13.  Here is the specific webpage  link with the shuttlecraft at the top of the page.  You need a GameSpy ID though to download it.  If you don't have an ID and don't want to register I can email you this zip file of the Galileo Shuttecraft mod.   Here is a picture of it along with Ghost.Fox's TOS USS Republic NCC 1371 that I took while I was playing SFC1.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2004, 08:34:17 pm »

im in need of a good tos galileo shuttle. could someone give me a link to it? thanx.

could someone bash stress puppis tos fbb yamato to make it a tmp ship. would be so cool to have that ship back in sfc2:)



I have a few I can email ya if you wish  


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2004, 09:13:12 pm »
Or conversely, you can check my site.. I retextured the Fleetdock 13 shuttle a while back and that retextured version is available on my site.  

It's the one in this picture:

It's there if you want it.    I'm particularly happy with the sheer authentically cheesy look on the back of the shuttle.  


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2004, 09:22:31 pm »
Hi atheorhaven (alec),

Any chance you could make a SFC1 version of your retextured Galileo Shuttlecraft?  By the way where did you get TOS Enterprise mod from?  I got mine from Ghost.Fox Fleetdock 13 website but yours looks a little better than mine.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CyberHank1701 »


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2004, 09:34:57 pm »

Hi atheorhaven (alec),
Any chance you could make a SFC1 version of your retextured Galileo Shuttlecraft?

If there's someone asking, I can be making.  

The one reason why I hadn't was because I didn't think that SFC1 used a seperate shuttle mesh.  I thought that it used that missle mesh instead.. but if it's otherwise, absolutely I can convert it over.  


By the way where did you get TOS Enterprise mod from?  I got mine from Ghost.Fox Fleetdock 13 website but yours looks a little better than mine.

The TOS Connie that's pictured?  That's Lord Schtupp's baby, and one of the reasons why I like working with his ships.. they're just really pretty.  

You can download it here..

The Starbase is all my baby though, I tried to match the textures as closely as I could to Lord Schtupp's for continuity and just general look, and the windows on the rim are scaled to his Connie's so that when you get them both together, you really get a sense of scale.  


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2004, 09:53:27 pm »
yeah, i love Schtupp's tos stuff! it pwnzers.


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2004, 10:28:47 pm »


Hi atheorhaven (alec),
Any chance you could make a SFC1 version of your retextured Galileo Shuttlecraft?

If there's someone asking, I can be making.  

The one reason why I hadn't was because I didn't think that SFC1 used a seperate shuttle mesh.  I thought that it used that missle mesh instead.. but if it's otherwise, absolutely I can convert it over.  


By the way where did you get TOS Enterprise mod from?  I got mine from Ghost.Fox Fleetdock 13 website but yours looks a little better than mine.

The TOS Connie that's pictured?  That's Lord Schtupp's baby, and one of the reasons why I like working with his ships.. they're just really pretty.  

You can download it here..

Thanks Alec.  Are all of Lord Schutupp's Models made for SFC2 only?  If I understand your statement about SFC1 shuttles the answer is I can have 2 different shuttles per race.  I put one shuttle mod in the "fms" folder and then I put another shuttle mod in another folder, "fms-adm" for example.  Then I use EagleEye Software Group's ShipEdit program to point the adminstation shuttle to the "fms-adm" folder.  The other 3 types of shuttles (wild wessel, scatter pack, decoy) are represented by whatever mod I put in the "fms" folder.  These 3 shuttles are hard coded to point to the "fms" folder I cannot change that.  I can only change the adminstation shuttle to point to a different folder.



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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2004, 01:15:50 am »

Thanks Alec.  Are all of Lord Schutupp's Models made for SFC2 only?

All of his stuff is.. however it usually takes me only about 10 minutes or less to convert a SFC 2 mesh to SFC 1.  I've converted over several to SFC 1, including the TOS Akula (one of my kitbashes using Schtupp's parts).  It's up on my site as well, and I *so* need to update it to add in the new ships like this one.

What I should do is this.. create a SFC 2 -> SFC 1 convertor pack for his Connie, or else just host the SFC 1 version of it up on my site as well.  Maybe I'll do the latter, it'd be a lot simpler.  Give me a few days though (like four) because work and RL issues are sapping a lot of time.


 If I understand your statement about SFC1 shuttles the answer is I can have 2 different shuttles per race.  I put one shuttle mod in the "fms" folder and then I put another shuttle mod in another folder, "fms-adm" for example.  Then I use EagleEye Software Group's ShipEdit program to point the adminstation shuttle to the "fms-adm" folder.  The other 3 types of shuttles (wild wessel, scatter pack, decoy) are represented by whatever mod I put in the "fms" folder.  These 3 shuttles are hard coded to point to the "fms" folder I cannot change that.  I can only change the adminstation shuttle to point to a different folder.

Okay, weird... maybe it's because I've mostly been playing the SFC 1 demo for so long that I'd forgotten it.  But it's good to know that you can do the same with SFC 1 as SFC 2.  

Okay, I'll also convert over all the TOS stuff to SFC 1 of Schtupp's that I can find, plus as well, convert over the shuttle.  Think my Starbase is already in SFC 1 form, so that won't be needed to be done (just might not have the download link up like the majority of my "vastly needing to be included in an updated webpage" site..


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2004, 10:53:56 am »


Thanks Alec.  Are all of Lord Schutupp's Models made for SFC2 only?

All of his stuff is.. however it usually takes me only about 10 minutes or less to convert a SFC 2 mesh to SFC 1.  I've converted over several to SFC 1, including the TOS Akula (one of my kitbashes using Schtupp's parts).  It's up on my site as well, and I *so* need to update it to add in the new ships like this one.

What I should do is this.. create a SFC 2 -> SFC 1 convertor pack for his Connie, or else just host the SFC 1 version of it up on my site as well.  Maybe I'll do the latter, it'd be a lot simpler.  Give me a few days though (like four) because work and RL issues are sapping a lot of time.


 If I understand your statement about SFC1 shuttles the answer is I can have 2 different shuttles per race.  I put one shuttle mod in the "fms" folder and then I put another shuttle mod in another folder, "fms-adm" for example.  Then I use EagleEye Software Group's ShipEdit program to point the adminstation shuttle to the "fms-adm" folder.  The other 3 types of shuttles (wild wessel, scatter pack, decoy) are represented by whatever mod I put in the "fms" folder.  These 3 shuttles are hard coded to point to the "fms" folder I cannot change that.  I can only change the adminstation shuttle to point to a different folder.

Okay, weird... maybe it's because I've mostly been playing the SFC 1 demo for so long that I'd forgotten it.  But it's good to know that you can do the same with SFC 1 as SFC 2.  

Okay, I'll also convert over all the TOS stuff to SFC 1 of Schtupp's that I can find, plus as well, convert over the shuttle.  Think my Starbase is already in SFC 1 form, so that won't be needed to be done (just might not have the download link up like the majority of my "vastly needing to be included in an updated webpage" site..  

That sounds great!  Thank you!!  I look forward to it, especially Lord Schtupp's Enterprise and Dreadnought mods for SFC1.

Thanks again,



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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2004, 11:06:43 am »
Does anyone know if a Romulan or Klingon shuttle ever appeared on screen in any TOS episodes. I'd like to make them if they exist. Tired of using ROm/Klink shuttles that are nothing more then Fed shuttles with green skins.


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2004, 12:10:31 pm »
i dont know about romulan shuttles but darkmatrix ported over the klingon academy shuttle some time ago.
looks pretty cool.
but i havent seen it on the net for quite some time.


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2004, 08:47:50 pm »

Does anyone know if a Romulan or Klingon shuttle ever appeared on screen in any TOS episodes. I'd like to make them if they exist. Tired of using ROm/Klink shuttles that are nothing more then Fed shuttles with green skins.  

I use the Warp sled for a vulcan shuttle.It would be cool if someone did a TOS version of it  


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2004, 01:00:08 am »
Found the other picture that I was looking for that nicely shows off the new illumination on the shuttle.  I used it to show scale on my TARDIS mesh.  

Actually, I beat myself to it.  

I'd already converted over the Galileo 7 to SFC 1 when I originally released it.  Here's the download link to it..
« Last Edit: March 17, 2004, 01:20:58 am by atheorhaven »


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Re: where to find a to shuttle and a kitbash request.
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2004, 04:48:49 pm »
Thank you Alec.  
