Topic: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.  (Read 3579 times)

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Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« on: March 15, 2004, 02:51:38 am »
  I was wondering if  anyone knows how to keep a campaign going on when you get a mission incomplete.I saw somewhere in
 the game mission file it contained 1 and 0s .I was wondering if I changed the 1 to 0 will that let the campaingn keep
 going instead of ending and starting all over agian?I really hate when I get 4 missions done and mess up on the next
 that it says mission incomplete and the campaign is over.This did not happen to me in Empires at War although I lost
 quite a few of those
  What I am trying to say is that how can you cheat on the campiagn missions or rigg them when you lose you win.
  Thanks to All who can help me with this    


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Re: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2004, 03:14:28 am »
in SFC 3 you can't unless you re-write the mission scripts...

as for when you lose a mission.. common practice is to save after each successful mission (to a name other than Autosave) and continue where you left off until you finally beat the mission...

other than that, you can mod you beginning prestige and buy a big ship off the start.. the prestige is located in the *.gf file called and it is opened with notepad...

location of this file is

C:\Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\MetaAssets\ServerProfiles\SinglePlayer

the lines you want to edit are

// This is a character's starting prestige
StartingPrestige   = 200

StartingPrestige   = 100

StartingPrestige   = 50

Create/0 is the easy level, Create/1 is medium level, create2 is Admiral or hard level

setting this to say 15000 should get you enough PP to buy and refit a very nice ship.


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Re: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2004, 03:02:54 am »
   Pestalence can you provide me with an example Please.Thanks a lot Pestalence.  


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Re: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2004, 07:45:56 pm »
Ok in the file..

find the section :

// This is a character's starting prestige
StartingPrestige = 200

StartingPrestige = 100

StartingPrestige = 50

now if you are playing on the easy level

// This is a character's starting prestige
StartingPrestige = 20000

StartingPrestige = 100

StartingPrestige = 50

will start you off in the Captains level with 20K PP

For medium Difficulty game :

// This is a character's starting prestige
StartingPrestige = 200

StartingPrestige = 20000

StartingPrestige = 50

Commodore level will start you with 20K PP

for hard Difficulty game :

// This is a character's starting prestige
StartingPrestige = 200

StartingPrestige = 100

StartingPrestige = 20000

Admiral level will start you with 20K PP

now you can insert any ammount you like, but I suggest not goint Overboard... 90000 will let you buy any ship in the game and refit it any way you like with enough left over to buy another one...



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Re: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2004, 02:43:02 am »
    What I meant is what would you name the mission if the mission was incomplete EG.Federation 1 and the next 2 etc.

    Thanks agian Pestalence you are big help in here to everyone  


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Re: Star Fleet Cammand 3 .I need advice.
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2004, 02:28:14 am »
Well, when you complete a mission, you can just make 1 save as file of any name you wish so long as it is not AutoSave...
after each mission, just overwrite your old save file (Not AutoSave)..

that way when you launch the game again... You can delete Auto Save.. and you can load Your saved game and take off after you last successful mission...

at times it takes a few missions to get the storyline to kick back it... but I suggest using that time to build PP and buy a good ship or get a good refit.

Hope that this helps.