I will have to tell you about my F-CB,F-CFS,F-CFS+ sometime those you would defintly not defeat.IKVNemesis I used a
simple F-CA and took out a stock K-DL.I used Commodore and game speed slider 9.There were 229 internal Damage on K-D7L
and onley 89 on F-CA and I did use the photons in overload it seem that if used my K-D7L that you are not that good with photons just those dizzies which are no match to it.In Empires at War in the news sreen the Klingons were the first to give in to the ISC and the Federation did not they signed a treaty later on I played the Klingon the most EAW and the KLingons became allies with ISC the reason they had weaker ships and were no match for them the Romulans on the other hand were a far better match considering they can cloak and fire thier plasma torpedoes.
I could take you out with my K'Vort class destroyer in no.3 it has a warp power of 33 ,top speed at impluse 49.69 ,
maneverablity 1.27 ,total impulse power 713 and total mass 14350 and can go to warp undercloak.I took out a heavily armed Romulan Hawk .I only had 2 time photon anf 4 time disruptor 1F
I guess what I am trying to say is practice with photons for awhile.I play Federation OP because the photons fire better.I know this is based on a board game but what you people do GW in 2 hours would take 2 days on the board game it is not exactly the same and I know it is a big board game it is still can be puchased basic set goes for $100.00cdn
the full set$ 200.00cdn and do you want to know something interesting it was actually designed by a person in Abbotsford BC.
I talked this over with manager in a board game store that carries a little in general but mostly in strategy board games and you think I don't know any of this well I do.Its just time for a change the Federation shouldn't be the only Empire using the photon and I could think of any Empire other than the Klingons to be on par with the Federation and it does look cool with photons firing out of a Klingonn ship don't you?Iam just saying the heck with the board game rules and the way this game was designed lets design it another way.I am tired of all those Pirate Cartels of having photons and no other Empire other the Federation.
I would like to see a revised ship and fighter list that is basically all.I even add Swift 2s firing photons.This just makes for a more interesting game and a hole lot funner.This is untill Taldren comes out with a authentic game set in the 23C. in the TMP with some ships from TOS.I would like to see it in a 3D with the same visual effects as OP and of course the ships making noise when thay get hit and one for the Feds.but no missles except the Kzinti(Mirak),suicide shuttles,Spacks and wild weasels aswell as ECM/ECCM none of that but more powerful and faster ships just more Authentic.It is just time for a change and change is good