I d/led the new beta patch last night, and the first thing that I noticed that was different was that AI ships couldnt join up with my fleet. I like that Idea, but I think that there needs to be a modification.
Currently you cannot have a ship that is of a larger class than yours join up with you, while a good idea, I think it should be changed so that it is based on Rank. I have never been fond of the bigger ships, too slow and they turn like a brick. When I play as Fed the highest I normally go is the Intrepid, perhaps to the Akira, but never higher than that. Klinks are normally more manueverable so I get to the Vor'cha before I stop increasing. I havent played as Romulan since the patch came out, and I know that there have been a lot of fixes with the Rommies, but I normally stop with the Shrike or the Hawk. I cannot stand playing as the Borg and never will play conquest with them. (I do like to know what end of my ship is SUPPOSED to be facing foreward, without having to constantly look up to the tactical map (This of course stems from being forced to play the game on my laptop before my PC arrived which didnt meet the requirements for memory (well it did but the memory was shared with my Video Card so it didnt) and so Passive sensors were something that the Computer wouldnt give me))
So I say make fleet commanders be higher (or equal) in rank to everyone in their fleet, to allow me, when Im an Admiral and flying in an Intrepid, to have command over an AI Captain in a Galaxy.