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Topic: Genteel Southern Lady  (Read 4469 times)

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Clark Kent

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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2004, 02:24:52 pm »
More on General Robert E. Lee:
while many people do not know this, there are other facts to be known about this grand metallic figure in our history.
Fort Lee, just outside Petersburg VA. was named after this formidable car.
Also named after the vehicle was a VA resident, named General Robert E. Lee, who eventually entered military service in order to make better use of his first name- General.  He graduated high in his class and served with distinction in the war with Mexico as Lieutenant General Robert E. Lee.  By the time the Civil war occurred, he had been promoted and was General General Rbert E. Lee, and served as once of the South's most decotrated and successful officers.  At the end of the war he was of but a handful of men from the south that was able to accept the fact that the war was over and surrenderred to Ullysses S. Grant (named after the various types of loans and subsidies that are given to people for various reasons, i.e. College Grants).  To this Day General General Robert E. Lee is considered one of the most civilized and progressive southerners in history for his feats in understanding that the war was and is over.


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2004, 08:51:36 pm »

what makes you so sure there would be a noticible fork in the family tree  

Kinda like an intertwineing branch?    


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Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2004, 11:02:11 am »
A very genteel Southern lady was driving across the Savannah River Bridge in Augusta, GA one day. As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a  young man standing near the edge of the bridge getting ready (fixin) to jump.

She stopped her car, rolled down her window and said, "Please don't jump, think of your Mother and Father".

He replied, "My Mom and Dad are both dead, I'm gonna jump".

She said, "Well, think of your wife and children".

He replied, "I'm not married and I don't have any kids".

She said, " Well, then think of Robert E. Lee".

He replied, " Who is Robert E. Lee?"

She replied, "Well just go on and jump, you yankee dumb ass!"


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2004, 11:04:05 am »


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #24 on: March 13, 2004, 01:33:08 pm »

A very genteel Southern lady was driving across the Savannah River Bridge in Augusta, GA one day. As she neared the top of the bridge, she noticed a  young man standing near the edge of the bridge getting ready (fixin) to jump.

She stopped her car, rolled down her window and said, "Please don't jump, think of your Mother and Father".

He replied, "My Mom and Dad are both dead, I'm gonna jump".

She said, "Well, think of your wife and children".

He replied, "I'm not married and I don't have any kids".

She said, " Well, then think of Robert E. Lee".

He replied, " Who is Robert E. Lee?"

She replied, "Well just go on and jump, you yankee dumb ass!"

WHO IS Robert E. Lee            


Clark Kent

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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #25 on: March 13, 2004, 03:15:00 pm »

WHO IS Robert E. Lee            

The Robert E. Lee is a bright Orange car with a Flag painted on the top, doors welded shut and who's horn plays Dixie everytime it does an insanely large and dangerously jump (which it does quite often).


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2004, 08:38:47 pm »
Oooohhh is his brother Knight Rider ?


Clark Kent

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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2004, 08:59:16 pm »

Oooohhh is his brother Knight Rider ?


I believe they're related, if only distantly so...  

J. Carney

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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2004, 12:54:44 am »

She replied, "Well just go on and jump, you yankee dumb ass!"

My kinda girl.


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2004, 12:10:37 pm »
Mother or Father's side?  


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2004, 01:35:06 pm »
what makes you so sure there would be a noticible fork in the family tree  

Clark Kent

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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2004, 02:24:52 pm »
More on General Robert E. Lee:
while many people do not know this, there are other facts to be known about this grand metallic figure in our history.
Fort Lee, just outside Petersburg VA. was named after this formidable car.
Also named after the vehicle was a VA resident, named General Robert E. Lee, who eventually entered military service in order to make better use of his first name- General.  He graduated high in his class and served with distinction in the war with Mexico as Lieutenant General Robert E. Lee.  By the time the Civil war occurred, he had been promoted and was General General Rbert E. Lee, and served as once of the South's most decotrated and successful officers.  At the end of the war he was of but a handful of men from the south that was able to accept the fact that the war was over and surrenderred to Ullysses S. Grant (named after the various types of loans and subsidies that are given to people for various reasons, i.e. College Grants).  To this Day General General Robert E. Lee is considered one of the most civilized and progressive southerners in history for his feats in understanding that the war was and is over.


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Re: Genteel Southern Lady
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2004, 08:51:36 pm »

what makes you so sure there would be a noticible fork in the family tree  

Kinda like an intertwineing branch?    

