Topic: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP V-1 added  (Read 1161 times)

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Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP V-1 added
« on: March 19, 2004, 05:07:40 am »
This is early. There are lots of mesh errors. The bridge for example needs complete rework. For now I am mostly interested in getting the proportions correct. If you think the hull should be more narrow or longer thats the feedback I need. Don't get hung up on the textures too much. These will be redone as they are from the V-8 and dont fit. They help make the mesh errors stand out more.  

 early wip pics

 link to reference pic and ship info  

Polycount-1384  may change as it gets reworked.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2004, 11:20:11 am »
One more for the collection

How about a (non-FASA) Melak or a FASA Klingon  D-10 from you?



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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2004, 04:10:43 pm »

One more for the collection

How about a (non-FASA) Melak or a FASA Klingon  D-10 from you?


Sorry  on the Melak. I am in TOS/very early TMP mode and the Melak is cery much a TNG style. I saw a thread with one about a week ago. It might have been one that is being ported from home world, though I am not certain.

Regarding the D-10. I was eyeing that yesterday. I plan on doing klinks after I finish Rommies. Though I need reference pics for TOS style klink textures. Was the Katinga the only canon ship in TOS? You would know this I bet. I can't remember id the TOS Kyinga was textured grey or green. Once again I plan on giving the early FASA Klink designs a TOS feel. Right now though I am in Rommie mode. Just going to keep at Rommies till I have a decent fleet of them for TOS.

Captain Pierce

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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2004, 05:09:00 pm »
Technically, in TOS it's not the K't'inga, it's the D7.    And TOS D7's were grey, although Greg Jein indulged in a bit of revisionist history for his version in "Trials and Tribble-ations."  


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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2004, 06:00:26 pm »
Actually many reffer to both as different versions of the D7 - with the TOS one being the Klolode (which was the name on the actual studio model IIRC)

BTW neither TOS nor TMP Klinks were green the BoP is an oddity because of script alterations and some idiot from the SW films designing it - no bloody warp engines!? LOL the K'T'inga was a very pale grey/green and tan mixture. Check out WZ45's K'T'inga for a pretty acurate rendition of the colour scheme.


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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2004, 06:40:00 pm »
Thanks for the info guys. I uploaded picks of the V-1 Starglider.  This is my 5th rommie mesh. Once again the textures were just slapped on. Though I like the pattern that appeared randomly on the wings. The V-1 pics are the last 3 now after the V-6

 V-6 and V-1 pics

 V-1 ship info
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by red_green »

Captain Pierce

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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2004, 07:01:42 pm »
Personally, I've always considered the K't'inga to be a Class D8 in that naming convention (not sure where I got that from, honestly--always thought it was FASA, until I found the STSSTCSMU&A and was reminded of that whole D7M thing ); and the D7 to be the Akif class (which is what Diane Duane called it once in one of her novels).  Not that anyone cares...  

Red, I think your Roms are pretty good, but can I make one nitpick?  Shouldn't the birds on them be a bit bigger?  When you look at the TOS Warbird, for example--

--the bird is pretty prominent, and I would think that would carry over onto the other ships.  At any rate, keep your stick on the ice, and if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.    


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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2004, 07:31:32 pm »
Yea I noticed that. I will change that on the V-8. However that wont work on a few others because of the wing placements.
The V-1 for example, the wings are just to long. In the FASA manual. It looks as though it has the bird feathers on each wing but not the rest of the bird.  The Q-1 (pictured in another thread) has its wings too far swept back to align the bird from wing tip to wing tip.  The V-6 might work with the bird enlarged from wing-tip to wing- tip but I haven't started texturing that yet.

Actually I will do 2 varients of the V-8. One as the bird is now and the other enlarged. I'll see if I can change the wing angles on the one pictured to give it a different look. Like its a refit or something.


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Re: Rommie V-6 Gallant wing early WIP
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2004, 09:20:49 pm »

Personally, I've always considered the K't'inga to be a Class D8 in that naming convention (not sure where I got that from, honestly--always thought it was FASA, until I found the STSSTCSMU&A and was reminded of that whole D7M thing

Well in SFC I assigned the K'T'inga as the K-D7K (would fit the name no?) and any later variants, the Klolode as any D7s up to the D7B and it's variants while the D6 I replaced with someone's model of Masao Okazaki's (SFMuseum) D6

BTW if I could see the big pics I'm sure they're veeery puuuurty but villagephotos hates me and wants me dead so I can't see the pics, only the thumbnails.

Uh-oh - they've arrived with the wood-panelled car to take me awaaaay!!!!