Personally, I've always considered the K't'inga to be a Class D8 in that naming convention (not sure where I got that from, honestly--always thought it was FASA, until I found the STSSTCSMU&A and was reminded of that whole D7M thing

); and the D7 to be the
Akif class (which is what Diane Duane called it once in one of her novels). Not that anyone cares...

Red, I think your Roms are pretty good, but can I make one nitpick? Shouldn't the birds on them be a bit bigger? When you look at the TOS Warbird, for example--

--the bird is pretty prominent, and I would think that would carry over onto the other ships. At any rate, keep your stick on the ice, and if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.