Topic: How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?  (Read 1053 times)

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Captain Ron

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How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?
« on: March 12, 2004, 02:20:13 am »
How do you Hardpoint with Milkshape?

Anyone know, I just tried for 2 hours Plus who know how long i looked for and read tutorials with no luck at all. So any one know or do I need to find some one to do this stuff for me again?

Had to fix the name darn typing skills!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2004, 02:21:16 am by Captain Ron »


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Re: How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2004, 04:53:46 pm »
Under model on the right side of screen click on joint. then the other joints button up top 4 over from model. there will be  a button named assign, click on you 3d model where  you want the hardpoint to be at.  A new joint will apper there named joint 1 then 2 and so on as you make them. rename them with the rename butoon hardpoint1 etc...  you can use the move  button under model tab to move them around to get them to where u want them.   Hope that helps.  If not yell will try to answer your questions if work(bad four letter word) permitting.

Now if only i could figure out how to make my own models lol, i have got good at kitbashing them at lest.  

Captain Ron

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Re: How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2004, 05:02:07 pm »
Thanks for the reply.

You are ahead of me though I am just learning to kitbash now. I decided to go the hard way and learn how to do textures first. Now I am learning how to apply them to a model and kitbashing.


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Re: How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2004, 01:23:39 am »
I think you are ahead of me,  i can take parts move them around etc,  i have probelms making a box and putting textures on it.
 After next week i HOPE to be able to release some models i have done. the ancom and jtk are done, should be uploading them somewhere in the next few days. I have made several new excellsior type ships. retextered quite a few also, some from newworlds web page? old star trek 1 site i belive, uss laxson, durett,starslayer,fcx,fdx,thesues, drone, constellation and some others. I have to get permision from the authers on most of them, hopefully there email adress is still good on the readme.

Captain Ron

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Re: How do you Hardpoint with MilksHape?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2004, 03:12:59 am »
Try these they are what helped me out when I started using this program.

 Applying textures

 Saucer Construction

They are what got me started and helped out allot. It is a pitty this community drove james Fromo away he could have been allot of help to us.