Topic: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap  (Read 2264 times)

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Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« on: March 13, 2004, 07:06:52 pm »

Hello, I am looking for  a few ships and I was wondering if I could get some help;

1) Starfleet Battles CVA's? Two engined (flatbed) or Three Engined versions? TOS or TMP? The only ones I have seen are the ones at Fleetdock 13.

2) Fasa Belknap heavy cruisers? (TMP version)? I don't really have a nice one. Would like to get a good one to use as a Fed CB.



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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2004, 07:13:49 pm »
Dunno about the CVS' but I know where you can get a Belknap....

 The Galactic Paint and Body Shop

Under downloads, then Cruisers if memory serves... It's a good one too....  


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2004, 10:32:42 pm »

Hello, I am looking for  a few ships and I was wondering if I could get some help;

1) Starfleet Battles CVA's? Two engined (flatbed) or Three Engined versions? TOS or TMP? The only ones I have seen are the ones at Fleetdock 13.


You mean like this?

Anduril's TOS CVA

Can be downloaded from here:

My kitbashed TMP version based on this design:

and looks like this (using Anduril's TOS CVA and LC_Amaral's Excelsior parts):

It should be out by tomorrow evening.. I just want to check the pylons and make sure that they're transitioning now smoothly enough between glowy area and non-glowy now.  So your timing is good either way.. two months ago, neither of these existed..

Rod O'neal

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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2004, 10:57:59 pm »
You can find the two and three engined SFB style CVAs at  Desty Nova's site.  


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2004, 01:55:19 am »
If the belknap you are refering to is a  tmp Fca variant, then it is on mackies site under fed retextures.

Captain Ron

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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2004, 02:41:40 am »
 Mackies' SFC Retextured Section!

Look around you may find what you are looking for, then check out the other downloads sections you never know. Also there is a site listing at the top of this forum, go through them there are lots of ships out there. Atrahasis site the Ark is also worth a look, especially since he has started to update it and upgrade his current works.


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2004, 07:47:10 am »
Thanks everyone for the help.

I saw Andruil's CVA in an earlier thread . .  but I missed that download link. Thanks for reposting the link!  

Did I miss something, or does the galactic fringe not have a directory?  

Thanks also for posting the link to Mackies site.

One quick question: A few models on Mackes site (and also on another SFC site) use the *.rar format. Any particular reason to use that and not the more common *.zip format?    


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2004, 07:58:52 am »
simple reason: usualy rar files are smaler. search on google or yahoo for winrar. u will find downloadlinks for the winrar programm.




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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2004, 08:35:13 am »
Atheorhaven sir,I have a question about a ship on your site.I was reading your news page Nov 23 update and I was looking at the pics.On the top row of pics between the TOS Battleship and the damaged Connie there are 2 pics of a ship I don't believe I am familiar with and I would like it if possible.Could you please enlighten me as to what ship it is and where if at all I can go to get it? Thanks


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2004, 03:39:24 pm »

Atheorhaven sir,I have a question about a ship on your site.I was reading your news page Nov 23 update and I was looking at the pics.On the top row of pics between the TOS Battleship and the damaged Connie there are 2 pics of a ship I don't believe I am familiar with and I would like it if possible.Could you please enlighten me as to what ship it is and where if at all I can go to get it? Thanks

Actually, that's two ships,Mackie's "USS Duke" and Cleeve's "Excellentia".  The Duke,along with the rest of Mackie's "Classic" shippack is complete now, but before I released it, a lot of my conversion work started showing up in other games without me being credited for my work in the process.  So all those releases immediately went on hold until I could figure out a system where I'd be at least asked before this started to happen.  I don't mind my work showing up in other games, *but* I at least like to be asked first.

So I decided to try an experiment, and see what'd be released of Mackie's stuff if I didn't convert over the meshes from LWO to MOD, and so far (to date) the only stuff that I've seen show up has been stuff that's been previously released.  So what I'm going to do with the completed ships is this: I'll be releasing them with the same installer that I've used for the Larson and Andor, with maybe one modification, I may add in a link so that you can double-click on it and it'll open their email program with my address in it so that they can ask to use the ship in a conversion right during the install process.

As for the "Excellentia", it's not complete.  I'm still rebuilding the textures up a bit,and may still do a little meshwork with it.  It's one of the ships on the list I have taped to my wall to complete,  

Captain Ron

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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2004, 04:22:33 pm »
Actually a few of Mackies LWO files are in the mists of being converted by others for BC. If you do them for SFC then I will not have to covert them from BC, once they are done. Appearently BC is much harder to to get ships into then SFC 1, 2, and 3 combined.


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2004, 08:38:55 pm »
Thank you for that update sir.  


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Re: Wanted: Fed CVA and Fed Belknap
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2004, 08:50:54 pm »

Actually a few of Mackies LWO files are in the mists of being converted by others for BC. If you do them for SFC then I will not have to covert them from BC, once they are done. Appearently BC is much harder to to get ships into then SFC 1, 2, and 3 combined.  

I have max (3ds) files for the 2 klingon brel kitbashes and the fed 3 pack (seelowe..ect) and hess/hess2. If you want to mod them for sfc msn me and I will send them over. The Seelowe is ready for BC and Silberfush or whatever is not far behind. ussima is on hold  because I have not had the chance to complete an excelcior HP. Once one is done for a normal excelcior,  all the variants will get done with the same  script slightly altered...goes faster like that.