Topic: From beyond the galaxy, designed by an ancient race to fight the Borg...  (Read 3211 times)

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Well, I can't say as I've read the book or anything, but the idea that the doomsday machine was built to fight the Borg really doesn't make sense. I've always felt it was, as the name suggests, a last effort to defeat some ancient enemy that has continued to operate. I mean, if the only way to kill one is to fly a cruiser sized vessel into the maw and blow it up, then the thing wouldn't last very long...the Borg would have no trouble sacrificing a cube to end the threat.

As for the comment about Lucas and SW, I feel that at least SW continuity makes more sense. Sure the novels may have paid a little, but the movies and "canon" facts are more in keeping with what we have seen. Why? Because B&B don't work for SW.

My $.02    


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Well, I can't say as I've read the book or anything, but the idea that the doomsday machine was built to fight the Borg really doesn't make sense.

Actually, it does. When the Borg assimilate a planet (Best of Both Worlds style), they scoop all the cities and relevant technology off the face of it for mass assimilation within the Cube, leaving lifeless balls of rock in their wake. The Doomsday Machine was designed to use these lifeless planets as fuel, in quite a beautiful twist of irony  


 I've always felt it was, as the name suggests, a last effort to defeat some ancient enemy that has continued to operate.

You mean, the Borg...?


I mean, if the only way to kill one is to fly a cruiser sized vessel into the maw and blow it up, then the thing wouldn't last very long...the Borg would have no trouble sacrificing a cube to end the threat.

That was a flaw with the original design- in the book, the Mark II actually sucks in a Borg Cube and digests it for power, warp core and all...

Also, there is a discontinity with the original episode. The DM was destroyed by overloading the Constellation's impulse engines, and yet if it was successful in sucking in the Enterprise, surely the explosion from the Enterprise's warp core would have destroyed it....??

I suggest watching the original episode, then the Best of Both Worlds, and THEN read the book. You should enjoy it far more without having to think of Voyager's butchering of them    


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Just to mention it, there is a SFC 3 conversion of this one in the works..

Just sent it over to Nannerslug just to give it a look over to see if I made any glaring errors in the conversion..


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Bump- any word on this baby's conversion status?