Yes folks after a few delays, I am happy to release this into the SFC universe... So what have I got for you...
This is the first release of a batch and represents the USS Standridge, NCC-2301. For those expecting the USS Chandley, that will be released in a while as a "Phase II" model. Subsequent releases will follow in due course, some featuring hull decoration (Blackhawk and Blackheart spring to mind) and others will be bashes of some form or other.
I have included an EXP file for use with Shipedit and I'm offering this up in three flavours of varying size and detail... All versions use Khaliban's original bitmaps at 1024x1024 resolution. The additional bitmaps by me are in two sizes 1024x1024 and 2048x2048. Now before you all run off and panic I will just point out that I have mapped the entire Aux Hull/Pylon assembly onto a single bitmap (hence the size). Having said that though the 1024 res maps are more than sufficient for use in game and I have only used the larger bitmap for the above renders. I'm making the larger size map available for those that want it but you should find that the 1024 version will suit most systems. I have also made available a "Lite" version in 1024x1024 resolution using palleted bitmaps to help low memory systems. As far as poly count goes, the whole thing weighs in at 9763 polygons though I should point out that the extra bits only account for a third of that. For those concerned about using high poly models in-game I have the following comparisons:
LC Amaral's Excalibur II : 11987 polys
Terradyne's Avenger : 10133 polys
Khaliban's Enterprise : 9769 polys
My Chandley : 9763 polys
If your system can cope with the others then you'll be fine
Finally a note on kitbashing. I'm quite happy to have this model bashed, after all it would be nice seeing other interpretations, however I must ask for the time being not to bash it (unless you ask first) until I've released all the variants, ie all my own bashes. I dont want to sound arsey but this is the first model I've done and want to ensure it's as complete (as far as I'm concerned) as possible, variant wise. After I've release all the variants you're quite welcome to do what you like with it providing you let me know
Ok, enough said..... Download links to follow and variant updates to come.....
USS Standridge (2048 bitmap)
USS Standridge 2048 4.9 meg zipped and 41.4 meg unzipped (!!!!)
USS Standridge (1024 bitmap)
USS Standridge 1024 3.9 meg zipped and 23.3 meg unzipped
USS Standridge (1024 palleted bitmap)
USS Standridge 1024 (8 bit palleted) 2.4 meg zipped and 9.4 meg unzipped
Any and all feedback is appreciated as always and special thanks to Atrahasis for sorting my break model out.... You da man!!