O_o Why is everyone comparing this to asteroid movies?
The Day after Tomorrow is based on the book
The Coming Global Superstorm written by our beloved Art Bell and the not-so-beloved Whitley Strieber. Allegedly, the story does NOT rely on a B.S. sci-fi plot device, and could actually happen according to research. It is supposed to be an account on how global warming would wind up creating a sudden and devestating ice age in the Northern hemisphere. Unfortunatly, I can't remember the exact mechanics behind the massive weather change.
Don't take my word as gospel, but I think that global warming did two things that caused the sudden ice age. First of all, it disrupted the jet stream, which much of Europe relies on to maintain somewhat temperate conditions. Second of all, it causes the warmer waters of the atlantic to drop further south towards the equator leaving much colder water behind and devestating normal ocean currents. Sense Europe, as well as North America, also rely on the ocean currents and what not to maintain temperate conditions, it's clear to see how we would be f**ked if that actually happens. As if that wasn't enough, the sudden massive rush of cold and warm air patterns would also cause storms that would make hurricanes Hugo and Andrew look like pleasent weekend showers.
The scariest part of it all though is that according to a meterological report from the U.K. scientists have found a disurbingly high amount of evidence that the Day After Tomorrow scenario is already in motion and that we could begin to see effects of it within the next ten to fifteen years. It was pretty big news when that report was then complimented by an out-of-nowhere pentagon report that detailed what should be done to prepare for such a scenario. Natually, "mainstream" media ignored this story since they were too involved with covering the Janet Jackson's breast "controversy" at the time. *sigh*