Topic: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?  (Read 20298 times)

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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2003, 11:49:48 pm »
I want SFC4 with no SFB rules and all star trek and that non ending space thing that some one posted about in a nother
post and no more hexs (die hexs die).Just pure un-tanted star-terk. (I thing im going to cry) I know there will be no SFc for a
long time but a guy can dream cant he I mean is that not what this post is about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by shadow-viper »


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2003, 12:01:44 am »
Would someone explain to me how you can lament something that was never a reality in the first place?



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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2003, 12:23:17 am »

Gameplay would be a mix of Klingon Academy, Independance War, and SFC. Constantly "ingame", meaning your always in space. Not issueing orders like Bridge Commander, but not the standard fighter simulation like Klingon Academy. True space movement including inertia. Ablility to upgrade and swap weapons and systmes like in SFC3.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2003, 12:41:08 am »
Long live pure un-tanted star-terk!

I think they should develop a spelling and grammar program. Seems like we need one around here more and more.


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2003, 02:07:44 am »

Long live pure un-tanted star-terk!

I think they should develop a spelling and grammar program. Seems like we need one around here more and more.  

I like the idea of calling it Star Terk. But whatever it is it has to have an angle. Otherwise it is just another game. SFC's angle was SFB, but I don't think there are any other board games to take on that would give you the same sort of angle.  Maybe Flat Top or Dauntless (Airforce) perhaps, could do the translation but they aren't really multiplayer enough.

Along with SFB my other favorite game was the original Illuminati (SJG). A PC version of this could be real cool, especially when combined with the sort of informational depth that is in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. And lag wouldn't be such a problem for gameplay.

Hmmm Star Terk Illuminati, Sounds cool!  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2003, 06:48:00 am »
Something along the lines of Ambrosia's Escape Velocity (Mac only) but with the much better combat engine of SFC would be wonderful.

Credo Narth

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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2003, 07:00:59 am »
My vote would be to go for an SFB-based game in real time, make it 3-d, and take Star Trek out of it to get around the licensing problem. Throw in a galaxy full of hexes and let us all have at it for the rest of our lives.

It would be cheap to get out the door; after all, Taldren have got the base engine in use right here. The D-4 universe would need to be greatly expanded, so you'd have core teritory, then the further away you got, the less controlled the hex, and the wilder the space.

And keep the game modifiable, so that the modders could unofficially put the Star Trek chips back into it.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2003, 07:03:50 am »
On gathering my thoughts whilest waiting here for the patch:

Battlestar galactica would be a great basis for a 2D but idealy 3D based stratagy type sim, along with Babylon 5. Both these programs rocked in my oppinion, would love the option to play them.

Also yeah the Co-Op thing would be nice, but I think it would cause more problems than benefits and Im not talking about lag. The idea of large fleets of equal piers is what I like though, what is missing from this game is that you can have 3 DN's in one fleet, this just wont happen. You would have a supporting cruiser or two, but due to the large slow nature of the DN it would need that manouverable firepower as back. I think thats how real battles tend to work and this sort of restriction would emphasis team work.

Furthermore different ship types would also be nice, like marine transports, close quater ships, long range firepower etc. These sort of things just add to the stratagy element, only wish it was practiced more.

This can be implemented in a wide variety of games, whichever, I quite like the Homeworld style of things (is that like cussing here?), and remember some of the rather excellent Star Trek and B5 mods that came out of that game. The sort of large scale fleet combat found in that game was excellent, yet it seemed to miss some of the ship resource managment of the SFC series. Perhaps a combination I dont know just wasting time till that download link pops up...

Activsion is the best place to look first right?

Daew Anahos

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Re: As I said years ago, REAL SFB turn-based SFC!
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2003, 07:14:24 am »

Space combat in Weber's Honor Harrington universe.  


I can almost now imagine yelling at the computer, "all SD's roll ships! Imcoming missiles! Fire counter missiles!"


(You are in a Havenite ship)

First Officer: Sir, that ship is the NIKE! She's Harrington's ship!

You: Damn! Initate surrender procedure #1! We're screwed!



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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2003, 08:52:01 am »
Any attempts to use existing materials as backstory for a new game would most certainly lead to similar issues that plague the existing series ( Licensing, "Canon vs. Non-Canon", etc. ).  What about a  moderated on-line combination of 4X empire building with 3D realtime space combat.  The concept would be that players are grouped and assigned to areas within a massive volume of gamespace, they build empires from scratch ala MOOI,II,III and contact other empires as they grow.  The players determine ship design ( within a balanced framework ), powersources, weapons, etc.  There would be a full diplomacy system for alliances mergers, tech transfer, etc.  The framework would allow for pirate cartels, freelancers, just about anything you could imagine.  This concept avoids the pitfalls of licensing and backstory holy wars.  The players create the history.  Just my opinion, I would pay a few bucks a month.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #50 on: February 24, 2003, 09:25:47 am »
Rat Boy, Corbormite, CynicForever, KBF Mace, Shadowviper, so on.. I am generally pretty quiet here on the Forums, as I felt I really dont have much to say about SFC series except a single thank-you to the gents at Taldren and praises to our charitable array of modders. I had assisted ActiveX a healthy amount with his idea of Continuous Space (that was completely ignored by .....), which most of you know pretty much included a little bit of everything that was shorted.
Since November I played Earth and Beyond... I have seen Eve 2... I am this time exercising this aforementioned idea(s) at the bank, literally... I have a working knowledge of business adminstration, political fundraising, and so on. These are my soon-to-be Master's Degree. I have contacted about 6 different places (so far, many to go), looking for rights, assistance, more money, and caring hands. You see, not many are interested in Star Trek anymore. After SFC1,2,3, and those horrid movies, most people have written off ST for good, figuring they don't want to look like that, and that everyone is happy with....  such. I speak in vagues as to not get banned, besides, I am thankful for this and other Taldren products, and am attempting to be pleasant and respectful despite all my insufferable disappointment since November.. However, I have been going to the right places, i.e. people looking to create something that is memorable- a livelier and relevant testament to 40+(?) years of Trek fandom that will probrobly not sell and make me look like I got a good deal on the Brooklyn Bridge. There will be little doubt that if this ever comes through that it will be pay-to-play. 1600+ people on and off Earth and Beyond with its 4 dinky ship models (and 1.5 hour possible total in-game flight time) don't seem to mind- they also have 'buddy registration'...
 I play the hard drive-consuming demo, go buy the game and a separate monthly fee, and then while Im online, I make a new friend when flying around newbie/demo starting grounds... If he/she registers with my buddy name after the demo lifetime expires, he/she pays less than half game cost, starts off with decent prestige/space bucks, and I get a level advancement and more prestige too. Funny just how many women were on that game because it was a totally fluid continuous universe that is continually added to. Felt realistic- you really were somewhere else, not just playing a prettified MS-DOS application. If you can interest women, the sternest judges, with stupid space ship crap, you're doing well. Giving them something similar based on things they might be already familiar with, even better. That is what we were expecting, don't kid yourselves. And  E&B isn't even the best one out there, only a reference.  I imagine that despite having released incomplete, misadvertised, disappointing, basically unsupported product(s), totally wasting copyright and franchise rights (familiar)again, certain people will fight me wholeheartedly tooth and nail over fist concerning such a venture. It is no matter, in 10+ years I will be taking similarly-worded complaints to the US Senate from within. Fortunately no one has copyrighted the term "Galaxies at War" or similar titles, and he/she who created it can assist me if they so desire. I will likely be doing this on my own, as my strongest ally lost faith and wisely left for the Coast Guard to secure his financial future. We can at least hope our militaristic world will return him and all our brethren in the Armed Forces back to us when they're finished.
Back to subject, I have an long term email address, and a basic informative website in the making, of which to contact me with, should anyone wish to participate in such a venture. I will likely not check much on this thread, as I do not want to waste anyone's precious bandwidth or my own time on something I do not support. I will certainly be the spine for anyone who is sincere and serious about helping me. It is foolish likely to attempt to create a long-term supported product that will not be profitable and extremely difficult to obtain, but I being dedicated to honest lifelong public service, welfare, and care, therefore having few personal hobbies, feel... cheated with this one. Why after all these years of patiently waiting, with all this technology available, can I NOT fly my little ship around, battle things, go to bases, explore, run around on starbases, just like in the TV shows? Why cant I feel like I am living my own ST TV episodes out? I don?t like hexes- they only time I saw one was on ST III, and it was only a computerized distancing/mapping TOOL. A dandy tool at that, having played board games a bit. My argument is that if soulless, historyless (?), generic games can make me feel like I am making my own on-the-minute TV show, where we travel, trade, fight, and interact with a semi-realistic feel, why cannot Star Trek do it? Everyone else gets to! I see all sorts of games that don't have such a steadfast fan base get to do these things, and successfully at that. There are several games out there, and more to very soon be released that do this also. I want to be embarrassed at times when I say what I like to play. Do you know what fans of other games say about us? They (happily paying fans, unaware of what they miss with generalities as templates) say, " Oh that? Ha ha ha! Too bad for you- why don?t you play a real game, like - - - with me? At least you'll have fun, and you'll get your money's worth, at least with continual support!" That surely irritates me, and I realize the gentlemen at Taldren worked many hours to create this product(s), this forum to write in, but.... this is not complete. This is undone; at least Nature finished her work. I am tired of being disappointed, and tired of being jealous. Tired of being forced to take second best and not care. I hereby (actually, already did) implement said project... name not necessary. I am looking not at constant conjecture, but at getting things done. Which is why I seldom post here, no offense meant to anyone who care to write thier thoughts down, a healthy uncommon practice that is the foundation of any civilization. I do seem to notice many things said here on Taldren Forums tend to carry little weight.

Should anyone care to reply or razz me, or especially help me, then respond to Yuggothian on Hotmail. If you are willing to assist me, or want it the other way around, I welcome you genuinely and happily. Thank you at/of Taldren kindly for giving me this space; you really do do good work- this has nothing to do with you, so take no personal offense. Thank you everyone for taking your time out to read this gargantuan post, and may He bless you all.

Now, to continue on?



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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #51 on: February 24, 2003, 01:31:14 pm »

Myself, I would rather see them look to the stars and create their own material. Free from preconception, history and conflicting cannon details, they could create the game they want to make, as opposed to the one that history hands them or one with attached strings causing conflicts elsewhere.

Anyone up for a MMPOG blending a space warfare game with a solid empire builder?  

I agree. Empire building and space combat. Can one game engine afford the experience of ship combat, as well as planetfall and starbase exploration? Users within the "Dynaverse" could create their own piece of space and have it merged in with all the other places. Have your place in the universe hosted by someone else or host it yourself. The universe would be forever expanding. Create a set of rules to govern the creation of technology and how that would be applied. Maybe even a discussion group that would oversee the inclusion of new technology. Just some random thoughts to chew on.


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #52 on: February 24, 2003, 02:59:42 pm »

I agree. Empire building and space combat. Can one game engine afford the experience of ship combat, as well as planetfall and starbase exploration?

Ever played Imperium Galactium 2?  Or Space Empire 4?  Or Birth of the Federation?  Or Star Wars: Rebellion? These games all incorporated all or some of these aspects to varying degrees of success.  In general; if its a grand strategy game, the tactical engine isn't all that involved.  Why?  I'm guessing its that gamers aren't going to like need gigs of memory and installs barely fitting on a DVD.

(FYI: BotF wasn't all that great, nor was SW:R, SE:4 rules at a turn based grand strategy level, and IG:2 is pretty good and best fullfills everything you describe)  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #53 on: February 24, 2003, 03:59:22 pm »

  In general; if its a grand strategy game, the tactical engine isn't all that involved.  Why?  I'm guessing its that gamers aren't going to like need gigs of memory and installs barely fitting on a DVD.


I think it rather the complexity and time required to play such a game is outside the "pain threshold" of most gamers. Particulary if it's an online game. Much like playing Federation & Empire with SFB to resolve all combat, games are llloooooonnnnngggg.

It would be interesting to see what percentage of people will play MOO3 online in full tactical combat mode.  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #54 on: February 24, 2003, 04:08:30 pm »


I think it rather the complexity and time required to play such a game is outside the "pain threshold" of most gamers. Particulary if it's an online game. Much like playing Federation & Empire with SFB to resolve all combat, games are llloooooonnnnngggg.

It would be interesting to see what percentage of people will play MOO3 online in full tactical combat mode.    

The problem with resolving F&E combat in SFB is time.  Basically assign an average of 30 seconds to every impulse in a SFB game and compare that to 1 second in SFC.  Anyway, not everybody has to play both President and Captain/Commodore with the way SFC is currently set up.  For instance, on an online server like you could have the RMs playing F&E and have everyone else playing SFB...  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2003, 06:10:53 pm »

Along with SFB my other favorite game was the original Illuminati (SJG). A PC version of this could be real cool, especially when combined with the sort of informational depth that is in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. And lag wouldn't be such a problem for gameplay.

Hmmm Star Terk Illuminati, Sounds cool!    


Isn't that what Taldren is calling the factions in Black9?


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #56 on: February 24, 2003, 06:36:41 pm »
Lots of good material here, thank you!

Of course, using ANYTHING pre-existing will involve lic. issues, and that is what Taldren is trying to get AWAY from, so they dont have to answer to anyone, nor do they have "canon vs non-canon" arguments.

The pre-WWI combat sounds good, but you are correct, certain Empires will be superior to others due to technical advantages, etc and dumbing down history would be just as bad as the canon vs non-canon problems.

Definetly seems like a space-based "Empire building/exploration" type model is the overall fan favorite. I especially liked the idea of each person building their own "star system" and having it hosted either by themselves or someone else, that rocks and would truly allow for nearly limitless expansion. You could spend weeks in one single system, as lets say a mercenary ship fighting for the highest bidder in an interplanetary war between sister planets!

Or, you could be a trader of rare and valuable items... "Harcourt Fenton Mudd", anyone?

MMP would be the way to go, the 6 ship limit of SFC really limits things greatly. One person could have a CV, and have 6 friends who are the wing commanders and wingmen of the wingcommanders of his 3 fighter wings.

Evading seeking weapons in 3D space would be awesome, rofl. And you could have virtually any weapon you have ever seen, anywhere but with a different name. Phaser and Photon are TM, but laser and particle beam arent. Drone/missile cant be TM, etc.

Keep the ideas coming, perhaps one will catch Taldrens eye.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #57 on: February 24, 2003, 07:31:07 pm »
Honor Harrington's  Universe

enough said.




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David Weber - Honor Harrington
« Reply #58 on: February 24, 2003, 09:03:14 pm »
Wow! Hadn't thought of David Weber's Honor Harrington Universe, but Erik...tapping into currently the most popular military Sci-Fi authors world doesn't sound like a bad idea...Also..As you are probably  aware David Weber is familiar with game development. He co-created the StarFire space combat board game with Steve well as writting 10 sci-fi space opera books with Steve White...Shiva Option being the latest...I'd also recommend checking out John Ringo for a better Starship trooper book then Heinlen IMO.

A bet David Weber would be pretty open to the idea

Time to think outside of the box  

I know I'd be all over a Honor Harrington game.

Catnip Inc
A Mirak Company
Inner Circle Charter Member    


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Re: GaW is lost, suggestions for a Taldren Unique product?
« Reply #59 on: February 24, 2003, 10:33:59 pm »
Starfire is a good game with excellent strategic and tactical game play. It would be interesting to see it as a computer game. A game based on the Honor Harrington universe would also be interesting.
