Topic: On the Patch and the Forum  (Read 17008 times)

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Bob Graham

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2003, 02:49:07 pm »


I have not been posting on this forum since Erik made his post because Taldren banned me from the boards, for reasons that have not been explained to me.  My access seems to be back, so I will be here to answer questions if needed.  

If I had known that I woulda added your name to my list.  lol


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2003, 02:56:30 pm »
Cant ya just feel the love?

Kiss, make up, get the modem bugs fixed!

I just shelled out $200 for a highspeed modem not including the other $500 for installing the service to my area and im forced to settle for 128K Dial-up ISDN for a year till DSL comes to my town (I hope) and not knowing if its all Dial-up connections that will lag spike even on the ISDN is kinda depressing.

I have been playing on a 56K modem (that only connects at 32k since im in hick ville population 50, 49 of which are related) in the D3 universe and other that the "every other space battle" with human players having some annoying lag spikes I see no difference than if I was playing off my old DSL when I lived with my inlaws. Im having no CTD's and I want to help in solving the modem problem, but I dont see anything I can do to help unless you guys have a dial-up test server somewhere dedicated to users like me I need to go to.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #62 on: March 04, 2003, 03:27:36 pm »
I assume this is where complaints and praise about the patch are going...?

Anyways, the biggest thing about the game that bugged me was how the AI could follow you while you are under cloak. I thought the patch was supposed to fix this; it has NOT. I uninstalled the game, deleted the root folder, re-installed the game, DX9 patch and 1.01 patch, in that order, and ships are STILL following me around while I'm cloaked. This is starting to cheese me off.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #63 on: March 04, 2003, 04:03:19 pm »
For one thing,you aren't supposed to use the DX9 fix with the Beta patch...that has been known to cause problems. The Beta patch comes with a DX9 fix.  

Credo Narth

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2003, 04:01:22 am »
Are you sure they're following you? The AI is actually quite good at turning around and putting themselves in a reasonable position whilst you're cloaked.

Try warping away, then turning through 90 degrees, and warping again. If they keep their noses at you the whole time, then fair enough, but I haven't seen this bug since the patch.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2003, 06:51:29 pm »
Yeah I mean AI or not, if someone is behind you and they cloak your going to turn to face where they werer after they cloak, right?

What should be important is do AI actually fire probes?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2003, 06:52:09 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2003, 11:13:37 pm »
Well, i have been playing the game since it was released. I played it daily before the patch, and now after the patch. In one on ones I win 99 out of 100, that is of course provided they are not flying BORG. I can kill players of every shape size and skill level. I fly feds, klings and roms. I refuse to fly any borgs, because if i did my opponents wouldn't even have a chance.
Borg ships are still way too tough, powerful, fast, for thier class sizes. The base value is way too low.I see sphere primes players in dynaverse before I am in a Vorcha, or Galaxy(i have more points than they do). A good player flying a Borg ship can defeat 2 of any other race if he plays it right flying in the same class ships. Plz, plz, plz reduce the borg or up the points on the ships. It is bad enough they have Cubes, but when  black-n-blue balls squash Sov's and Warbirds with ease, it is too much. In Gamespy most players wont even let Borgs fight in thier rooms, if it is not addressed, Borgs will have to be banned from dynaverse servers to keep the game balanced.

I have watched, as maps with dozens of Klingons and Roms, and masses of feds are slowly and methodically taken over by a handful of Borg players.
 Thank you for the fleeting change rule. Seeing a Pyramid with a cube wingman was ridiculous.

Here are some suggestions to fix the Borg imbalance.
1) Up the base points for Spheres and Sphere primes.(so they have less points to out fit them with thus taking longer to get in a fully loaded ship)
2) Lower the autorepair rate. I fought a rather good Borg player in a DN with a weak wingman and I had a fully loaded SOV with a Warbird wingman(human) and he defeated us(both good players) simply because he could fly around the map and repair his hull while we chased him.
3) Increase the mass of the Borg engines, or decrease thier power output.
4) decrease Borg armor 5%, or let us know when we are doing something to it(increase visual damage to hull)
5) Ii have noticed several times, crewmen on Borg ships all increasing in a given skill, i.e. Medical officer increasing in pilioting skills, or Tactical increasing Scanner technolgy) this makes sense seeing how Borgs all have a collective knowledge, but if that is the case, then slow down the borg rate of crew improvement from other races. Otherwise,
the Borg players can trade off crew for more Points and use it to get in better ships faster.( if this is a bug, plz fix it)
6)Increase the point cost for weapons , etc..  thus slowing down or making a Borg ship more costly than thier counterparts.
7)further decrease the rate of decay for Borg primary weapons.
8)Up the range of Klingon primaries by 10% since they have no long range heavy weapons except the polaron
9) Cloaks are still too easy to detect, suggest reducing means of detection accross the board. Especially in fleet actions.

The other races are fairly balanced, Klingons still seem a bit weak, but the Ion cannon was a much needed improvement. but the Borg still need work. ThX Hope you read this.


Erik Bethke

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On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2003, 11:12:06 pm »
Hello All,

Okay we now have a beta patch out and available to all of you folks.  We are very happy to see this happen.

A lot of high quality communication went on today between Taldren and Activision and we have agreed to consider past frustrations as misunderstandings and failures of relationship management.

Both sides are have reaffirmed each other's contributions and that our goals are to clearly support SFC3.

So now we will take a week or two to see what the response is to the beta patch.  We are especially interested in the performance of multiple modem users in the same dynaverse skirmish.  We are asking for testing on this matter as a strictly volunteer basis.  What this means is please do not call ATVI technical support for problems with this patch.  Instead post any bugs here and together Taldren and Activision will coordinate the integration of bug complaints and see how to best deal with any open issues.

So, in honor of that spirit I am removing all the threads that detail this bit it melodrama.

-Erik Bethke
CEO Taldren, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Erik Bethke »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2003, 11:51:37 pm »
  I knew you could do it Erik, we have faith in you. Thanks for the much needed positive note and all the support you've given us. You have gone beyond what many oher companies would do.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2003, 12:11:25 am »
Thank you for the patch. I hope to play SFC into the ground, partly thanks to the GFL, and largely in thanks to you and your team. If I might add; setting up a time for a live chat session would be nice. Via Teamspeak or some VOIP program. I would not talk, but would surely listen to you or your rep. You might find some other interseting things from players who rarely post questions or bugs.

Thank god for hard working people,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dueling »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2003, 01:10:14 am »
Good job cleaning up the mess Erik!

Hats off to you for taking the high road.  Even though it's less travelled.  

I might get flamed for this..  but what the hey.. also Thanks Activision.  

Lets keep the patches coming!


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #71 on: February 25, 2003, 01:25:19 am »
I agree with Code thor.  Thanks to both ATVI and Taldren for supporting us.  Just to let the ATVI guys in on something I,  and I am sure not a few others, hate most other Star Trek games.  In a word the suck.  Now I got SFB I because it said SFB.  That is why I gave it a chance.  Up till then I had never bought a Star Trek game even though I love Star Trek.  Now I loved SFB I, but I bought SFB II, OP, and SFC III because Taldren made the games.  They supported us.  I feel like I got more than what I paid for.  Lots more.  Because ATVI ler Taldren support SFC III like the other SFC games they are starting to work the same loyalty for thier company into me.  I guess what I am saying is tks and please keep up the good work.

Captain KoraH

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:03 am »
One real big reason I keep buying SFC titles is because of Taldren. Thanks Erik, I can only imagine what this is like for you. Even though I might not play them much, I'm going to buy at least one copy of every game Taldren makes as long as you're in business.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:55 am »
I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #74 on: February 25, 2003, 02:53:23 am »
... and best of all I don't have to use that lamer FilePlanet or GameSpook to get it.... weeeee


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2003, 02:58:00 am »
once agan when all seems grim Erik and his team step up to the plate and knocks  out a home run for us all.
thank you from the bottom of my heart!! One ? can you ask activision if they can put a beta server up like ACT B and C
is on the old version? this my help to get a mix of players 56k and others on one server and my help with bug finding.

P.S I have installed it and the more I play the cooler it gets!! Thank you Thank you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by shadow-viper »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #76 on: February 25, 2003, 03:00:16 am »

I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }  

I found out by going to

C:\Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\Docs\Help\Manuals

my pdf file, after open,  displays, right on top :  SFC3_PC_Man_UK



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #77 on: February 25, 2003, 06:11:03 am »
Well, having been around since the bad ol days of SFC1 (and having SFC2/3 as well, sorry OP just didn't seem viable), I would also like to add my 2 cents worth of praise for Taldren. You guys have done very well in holding up the ethics of this whole evolution, and are guilty of an extremely high level of business ethics. Whats wrong with you guys?

Thanks for your efforts, I'd love to try the dynaverse but living in the backwoods, and only able to have 28.8 out with sattellite in, limits me to no online gameing. I do appreciate your efforts at helping all of your customers, single and multiple players all.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #78 on: February 25, 2003, 07:53:17 am »
It is good to hear this, I commend those who can set aside past grievences in order to create a relationship of trust and respect. Only after acknowledgement that a problem exists can work be done to try to resolve it in a manner that is mutually beneficial to both parties. A good relationship between developer and publisher should be the rule, rather then the exception.

Let us not forget though, the underlying problems with current project managment methodologies. I hope that the way in which this is handled, from dev/pub interactions to expectations, is being reviewed internally by ATVI in order to reduce and eliminate its roll in causing these type of situations to develop.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChessMess »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2003, 07:57:06 am »
Aye I salute you, the game does feel more complete or finished or somthing, its just better. People will argue that it should have been boxed like this but Im just glad things have taken a turn for the better.

Im currently running my own tests, one thing that has impressed me has been the improved AI. I really love the way they just dont sit there and wait to be blown away anymore, its not quite like fighting a human player but it gives you reason not to go up against a Raptor whilest in a low CL, those plasma shots are devestating.

Also I noticed I found it harder to detect cloaked ships, maybe a bit too tough. I dont want to whine (and beleive me Im not), but i do hope this dosnt give the Roms too much of even playing field

Seriously though thanks for releasing it in public BETA form, this is by far the best method of releasing patches, even MS do it Lets hope any final bugs can be communicated back to you guys so a final release can be made, any advice on how best to "bug report" other than just an explanation of events?


Thats not true I just got an exam results back with a sh*tty 50% attached to it, dont know how much time I will have for SFC3 when i think about it damn life sucks
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 08:05:06 am by Blitzkrieg »