Topic: On the Patch and the Forum  (Read 17953 times)

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Erik Bethke

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On the Patch and the Forum
« on: February 24, 2003, 11:12:06 pm »
Hello All,

Okay we now have a beta patch out and available to all of you folks.  We are very happy to see this happen.

A lot of high quality communication went on today between Taldren and Activision and we have agreed to consider past frustrations as misunderstandings and failures of relationship management.

Both sides are have reaffirmed each other's contributions and that our goals are to clearly support SFC3.

So now we will take a week or two to see what the response is to the beta patch.  We are especially interested in the performance of multiple modem users in the same dynaverse skirmish.  We are asking for testing on this matter as a strictly volunteer basis.  What this means is please do not call ATVI technical support for problems with this patch.  Instead post any bugs here and together Taldren and Activision will coordinate the integration of bug complaints and see how to best deal with any open issues.

So, in honor of that spirit I am removing all the threads that detail this bit it melodrama.

-Erik Bethke
CEO Taldren, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Erik Bethke »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2003, 11:51:37 pm »
  I knew you could do it Erik, we have faith in you. Thanks for the much needed positive note and all the support you've given us. You have gone beyond what many oher companies would do.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2003, 12:11:25 am »
Thank you for the patch. I hope to play SFC into the ground, partly thanks to the GFL, and largely in thanks to you and your team. If I might add; setting up a time for a live chat session would be nice. Via Teamspeak or some VOIP program. I would not talk, but would surely listen to you or your rep. You might find some other interseting things from players who rarely post questions or bugs.

Thank god for hard working people,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dueling »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2003, 01:10:14 am »
Good job cleaning up the mess Erik!

Hats off to you for taking the high road.  Even though it's less travelled.  

I might get flamed for this..  but what the hey.. also Thanks Activision.  

Lets keep the patches coming!


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2003, 01:25:19 am »
I agree with Code thor.  Thanks to both ATVI and Taldren for supporting us.  Just to let the ATVI guys in on something I,  and I am sure not a few others, hate most other Star Trek games.  In a word the suck.  Now I got SFB I because it said SFB.  That is why I gave it a chance.  Up till then I had never bought a Star Trek game even though I love Star Trek.  Now I loved SFB I, but I bought SFB II, OP, and SFC III because Taldren made the games.  They supported us.  I feel like I got more than what I paid for.  Lots more.  Because ATVI ler Taldren support SFC III like the other SFC games they are starting to work the same loyalty for thier company into me.  I guess what I am saying is tks and please keep up the good work.

Captain KoraH

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:03 am »
One real big reason I keep buying SFC titles is because of Taldren. Thanks Erik, I can only imagine what this is like for you. Even though I might not play them much, I'm going to buy at least one copy of every game Taldren makes as long as you're in business.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:55 am »
I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2003, 02:53:23 am »
... and best of all I don't have to use that lamer FilePlanet or GameSpook to get it.... weeeee


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2003, 02:58:00 am »
once agan when all seems grim Erik and his team step up to the plate and knocks  out a home run for us all.
thank you from the bottom of my heart!! One ? can you ask activision if they can put a beta server up like ACT B and C
is on the old version? this my help to get a mix of players 56k and others on one server and my help with bug finding.

P.S I have installed it and the more I play the cooler it gets!! Thank you Thank you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by shadow-viper »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2003, 03:00:16 am »

I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }  

I found out by going to

C:\Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\Docs\Help\Manuals

my pdf file, after open,  displays, right on top :  SFC3_PC_Man_UK



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2003, 06:11:03 am »
Well, having been around since the bad ol days of SFC1 (and having SFC2/3 as well, sorry OP just didn't seem viable), I would also like to add my 2 cents worth of praise for Taldren. You guys have done very well in holding up the ethics of this whole evolution, and are guilty of an extremely high level of business ethics. Whats wrong with you guys?

Thanks for your efforts, I'd love to try the dynaverse but living in the backwoods, and only able to have 28.8 out with sattellite in, limits me to no online gameing. I do appreciate your efforts at helping all of your customers, single and multiple players all.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2003, 07:53:17 am »
It is good to hear this, I commend those who can set aside past grievences in order to create a relationship of trust and respect. Only after acknowledgement that a problem exists can work be done to try to resolve it in a manner that is mutually beneficial to both parties. A good relationship between developer and publisher should be the rule, rather then the exception.

Let us not forget though, the underlying problems with current project managment methodologies. I hope that the way in which this is handled, from dev/pub interactions to expectations, is being reviewed internally by ATVI in order to reduce and eliminate its roll in causing these type of situations to develop.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChessMess »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2003, 07:57:06 am »
Aye I salute you, the game does feel more complete or finished or somthing, its just better. People will argue that it should have been boxed like this but Im just glad things have taken a turn for the better.

Im currently running my own tests, one thing that has impressed me has been the improved AI. I really love the way they just dont sit there and wait to be blown away anymore, its not quite like fighting a human player but it gives you reason not to go up against a Raptor whilest in a low CL, those plasma shots are devestating.

Also I noticed I found it harder to detect cloaked ships, maybe a bit too tough. I dont want to whine (and beleive me Im not), but i do hope this dosnt give the Roms too much of even playing field

Seriously though thanks for releasing it in public BETA form, this is by far the best method of releasing patches, even MS do it Lets hope any final bugs can be communicated back to you guys so a final release can be made, any advice on how best to "bug report" other than just an explanation of events?


Thats not true I just got an exam results back with a sh*tty 50% attached to it, dont know how much time I will have for SFC3 when i think about it damn life sucks
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 08:05:06 am by Blitzkrieg »

Daew Anahos

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2003, 09:18:35 am »

Awesome news Erik!

Glad things have been patched up : - )


Mr. Hypergol

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2003, 10:06:09 am »

 A lot of high quality communication went on today between Taldren and Activision and we have agreed to consider past frustrations as misunderstandings and failures of relationship management.

So in other words you kissed and made up.  Some of the best times I've had with my wife were during the kiss and make up phase.....ahhh but I suggest you guys just keep it to handshakes.

<Begin shameless plug>  I hope this means that GAW is again a possibility. <End shameless plug>

I have to ask....did they put the Taldren links back up at the official SFC3 website now that Taldren has removed the patch complaint threads?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 10:23:20 am by Mr. Hypergol »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2003, 10:36:13 am »
Great to see that it is worked out. Although I too feel Activision have a lesson to learn from this.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2003, 10:50:10 am »
hi just found out that the beta patch we've all been waiting for is finally here taa daa I was so excited. followed the link to activision to begin downloading the "fix" and lo and behold in the third pargraph it says do not download this if you are a dialup. I'm crushed almost at a loss for words which is highly unusual for an alabama chickenhauler. continuing it says the reason for this is that it will introduce lag. I got news for ya there is already lag. so, ok I realize that we dialups are a minority, some of us have no choice because we live in remote areas where a fast connection is just not available no matter how much we beg, threaten, or try to bribe the powers that be. we are out there I know because I have met a few besides myself so here are my questions for whomever can give a possible answer or other info,

are all dynaverse 3 gameservers going to be installing this patch?

when will this issue be fixed?

where can we dialups find support?

I know there are alot of dialups out there (remember when everybody was a dialup?) feel free to contact me at maybe someone should start a webpage or domain just for the dialup issues.

if all the gameservers choose to install the patch I will have no other choice but to install it also and dam the consequences.

shame on me for not doing bug research on this game before I bought it, but I paid good money for it with the thought in mind that I would be able to play online with others.

I will wait patiently for a short time for the dialup patch and see which way the wind blows.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2003, 11:22:31 am »
Very good work...  

I must admit, I'm enjoying the replay of everything, but it's almost silly of me to say that the one thing I was waiting for and got was my chance to advance beyond the rank of Lieutenant  

Sometimes, it's the little things that make the difference.




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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:23 am »
****Bugs still to fix****

Refit/Repair bug still remains
Lag is worse even with Broadband
People still get stuck in game
When a battle dosnt start on the 2nd countdown, you get charged 1000 disrepute

There was another bug, but on the last point I just made: This is intolerable, for honest players to get charged disrepute because they are flying with a human wing (hence the no game start) is unbelievable. Please please no severs run this setting if it can be turned off, I dont mind the game being far harder and really needing to work my way up (thats great in fact), but this bug makes it silly.

Wish I could remember that other bug now, should write these things down.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:59 am »

hi just found out that the beta patch we've all been waiting for is finally here taa daa I was so excited. followed the link to activision to begin downloading the "fix" and lo and behold in the third pargraph it says do not download this if you are a dialup. I'm crushed almost at a loss for words which is highly unusual for an alabama chickenhauler. continuing it says the reason for this is that it will introduce lag. I got news for ya there is already lag. so, ok I realize that we dialups are a minority, some of us have no choice because we live in remote areas where a fast connection is just not available no matter how much we beg, threaten, or try to bribe the powers that be. we are out there I know because I have met a few besides myself so here are my questions for whomever can give a possible answer or other info,

are all dynaverse 3 gameservers going to be installing this patch?

when will this issue be fixed?

where can we dialups find support?

I know there are alot of dialups out there (remember when everybody was a dialup?) feel free to contact me at maybe someone should start a webpage or domain just for the dialup issues.

if all the gameservers choose to install the patch I will have no other choice but to install it also and dam the consequences.

shame on me for not doing bug research on this game before I bought it, but I paid good money for it with the thought in mind that I would be able to play online with others.

I will wait patiently for a short time for the dialup patch and see which way the wind blows.


Gravy...Dan hagerty posted that ATVI servers will remain version one option is just hang tight and play stock servers....

IMHO..if you really want the most bang for your a duel install of SFC3...a patched version for single play...and an unpatched version for DV play......I havent heard yet whether GSA is porting over to the beta patch 1.01 or not....

Keep in mind that if you'll most likely have to fully reinstall when the final patch comes out......then again....the final patch might be awhile.....why miss out on game fixes?

This is why...(if you have the HD room) duel install....(we testers do it all the time for a test version and play version)....simply rename your beta version and you can have separate short cuts to desk top......if you rename ONLY the beta version...your PC will defualt to the stock install for playing on a stock server or GSA....or when you use the "official" patch....

A duel install..lets you play with the fixes...AND keeps a stock game ready for the final patch..when the final comes out...just delete the beta version

Another is highly suggested that you only patch a  stock game as the patch skips customized files and corrupts the patch...


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2003, 12:26:42 pm »
Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2003, 12:42:30 pm »
Congrats to you, Taldren, and Activision.  I am glad to hear problems have been resolved!

Rob Cole

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2003, 12:43:14 pm »

Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.


Nice to see some of us oldfarts are awake,I agree Pffffffft!


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2003, 12:51:48 pm »
Thanks to everyone involved for all their hard work on the patch!

One question though: (And apologies if I've missed something obvious here) can someone confirm that the rank bug IS fixed as it doesn't appear on the list of bug fixes.  And to get my 'proper' rank do I have to restart a single player campaign?  I ask because I tried my save game (from release version of game near the end of the Klingon campaign) after installing the patch and I'm still a Lieutenant - do I need to start over to proceed in rank?  (I.E. do I not suddenly jump to the rank I would've been had the bug not been there from the start?)

Thanks, and sorry if that sounds confusing.




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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #24 on: February 25, 2003, 01:18:20 pm »
Is it true that the patched version of  SFC3 will not support online play by modem?  That certainly would "solve" the lag problem -- just wait until no one is looking and then toss the screaming little 56k runts in the river.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #25 on: February 25, 2003, 01:30:29 pm »

Thanks to everyone involved for all their hard work on the patch!

One question though: (And apologies if I've missed something obvious here) can someone confirm that the rank bug IS fixed as it doesn't appear on the list of bug fixes.  And to get my 'proper' rank do I have to restart a single player campaign?  I ask because I tried my save game (from release version of game near the end of the Klingon campaign) after installing the patch and I'm still a Lieutenant - do I need to start over to proceed in rank?  (I.E. do I not suddenly jump to the rank I would've been had the bug not been there from the start?)

Thanks, and sorry if that sounds confusing.



The rank bug is fixed in the beta patch.

As for the ATVI servers not being updated, it would be stupid to change it if the full patch is released soon and it would confuse people even more as to what version the servers are running.  But the most likely reason is probably because the beta patch is not supported.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #26 on: February 25, 2003, 03:29:58 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2003, 04:19:16 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2003, 04:52:25 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2003, 04:56:18 pm »
Harry take it with a grain of salt some people have strong opinions but remember there just that opinions. My ? is why don't people post there bugs and what not in the sfc3 beta bug forum and not every where else maybe a new rule should be made like there is with off topic post ?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #30 on: February 25, 2003, 05:03:23 pm »

Harry take it with a grain of salt some people have strong opinions but remember there just that opinions. My ? is why don't people post there bugs and what not in the sfc3 beta bug forum and not every where else maybe a new rule should be made like there is with off topic post ?


I usually do, with exceptions to things like's how rumors start and pretty soon people all over different forums starting saying that it's true.  We went through this last year.  I just never understand how some people go from point A to point B and now all of a sudden Activision is dumping the license or is planning on sitting on it, when there's no indication that that is happening.

It just urks me sometimes...


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2003, 05:13:03 pm »



Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.


Exactly my thought too.

Just a distant thought, a minor cynaptic flash: I wonder if Activision might wish to sell, assign, or otherwise divest themselves of their Trek License?

It would be a shame to see a company continue to hold a license in a name that they clearly are no longer interested in promoting.


here we go again...  :rolleyes:  

I suggest a more sensible use of everyones time would be to petition Taldren to reinstate the rolleyes feature.  I'm sick of this buggy forum, patch it please

Seriously I'm glad things have calmed down, but I do honestly wonder why anyone bothers to either explain or try to help us ingrates.

ps Give rolleyes back you pigs  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2003, 05:17:16 pm »
Well i want to know when taldren is going to come out with a patch to fix my computer chair and my car o ya and the hole in the ozone layer when when  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2003, 05:26:36 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2003, 05:38:30 pm »
The patch really does make the game pretty much complete..

Still wont be playing on servers which use that disrepute penalty for not being able to join a game though, sorry.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2003, 05:42:18 pm »

****Bugs still to fix****

Refit/Repair bug still remains

Known, working on a fix but from info / statements made it's not viewed as a bug. Go figure.


Lag is worse even with Broadband

Could you be more specific? Durring testing no lag problems (ok very few) were encountered between broadband players. Where we lack firm data is with dialup. However if you could be more specific (and post said info in the SFC3 Beta forum) then we'd know what to look for.


People still get stuck in game

Known, it's a sync issue that has yet to be traced down and squished. However the instances should be rarer, if not please post in the SFC3 Beta forum.


When a battle dosnt start on the 2nd countdown, you get charged 1000 disrepute

I've gone over this already, see  this thread that covers the reasoning.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2003, 05:56:46 pm »
Thanks for the response, I will post my bugs to this forum from now on. I will also request to said servers that they either dont run the disrepute penalty or re-emburse me as you said (in the link).




Seriously I think this patch is a work of art other than stated comments, its made the game a far more challanging and enjoyable experiance.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 05:58:11 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2003, 05:59:05 am »

Post deleted by Erik Bethke

That's disappointing.    


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2003, 11:07:01 am »

Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2003, 11:48:32 am »
An "Urk" is an orc with an upset stomach..  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2003, 11:53:51 am »


Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2003, 01:38:32 pm »
To answer for Harry the word is "Irk"

Irk - to annoy or bother.

Irksome is also commonly used to described behavior that annoys or bothers.

So if you "irk" someone you are normally hitting a pet peeve.

Thus ends the lesson for the day children.




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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2003, 04:03:42 pm »



Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.


Ok, Harry, have it your way.

Btw, just for the record, speculation is to rumor as urk is to irk. And my post, the one that got deleted, was no more than just speculation. Now, the one that I quoted, and it still un-deleted, that is rumor. I hope that clears things up for you.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2003, 08:53:01 pm »
Hi will the final patch be useable with a Dial Up modem connect to the Dynaverse ??  

Rob Cole

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2003, 09:13:46 pm »



Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.


After we got burned by Interplay people here are a bit jumpy and tend to flinch at the mere thought of getting screwed again.
I hope that you are correct Harry,But only time will tell.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2003, 03:48:04 am »

Post deleted by Erik Bethke

Eh? Did I talk out of line some how?

Time to head back to the Dyna forums, I always get draged into things when I post over here. *sigh*  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2003, 04:48:43 am »
Well the point of the thread is:

Taldren want to support the game, despite whatever sales they are showing this and so do Activision. This is good we should all be very happy, I think anyway. Who knows what the future will bring, lets help these guys finish testing the patch (as its a public Beta), do this in a calm and constructive manner and enjoy the game for what it is.

This is a Taldren message board, so whatever game they next produce will be on here in some form. They will be far more trusting to peoples oppinions and willing to look at our feedback if we as a group of "fans" or otherwise, conduct ourselves properly here. This includes:


  • No blind support for Taldren
  • No trolling
  • No hyper overly critical slating remarks of the smallest mistake
  • No bad karma

I love Taldren they are the best thing since sliced bread, I hate all moderaters they suck, the refit/repair BUG ruins the game beyound beliefe and Im off to gun down innocent people with an SMG....

Thats just a bad example of what I meant.


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2003, 06:13:04 am »

I love Taldren they are the best thing since sliced bread, I hate all moderaters they suck, the refit/repair BUG ruins the game beyound beliefe and Im off to gun down innocent people with an SMG....

Thats just a bad example of what I meant.  

I hope so or I'd be totally crushed.

Credo Narth

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2003, 07:02:29 am »
As an aside, with the beta patch, I've noticed that my weapons groups no longer stay the same after a refit. No biggie, but I think it's a bug. Also, the game speed buttons are reversed. But again, no biggie.

Taldren would be the best thing since sliced bread if they fixed these things...  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2003, 07:45:36 pm »
Heh, Im used to it by now Toasty, lol. Suprised they did it to a blue coat tho.

I suppose Erik is simply trying to keep things totally neutral as regards the Taldren/Activision/Paramount triangle bit.

Have a nice day!  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #50 on: February 27, 2003, 08:59:28 pm »
Hey Erik or David:

I got a problem here with the patch. I am playing Fed singleplayer campaign. Everytime I try to do the mission "Forced Entry"
I get the following error?CTD (the following is three separate instances)"  

First time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=12273630  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1233FFF0
EDI=124A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00010216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=2AEF  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10950EC8 0x10950EC8 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x12273630 0x02000000 0x10950EC8 0x10950EC8) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0D26BDC0 0x00000000 0x10940F36 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

Second time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=115714B0  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1163FFF0
EDI=117A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00210216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=1287  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10321218 0x10321218 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x115714B0 0x02000000 0x10321218 0x10321218) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0FDECD00 0x00000000 0x1015E742 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

Third time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=115714B0  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1163FFF0
EDI=117A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00210216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=2C97  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10321218 0x10321218 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x115714B0 0x02000000 0x10321218 0x10321218) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0FDECD00 0x00000000 0x1015E742 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

My system:
Athalon 2000xp
ATI Radeon 7200
Epox 8KTA3 MoBo
512 PC133 ram

Any Ideas?


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #51 on: February 28, 2003, 05:00:44 am »
I noticed Dan from Activision  in another forum stated

"Since we?re on the topic of patches, it has been widely discussed on this message board that Activision has a one patch policy, and I want to state unequivocally that this is NOT the case. Activision's policy is to release an official patch for a game once it has been thoroughly tested by both our production testers and then our QA team. This is to ensure the highest quality standards for the patch and to guarantee that the patch effectively fixes issues without creating new ones. The last thing we want to do is to publish a patch that might do more harm than good."

I hope this means we can look foward to a steady stream of patches like before without such a long wait.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2003, 05:13:06 am by DreilDrag »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #52 on: February 28, 2003, 05:40:43 am »
Good news if it's true.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #53 on: February 28, 2003, 07:25:22 am »
Its all good news, all that BS about them not caring about the community or "there customers" should have been put to rest now. If we get 2 or even 3 patches by the time the game is put to rest, all the better.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #54 on: February 28, 2003, 10:19:17 pm »
So in the spirit of cooperation... when is ATVI going to come back to this board and put back the Taldren links on the site?


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2003, 01:37:46 am »

So in the spirit of cooperation... when is ATVI going to come back to this board and put back the Taldren links on the site?  

The did return Taldren links to their message board.  I checked the day Eric posted this thread.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #56 on: March 01, 2003, 01:46:00 am »

To answer for Harry the word is "Irk"

Irk - to annoy or bother.

Irksome is also commonly used to described behavior that annoys or bothers.

So if you "irk" someone you are normally hitting a pet peeve.

Thus ends the lesson for the day children.



Irk is one of those choice words that displays as much about the user's sense of displeasure as it does the user's sense of judgment of status, station, and disdain for the miscreant.

But that's H'wood, Babe!  



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2003, 01:33:07 am »
VERY nice job on the patch guys...

I do not know about anyone else, but this is just an awesome patch on my machine.

This patch has fixed all the major issues that affected the game previously and the new features are great... it feels quite a bit different.  Its how I imagined the actual game would be released.

You guys have definetly got me re-addicted to conquest mode

A couple suggestions that would be nice before I end here...

Ablibity to fix energy slider (suggested before, but a good idea)

Improve the Capture command.  Sometimes the computer will follow this command very well.  Other times, the computer will act lost and wander around.  Worst case scenarios is when I issue the command, and the computer keeps shooting as if it were in Fire at Will mode and kills the target I wanted to capture.  Easiest way to reproduce is, as Borg, get 2 allies and attack a freighter convoy and tell them to capture a freighter right away.  After you capture a few freighters, they will start firing on ones they are supposed to be capturing even if you re-issue the command to the entire fleet.

Patch rules though, thanks a lot!    


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #58 on: March 02, 2003, 10:26:22 am »

This is to ensure the highest quality standards for the patch and to guarantee that the patch effectively fixes issues without creating new ones. The last thing we want to do is to publish a patch that might do more harm than good.

I'm getting flashbacks to Operation Flashpoint. That was the one game I've owned (and loved) where half the point of the patch was to get the latest bugs...

Dan Hagerty

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2003, 02:10:19 pm »

I have not been posting on this forum since Erik made his post because Taldren banned me from the boards, for reasons that have not been explained to me.  My access seems to be back, so I will be here to answer questions if needed.  

Bob Graham

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #60 on: March 03, 2003, 02:49:07 pm »


I have not been posting on this forum since Erik made his post because Taldren banned me from the boards, for reasons that have not been explained to me.  My access seems to be back, so I will be here to answer questions if needed.  

If I had known that I woulda added your name to my list.  lol


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #61 on: March 03, 2003, 02:56:30 pm »
Cant ya just feel the love?

Kiss, make up, get the modem bugs fixed!

I just shelled out $200 for a highspeed modem not including the other $500 for installing the service to my area and im forced to settle for 128K Dial-up ISDN for a year till DSL comes to my town (I hope) and not knowing if its all Dial-up connections that will lag spike even on the ISDN is kinda depressing.

I have been playing on a 56K modem (that only connects at 32k since im in hick ville population 50, 49 of which are related) in the D3 universe and other that the "every other space battle" with human players having some annoying lag spikes I see no difference than if I was playing off my old DSL when I lived with my inlaws. Im having no CTD's and I want to help in solving the modem problem, but I dont see anything I can do to help unless you guys have a dial-up test server somewhere dedicated to users like me I need to go to.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #62 on: March 04, 2003, 03:27:36 pm »
I assume this is where complaints and praise about the patch are going...?

Anyways, the biggest thing about the game that bugged me was how the AI could follow you while you are under cloak. I thought the patch was supposed to fix this; it has NOT. I uninstalled the game, deleted the root folder, re-installed the game, DX9 patch and 1.01 patch, in that order, and ships are STILL following me around while I'm cloaked. This is starting to cheese me off.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #63 on: March 04, 2003, 04:03:19 pm »
For one thing,you aren't supposed to use the DX9 fix with the Beta patch...that has been known to cause problems. The Beta patch comes with a DX9 fix.  

Credo Narth

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #64 on: March 05, 2003, 04:01:22 am »
Are you sure they're following you? The AI is actually quite good at turning around and putting themselves in a reasonable position whilst you're cloaked.

Try warping away, then turning through 90 degrees, and warping again. If they keep their noses at you the whole time, then fair enough, but I haven't seen this bug since the patch.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2003, 06:51:29 pm »
Yeah I mean AI or not, if someone is behind you and they cloak your going to turn to face where they werer after they cloak, right?

What should be important is do AI actually fire probes?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2003, 06:52:09 pm by Blitzkrieg »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2003, 11:13:37 pm »
Well, i have been playing the game since it was released. I played it daily before the patch, and now after the patch. In one on ones I win 99 out of 100, that is of course provided they are not flying BORG. I can kill players of every shape size and skill level. I fly feds, klings and roms. I refuse to fly any borgs, because if i did my opponents wouldn't even have a chance.
Borg ships are still way too tough, powerful, fast, for thier class sizes. The base value is way too low.I see sphere primes players in dynaverse before I am in a Vorcha, or Galaxy(i have more points than they do). A good player flying a Borg ship can defeat 2 of any other race if he plays it right flying in the same class ships. Plz, plz, plz reduce the borg or up the points on the ships. It is bad enough they have Cubes, but when  black-n-blue balls squash Sov's and Warbirds with ease, it is too much. In Gamespy most players wont even let Borgs fight in thier rooms, if it is not addressed, Borgs will have to be banned from dynaverse servers to keep the game balanced.

I have watched, as maps with dozens of Klingons and Roms, and masses of feds are slowly and methodically taken over by a handful of Borg players.
 Thank you for the fleeting change rule. Seeing a Pyramid with a cube wingman was ridiculous.

Here are some suggestions to fix the Borg imbalance.
1) Up the base points for Spheres and Sphere primes.(so they have less points to out fit them with thus taking longer to get in a fully loaded ship)
2) Lower the autorepair rate. I fought a rather good Borg player in a DN with a weak wingman and I had a fully loaded SOV with a Warbird wingman(human) and he defeated us(both good players) simply because he could fly around the map and repair his hull while we chased him.
3) Increase the mass of the Borg engines, or decrease thier power output.
4) decrease Borg armor 5%, or let us know when we are doing something to it(increase visual damage to hull)
5) Ii have noticed several times, crewmen on Borg ships all increasing in a given skill, i.e. Medical officer increasing in pilioting skills, or Tactical increasing Scanner technolgy) this makes sense seeing how Borgs all have a collective knowledge, but if that is the case, then slow down the borg rate of crew improvement from other races. Otherwise,
the Borg players can trade off crew for more Points and use it to get in better ships faster.( if this is a bug, plz fix it)
6)Increase the point cost for weapons , etc..  thus slowing down or making a Borg ship more costly than thier counterparts.
7)further decrease the rate of decay for Borg primary weapons.
8)Up the range of Klingon primaries by 10% since they have no long range heavy weapons except the polaron
9) Cloaks are still too easy to detect, suggest reducing means of detection accross the board. Especially in fleet actions.

The other races are fairly balanced, Klingons still seem a bit weak, but the Ion cannon was a much needed improvement. but the Borg still need work. ThX Hope you read this.


Erik Bethke

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On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2003, 11:12:06 pm »
Hello All,

Okay we now have a beta patch out and available to all of you folks.  We are very happy to see this happen.

A lot of high quality communication went on today between Taldren and Activision and we have agreed to consider past frustrations as misunderstandings and failures of relationship management.

Both sides are have reaffirmed each other's contributions and that our goals are to clearly support SFC3.

So now we will take a week or two to see what the response is to the beta patch.  We are especially interested in the performance of multiple modem users in the same dynaverse skirmish.  We are asking for testing on this matter as a strictly volunteer basis.  What this means is please do not call ATVI technical support for problems with this patch.  Instead post any bugs here and together Taldren and Activision will coordinate the integration of bug complaints and see how to best deal with any open issues.

So, in honor of that spirit I am removing all the threads that detail this bit it melodrama.

-Erik Bethke
CEO Taldren, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Erik Bethke »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2003, 11:51:37 pm »
  I knew you could do it Erik, we have faith in you. Thanks for the much needed positive note and all the support you've given us. You have gone beyond what many oher companies would do.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2003, 12:11:25 am »
Thank you for the patch. I hope to play SFC into the ground, partly thanks to the GFL, and largely in thanks to you and your team. If I might add; setting up a time for a live chat session would be nice. Via Teamspeak or some VOIP program. I would not talk, but would surely listen to you or your rep. You might find some other interseting things from players who rarely post questions or bugs.

Thank god for hard working people,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dueling »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2003, 01:10:14 am »
Good job cleaning up the mess Erik!

Hats off to you for taking the high road.  Even though it's less travelled.  

I might get flamed for this..  but what the hey.. also Thanks Activision.  

Lets keep the patches coming!


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #71 on: February 25, 2003, 01:25:19 am »
I agree with Code thor.  Thanks to both ATVI and Taldren for supporting us.  Just to let the ATVI guys in on something I,  and I am sure not a few others, hate most other Star Trek games.  In a word the suck.  Now I got SFB I because it said SFB.  That is why I gave it a chance.  Up till then I had never bought a Star Trek game even though I love Star Trek.  Now I loved SFB I, but I bought SFB II, OP, and SFC III because Taldren made the games.  They supported us.  I feel like I got more than what I paid for.  Lots more.  Because ATVI ler Taldren support SFC III like the other SFC games they are starting to work the same loyalty for thier company into me.  I guess what I am saying is tks and please keep up the good work.

Captain KoraH

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:03 am »
One real big reason I keep buying SFC titles is because of Taldren. Thanks Erik, I can only imagine what this is like for you. Even though I might not play them much, I'm going to buy at least one copy of every game Taldren makes as long as you're in business.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2003, 02:48:55 am »
I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #74 on: February 25, 2003, 02:53:23 am »
... and best of all I don't have to use that lamer FilePlanet or GameSpook to get it.... weeeee


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2003, 02:58:00 am »
once agan when all seems grim Erik and his team step up to the plate and knocks  out a home run for us all.
thank you from the bottom of my heart!! One ? can you ask activision if they can put a beta server up like ACT B and C
is on the old version? this my help to get a mix of players 56k and others on one server and my help with bug finding.

P.S I have installed it and the more I play the cooler it gets!! Thank you Thank you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by shadow-viper »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #76 on: February 25, 2003, 03:00:16 am »

I'm one very negative old fart but to EB, Taldren and ATVI I say "Thank you for the result".

now I just have to figure out which patch poor old me is to use since I am lucky enough to live in neither the US or UK.... {one potatoe, two potatoe.... }  

I found out by going to

C:\Program Files\Activision\Sfc3\Docs\Help\Manuals

my pdf file, after open,  displays, right on top :  SFC3_PC_Man_UK



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #77 on: February 25, 2003, 06:11:03 am »
Well, having been around since the bad ol days of SFC1 (and having SFC2/3 as well, sorry OP just didn't seem viable), I would also like to add my 2 cents worth of praise for Taldren. You guys have done very well in holding up the ethics of this whole evolution, and are guilty of an extremely high level of business ethics. Whats wrong with you guys?

Thanks for your efforts, I'd love to try the dynaverse but living in the backwoods, and only able to have 28.8 out with sattellite in, limits me to no online gameing. I do appreciate your efforts at helping all of your customers, single and multiple players all.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #78 on: February 25, 2003, 07:53:17 am »
It is good to hear this, I commend those who can set aside past grievences in order to create a relationship of trust and respect. Only after acknowledgement that a problem exists can work be done to try to resolve it in a manner that is mutually beneficial to both parties. A good relationship between developer and publisher should be the rule, rather then the exception.

Let us not forget though, the underlying problems with current project managment methodologies. I hope that the way in which this is handled, from dev/pub interactions to expectations, is being reviewed internally by ATVI in order to reduce and eliminate its roll in causing these type of situations to develop.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by ChessMess »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2003, 07:57:06 am »
Aye I salute you, the game does feel more complete or finished or somthing, its just better. People will argue that it should have been boxed like this but Im just glad things have taken a turn for the better.

Im currently running my own tests, one thing that has impressed me has been the improved AI. I really love the way they just dont sit there and wait to be blown away anymore, its not quite like fighting a human player but it gives you reason not to go up against a Raptor whilest in a low CL, those plasma shots are devestating.

Also I noticed I found it harder to detect cloaked ships, maybe a bit too tough. I dont want to whine (and beleive me Im not), but i do hope this dosnt give the Roms too much of even playing field

Seriously though thanks for releasing it in public BETA form, this is by far the best method of releasing patches, even MS do it Lets hope any final bugs can be communicated back to you guys so a final release can be made, any advice on how best to "bug report" other than just an explanation of events?


Thats not true I just got an exam results back with a sh*tty 50% attached to it, dont know how much time I will have for SFC3 when i think about it damn life sucks
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 08:05:06 am by Blitzkrieg »

Daew Anahos

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #80 on: February 25, 2003, 09:18:35 am »

Awesome news Erik!

Glad things have been patched up : - )


Mr. Hypergol

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #81 on: February 25, 2003, 10:06:09 am »

 A lot of high quality communication went on today between Taldren and Activision and we have agreed to consider past frustrations as misunderstandings and failures of relationship management.

So in other words you kissed and made up.  Some of the best times I've had with my wife were during the kiss and make up phase.....ahhh but I suggest you guys just keep it to handshakes.

<Begin shameless plug>  I hope this means that GAW is again a possibility. <End shameless plug>

I have to ask....did they put the Taldren links back up at the official SFC3 website now that Taldren has removed the patch complaint threads?
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 10:23:20 am by Mr. Hypergol »


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #82 on: February 25, 2003, 10:36:13 am »
Great to see that it is worked out. Although I too feel Activision have a lesson to learn from this.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #83 on: February 25, 2003, 10:50:10 am »
hi just found out that the beta patch we've all been waiting for is finally here taa daa I was so excited. followed the link to activision to begin downloading the "fix" and lo and behold in the third pargraph it says do not download this if you are a dialup. I'm crushed almost at a loss for words which is highly unusual for an alabama chickenhauler. continuing it says the reason for this is that it will introduce lag. I got news for ya there is already lag. so, ok I realize that we dialups are a minority, some of us have no choice because we live in remote areas where a fast connection is just not available no matter how much we beg, threaten, or try to bribe the powers that be. we are out there I know because I have met a few besides myself so here are my questions for whomever can give a possible answer or other info,

are all dynaverse 3 gameservers going to be installing this patch?

when will this issue be fixed?

where can we dialups find support?

I know there are alot of dialups out there (remember when everybody was a dialup?) feel free to contact me at maybe someone should start a webpage or domain just for the dialup issues.

if all the gameservers choose to install the patch I will have no other choice but to install it also and dam the consequences.

shame on me for not doing bug research on this game before I bought it, but I paid good money for it with the thought in mind that I would be able to play online with others.

I will wait patiently for a short time for the dialup patch and see which way the wind blows.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #84 on: February 25, 2003, 11:22:31 am »
Very good work...  

I must admit, I'm enjoying the replay of everything, but it's almost silly of me to say that the one thing I was waiting for and got was my chance to advance beyond the rank of Lieutenant  

Sometimes, it's the little things that make the difference.




  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #85 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:23 am »
****Bugs still to fix****

Refit/Repair bug still remains
Lag is worse even with Broadband
People still get stuck in game
When a battle dosnt start on the 2nd countdown, you get charged 1000 disrepute

There was another bug, but on the last point I just made: This is intolerable, for honest players to get charged disrepute because they are flying with a human wing (hence the no game start) is unbelievable. Please please no severs run this setting if it can be turned off, I dont mind the game being far harder and really needing to work my way up (thats great in fact), but this bug makes it silly.

Wish I could remember that other bug now, should write these things down.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #86 on: February 25, 2003, 11:46:59 am »

hi just found out that the beta patch we've all been waiting for is finally here taa daa I was so excited. followed the link to activision to begin downloading the "fix" and lo and behold in the third pargraph it says do not download this if you are a dialup. I'm crushed almost at a loss for words which is highly unusual for an alabama chickenhauler. continuing it says the reason for this is that it will introduce lag. I got news for ya there is already lag. so, ok I realize that we dialups are a minority, some of us have no choice because we live in remote areas where a fast connection is just not available no matter how much we beg, threaten, or try to bribe the powers that be. we are out there I know because I have met a few besides myself so here are my questions for whomever can give a possible answer or other info,

are all dynaverse 3 gameservers going to be installing this patch?

when will this issue be fixed?

where can we dialups find support?

I know there are alot of dialups out there (remember when everybody was a dialup?) feel free to contact me at maybe someone should start a webpage or domain just for the dialup issues.

if all the gameservers choose to install the patch I will have no other choice but to install it also and dam the consequences.

shame on me for not doing bug research on this game before I bought it, but I paid good money for it with the thought in mind that I would be able to play online with others.

I will wait patiently for a short time for the dialup patch and see which way the wind blows.


Gravy...Dan hagerty posted that ATVI servers will remain version one option is just hang tight and play stock servers....

IMHO..if you really want the most bang for your a duel install of SFC3...a patched version for single play...and an unpatched version for DV play......I havent heard yet whether GSA is porting over to the beta patch 1.01 or not....

Keep in mind that if you'll most likely have to fully reinstall when the final patch comes out......then again....the final patch might be awhile.....why miss out on game fixes?

This is why...(if you have the HD room) duel install....(we testers do it all the time for a test version and play version)....simply rename your beta version and you can have separate short cuts to desk top......if you rename ONLY the beta version...your PC will defualt to the stock install for playing on a stock server or GSA....or when you use the "official" patch....

A duel install..lets you play with the fixes...AND keeps a stock game ready for the final patch..when the final comes out...just delete the beta version

Another is highly suggested that you only patch a  stock game as the patch skips customized files and corrupts the patch...


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #87 on: February 25, 2003, 12:26:42 pm »
Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #88 on: February 25, 2003, 12:42:30 pm »
Congrats to you, Taldren, and Activision.  I am glad to hear problems have been resolved!

Rob Cole

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #89 on: February 25, 2003, 12:43:14 pm »

Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.


Nice to see some of us oldfarts are awake,I agree Pffffffft!


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #90 on: February 25, 2003, 12:51:48 pm »
Thanks to everyone involved for all their hard work on the patch!

One question though: (And apologies if I've missed something obvious here) can someone confirm that the rank bug IS fixed as it doesn't appear on the list of bug fixes.  And to get my 'proper' rank do I have to restart a single player campaign?  I ask because I tried my save game (from release version of game near the end of the Klingon campaign) after installing the patch and I'm still a Lieutenant - do I need to start over to proceed in rank?  (I.E. do I not suddenly jump to the rank I would've been had the bug not been there from the start?)

Thanks, and sorry if that sounds confusing.




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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #91 on: February 25, 2003, 01:18:20 pm »
Is it true that the patched version of  SFC3 will not support online play by modem?  That certainly would "solve" the lag problem -- just wait until no one is looking and then toss the screaming little 56k runts in the river.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #92 on: February 25, 2003, 01:30:29 pm »

Thanks to everyone involved for all their hard work on the patch!

One question though: (And apologies if I've missed something obvious here) can someone confirm that the rank bug IS fixed as it doesn't appear on the list of bug fixes.  And to get my 'proper' rank do I have to restart a single player campaign?  I ask because I tried my save game (from release version of game near the end of the Klingon campaign) after installing the patch and I'm still a Lieutenant - do I need to start over to proceed in rank?  (I.E. do I not suddenly jump to the rank I would've been had the bug not been there from the start?)

Thanks, and sorry if that sounds confusing.



The rank bug is fixed in the beta patch.

As for the ATVI servers not being updated, it would be stupid to change it if the full patch is released soon and it would confuse people even more as to what version the servers are running.  But the most likely reason is probably because the beta patch is not supported.  


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #93 on: February 25, 2003, 03:29:58 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2003, 04:19:16 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #95 on: February 25, 2003, 04:52:25 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #96 on: February 25, 2003, 04:56:18 pm »
Harry take it with a grain of salt some people have strong opinions but remember there just that opinions. My ? is why don't people post there bugs and what not in the sfc3 beta bug forum and not every where else maybe a new rule should be made like there is with off topic post ?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #97 on: February 25, 2003, 05:03:23 pm »

Harry take it with a grain of salt some people have strong opinions but remember there just that opinions. My ? is why don't people post there bugs and what not in the sfc3 beta bug forum and not every where else maybe a new rule should be made like there is with off topic post ?


I usually do, with exceptions to things like's how rumors start and pretty soon people all over different forums starting saying that it's true.  We went through this last year.  I just never understand how some people go from point A to point B and now all of a sudden Activision is dumping the license or is planning on sitting on it, when there's no indication that that is happening.

It just urks me sometimes...


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #98 on: February 25, 2003, 05:13:03 pm »



Heh, nice move by ACTIVI.  After a while no one will play on their 1.0 servers and they can justify taking them down.


Exactly my thought too.

Just a distant thought, a minor cynaptic flash: I wonder if Activision might wish to sell, assign, or otherwise divest themselves of their Trek License?

It would be a shame to see a company continue to hold a license in a name that they clearly are no longer interested in promoting.


here we go again...  :rolleyes:  

I suggest a more sensible use of everyones time would be to petition Taldren to reinstate the rolleyes feature.  I'm sick of this buggy forum, patch it please

Seriously I'm glad things have calmed down, but I do honestly wonder why anyone bothers to either explain or try to help us ingrates.

ps Give rolleyes back you pigs  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #99 on: February 25, 2003, 05:17:16 pm »
Well i want to know when taldren is going to come out with a patch to fix my computer chair and my car o ya and the hole in the ozone layer when when  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #100 on: February 25, 2003, 05:26:36 pm »
Post deleted by Erik Bethke
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #101 on: February 25, 2003, 05:38:30 pm »
The patch really does make the game pretty much complete..

Still wont be playing on servers which use that disrepute penalty for not being able to join a game though, sorry.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #102 on: February 25, 2003, 05:42:18 pm »

****Bugs still to fix****

Refit/Repair bug still remains

Known, working on a fix but from info / statements made it's not viewed as a bug. Go figure.


Lag is worse even with Broadband

Could you be more specific? Durring testing no lag problems (ok very few) were encountered between broadband players. Where we lack firm data is with dialup. However if you could be more specific (and post said info in the SFC3 Beta forum) then we'd know what to look for.


People still get stuck in game

Known, it's a sync issue that has yet to be traced down and squished. However the instances should be rarer, if not please post in the SFC3 Beta forum.


When a battle dosnt start on the 2nd countdown, you get charged 1000 disrepute

I've gone over this already, see  this thread that covers the reasoning.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #103 on: February 25, 2003, 05:56:46 pm »
Thanks for the response, I will post my bugs to this forum from now on. I will also request to said servers that they either dont run the disrepute penalty or re-emburse me as you said (in the link).




Seriously I think this patch is a work of art other than stated comments, its made the game a far more challanging and enjoyable experiance.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2003, 05:58:11 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #104 on: February 26, 2003, 05:59:05 am »

Post deleted by Erik Bethke

That's disappointing.    


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #105 on: February 26, 2003, 11:07:01 am »

Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #106 on: February 26, 2003, 11:48:32 am »
An "Urk" is an orc with an upset stomach..  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #107 on: February 26, 2003, 11:53:51 am »


Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #108 on: February 26, 2003, 01:38:32 pm »
To answer for Harry the word is "Irk"

Irk - to annoy or bother.

Irksome is also commonly used to described behavior that annoys or bothers.

So if you "irk" someone you are normally hitting a pet peeve.

Thus ends the lesson for the day children.




  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #109 on: February 26, 2003, 04:03:42 pm »



Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.


Ok, Harry, have it your way.

Btw, just for the record, speculation is to rumor as urk is to irk. And my post, the one that got deleted, was no more than just speculation. Now, the one that I quoted, and it still un-deleted, that is rumor. I hope that clears things up for you.



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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #110 on: February 26, 2003, 08:53:01 pm »
Hi will the final patch be useable with a Dial Up modem connect to the Dynaverse ??  

Rob Cole

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #111 on: February 26, 2003, 09:13:46 pm »



Maybe I'm just seeing the Monster Under the Bed, so to speak. Frankly, I hope that I am seeing phantoms. Otoh, from my distant pirch some of the patterns seem to indicate movement in the direction I spoke of in a previous post...

So like sporting gentlmen, let us say that in 12 to 18 months if things pan out the way I think they will you'll treat me and mine to a dinner that will not exceed in cost $100. If you are correct--more the likely--then I will treat you and yours to a dinner not to exceed $100.

Btw, what exactly is an "urk"?  


sorry, but not betting...and unless you have solid proof, I don't want to be contributing to rumors, and I'd certainly appreciate it if they weren't spread.  A hunch is not good enough.


After we got burned by Interplay people here are a bit jumpy and tend to flinch at the mere thought of getting screwed again.
I hope that you are correct Harry,But only time will tell.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #112 on: February 27, 2003, 03:48:04 am »

Post deleted by Erik Bethke

Eh? Did I talk out of line some how?

Time to head back to the Dyna forums, I always get draged into things when I post over here. *sigh*  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #113 on: February 27, 2003, 04:48:43 am »
Well the point of the thread is:

Taldren want to support the game, despite whatever sales they are showing this and so do Activision. This is good we should all be very happy, I think anyway. Who knows what the future will bring, lets help these guys finish testing the patch (as its a public Beta), do this in a calm and constructive manner and enjoy the game for what it is.

This is a Taldren message board, so whatever game they next produce will be on here in some form. They will be far more trusting to peoples oppinions and willing to look at our feedback if we as a group of "fans" or otherwise, conduct ourselves properly here. This includes:


  • No blind support for Taldren
  • No trolling
  • No hyper overly critical slating remarks of the smallest mistake
  • No bad karma

I love Taldren they are the best thing since sliced bread, I hate all moderaters they suck, the refit/repair BUG ruins the game beyound beliefe and Im off to gun down innocent people with an SMG....

Thats just a bad example of what I meant.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #114 on: February 27, 2003, 06:13:04 am »

I love Taldren they are the best thing since sliced bread, I hate all moderaters they suck, the refit/repair BUG ruins the game beyound beliefe and Im off to gun down innocent people with an SMG....

Thats just a bad example of what I meant.  

I hope so or I'd be totally crushed.

Credo Narth

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #115 on: February 27, 2003, 07:02:29 am »
As an aside, with the beta patch, I've noticed that my weapons groups no longer stay the same after a refit. No biggie, but I think it's a bug. Also, the game speed buttons are reversed. But again, no biggie.

Taldren would be the best thing since sliced bread if they fixed these things...  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum *DELETED*
« Reply #116 on: February 27, 2003, 07:45:36 pm »
Heh, Im used to it by now Toasty, lol. Suprised they did it to a blue coat tho.

I suppose Erik is simply trying to keep things totally neutral as regards the Taldren/Activision/Paramount triangle bit.

Have a nice day!  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #117 on: February 27, 2003, 08:59:28 pm »
Hey Erik or David:

I got a problem here with the patch. I am playing Fed singleplayer campaign. Everytime I try to do the mission "Forced Entry"
I get the following error?CTD (the following is three separate instances)"  

First time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=12273630  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1233FFF0
EDI=124A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00010216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=2AEF  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10950EC8 0x10950EC8 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x12273630 0x02000000 0x10950EC8 0x10950EC8) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0D26BDC0 0x00000000 0x10940F36 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

Second time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=115714B0  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1163FFF0
EDI=117A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00210216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=1287  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10321218 0x10321218 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x115714B0 0x02000000 0x10321218 0x10321218) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0FDECD00 0x00000000 0x1015E742 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

Third time
Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Beta 2 Build 500

EAX=0000233D  EBX=115714B0  ECX=0000000C  EDX=00000030  ESI=1163FFF0
EDI=117A6DB0  EBP=0129E5E4  ESP=0129E468  EIP=51033FBE  FLG=00210216
CS=0177   DS=017F  SS=017F  ES=017F   FS=2C97  GS=0000

0177:51033FBE (0x03000000 0x10321218 0x10321218 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:510345EC (0x115714B0 0x02000000 0x10321218 0x10321218) MODELRENDERERR.DLL
0177:5102163F (0x0FDECD00 0x00000000 0x1015E742 0x00000000) MODELRENDERERR.DLL

My system:
Athalon 2000xp
ATI Radeon 7200
Epox 8KTA3 MoBo
512 PC133 ram

Any Ideas?


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #118 on: February 28, 2003, 05:00:44 am »
I noticed Dan from Activision  in another forum stated

"Since we?re on the topic of patches, it has been widely discussed on this message board that Activision has a one patch policy, and I want to state unequivocally that this is NOT the case. Activision's policy is to release an official patch for a game once it has been thoroughly tested by both our production testers and then our QA team. This is to ensure the highest quality standards for the patch and to guarantee that the patch effectively fixes issues without creating new ones. The last thing we want to do is to publish a patch that might do more harm than good."

I hope this means we can look foward to a steady stream of patches like before without such a long wait.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2003, 05:13:06 am by DreilDrag »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #119 on: February 28, 2003, 05:40:43 am »
Good news if it's true.



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #120 on: February 28, 2003, 07:25:22 am »
Its all good news, all that BS about them not caring about the community or "there customers" should have been put to rest now. If we get 2 or even 3 patches by the time the game is put to rest, all the better.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2003, 10:19:17 pm »
So in the spirit of cooperation... when is ATVI going to come back to this board and put back the Taldren links on the site?


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #122 on: March 01, 2003, 01:37:46 am »

So in the spirit of cooperation... when is ATVI going to come back to this board and put back the Taldren links on the site?  

The did return Taldren links to their message board.  I checked the day Eric posted this thread.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #123 on: March 01, 2003, 01:46:00 am »

To answer for Harry the word is "Irk"

Irk - to annoy or bother.

Irksome is also commonly used to described behavior that annoys or bothers.

So if you "irk" someone you are normally hitting a pet peeve.

Thus ends the lesson for the day children.



Irk is one of those choice words that displays as much about the user's sense of displeasure as it does the user's sense of judgment of status, station, and disdain for the miscreant.

But that's H'wood, Babe!  



  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #124 on: March 02, 2003, 01:33:07 am »
VERY nice job on the patch guys...

I do not know about anyone else, but this is just an awesome patch on my machine.

This patch has fixed all the major issues that affected the game previously and the new features are great... it feels quite a bit different.  Its how I imagined the actual game would be released.

You guys have definetly got me re-addicted to conquest mode

A couple suggestions that would be nice before I end here...

Ablibity to fix energy slider (suggested before, but a good idea)

Improve the Capture command.  Sometimes the computer will follow this command very well.  Other times, the computer will act lost and wander around.  Worst case scenarios is when I issue the command, and the computer keeps shooting as if it were in Fire at Will mode and kills the target I wanted to capture.  Easiest way to reproduce is, as Borg, get 2 allies and attack a freighter convoy and tell them to capture a freighter right away.  After you capture a few freighters, they will start firing on ones they are supposed to be capturing even if you re-issue the command to the entire fleet.

Patch rules though, thanks a lot!    


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #125 on: March 02, 2003, 10:26:22 am »

This is to ensure the highest quality standards for the patch and to guarantee that the patch effectively fixes issues without creating new ones. The last thing we want to do is to publish a patch that might do more harm than good.

I'm getting flashbacks to Operation Flashpoint. That was the one game I've owned (and loved) where half the point of the patch was to get the latest bugs...

Dan Hagerty

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #126 on: March 03, 2003, 02:10:19 pm »

I have not been posting on this forum since Erik made his post because Taldren banned me from the boards, for reasons that have not been explained to me.  My access seems to be back, so I will be here to answer questions if needed.  

Bob Graham

  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #127 on: March 03, 2003, 02:49:07 pm »


I have not been posting on this forum since Erik made his post because Taldren banned me from the boards, for reasons that have not been explained to me.  My access seems to be back, so I will be here to answer questions if needed.  

If I had known that I woulda added your name to my list.  lol


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #128 on: March 03, 2003, 02:56:30 pm »
Cant ya just feel the love?

Kiss, make up, get the modem bugs fixed!

I just shelled out $200 for a highspeed modem not including the other $500 for installing the service to my area and im forced to settle for 128K Dial-up ISDN for a year till DSL comes to my town (I hope) and not knowing if its all Dial-up connections that will lag spike even on the ISDN is kinda depressing.

I have been playing on a 56K modem (that only connects at 32k since im in hick ville population 50, 49 of which are related) in the D3 universe and other that the "every other space battle" with human players having some annoying lag spikes I see no difference than if I was playing off my old DSL when I lived with my inlaws. Im having no CTD's and I want to help in solving the modem problem, but I dont see anything I can do to help unless you guys have a dial-up test server somewhere dedicated to users like me I need to go to.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #129 on: March 04, 2003, 03:27:36 pm »
I assume this is where complaints and praise about the patch are going...?

Anyways, the biggest thing about the game that bugged me was how the AI could follow you while you are under cloak. I thought the patch was supposed to fix this; it has NOT. I uninstalled the game, deleted the root folder, re-installed the game, DX9 patch and 1.01 patch, in that order, and ships are STILL following me around while I'm cloaked. This is starting to cheese me off.  


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #130 on: March 04, 2003, 04:03:19 pm »
For one thing,you aren't supposed to use the DX9 fix with the Beta patch...that has been known to cause problems. The Beta patch comes with a DX9 fix.  

Credo Narth

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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #131 on: March 05, 2003, 04:01:22 am »
Are you sure they're following you? The AI is actually quite good at turning around and putting themselves in a reasonable position whilst you're cloaked.

Try warping away, then turning through 90 degrees, and warping again. If they keep their noses at you the whole time, then fair enough, but I haven't seen this bug since the patch.


  • Guest
Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #132 on: March 09, 2003, 06:51:29 pm »
Yeah I mean AI or not, if someone is behind you and they cloak your going to turn to face where they werer after they cloak, right?

What should be important is do AI actually fire probes?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2003, 06:52:09 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: On the Patch and the Forum
« Reply #133 on: March 11, 2003, 11:13:37 pm »
Well, i have been playing the game since it was released. I played it daily before the patch, and now after the patch. In one on ones I win 99 out of 100, that is of course provided they are not flying BORG. I can kill players of every shape size and skill level. I fly feds, klings and roms. I refuse to fly any borgs, because if i did my opponents wouldn't even have a chance.
Borg ships are still way too tough, powerful, fast, for thier class sizes. The base value is way too low.I see sphere primes players in dynaverse before I am in a Vorcha, or Galaxy(i have more points than they do). A good player flying a Borg ship can defeat 2 of any other race if he plays it right flying in the same class ships. Plz, plz, plz reduce the borg or up the points on the ships. It is bad enough they have Cubes, but when  black-n-blue balls squash Sov's and Warbirds with ease, it is too much. In Gamespy most players wont even let Borgs fight in thier rooms, if it is not addressed, Borgs will have to be banned from dynaverse servers to keep the game balanced.

I have watched, as maps with dozens of Klingons and Roms, and masses of feds are slowly and methodically taken over by a handful of Borg players.
 Thank you for the fleeting change rule. Seeing a Pyramid with a cube wingman was ridiculous.

Here are some suggestions to fix the Borg imbalance.
1) Up the base points for Spheres and Sphere primes.(so they have less points to out fit them with thus taking longer to get in a fully loaded ship)
2) Lower the autorepair rate. I fought a rather good Borg player in a DN with a weak wingman and I had a fully loaded SOV with a Warbird wingman(human) and he defeated us(both good players) simply because he could fly around the map and repair his hull while we chased him.
3) Increase the mass of the Borg engines, or decrease thier power output.
4) decrease Borg armor 5%, or let us know when we are doing something to it(increase visual damage to hull)
5) Ii have noticed several times, crewmen on Borg ships all increasing in a given skill, i.e. Medical officer increasing in pilioting skills, or Tactical increasing Scanner technolgy) this makes sense seeing how Borgs all have a collective knowledge, but if that is the case, then slow down the borg rate of crew improvement from other races. Otherwise,
the Borg players can trade off crew for more Points and use it to get in better ships faster.( if this is a bug, plz fix it)
6)Increase the point cost for weapons , etc..  thus slowing down or making a Borg ship more costly than thier counterparts.
7)further decrease the rate of decay for Borg primary weapons.
8)Up the range of Klingon primaries by 10% since they have no long range heavy weapons except the polaron
9) Cloaks are still too easy to detect, suggest reducing means of detection accross the board. Especially in fleet actions.

The other races are fairly balanced, Klingons still seem a bit weak, but the Ion cannon was a much needed improvement. but the Borg still need work. ThX Hope you read this.