Thanks Joker, although the results from that test (from your link) were more disappointing than the one I found.

download: 122Kbs
upload: 56 Kbs
Your connection hardly qualified as broadband, at least in that test.

I'll be interested in giving Leda your link and finding out what roadrunner in Austin runs with that test.
I really appreciate the help guys, you see the cable companies (most) in Mexico are owned by one person or a few people, and there is normally always only one company (Mexico loves monopolies). Their employees are not the brightest (not their fault as the owners do not train them well like Time Warner or SBC would), they are poorly paid, no benefits besides free cable, and if they get hurt on the job? No pay at all or anything! Now Vicky told me she talked to the cable company and they can provide a faster service for 10 dollars more (how fast I do not know, nor do I care), and I told her I already pay the same as roadrunner and get crappy service and I have to have basic cable as well, so why pay ten dollars more for something I should ALREADY HAVE? Time Warner used to have that years ago, but they dropped it and you can get roadrunner service alone if you want.
Like I said, I'm going to show the citizens of Chihuahua (universities and companies and govt. included) how they are getting really ripped off by their own cable company. 1.5 million people plus can make a difference if you stir them up a bit.
There are many things going on here that will make your eyes glow red with anger, but I'm saving that for hot and spicy and when Bush tries to be sneaky in his "agenda" for legalizing approx 8 million illegal aliens. In case many of you did not know, Bush already dropped the fingerprinting and photographing of people entering the country through our southern border, and Bush had Fox over at his ranch last week (hence no news on Bush). Funny how they have not told the press the results of their discussions.
Let's not change the thread, but get some speed tests and results. With this data and info from Time Warner cable (they have a huge office center in Austin) when I go speak with their public affairs manager, I can return to Chihuahua and tell them you are not only getting ripped off, but there are American companies that can provide 24/7 service, much faster internet speed, and great cable options if only your Federal govt. would abide by fair trade. The best thing for the citizens of Chihuahua would be the employment and training opportunities, thus that many less illegals wanting to enter the U.S. as they would have a good job. As for us? Some Americans would be needed to manage the company offices, and others would be needed to train the field workers and manage them, and cost of living in Mexico is a lot cheaper than the U.S. and I would advise buying stock in TW if they are able to break into the Mexican market.;jsessionid=00005RF3YNF3VMJD0F5D4R20APQ:-1?category=10075&rootCategory=1007511 million customers? How about a potential 104 million? I know 104 million can't afford it or might not choose, but let's say 40-60 million do choose TW, that's a LOT of frigging customers!$17.10 very affordable even for us po folk. With entry in Mexico under fair trade? I could see it going to 70 or 80 EASY.
I'm only using TW as an example, there are MANY American companies that could benefit from true "free trade" and believe me, the Mexicans would LOVE for American companies to come down here and provide employment and invest in Mexico.
Now that I spoke about that, I wonder where Erik has been hiding? I'm interested to see what his speed results are in Korea. Also Nob and results from Japan, and let's not forget our Canadian and European friends!

Again, many thanks for your time and results.