Frigging Mexicans and their stupid arse cable companies that are ten years behind! Where is "free trade?" Where are the business opportunities for American and Canadian cable companies?
So, I found this tool, it tests your internet speed. I tested mine, and I get only 200 Kbs. So I ask Leda to test ours in Austin since we use roadrunner by Time Warner Cable. Her results? A whopping 2200 Kbs! Damn near T1 on the graph!
I'm curious about what people get from all over the world, so please take a moment and visit this site, and post your results. I'm madder than Hades as they charge 40 bucks (same as roadrunner) yet piss poor speed and service. The cable company here will really hate me upon my return, as I'm buying a printer and printing the site and go door to door and ask them to ask their friends all over the world to do the same and see how they are getting bufued with their internet services just like PEMEX does with their dirty and high priced gasoline. Then they can call their cable company and demand better service. on the purple words "try active speed today" (it will NOT download anything), and will give you test results in a few seconds.
Free trade my arse, Time Warner cable could really rake it in here in Mexico, as well as their stocks would skyrocket from the millions of new customers! 104 million potential new roadrunner and cable customers. for your time, and I look forward to seeing some results.