Topic: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!  (Read 4277 times)

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 Go here to ck it out!!!

   Proudly Presents:

   An EAW Server by Dizzy_XC  

   Featuring the vicious and seductive Green Skinned Women of Star Trek!         |                |     |   |    |    |     |    |      |    |    |
Featured Orion women are copyrighted and courtesy of Jason Beange.          


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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2003, 06:36:46 pm »
Cool, how do I capture some?

Why can't I see the link you posted?


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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2003, 11:48:25 pm »
Mr. Dizzy,

I am still waiting for the Green Slave men to come on the auction block, I have some heavy things that need lifting.

It is not gentlemanly of you to keep a lady waiting.....


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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2003, 02:54:25 am »
Dear miss cleo,

 If you take this invitation to grace us with your presence, I shall kindly lift the things you ask without hesitation. But 1st, please let me introduce to you my Slave Girls crew, the XenoCorp Pirates!

Say hello, boys!


I am second from the right behind the one in the foreground, thats Blade. Here is a better pic of him when he isnt in disguise:


We are an unruly lot to be sure...

Here I am rescueing a fair young lass from certain peril!  

And in yet another, My ship, The MOLLY HATCHET:  
Aye, the picture doesnt do much for ya, but we are an adventurous lot we are! And we go places very dangerous and deadly. Like the one you see in that photo. We didnt plan to have a nice little sowball fight tho. Our navigator, bless his soul, has since departed our crew after findiong us in this mess... Alas, look on the bright side, smooth seas don't a skillful sailor make.

She may not look like much, but she will give any warship a run for her money! Right now the riggin and Masts be under repair, weathered a great storm ya know! Just as soon as we get out of this fix we's in all shall be fine. And wait till ye see me personal slide that lets me take evenin' swims at moonlight.

But let me not bore you with my details, come see yourself, my precious young lass, this is an invitation to you to join us for dinner, and a dinner you'll not forget! We may not look like we have table manners, but you haven't us slice our meat with our swords and eat from our skewers!

It will be a delight if you will join us. Perhaps then... I can show you some of the Green men you are after.... hehehe HAHAHA   BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!            

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2003, 06:56:57 am »
Me thinks some rogue has made off with the navigator's ration of grog and imbibed it all.    


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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2003, 10:23:00 am »
Who you calling rogue!  


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Re: Orion Slave Chics: tied, handcuffed, submissive or any way u want em!
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2003, 11:01:27 am »
Why thank you for your invitation to dine Mr. Dizzy,

However, I must decline as a princes require proper table manners and decorum.  I'm not sure that your crew would fit the bill.  I do have a soft spot for rogues, however, my last boyfriend was "the thief of Bagdad", so perhaps you could come to dinner at the palace.  There I can be assured of a proper chaperone and palatable food.  You do know how to use a fork I hope.  The fare will be of the best quality as will the wine, I'm sure you wont be disappointed.

I would suggest that you not try to make off with any of the silverware however, as my guards would be sure to throw you in a cell for such behavior, but then again that would be one more slave for my enjoyment....  Maybe I could have you painted green....

So come and enjoy my hospitality, behave yourself, and maybe I can join you on your ship after you teach your crew how to behave in front of a lady.


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If that's the way you want to have it, Ms. Cleo... hehe. I can see you're a demanding lass... All the better. I never backed down from a challenge, heh. Be mindful, tho, that my etiquette may surprise you. And don't worry bout me takin your silver wares, pirates have no need for em, ha!

I'll be warning ya lass, that I will be holdin ya up to yer part of the bargin. And the surprise twist on my crews table manners, well, there wont be any at all, I'll order them all off the ship!

So little, lass, I'll be seeing ya soon!    


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To be green, is to be one of the beautiful people and Frogs.


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To be green, is to be one of the beautiful people and Frogs.  

Hah!!!  Us Hydrans got three (or more!!) of everything!!!  We are certainly beautiful.... and too boot... we fit in small cramped quarters well.  


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So the SOS crew is gonna show up this time?

Last time, I only got to fight one (Miss Cleo iirc) in DOE and then I haven't seen them since...

Thought I might of scared them off....  



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Wait - what is Dana Delaney doing all green in there!?  (Middle row, on the left)

Better not let her agent see that.  


  • Guest

Wait - what is Dana Delaney doing all green in there!?  (Middle row, on the left)

Better not let her agent see that.  

Dana Delaney is a hottie, but she did do that stupid movie with Rosie O'Donut about that wierd bondage stuff. Compared to that fiasco, this is a step up for her career.  


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To be green, is to be one of the beautiful people and Frogs.  

Hah!!!  Us Hydrans got three (or more!!) of everything!!!  We are certainly beautiful.... and too boot... we fit in small cramped quarters well.    

Anyone who wants reason to associate green with beauty, need only look at my photo.  (To the left.)  It is good to be Gorn.

-S'Cipio the modest


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To be green, is to be one of the beautiful people and Frogs.  

Hah!!!  Us Hydrans got three (or more!!) of everything!!!  We are certainly beautiful.... and too boot... we fit in small cramped quarters well.    

Anyone who wants reason to associate green with beauty, need only look at my photo.  (To the left.)  It is good to be Gorn.

-S'Cipio the modest  

Yeah, so what. Dizzy says I get my pick of the Orion Slave chics so that they help me concentrate when I am scripting; especially, the one that likes to run her long-red finger nails down da Froggies' backs.